Sandra heart tale episode 9 & 10

p@rt 9.
By Amah’s Heart.
My little boy was so fun and interesting. Taking him as my son and acting like a mother to him makes people who live around our neighborhood to start thinking he was truly my son.
None of them knew that he wasn’t truly mine.
I make sure I prepare what he loves eating and he also calls me “mummy.
We are mostly seeing together. If I’m going to the market, church or anywhere at all he comes with me and I usually buy the same lookalike cloth for both of us.
I dress him and also get dressed in any of our native or English wear that I bought.
I truly loved him like mine and don’t joke with him
His mother found out that his son was staying with me and wanted him back.
She contacted my husband and told him that she wants to get her son.
She said her boy can not be staying with me, she was not comfortable with the idea.
Joba my husband refused. according to him, he told her that she will have to get used to me and the boy.
After all this years she suddenly want to take back the boy. Joba refused to her request.
He said he was ma-king arrangements for me, his wife and his son to join him abroad.
He was arranging our visas and every proper do¢v-ments.
He also told her that when we finally comes over we will all be living together as one family, so there was no point taking the boy away because he will always be close to me.
But if she insist in taking the boy then she should go right ahead and take him but she should never involve him in taking care of the son’s expenses. She will have to start doing it all alone.
Joba told her that I was a good person and will never hurt the boy. He trust me which was why he entrusted the little boy to my care and I have proven to be a great mother to him.
The lady later dropped the issue and allowed her son to stay with me.
I usually s£nd pictures to Joba on how fresh and big the little boy was getting.
Joba will always thank me for loving the boy as mine.
But it surprises me why I can’t get pregnant.
When Joba returns and spend several months, all my wish was to conceive that period but to no avail.
No sign of pregnancy and I was really worried within me as I looked forward to giving him a second child and knowing what it feels like to carry a child in my wo-mb.
I didn’t give up as I kept hoping that I will someday conceived.
Joba asked me to be a house wife at first, later he said he wanted me to go to a nursing school so that when I come to Join him in abroad I will be able to get a job in the health Care center.
He said I should look for a nursing school that is close by and which won’t interrupt with caring for the little boy.
Because I usually pick him from school and if I happen to go far it will affect the way I care for the boy.
I told him that I wanted to do catering, which I have discussed with him before.
Ever since I graduated from the University, my certificate was just lying there because Joba said I can’t work. So I thought of opening a food vendor someday because I had pas-sion for it.
All I nee-ded was his permission to do this one thing but Joba was against it.
Before, when we talked about it in the past, Joba agreed and it was not an issue but reminding him again of it he totally disagreed.
He asked me if going to a catering school was more important to me than our new family.
He said if i had to do anything then it will be going to a nursing school which will be beneficial when I finally Join him.
We couldn’t agree to a thing immediately but later I have to go with whatever that will plea-se him.
He told me that I will have to wait until he is re-ady for me to start the nursing school because he wasn’t re-ady yet.
After sometime I bec@m£ bored staying at home.
after seeing my little boy off to school in the morning I will have nothing doing until is time to pick him up from school.
I told my husband that I was mostly having nothing to do at home, since the caterer school was close to the house he should allow me to attend for a month or two.
It will never affect my family time with his son and no knowledge is wasted.
Joba replied angrily that if I was tired of taking care of his son I should let him know.
He said I lack nothing in the house, he makes sure he provides everything for me and his son so what exactly is my reasons of thinking of leaving the house to learn a skill that he did not approve off.
I quic-kly dropped the conversation and promised not to talk about it again.
Anything that will make him happy I had to do it
I really do not want to have issues with my husband so it was better I let it all go and focus on whatever he wants me to do until he is re-ady for the nursing school or our traveling papers is re-ady.
After a year in my marriage, I heard from a family friend that my husband baby mama was planing to travel abroad.
I didn’t think much about it because she probably have personal plans of her own and may not be traveling to the same country that my husband was in.
Lucia usually comes around to visit me, my Mom too travels down to check how I’m doing. My brothers comes to spend weekends sometimes.
None of them stay permanently or longer time with me.
Is usually after few days they will travel back.
I was told that my step Dad is mostly on a loghead with Viva.
They argues alot over minor things. Viva will always want to be heard but my step dad ha-rd ly give her way.
I smiled and refused to dwell on anything negative.
My Mom has moved past everything that hurts her in the past.
She was living her best life and does not allow things to bother her again.
I concentrated on my new family as Joba said I should wait because he was still ma-king sure every of my traveling do¢v-ments and that of his son was getting re-ady.
He said we will soon join him abroad and is just a matter of time.
With what I heard about his baby mama traveling abroad, I enquired from Joba and he said he doesn’t know anything about her or where she was and he doesn’t really care.
My mind was at peace as I looked forward to joining my husband.
Is over two years of marriage and even though Joba travels down often to see me, I was still not able to conceive.
I was looking forward to joining him and hoping to get pregnant because I was okay medically and wondered what could be the problem.
Gradually Joba began to change, he doesn’t call unlike before and always sounds in a hurry to get off the phone whenever he calls me.
He was changing to a total stranger.
One of my close friends living in abroad who also calls to check up on me, she was very nice to me and she also knew my husband.
Her place was not so far from where my husband was staying. She was schooling over there and sees my husband often.
She called me one day to ask me if I was aware that my husband’s baby mama was in abroad.
I told her yes, and it was not a big deal.
She asked again if I was also aware that she and my husband are living together.
She told me that ever since Joba’s baby mama c@m£, she has been living with my husband and they are often seeing together going out and coming back.
I don’t know what to make out of the sudden realization.
I thought of Joba’s recent behavior and began to wonder if it was because of his baby mama he changed towards me.
I had a lot of thought running throu-gh my head on why Joba will allow his baby mama to live with him.
I was angry because it was obvious that getting me a Visa to Join him was not supposed to take this long but Joba was delaying it for whatever reason I really don’t know.
I was angry and planned to confront Joba with what I learnt.
He once told me before that he has nothing with the baby mama.
When I first asked him if he was aware of the baby mama’s coming to abroad, Joba said she can travel to kafachan or to any planet he doesn’t care.
I never knew that the lady traveled to meet him.
The more I think of it the angrier and confused I get on why Joba, my trusted husband will allow such.
p@rt 10.
By Amah’s Heart..
He started avoiding my calls, if he manages to answer the call he will speak for few minutes before saying he will call me back but will never do so.
I was not happy the way things were going, I was seriously disturbe-d with everything going on.
I asked him about what I heard if it was true or not but he told me he was busy and don’t have my time that he will get back to me when he is free.
He said if he doesn’t call back I should know that he was stressed and nee-d to rest so I don’t nee-d to call him but he will get back to me whenever he can.
This was unlike Joba, telling me that he was stressed and I should not call.
He has never done that before.
I knew then that something was wrong. It means it was all true. Joba and his baby mama were living together.
I noticed he started calling during his break at work or whenever he was driving out alone. He will call and ask of his son and few other questions before going off.
He no longer call whenever he is home.
Joba was no more the same man I married, he was acting like a total stranger and treating me bad.
I decided not to complain or become a nagging wife.
I continued to be my usual self by caring and loving him despite all odds.
Sometimes I will call a whole day and he won’t take any of my calls.
I will still s£nd him a message and at the end of every message I’m s£nding to him I will add “I love you”
I will always let him know that I still love and care for him which I truly do.
He will re-ad every message but won’t reply back.
I s£nd him message every morning when he doesn’t answer my calls and also at night before I sleep.
Joba calls anytime he feels like calling. Sometimes he doesn’t at all and I won’t bother him on why he didn’t, instead I will do the calling or still s£nd him a loving message.
One day the embas-sy s£nt a message that his son should be taken for medical check-up because his Visa was almost re-ady.
I was surprised that he only filed for only his son.
He kept telling me in the past that he was trying get every necessary do¢v-ments re-ady for us to join him.
He as-sured me then that our visas will soon be re-ady that I should be patient
But now only his son was asked to go for medicals. I wasn’t even included.
I asked him about it, that I thought he filed at the same time for me and his boy how come the boy was called and I wasn’t.
He told me that it happens sometimes. Even though is the same time he filed for our visas that the embas-sy may not call us to come at the same time
After the explanation, I believed him hoping that my turn to proceed will still come.
He asked one of his family members, his sister precisely to take his son for medical check-up just as the embas-sy instructed.
He did not involve me again. Anything he wants to do he will tell the sister instead of me.
So it was actually the sister that was in charge of everything concerning the boy.
I was shut off. So I decided not to f0rç£ myself into the matter.
I just kept cool and was watching them in silent.
His son was given a Visa and his traveling do¢v-ments were set.
I later asked him when the boy will be coming over to join him since he has been confirmed by the embas-sy.
Joba told me that within two months one of his cousin who is also based abroad will be bringing his son along.
Within the two months, Just like Joba said, his cousin traveled with the little boy and I was left all alone.
I was alre-ady used to the little boy and felt so lonely when he was gone to join his father and his biological mother abroad.
The house felt so empty and quiet. I decided to go to my mother in law’s house to stay.
Joba’s Mom was very nice and accomod@t!ng. She likes me right from time and doesn’t hide it and I love her dearly too.
After spending almost two weeks, I returned back to my home and stayed.
I was thinking of what next to do now that I was alone. Joba’s son has traveled and I don’t have a child of my own to care for.
I thought of enrolling in the catering school but I really do not want to disobey my husband because he made it clear that I shouldn’t do that.
Ever since he mentioned about me going to a nursing school he never did again.
I waited patiently for whatever he will approve of me doing for the main time before I will probably Join him abroad.
Joba did not give me any go ahead. He wanted me to stay at home so I obeyed.
My husband’s birthday c@m£, I made sure I was the first person to wish him a happy birthday.
I stayed awake most p@rt of the night so that my timing will correspond with his 12am.
After s£nding the message, I stayed awake because it was alre-ady day at my side but still night at his. I waited till five hours because I know he will probably be asleep before I called him.
But my husband did not answer my calls, I waited extra two hours and kept trying to reach him but he refused to take my calls or even acknowledge the message all throu-gh the day.
That same evening, I later saw a birthday post that he was tagged in.
It was from his baby mama who made the loving birthday post and tagged him on Facebook. She also attached a recent picture of she and my husband loved up together. they were both putting on the same type of cloths, they made uniform for their selves. and were cu-mddled up in each other’s arms.
One of his cousin also posted the same picture of my husband with his baby mama on her WhatsApp status. She attached Love emojis to the picture.
I was really heart broken and didn’t want to believe what was staring right at my face.
It was shocking and unbelievable.
I screensh0t his baby’s Mama’s Facebook post and forward it to him.
I asked him what was going on and what exactly was the meaning of everything that was happening including the Facebook post.
He re-ad as usual but did not reply me. Instead he decided to block me.
I felt broken and couldn’t take it anymore.
I have tried to endure and pl@ythe good wife but I just couldn’t continue living like this anymore.
I cried until I couldn’t cry again. This time I had to talk to my Mom.
Nob©dy knew what was going on before, his Mom, his family members and also mine doesn’t know.
All this while I have tried to endure and keep the sadness away from everyb©dy but i just couldn’t take it anymore so I decided to talk to my Mom.
I also told his own Mother and his sister who was my friend.
His family were very angry with him.
His mother was really disappointed and she quic-kly called him while I was still there.
She called him expressing her disappointment, she shouted at him and while she was still talking Joba ended the call.
He hanged up the phone while his mom was still talking to him.
His sister s£nt him a message, condemning his ill behavior which was a big embarras-sment.
None of his family approved of his bad attitude.
I was so devastated as I went back to my place the following day.
Joba st©pped s£nding me upkeep money.
After I s£nt him the screensh0t of him and his baby mama he quic-kly blocked me on Facebook, he blocked me on Whatsapp and also calls.
Every means I can reach him Joba blocked me off which was why I decided to run to his Mom and he still hang up on the mother while she was still talking.
I felt helpless as I returned and try to think of what to do.
My Mom said she was going to call him.
When she did with her phone, Joba picked and said he was busy at work but he will call my Mom back later.
I was hoping he will.
Joining him abroad was unrealistic, no hope in that area.
Doing nursing was just a scope, he didn’t have plans for me to join him.
He has blocked me and has st©pped s£nding me money for upkeep.
Basically, I’m back to loosing hope and trying to make s-en-se of what exactly was going on.
No skill, no job or even a child to make me hopeful.
I was a loving and obe-dient wife but that didn’t make any difference to him.
I should have rounded up with my catering school by now and even open a food vendor shop that will not only fetch me money but also keep me busy but obeying my husband’s every order has caused me many things.
I still love my husband and really want things to work out soon but my marriage is almost hitting the rock and my only hope right now is God.
I know I will survive this and Joba will come to his s-en-ses, I’m not loosing hope yet.
And this isn’t like my mother or anyb©dy i maybe referenced to.
Their life race is totally different from mine and none of us on this side of the road planned for a failed marriage.
Like I said earlier, I’m still hopeful that all this situation will turn around for my good.