Roses for Rachel episode 32




📝My Beautiful,♣

I hope this letter makes its way to you in time, but, happy one week anniversary! One week ago you gave me the best day of my entire life, and it is thoughts of you that are getting me throu-gh all of this here. I wish I could be with you, but I know how important that it is that I handle this, and I hope you un-derstand. I think of you constantly, Rachel. I hope things are going well for you. Master Ronald tells me that the transition was a little rou-gh, but that you’re ma-king headway now. I do hope that’s true. I know you, and I know you are worried about me, and about being a good queen, but you don’t nee-d to be. I’ll be fine, and I will come back to you as soon as I can, and you’re too perfect for the people not to love you. I won’t lie to you, Rachel, its tough here. Most of the time I don’t even know if I am ma-king any progress. These fools want so much from me that I am not willing to give. They are finding out fast that they were wrong in their de-sires for me to be king. Any who refuse to cooperate with my rule are being killed on the sp©t, and I never thought I’d have such a ha-rd time with it, but there has been so much death, and despite everything, it still weighs heavy on my heart. Being a king is much ha-rder than I ever imagined it to be. I’ll be meeting with the head of the revolt at the end of this week.

He likely won’t be happy since we’ve been steady cutting down his numbers, but I hope that we will be able to come to some kind of agreement. If not, it will mean more fighting, and more wasted time away from you.

I wish more than anything that I could be near you. I know you’re in good hands, I just wish they were mine.

📝 All my love, Cal 😘

I folded up my letter and carefully placed it back in it’s envelope, then hvgged it to my che-st.

Calvin s£nds a letter every day. They are usually a day behind, but it at least gives me some idea of what he is doing. My heart felt heavy knowing that he was having a ha-rd time, but I prayed that the meeting at the end of the week will bring good news, and him back to me.

I un-derstood entirely what he meant about being a king, and how much ha-rder it was than you’d think. Being a queen was the exact same way. In all the stories you hear about royalty, it’s all so glamourous and powerful, but in my reality, it was just scary and full of worry. I worry constantly about Calvin. Not only because I want him back safe, but because the thought of what happens to me if he doesn’t return is also a road that leads to terror.

It’s been one very long week since I married Calvin. The very first day after he left had been the absolute ha-rd est. I cried most of the day, until Pedro finally convinced me that I had to at least be seen leaving the room at some point, to give the people a chance to really get used to the idea of me as their queen. He wouldn’t let me hide. Everywhere I went I was heavily guarded, and while most of the people I met were very open and kind to me, some s£nt me looks of disapproval that would make my stomach turn.

Someone knocks on the door, ma-king me jump like I always do now. I’m so jumpy when I’m alone, and I always have the dre-aded thought that it could be someone here to tell me that something has happened to Calvin. “Come in.” I call as I put my letter into the drawer in the nightstand with the others.

Master Pedro pokes his head in. “How are you today?” He asked like he has every time he’s seen me since the wedding.
I roll my eyes at him and walk over to the new vanity, fiddling with my hair in the mirror. “I’m fine, Pedro.”

He laughed, closing the door behind him. He walked over to me and there was an apprehensive look in his eyes. “So, I have something to talk to you about.” He said. “As the queen, I mean.”

I sighed heavily. It’s never good when Pedro wants to talk to me as the queen. Last time he said that, we had to make arrangements to separate two guards from the same unit because they couldn’t st©p trying to kill each other. They had both been very hostile towards me because neither wanted to be the one to get moved to a new unit. “Being a queen su-cks, Pedro.”

He laughed, coming to stand behind me and brushing my hair out before he started br@iding it mindlessly. I knew he was only doing it because he didn’t want to have to look at me. “Yes, well, so does being the hand of the king.” He joked. “If I’d known it was so much work, I would have chos£n Frankie.” He laughed lightly to himself. I know he’s been having a ha-rd time too. With Calvin gone, he is basically filling in as the king. “You’ve got to speak to the people, Rachel.” I sh0t my eyes up to his, and he gave me a ha-rd look.

“Now, Rachel, I have delayed it as much as I can. I have been the one addressing them about the conflict and about you. Your written statements just aren’t good enough anymore. You’ve got to show the people you are here and that you are re-ady to be their queen. Right now you’re pretty much just an idea. They know you’re here, but they haven’t heard from you.” He paused, softening his expression. “It’s time.”

I let my shoulders slump forward. “I know.” I gave in. I’d been putting it off for way too long. I just don’t really know what I’m supposed to do, much less say as the queen. “I just wish Calvin was here.” I muttered.

“Me too.” Pedro agreed, coming to lean on the vanity in front of me. “You’re going to be exhausted, you know?” He pointed out as he looked at the bags un-der my eyes. I’d gotten my hours messed up again. Now I was on half vampire time, and half human time.

“I know.” I said nodding.

“I’m getting exhausted too, keeping up with you.”

“You don’t have to keep the same hours as me.” I pointed out.
He tilted his head. “Yeah, right.” He laughed. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Then I really would have to do all of the work while her highness sleeps her life away.”
We smiled at each other and he reached over to tap me on the nose and I sighed. “I promise to get my hours turned back around.” I told him.

“Thank you.”

He started to walk away but I called to him. “Do you know where the girls are?” I asked, perking up a little.

He looked stressed all over again. “Rachel, you alre-ady know where they are.” He said. “It’s not healthy for you to be spending so much time up there with them. You nee-d to start getting used to this life. I don’t think Calvin would be very happy if he knew.”
I stood up quic-kly, straightening my knee length lilac dress. “Well you aren’t going to tell him, and neither am I.” I said sternly. “Right?” I asked, putting my hands on my h!ps.
He mirrored my action. “No, I’m not.” He said pointedly. “That doesn’t make what I said any less true.”

I walked over to him, putting my hand up on his shoulder. “I promise you, I will get back to normal.” I said. “It’s only fair that I have a chance to spend time out there while I can.”

“Fine.” Pedro snapped, obviously still ill with me.

I smiled lightly at him, and patted his shoulder once as I left him in my room. As I stepped out into the hallway, the six guards all bowed. As many times as I’ve seen people do it, it never st©ps being weird. “nee-d and esc-rt, your highness?” Cromley asked and I nodded to him. Calvin had Cromley brou-ght here from a civilization in Rome because he was well known as the best fighter. I don’t know why anyone would even want to fight him, though. Despite the fact that he looks to be 7 feet tall and is solid muscle, he is a total sweetheart with a boyish face. Once we were alone on the elevator he cut his eyes to me. “You going back up t©p?”

“Yes.” I answered curtly. I did not want another lecture about it.
He didn’t say anything else about it on our way throu-gh the green house. “I’ll be here waiting.” He said as we reached the metal door, and the four other guards who were waiting there too.

I climbe-d the stairs quic-kly, nee-ding that familiar smell of the flowers and the feel of the sun on my skin. As I pushed open the hatch and walked out into my beautiful, sun bathed garden, I had expected to see Greer and Tessa, but not the third girl who was sitting at the little table with them.
As I straightened up, they all looked over to me, seemingly surprised to see me. “Hey, Rachel.” Greer greeted me, standing to offer me her chair.

My eyes were glued to Lexton’s. She hadn’t attended the wedding, and I hadn’t seen her around at all. “Hi, Lexton.” I said politely. “I didn’t expect to see you here. How are you?” I asked.
She stood up from her seat and bowed. “Oh, I’m fine.” She practically whispered. “And you?” She asked.

“Fine.” I nodded, feeling awkward. “I, um, well, I thought maybe you had left.” I explained. “I just hadn’t seen you in a while.”
Her eyes looked a little puffy, but other than that, she was her usual beautiful self. “I’ve been around.” She said, then started walking towards the hatch.

“Wait.” I said, turning to her. “You’re welcome to stay with us.” I told her, motioning back to Tessa and Greer who were looking just as uncomfortable as I was feeling.

“I was just leaving.” She smiled, then went on her way.
I turned around, taking a seat in the empty chair. “Well, that was weird.” I said to the other two. “Did you know she was still here?” I asked, loving the warmth of the sun on my ba-re shoulders.

Tessa and Greer glanced between each other. “Yeah.” Greer finally admitted. “I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure you’d be happy if she stayed. I know it was Calvin’s decision to let us stay here.” She explained.

“Right.” Tessa chimed in. “She was the only one who was ever any competition to you, so I didn’t think you’d like her still being here.”

I hadn’t even considered whether or not she was still here. I just as-sumed she went on her way when I didn’t see her anymore. “I don’t care that she’s here.” I said. “I find it weird she’s been hiding from me though. Did she think I would kick her out, or be angry at her?” They exchanged glances again and I could feel my annoyance rising. “What?” I asked.

Tessa sighed, tossing her blonde hair aside. “She’s sad, that’s all.” She said dismissively.

“Because she didn’t get chos£n?” I asked, as I abs£ntly watched a little bird fly by. Greer and Tessa both nodded. “Well, you guys aren’t sad, are you?” I asked them, watching their expressions carefully.

“No.” Greer said evenly. “After everything that’s been happening, I’m actually a little glad I didn’t get picked.” She said honestly.


I raised my eyebrows to her, but she dropped her eyes to the plate of muffins in the center of the table. Tessa rolled her eyes at her. “But, we weren’t in love with Calvin.” She said matter of fact. “I mean, sure he was nice, and drop dead freaking gorgeous, but I was more interested in being a princess than a wife.” She said in her always honest tone.

I felt a mix of sadness and annoyance at her words. “Lexton loved Calvin?” I asked skeptically.

They both nodded, and I felt nauseas. I didn’t think I’d have an issue with her staying, but knowing someone else is in love with my husband turns my stomach and bothers me a lot more than I ever imagined it could. How could she possibly be in love with him? He’s mine.

Before I had a chance to say anything else, the hatch swung open and Lexton stuck her head back out. “Rachel, they nee-d you!” She called. “Hurry, its news about Calvin.”

Before the words were even out of her mouth I was running, pushing pas-sed her to get to Master Pedro and the other guards and two officials who were waiting for me in the green house. Pedro gr@bb£d me by the shoulders as soon as I c@m£ out. “He’s ok.” He said, easing my panic just a t©uçh. “There was an attack, and you nee-d to address the people.” Pedro said quic-kly. “Bad news travels fast and they nee-d to hear this from you.” He said shoving a piece of paper in my hands. “re-ad it, and be preparing yourself to tell the people.”

I was being rushed throu-gh the corridors while I re-ad the report about the incident in my shaking hands. When we finally st©pped, I looked up to see that we were in a small room with a man with a big c@m£ra in his hands. My heart rate bec@m£ even fas-ter. “I’m doing it now?” I asked Pedro with terror in my voice.

He gr@bb£d my shoulders again. “You can do this, Rachel.” He said firmly. “It will be broadcast live to everywhere, even to where Calvin is, so just do this for him. Show him he can be proud of you.”
