Sandra heart tale episode 7 & 8

p@rt 7.
By Amah’s Heart.
As school was about to resume, I left my mother’s place and return to my father’s house. I wanted to spend the remaining one week at his place before proceeding to school.
I bond so well with my Dad and he doesn’t joke with me. He will always advice me to concentrate on my studies and I shouldn’t hesitate to inform him whenever I nee-d anything.
I was mostly grateful to God for s£nding him on my way when all my hope of ever going to school and having all my nee-ds met was far fetched.
My Dad loved and cared for my step mom. The only problem was not having a child with her.
To me all hope was not lost, I know they have been married for many years and tried to conceived but to no avail but God is still doing miracle. my everyday prayer is that God will open the wo-mb of my step Mom and she will become a mother.
Palo, my Dad is a good man. A good father to me and great husband to his wife. My de-sires is to make him proud and put a real smile on his face.
My step mother wasn’t friendly or appear happy whenever I’m around or when I’m having a conversation with my Dad which was the reason I will always stay in my room.
I don’t Join them to watch television in the parlour or to sit in the sitting room. I spend most of my time in my room.
Once I’m done cleaning the whole house, I will return to my room and will only leave when I have something to do outside the room
Only my Dad comes to check up on me, he will ask me to come out and watch some TV programs in the sitting room but I will as-sure him that I was okay being on my own.
After one week was over,I returned to my hostel and resumed school.
It was my second year at the university and studies was moving on smoothly as usual with the help of my father who make sure I lacked nothing.
My dad makes sure that he s£nd my allowance, and extra upkeep money. I lacked nothing in school all thanks to my Dad. I don’t spend extravagantly, I make sure I save some money.
That year, My first semester was almost coming to an end.
it was on a Sunday around 7pm, I called my Dad to check up on him because I did not hear from him all weekend.
It was unlike him but I as-sume he was busy and I ha-rd ly call him at night because he may be with my step mom.
She may see my call and another quarrel with her and my Dad will start.
I don’t want to be the reason for any misun-derstanding between them which was why I had to use wisdom.
When I called him that Sunday evening around 7pm, he picked and said that he will call me back because he was in a meeting.
I don’t know if it was a family meeting or office meeting.
But I decided to patiently wait when he will call back.
Around 8:45pm that same night, I got a call.
The caller said that my Dad was involved in an accident.
The person said it was a fatal motor accident and people did not rush him to the hospital immediately instead they were ma-king videos and taking pictures of the bloody sight.
but he was later rushed to the hospital and before he will get to the hospital he gave up the ghost.
The caller said my Dad died before he could even be attended to.
It was shocking unbelievable, I asked of the hospital and was given the address. I quic-kly rushed out.
I went to the said hospital and it was true. Palo, my father was dead.
His car was completely damaged.
I was finally allowed to see him because I demanded and was almost creating a scene that I wanted to see my Dad.
I saw him lying so still, covered up in his own blood. His hand and some other p@rts of his b©dy was broken and smashed.
At that moment my world c@m£ crashing. I don’t know what happened to me, I fell to the ground and pas-sed out.
I woke up in a hospital be-d, I try to remember what I was doing there at first.
It quic-kly occured to me that my father was gone.
I broke down completely and screamed with tears rushing down my face.
My mother was called and she c@m£ to take me to her place.
My father was put in the mortuary while I went home with my Mom.
His death c@m£ as a heavy shock and I began to wish it was a nightmare that I will wake up from.
But days fly into weeks and I realized that my Dad is never coming back. He was gone.
He was my hero, he was my hope for a better tomorrow. I studied ha-rd because I really wanted to make him proud and watch him smile for all his sacrifice and love towards me.
I can’t put my pain into words, I was devastated. I had to suspend studies for some time as I went over to stay with my Mom.
I could not st©p crying. I thought I will also die
It felt like my entire world has come to end.
After two years of having my real father who cared de-eply and showered me with love and everything a parent can give to a child…. everything I could ask for, Palo gave it all to me and just like unexpected waywind, it snapped him off, leaving me so broken and shattered.
A day was fixed for his funeral, I traveled to his house to see how things were moving and if I can help out with anything possible.
On his burial day, my Mom, Lucia, my ex b©yfri£ndeven though we have nothing going on and few of my school friends were all around to support and console me during such a ha-rd period.
I went back to school few days to my exams. This time around my result was not encouraging at all. i failed most of my curses.
A day won’t pas-sed without me crying.
Things were gradually changing, I couldn’t depend on my Mom alone because her business wasn’t a big one but my mother was very supportive and I added with my own saving.
I usually save some of the allowance that my Dad used to s£nd for me before his death.
I don’t spend everything and wait for another to be s£nt to me.
I spend what I suppose to spend and save the remaining.
I wasn’t living a flashy lifestyle in school and my moderate living help me during those ha-rd time that my Dad was no more.
God was kind as I resit for the papers that I failed during the exam, I pas-sed all my courses.
I was trying to live everyday at a time despite how difficult it was.
Visiting my father’s house was not even an option because I know his wife will give me tough time.
I also wanted to know how she was coping with my dad’s death.
Since I can’t go to the house, I decided to check up on her over the phone.
I called her but she didn’t answer my call.
I decided to s£nd her a message and she replied that she was doing great.
That was all I wanted to know. Is a good thing that she was alright.
As another semester holiday c@m£, I traveled back to my mother’s place.
We both joined hands together in doing extra business aside the beverages sto-re. We buy goods in large quantities and sell off to retailers so that my school fees, hostel fee and few other expenses can be paid.
My Mom was very supportive and we were able to raise enough money during that period.
Despite Palo, my dear father and supporter was gone, I won’t fold my hands and wait for some manner to fall on me. I have to do whatever legal business I can do just to remain standing.
Palo maybe gone but I hope to still make him proud someday.
He remains a great father that only comes once in a lifetime.
His death remains a mystery but I’m focusing on the future and won’t let anything hinder my progress.
p@rt 8.
By Amah’s Heart.
Lucia rounded up with school and was waiting for graduation.
I Could not wait for my own day to come when I will be a graduate as well.
I return to school with the help of my mother.
things were moving on well again which includes studies.
One day I visited one of my close friend Lupeni who was also my course mate.
I met her elder brother in the house who was based abroad but traveled down to spend time with his family.
He was very nice as we all engaged in a normal discussion, his sister inclusive.
I saw him as a big brother too just like Lupeni.
We talked and laughed. He was lively and fun to be with.
My friend had told me about him before and meeting him and getting to know more about him felt great.
I later told them it was time to take my leave.
They wanted me to spend more time but I have to go because I have re-ading to do that night and nee-d to be on my way despite how fun it was in my friend’s house.
I stood and took my bag, they saw that they couldn’t talk me out of leaving and decided to see me off.
Joba, my friend’s brother volunteered to drop me off at my hostel but I told him not to bother.
He insisted to drive me down but I was head bent and refused.
They waved me goodbye as I left.
Few days later, I and my friend Lupeni were coming back from lecture hall, she started talking about her brother.
Lupeni said all that her brother talks about now is me, he just can’t keep calm. Peni as she is fondly called said Joba requested for my number but she wanted to ask me first if it was okay by me.
I told her to go ahead and give him that it was fine by me.
That same night while i was at my hostel Joba called and we got talking.
He doesn’t miss a day without calling and s£nding messages to me.
He will s£nd me several messages and I will try and respond whenever I’m less busy.
Joba c@m£ visiting me in my hostel, he asked me to get dressed and he took me out to a fancy restaurant.
He later asked me to join his family and see him off to the airport because he was traveling back the following day.
He pleaded that I should be on time with his family before his plane will take off.
But I declined, I couldn’t agree to the offer because I had clas-ses which i can’t afford to miss.
I gave him my reasons why I can’t see him off to the airport and he un-derstands and did not push futher.
He later traveled and I was one of the first person he called to inform of his safe arrival.
He makes it a habit to always call me.
He calls daily and also s£nd messages daily.
I was always on phone with him. His calls was constant and I got used to it. I was alre-ady attra-cted to him.
He told me that he had a son, who is about 5years old.
Joba said him and his baby mama seperated after the birth of his son but he has custody of the boy.
He was not in contact with his son’s mother. Is been five years they both went their different path.
He said him and his son’s mother seperated long time ago even before he finally got his Visa to travel abroad.
I later asked Lupeni my friend and she confirmed it and said everything the brother said was true.
He didn’t want to keep any secret from me because she told him how much I hate secrets.
He wanted to ba-re out his heart and come out open so that I will know the kind of person he is and accept him for who he was. It was one of his wish that I will become p@rt of his life.
Even their mother likes me and wish I will someday become p@rt of the family.
No day will pas-s by without Joba calling, he want to know what I’m doing at every point in time and to be sure I was alright.
I got used to him and the way he cared so much about me.
He started s£nding me money without me asking him for a dime.
He was taking care of my nee-ds and will always tell me not to hesitate to ask him if I nee-ded anything.
I’m the type of person that doesn’t ask or demand for anything. Even if I’m in nee-d I will rather hustle for a way or I ask my Mom.
Joba noticed the kind of person I was and took it upon himself to always s£nd me money without me asking.
He will even s£nd me money to give to my mother and my siblings.
As my birthday approached, he told me that he will fly down Just for my birthday.
I told him not to do that, him flying down for my birthday was a big expenses.
I asked him to just wish me well over the phone instead of flying down.
Joba surprised me and traveled all the way down during my birthday.
I was shocked that he still went ahead to travel down.
It was a beautiful moments as few family and friends gathered including his own family and he celebr@ted my birthday in a grand style and to crown it all Joba proposed to me on the same day.
He brou-ght out the engagement ring and asked me to marry him.
I was speechless because it all took me by surprise.
I said yes and he slide the ring with Joy into my f!nger.
After then, Joba paid my Mom a visit. My Mom was plea-sed to Finally meet him.
He stayed in the country for three weeks before he finally traveled back.
His family loved me and accepted me as p@rt of them
His mother and siblings were very nice and I felt really loved and kept thanking God for everything.
My final year in school c@m£ to an end.
Two months later Joba c@m£ into the country and we began our marriage preparation.
The marriage plan was going on smoothly and I felt so lucky to have a man like Joba.
I went to see my step father and I informed him about my upcoming wedding and also showed him the man I was getting married to.
I also informed my late father’s family and they all gave me their support.
My late father’s brother stood in as a father for me on my wedding day. How I wish Palo was alive to witness such a remarkable day in my life.
Everything was beautiful. My wedding decorations was on point, my make-up was flawless.
All my bridesmaids were all looking beautiful.
My husband and his groom’s men were not left out.
Lucia, my kid sister was my maid of honor and was seated beside me.
We did our traditional wedding which was the main wedding, the following day we did our civil marriage.
Everything went so well and I couldn’t have asked for a better man.
I felt like God blessed me with a good and caring husband.
Joba was enough and I was indeed blessed to have him but he kept saying he was the blessed one to have me.
He rented a big ap@rtment for me after our wedding and make sure it was well equipped with everything I nee-ded.
He made the house so comfortable for me so that I won’t lack anything.
He took his little son from his family and brou-ght him to me so that he can stay with me.
I was very happy to have the little boy and begin my first motherly role with him.
We bonded together like mother and son.
Joba later traveled back to abroad and increa-sed the communication style.
It bec@m£ more than before because he will always call to check up on me and his little boy whom i took as my son.
I even asked my Mom to come over and stay with me because there was enough room and i wanted her close but she declined.
She insisted to remain at her place.
She asked me to get used to being married and enjoy every moment as it comes and keep praying to God to blessed my home with every good thing, children inclusive.
Since it was only me and Dani, Joba’s son, I gave him everything he could ever ask for.
I cared for him like my blood and makes sure he lacks nothing.
Joba was very plea-sed the way I was taking care of Dani even his family loved me even more.
Joba flys down to see us, he will stay for several months before traveling back.
I hope to conceived for Joba someday and give birth to a child from my wo-mb.
This was one of my prayers.
Life was begining to make s-en-se and I was enjoying my new home and hoping to be a real mother when God decide to smile on us.
I also hope this beautiful moments never ends and that my husband remains the angel that he has proven to be.
p@rt 8.
By Amah’s Heart.
Lucia rounded up with school and was waiting for graduation.
I Could not wait for my own day to come when I will be a graduate as well.
I return to school with the help of my mother.
things were moving on well again which includes studies.
One day I visited one of my close friend Lupeni who was also my course mate.
I met her elder brother in the house who was based abroad but traveled down to spend time with his family.
He was very nice as we all engaged in a normal discussion, his sister inclusive.
I saw him as a big brother too just like Lupeni.
We talked and laughed. He was lively and fun to be with.
My friend had told me about him before and meeting him and getting to know more about him felt great.
I later told them it was time to take my leave.
They wanted me to spend more time but I have to go because I have re-ading to do that night and nee-d to be on my way despite how fun it was in my friend’s house.
I stood and took my bag, they saw that they couldn’t talk me out of leaving and decided to see me off.
Joba, my friend’s brother volunteered to drop me off at my hostel but I told him not to bother.
He insisted to drive me down but I was head bent and refused.
They waved me goodbye as I left.
Few days later, I and my friend Lupeni were coming back from lecture hall, she started talking about her brother.
Lupeni said all that her brother talks about now is me, he just can’t keep calm. Peni as she is fondly called said Joba requested for my number but she wanted to ask me first if it was okay by me.
I told her to go ahead and give him that it was fine by me.
That same night while i was at my hostel Joba called and we got talking.
He doesn’t miss a day without calling and s£nding messages to me.
He will s£nd me several messages and I will try and respond whenever I’m less busy.
Joba c@m£ visiting me in my hostel, he asked me to get dressed and he took me out to a fancy restaurant.
He later asked me to join his family and see him off to the airport because he was traveling back the following day.
He pleaded that I should be on time with his family before his plane will take off.
But I declined, I couldn’t agree to the offer because I had clas-ses which i can’t afford to miss.
I gave him my reasons why I can’t see him off to the airport and he un-derstands and did not push futher.
He later traveled and I was one of the first person he called to inform of his safe arrival.
He makes it a habit to always call me.
He calls daily and also s£nd messages daily.
I was always on phone with him. His calls was constant and I got used to it. I was alre-ady attra-cted to him.
He told me that he had a son, who is about 5years old.
Joba said him and his baby mama seperated after the birth of his son but he has custody of the boy.
He was not in contact with his son’s mother. Is been five years they both went their different path.
He said him and his son’s mother seperated long time ago even before he finally got his Visa to travel abroad.
I later asked Lupeni my friend and she confirmed it and said everything the brother said was true.
He didn’t want to keep any secret from me because she told him how much I hate secrets.
He wanted to ba-re out his heart and come out open so that I will know the kind of person he is and accept him for who he was. It was one of his wish that I will become p@rt of his life.
Even their mother likes me and wish I will someday become p@rt of the family.
No day will pas-s by without Joba calling, he want to know what I’m doing at every point in time and to be sure I was alright.
I got used to him and the way he cared so much about me.
He started s£nding me money without me asking him for a dime.
He was taking care of my nee-ds and will always tell me not to hesitate to ask him if I nee-ded anything.
I’m the type of person that doesn’t ask or demand for anything. Even if I’m in nee-d I will rather hustle for a way or I ask my Mom.
Joba noticed the kind of person I was and took it upon himself to always s£nd me money without me asking.
He will even s£nd me money to give to my mother and my siblings.
As my birthday approached, he told me that he will fly down Just for my birthday.
I told him not to do that, him flying down for my birthday was a big expenses.
I asked him to just wish me well over the phone instead of flying down.
Joba surprised me and traveled all the way down during my birthday.
I was shocked that he still went ahead to travel down.
It was a beautiful moments as few family and friends gathered including his own family and he celebr@ted my birthday in a grand style and to crown it all Joba proposed to me on the same day.
He brou-ght out the engagement ring and asked me to marry him.
I was speechless because it all took me by surprise.
I said yes and he slide the ring with Joy into my f!nger.
After then, Joba paid my Mom a visit. My Mom was plea-sed to Finally meet him.
He stayed in the country for three weeks before he finally traveled back.
His family loved me and accepted me as p@rt of them
His mother and siblings were very nice and I felt really loved and kept thanking God for everything.
My final year in school c@m£ to an end.
Two months later Joba c@m£ into the country and we began our marriage preparation.
The marriage plan was going on smoothly and I felt so lucky to have a man like Joba.
I went to see my step father and I informed him about my upcoming wedding and also showed him the man I was getting married to.
I also informed my late father’s family and they all gave me their support.
My late father’s brother stood in as a father for me on my wedding day. How I wish Palo was alive to witness such a remarkable day in my life.
Everything was beautiful. My wedding decorations was on point, my make-up was flawless.
All my bridesmaids were all looking beautiful.
My husband and his groom’s men were not left out.
Lucia, my kid sister was my maid of honor and was seated beside me.
We did our traditional wedding which was the main wedding, the following day we did our civil marriage.
Everything went so well and I couldn’t have asked for a better man.
I felt like God blessed me with a good and caring husband.
Joba was enough and I was indeed blessed to have him but he kept saying he was the blessed one to have me.
He rented a big ap@rtment for me after our wedding and make sure it was well equipped with everything I nee-ded.
He made the house so comfortable for me so that I won’t lack anything.
He took his little son from his family and brou-ght him to me so that he can stay with me.
I was very happy to have the little boy and begin my first motherly role with him.
We bonded together like mother and son.
Joba later traveled back to abroad and increa-sed the communication style.
It bec@m£ more than before because he will always call to check up on me and his little boy whom i took as my son.
I even asked my Mom to come over and stay with me because there was enough room and i wanted her close but she declined.
She insisted to remain at her place.
She asked me to get used to being married and enjoy every moment as it comes and keep praying to God to blessed my home with every good thing, children inclusive.
Since it was only me and Dani, Joba’s son, I gave him everything he could ever ask for.
I cared for him like my blood and makes sure he lacks nothing.
Joba was very plea-sed the way I was taking care of Dani even his family loved me even more.
Joba flys down to see us, he will stay for several months before traveling back.
I hope to conceived for Joba someday and give birth to a child from my wo-mb.
This was one of my prayers.
Life was begining to make s-en-se and I was enjoying my new home and hoping to be a real mother when God decide to smile on us.
I also hope this beautiful moments never ends and that my husband remains the angel that he has proven to be.