Royal bride Episode 10 to 12

10 – 12
(He has to remember🔥)
Chapter 10
🔥Ranu’s pov🔥
He c@m£ close while I shifted from queen Freya.
The way he stared at me, I wished the ground would open and I’d get swallowed.
I was waiting for him to yell and cuss me!
Of course he won’t be able to recognize me.
Am no longer attrac-tive like I was years ago.
“Who are you?” He asked breaking the silence.
I gulped.
I was quiet for a while.
I wasn’t able to complete my statement and a cough interrupted me.
Queen Freya!
She turned.
Javan looked damn shocked and he rushed to her.
“Mom” he called holding her.
“Ranu…” She muttered sounding disturbe-d.
Oh my!
Could it be I woke her?
My t©uçh woke her??
She kept turning.
I quic-kly ran out of the room.
🔥Javan’s pov🔥
This is unbelievable.
She woke mom.
That strange girl woke mom.
She broke Ranu’s curse…
The royal physician and dad rushed in attending to mom.
The girl had ran out.
I didn’t get her name.
Who is she?
She has that innocent face…
I shook my head.
No Javan.
Forget about love.
It’s nothing but pain.
I left the room with my hands in my pocket.
I bu-mped into someone.
A kind of short girl with big eyes.
She looks childish.
She bowed.
“Prince Javan” she greeted.
I could tell by the jewelries and everything. She’s the princess father wants me to marry.
I sighed.
“Hey” I simply said and headed for my room.
Maybe I should just go on with dad’s craziness.
I give up!.
Am going to marry that princess.
🔥Ranu’s pov🔥
“…And then she coughed! Javan was busy trying to calm her and I ran out. She mentioned my name Ranu…why?” I stated feeling so uneasy.
an-ushka chuckled.
“Calm down bestie. Everything happens for a reason. Am so glad Javan has finally seen you but…he doesn’t remember?” She asked with her eyes wi-de opened.
“He doesn’t remember me an-ush” I replied feeling despondent.
“Don’t worry Ranu.
What will be will be. If Javan is really yours, you’ll have him and you’ll both will stay together ” she said giving me a reas-suring smile
I smiled out tears and hvgged her.
Seeing you reopened the buried feelings.
It made me remember the short time we spent together…
At the garden and at the dinning.
C’mon… You have to remember me.
🔥Princess Sanjana🔥
I smiled to myself satisfied with the way the nightie made me look irresistible!
I took a veil and covered my face. I went to his room and knocked.
I got no response.
I knocked over and over again before Lakshmi showed up.
We were once clas-smates but not so much of a close friend.
She grinned.
“You won’t gain Javan’s attention by wearing trash.
He’s a respectable young man.
Not re-ady to mess himself up with half n*ked women” she sneered.
What a kill joy..
“I suggest you mind your business Lakshmi. I am your future queen. You nee-d to show me some respect” I said full of rage.
She chuckled.
“Don’t flatter yourself. Javan doesn’t even know your name” she said laughing.
She pressed a bu-tton at the door and it opened before she went in.
I angrily stormed back to my room.
Who does she think she is??!!
🔥Javan’s pov🔥
Mom was awake but it looked like herl-ips were sealed.
“She’ll start speaking in few days, let’s give her sometime” the doctor said and I looked at mom.
She nodded.
I smiled though I felt pained.
“Javan. Are you sure you don’t know the girl that woke her up?” Dad asked and I shrugged.
“I really don’t” I replied.
“Whoever is the person will gain four boxes of pure gold and silver” dad declared.
I smiled remembering the girl.
She’s quite thin.
She nee-ds the money.
I went to my room and la-id down.
Lakshmi had gone to be-d in her room.
I felt two hands wra-p around my w@!st and the person drew nearer.
I turned and figured it was the princess.
Princess Sanjana.
She k!$$£d my back and all I could do was sigh.
[He has to remember🔥]
Chapter 11 & 12
💐Ranu’s pov💐
an-ushka and I got re-ady the next morning to begin our work.
We were told the king was waiting at the royal hall.
“Am damn nervous!” an-ushka yelped running to gr-ab her book.
“Imagine painting a whole king! Just his pres£nce s£nds shivers down my spine”.
I scoffed.
“Have you forgotten when you made a royal sketch of my dad during his birthday?” I said reminding her of the hurting past.
“Oh, yes! You dad was so happy and he showed it off to his guests” she beamed.
“Okay, let’s go” I said.
I was wearing a white lace long sleeve and a lengh. While an-ushka wore a sari.
It’s soothes her so well.
We left the room walking down the hallway.
“So, what’s going on between you and Devi?” I asked
She flu-shed.
“Nothing. St©p ma-king stuff up” she sais balantly.
I smiled.
We got to the hall and set down our stuff.
There were guards at all corner.
The king was on a call but ended it vastly.
“Let’s get started” he said.
i let an-ushka do her work while I as-sisted a bit.
💐Princess Sanjana’s pov💐
I turned a bit waking up fully.
I smiled.
Javan’s be-d feels so soft and comfy.
I sat up and saw him standing before his mirror backing me.
I can’t believe he didn’t t©uçh me last night.
I tried all I could do entice him but he totally turned me down.
Not to worries Sanjana.
He’s yours!
I got off the be-d and ti-p toed to him so he won’t notice am awake.
I tried to t©uçh him…
“Don’t ever come into my room uninvited again” his cold voice made me come to a dead st©p.
Why’s he so…Cold?
“Good morning love” i said and hvgged him from behind.
He shifted from me and went to the bathroom.
I sighed.
He’s angry!
💐Ranu’s pov💐
The painting and sketching was over.
The king had left to go stay with queen Freya. I heard she’s not able to speak yet.
an-ushka left with Devi not long ago.
I can’t believe an-ushka have found someone that can possibly show her love and they’ll get married.
She keeps denying it but I know she feels something for him. Alongside with Devi.
I was just with some guards in the hall as I packed up the equipments.
I heard the door open and I quic-kly turned.
My eyes wi-de-ned.
What’s he doing here?
I suddenly bec@m£ clumsy and everything poured from my hands.
I stuttered over them.
I knew he was coming close.
I couldn’t breath.
“Leave us” I heard him say and the guards left the hall.
I didn’t want to look at him.
My outfit was a mess!
“Turn around” he said coldly breaking the silence.
I turned slowly and our eyes met.
He’s always looking h0t with his bright blue eyes.
His eyes wi-de-ned and he had that marveled look in his eyes
“You’re the girl that woke mom. Do you know I’ve been looking for you?” He asked sounding quite pissed off.
“Am sorry” I muttered.
“scre-w that!
What are you?
A magician, shaman? A sorcerer!?” He asked in curiosity.
I shook my head.
“Am none of those” I stated.
He looked at me for a while.
“Why do you sound so familiar?” He asked and my heart began racing.
I kept mute.
“Meet my father later for he has some reward for you” he said and left.
I buried my face in palms and sobbe-d.
I still love him…
💐Devi’s pov💐
Amber (an-ushka) and I walked throu-gh the market.
This was the first place we met.
She has been more composed and quiet.
I s-en-se she’s not comfortable around me.
I took her hand she flin-ched.
“Would you like to have some fruits?” I asked and she nodded a bit.
I smiled.
She’s hungry.
We went to a fruit vendor and I picked some fruits for her.
She stood behind me with her head staring at the floor.
“Can you plea-se be yourself?” I asked almost going on my knees.
“I don’t know what to say. If only you’d st©p ru-bbing it in my face that you’re more wealthier than me” she replied.
“Am not ru-bbing it in your face Amber. Am just treating you out as a friend” I stressed.
“Oh really?” She asked sm-irking.
“Yeah…” I replied ru-bbing my hair sightly.
“Catch me if you can!!” She yelled and snatched the Apple I was holding from me before running off. I ran after her and she giggled.
We got to a garden.
She tr!pp£dand fell down.
I also lost my balance and fell beside her.
I rolled up getting on t©p of her.
My hands were behind her head supporting my b©dy from resting on her.
Our eyes locked.
I leaned close to k!ssher.
“Am alot more ha-rd to get Devi. I don’t k!sspeople who try to put me in the dungeon two years ago!” She sneered and pushed me off.
I fell beside her and she sat up.
“Today was nice but plea-se stay away from me. I rather be alone” she muttered looking sad. She got up and ran away.
I watched her go.
Why’s she so hurt?
💐Ranu’s pov💐
It’s a week gone and we have just a week remaining to complete our work, get paid and leave.
I s£nt mom the four box of gold the king awarded me with. Just that fortune can help us start over bit by bit.
Tonight’s Devi’s birthday and he invited us. The p@rty will take place at a club downtown.
an-ushka is in a mood to p@rty but am awfully not.
I’ve spent last week watching Javan and princess Sanjana show their love for each other.
And I actually thought he doesn’t like her.
I s-en-se he doesn’t though.
She’s all over him trying to get his attention.
I wore a simple shimmy Sk-irt and crop t©p which hvgged my tummy ti-ghtly.
I have great flat tummy which an-ushka admires a lot…
We wore jewelries and left for the venue. The p@rty venue was hvge and lit.
There were night lights all over the ceiling.
It’s more like a garden though.
The guests were young people just like us.
“I s-en-se tonight’s gonna be damn h0t!” an-ushka said beside me.
I looked around.
There were ladies and some men dancing in a way I found dis-plea-sing.
I saw Devi.
He was in the mist of so much girls.
They wanted to eat him alive.
I slowly glanced at an-ushka who seemed bothered with the sight.
She rolled her eyes.
“Let’s go get some drinks” she said and took my hand
We got to the counter and sat down.
“Two sh0ts of whiskey” she said and it was brou-ght for us.
“Are you mad cause of Devi?” I asked.
She scoffed.
“Let’s admit. He’s extremely handsome and gorgeous” I said and she giggled.
“Let’s not talk about him” she retorted.
“C’mon an-ushka. I see it in your eyes. You feel something for Devi” I insisted.
What’s wrong with her?
“What’s really wrong with you?” I asked pouting.
She sighed.
“We’re best friends Ranu. Am not falling Inlove which means leaving you behind” she said.
💐Javan’s pov💐
“Honey what’s wrong?” Sanjana asked ru-bbing my arm.
We were at the VIP section of the club. I could see what was going on down there.
I saw Kush (Ranu) and her friend.
She seems so familiar.
For a while now, I’ve been seeing her in my dreams. And that time I was alone at the hall with her, her hair smelt like…
I can’t fix the puzzle.
Who is she to me?
Who was she to me?