Ria Episode 51 & 52

RIA POV ????
“Miss Ria -”
Loretta called ma as I looked up from the clothes rack I was checking out.
“Yes Mrs Loretta”
“Elise told me that you haven’t eaten anything since last night”
“I’m not hungry”
She moved closer
“You look pale”
“I’m fine. Thanks”
“No -”
“Can you help me check out the clothes on that rack?” I pointed to a rack at the far end of the room. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to her or anyone. Somehow Elise told Loretta everything when she noticed Ian didn’t come around for coffee Mornings or to drop me off at school or home. Ethan has been the one driving me home and to school and he ensured that my door and windows are closed before leaving for his place. I hired a nanny who will look after of the kids while I’m at the sto-re. She leaves whenever I get back home.
Three days now and I haven’t heard from Ian. I called him but he didn’t pick up his calls and I also s£nt him an apology text but he didn’t reply. I called Mr Griffin to check on Ian the day before but he said Ian was out of the country on a business trip. I’d no idea where he’d gone cause Mr Griffin didn’t tell me the country he travelled to or how to reach him or how long it would take him to realise his phone was ringing and When he would st©p avoiding me?
I never expected this to unfold between us naturally.
“Yeah..sure” Loretta answered
“Thanks” I replied with a half smile before she walked off.
“Ria -”
A voice called my name few minutes later and I thought I was imagining Ian’s voice in my head again.
I turned slightly to the sound again and Ian was there. Slowly I dropped the clothes back on the rack.
“Ria..can we talk?”
He was there..his hair mussed as if raked by worried f!ngers.
Ian eyes watching me.
“Yes” my voice was a mere rasp
I didn’t wait for him to say anything when we walked into my office
“Ian -”
“I talked to Ethan” he said cutting off my intended statement
I closed my eyes
“He told me everything -”
His voice trailed and I opened my eyes
His eyes held pain,no anger.
We l@psed Into silence
Ethan told him everything? When?
I didn’t expect Ethan to go to Ian and talk to him. But I should have suspected it that he wanted to tell Ian after he dropped by at the sto-re this morning. He wasn’t happy that I refused to eat and talk freely with him. He got mad at me for turning down the food he bought at the fast food close to the sto-re. He knew I wasn’t happy that Ian was away from me and Ethan left when I admitted to him that I was in love with Ian. He didn’t say a word after that.. He just left.
And with what Ian just said it was possible that Ethan went straight to Ian’s office.
I felt weak beyond words. Tears starting to sting my eyes.
“Ian..I tried to tell you – i tried” I said
“I know” he exhaled as he ran a hand r0ûghly over his face
“It wasn’t true..I swear”
He c@m£ closer
“I know..Ria I know”
He stared at me
“But I was scared. I didn’t want you to hate or leave me if you knew what I was to Lucas. I couldn’t bear that on t©p of everything else” I tried to st©p the tears but I couldn’t.
“You thought I was going to leave you because of that ?” He asked
“Yes but still..I should have told you everything”
Ian was close,bending over me,tou-ching me,his hands on my cheeks wiping my tears.
“Ria -”
I looked up at him,his image blurred slightly by the tears
“I’m so sorry” I said to him
“Don’t be plea-se.. It all my fault”
He was starting to blame himself. It shouldn’t be! I was my fault! I kept my past from him!
I didn’t want him to get caught in the mess but I was wrong!
I didn’t realize that Ian could be of help to me. Or maybe I didn’t want to add to his burden. I couldn’t bear the thought of him ma-king some big sacrifice for my sake again. I thought I was capable of dealing with Frederick but I totally forgot that Ian was alre-ady in my life re-ady to anything for me that I had grown to having him in my life.
“You couldn’t tell me because I didn’t prove to you that I could be someone you could trust and be a shoulder you can cry on. I was just concerned about ma-king your dreams come true. But I’ve always wanted to know why you had fears..that fear of being t©uçhed by a man – and I saw that the day I met you again at the hospital but I didn’t ask you all this time because I thought that sooner or later we would get pas-s that business level and you would trust me enough to tell me everything”
He paused
“I trust you Ian and I’m glad that you are concerned about me”
I studied his expression
He shook his head impatiently,his tone was still when he said
“It not just concern.. Or me caring for you Ria -” he paused
His f!ngerti-ps brushed away the tears on my cheeks
“I think I fell in love with you the first time I met you and it didn’t mater to me if you were blind”
My mind was spinning. Ian was in love with me!
My mouth twisted wryly as I studied his face
“I didn’t mean to blurt it out that way. And I un-derstand why you look stunned. You told me just Business p@rtners and nothing more but then I was alre-ady in love with you and I wanted a life long commitment. I never expected it to happen to me but there it is Ria”
“Ian –
” now I’ve scared you off, haven’t I ?”
He shook his head
“I can’t seem to do anything right where you’re concerned. Falling in love with you at first sight despite being blind and also wanting to help you in every way..this is all new to me”
“I’m sorry Ian..it’s all new to me too. You have no idea -”
I murmured
And something in my tone seemed to give Ian a renewed hope.
“Are you saying you have feelings for me too?”
He asked and I sighed
I couldn’t lie when asked a direct question.
“I’m crazy about you Ian”
I added quic-kly
Ian eyes closed as he drew in a de-ep breathe. I t©uçhed his face and felt reality un-der my f!ngerti-ps
“I’m in love with you too”
I whispered
His eyes opened. He stared at me for few seconds.
Then he slowly brou-ght hisl-ips on mine. A fine tremor ran throu-gh my b©dy at the contact. He k!$$£d me slowly and then dee-per. His rhythm was purposeful, full of intent and I met him back eagerly.
He ni-bbled on my bo-ttoml!pand I g@sped for air in between k!sses.
“I’m add!çted to you” he said
My heart raced as adrenaline ran a Marathon throu-gh my b©dy. His ton-gue slid back into my mouth apparently not expecting a response from me. I hesitated trying to get most important words past the lump in my throat.
He suddenly slowed his motion and pu-ll-ed back to look at me
“Ian -” a whimper sli-pped throu-gh myl-ips
He grinned at me as his hands dropped down to my w@!st and then he turned serious.
“Ria about being Lucas’s S-x machine -” he paused
“Really none of that matter to me because it wasn’t your fault. You were a victim and I won’t hate you or leave for that..I only de-sire you. I only love you”
I stared at him with wi-de eyes as his words washed over me and I breathe
“You love me?”
He smoothened a strand of hair from my face and said.
“Very much.. I didn’t expect it but I know i can’t live without you. Ria if you want me In your life not just as a business p@rtner but something more than that..then I am yours”
I thought I might bur-st from happiness.
I want him too!
“Like I said -” my voice trailed when he placed a f!nger on myl-ips.
There was a new glint of determination in his eyes.
“We don’t have to make any hasty decision now Ria”
He said still looking at me rather anxiously.
“I un-derstand that you are still trying to get over what Lucas did to you and even Frederick Robert. So while we work on putting Frederick in jail..I will also work on courting you properly” he added with an endearing smile
“To convince you that we belong together. Ria no pressure at all but if you don’t want us to be together then be re-ady for me. I will wage an all out campaign to win your heart”
I believed him!
I took comfort in his words!
He was as-suring me that he wasn’t rushing me,that there was plenty of time for our relationsh!pto progress before any big change as to be made.
What big change?
“Ian it means the world to me that you’re always willing to do anything for me”
“Ria I’m happy with the choice I’ve made -”
He caught my hands in his now.
“And I’m certain of my feelings for you and nothing is going to change my mind” he squee-zed my hands ti-ghtly but gently.
Yes we still have time!
I reminded myself
We don’t have to make the big decisions right now.
“We have a lot of talking to do now that the cards are on the table”
He pu-ll-ed me into his arms to hold me ti-ghtly
“And the first of the cards is how to make Frederick pay for his crimes”
I clung to him
Then Ian k!$$£d me and I returned the k!sswith a renewed surge of hope.
No doubts and uncertainties!
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m not going to leave or hate you”
He told me when he finally lifted his head
“Unless you s£nd me away”
“I don’t think i have the courage or strength to s£nd you away”
I confessed
I can’t live without him!
“I love you”
He said
It was the first time hearing those words.
The first time a man confessed to me.
The first time I had a true k!ss..without being f0rç£d.
The first time I was desperate to taste someone.
The first time a man was as-suring me that he wouldn’t leave me.
The first time I accepted to be in love.
“I love you too” I said
The words was strange and new on myl-ips but somehow right.
The first I was saying those words.
And Ian seemed to be my first in everything except with my b©dy.
It was the best feeling – that feeling to love and be loved back.
“You mean to tell me that I can love you whenever I want
I can tell you that I love you when you me too
No more waiting forever on love..”
???? Tears of Joy!
Oh I almost bur-st of happiness while writing this episode. ????
♠ RIA ♠
°°°°° One Week Later °°°°°
AUTHOR POV ????????
Derrick looked back for the fifth time but he didn’t see anyone behind him. He had noticed the brown haired guy following him from the mini mart where he went to get a loaf of bre-ad and coffee. He made a sharp corner just to get away from whoever was following him but to his surprise the brown haired guy appeared by his side and pinned him to the wall quic-kly causing the stuffs in his hands to fall to the ground. No one was pas-sing by so Chad thought he could use this chance. He was a bit stronger than Derrick so it was easy to cage him to the wall.
“Who are you?”
Derrick asked as he tried to fight him off. Chad ignored his question.
“Are you Detective Derrick?” He asked
“What do you want from me?”
He managed to push Chad away
“Are you detective Derrick?” He asked again
“No” Derrick replied
He picked up his bre-ad and left the empty coffee container and he started walking away.
“Hey…” Chad caught up with him and brou-ght out his ID card
“I’m Detective Chad Efron from Chicago” he said in a low tone.
Derrick didn’t st©p or respond to Chad
He was simply mad at Chad for attacking him unexpectedly and for spilling his coffee.
And at the same time he wondered why a Chicago Detective was in Idaho.
“I’m sorry for attacking you like that.. You know I asked of you from the people around here and most of them told me that you’re quite a stubborn man and you won’t talk to me. That was why I attacked to gain your attention”
Derrick walked on without responding and Chad followed him.
“A friend of mine told me that you were the detective kmy charge of a case six years ago ”
Derrick st©pped on track
“His name is Ethan Dantes. The case was about a family that was murdered in one night,husband and wife, a missing child who was later found in the woods..dead”
Derrick turned to face Chad
He stepped closer to Chad and whispered
“Why are you in Idaho?”
Chad covered the gap between them and bend over to whisper into his ears.
“A secret Detective reinvestigating the case. That child is alive and she demands for Justice. And I’m -”
“Come with me” Derrick cuts him off his intended s£ntence. And he led him to his house.
RIA POV ????‍
I looked down at my phone when it beeped. A message from Ethan. I picked up my phone and cli-cked on the screen to re-ad the message.
“Chad found Derrick and he’s going to his place to talk to him”
“Okay I’ll inform Ian about it” I s£nt it back to him.
I heard a knock on the door
“Come in” I said
My phone buzzed again
“How are you doing?” I asked Ethan
“I’m fine..and is Ian there with you?”
He asked
“Chatting with someone?”
I looked up and Ian was there.
“Good morning” I said
Ian was holding the 2in1 coffee pack. I stood up and went to him.
“Good morning Hun”
He said
I placed k!sses on his cheeks.
He frowned immediately
“What’s wrong?” I asked
“I’m not satisfied with k!sses on the cheeks” he wra-pped his arms around my w@!st and i hit his che-st gently”
“Don’t be -”
He pressed hisl-ips on mine cutting off my words. And I opened my mouth to his welcoming invasion,desperate to taste him. My b©dy trembled as he k!$$£d me slowly and then dee-per. He slowed his motion and pu-ll-ed back pressing k!sses on my cheeks and then forehead.
“Now that better” He said
I smiled back at him.
“Let’s have coffee”
He held my hand and led us to the couch. He sat on the couch and motioned to me to sit on his l@ps.
I hesitated
“What is it?”
I shook my head
“Okay.. You can sit on the couch if you don’t want to” he said with a half smile.
“But no coffee for you” he blurted
“That not fair -” I pouted
“Of course it fair” he pu-ll-ed me and I sat on his l@ps.
“Now tell me what’s going on with you?”
He handed me a coffee
“Nothing? You were smiling at your phone when I c@m£ in”
“No I wasn’t smiling like that -”
I countered when he opened all his teeth to show me how I was smiling.
“Of course!” He rolled his eyes
“Okay if that’s it then it not called smiling -”
“You showing off your teeth”
He laughed
“Well I was kidding..now tell me what I nee-d to know”
Tell me what I nee-d to know – I’m used to those words now. The day after we confessed to each other,Ian always ask me what he nee-ds to know. No more secrets. I had promised myself.
“I was chatting with Ethan before you c@m£ in”
He stared at him
“You were chatting with Ethan” he repeated and I nodded
Was that jealousy in his tone?
“Come on Ian..don’t get too jealous”
“I’m not jealous”
“Really?” I asked and he avoided my gaze.
Then we l@psed into silence.
He gets jealous each time he sees me with Ethan,anytime I’m on phone with Ethan and whenever I’m chatting with Ethan. And that pisses Ethan. Two days ago he blurted that Ian was being possessive. And Ian grounded that it was none of his Business and he should stay away from me. And Ethan told him to be a good b©yfri£ndnot a possessive b©yfri£nd. Those two won’t st©p fighting at every chance they get!
To be honest Ian is always the one bringing up fights. He can’t seem to control his anger and jealousy anytime he sees me with Ethan. He still thinks Ethan will try to win my heart.
And I’ve told Ian several times that my heart belongs to one man.. Ian Bryant.
I sighed and Drank my coffee.
“Ethan s£nt a message that Chad found Derrick” I said
“And I told him that I was going to inform you about it”
Ian knows everything now and he’s determined to make Frederick pay for his crimes.
“So what about the Attorney?”
“We spoke last night and she alre-ady filed in for Reinvestigation. So she’s currently in the plane to Idaho to tender it”
Attorney Ava Powell is the best Attorney in the state and she happens to be Ian family’s lawyer. I met her few days ago and explained my case to her and she agreed to take it on.
“Will she be fine alone?.. I mean Frederick will find out that someone wants to reinvestigate the case.. He might go after her”
“You don’t have to worry about Ava. Two armed b©dyguards accompanied her to Idaho and she will meet Chad too. And I think three armed men is enough protec-tion for her. Moreover she won’t be there for too long. A day or two if Derrick agrees to work with us”
Ethan said Derrick has the evidences to the case.
And I hope that Derrick’s agrees to work with us now.
“I gave Ava some money to give to Derrick in case he refuses to help”
“Ian do you think Derrick will accept the money?”
“Well Money is the language we all un-derstand. He won’t decline it. And if he doesn’t want to work on the case then we wont pressure him”
“Thank You” I said to him
“Ria don’t thank me. I’m doing what I have to do to make sure that Frederick pays for what he did to you. And as matter of fact I hired two b©dyguards for you too”
“To protect you from Frederick. That bastard can show up anytime. He might come after you. The b©dyguards will be here anytime I’m not around to watch you”
“Perhaps will they move into my house too?”
“Relax Ria..not the male b©dyguards. A female b©dyguard will move into your home to watch you at night”
“It for you own good Ria”
I stood up from his l@ps
“I don’t want any b©dyguard”
He stood up too
“Can you stand Frederick anytime he comes?”
He asked
I was silent
He leaned close and his hands cu-mpped my face
“I just don’t want any b©dyguard moving into my home to watch me at night”
“What about during the day?”
“Okay” I said reluctantly
The truth was I don’t want anyone risking their lives for me or anyone getting hurt for my sake.
“Can I get a gun?” I asked
Ian eyes wi-de-ned
“A gun? For what?”
“For protec-tion during the night”
“Can you fire a gun?”
“Then you don’t nee-d one”
“But I can learn to pu-ll the trigger”
Ian rolled his eyes
“You don’t have a licence to own a gun”
“Well I can get the license.. Ava can help”
He shook his head impatiently
“It not that easy to get such license Ria. And you don’t nee-d a gun your b©dyguards are fully armed”
He placed his forehead on mine
“Ria I don’t want you to get hurt. I nee-d you to be alive even after putting Frederick behind bars”
He placed a k!sson my forehead.
“That’s reminds me -”
He stepped backward
“I st©pped p@rtnering with Limos Company”
“I don’t want to be as-sociated with them after what Frederick did to you”
“But…what about your current deal with Drake? The one you signed”
“I cancelled the deal”
Ian told me about the deal with Drake and the note he asked him to sign just to make him stay away from me.
“Ian,Drake will be mad at you – he might come for me again… and I don’t want to see him”
“Don’t be concerned About Drake. He called me to ask why i cancelled the deal and I told him to ask his father”
“What if he sues you for breach of agreement, contract or deal?”
“I’m re-ady for him..and I’m sure he won’t go to court after he finds out what his dad did to you”
“Ian this is business. And I don’t want you getting into trouble with Drake. Ian you can go on with the deal -”
“My company is yet to sh!pthe goods to Idaho. If Drake wants to go to court for it,the least they will ask of me is to give him 50% payment of the deal”
“Ian that’s a lot of money”
“I can handle it”
He hvgged me
♦ ••••• IDAHO ••••• ♦
AUTHOR POV ????????
“Son..what’s wrong?”
Vivian asked Drake when he walked into the house.
He ignored her and made his way to the study. His mom followed him. He didn’t bother knocking before going into the study.
Frederick sat in his old chair,lost in de-ep thought. He had just received a call that an Attorney from Chicago showed up at the station with a Reinvestigation Letter and she requested for the files of the case from six years ago.
It wasn’t ha-rd for Frederick to figure who s£nt that Attorney.
Ria Robert! She wants to reinvestigate her parents case!
And he had been thinking of how to end Ria’s life since the past one week. Trying to devise a way to get rid of her finally and silently without the cops finding out he did it.
Things will get tough and rou-gh now that she want to reinvestigate the Case..and even hiring the best Attorney in Chicago. He realized that after he searched Attorney Ava Powell on his system.
She meant business!
He knew that proper investigation will expo-se his secrets. So since Ava was in Idaho the options was to either eliminate her or do a background check on her..someone like her must have secrets. He thought
“Dad now tell me what the hell is going on between you and Ian Bryant?!”
Frederick looked up at his son
“Ian?” He muttered
“Yes..Ian Bryant!”
“Son calm down” Vivian said
“Stay out of this mom!”
“What is it?”
He asked in a low tone
“Ian canceled the Five millions dollar deal”
“What?! Why?!”
“I don’t know..and I should be asking you.. that’s why I’m here so you can tell me!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“Ian said I should ask you. He said you clearly know the reason why he canceled the deal!”
Drake was furious.
He wondered why Ian canceled after ma-king it clear that he won’t go near Ria Robert.
Frederick was lost in thought again, trying to figure out what Ian meant by what he told Drake.
Then realisation hit him when he recalled the recording he s£nt to Ian.
Questions flooded his alre-ady disturbe-d mind.
Could it be that Ian found out he s£nt the tape?
He was perturbe-d.
And his overdeveloped s-en-se told him that Ria could have explained everything to Ian. And now he wants to get back at him.
“Drake don’t worry I will talk to him” he said shakily
“No I nee-d you to tell me what’s going on?!”
Drake uttered profanity before storming out of the study. Vivian followed him.
She was confused and still mad at her husband for not letting her travel to Chicago.
Frederick picked his phone and searched throu-gh his contact list for Ian’s number. He used to have it when he was still running the company right before Drake bec@m£ the CEO. He found it and dialed it.
Ian loecked on the first ring
“Hello?” Ian said
“Hello it me Frederick Robert” he said calmly
“Well it been -”
“What is it?” Ian asked sternly
Frederick clenched his fist but he managed to calm down
“Drake told me that you canceled the deal you signed”
“Yes I did”
“You s£nt that false recording Right?”
Frederick Heart beats ra-pidly
“I know you s£nt it to make me stay away from Ria. And i know some other things too Frederick. Six years ago you committed a crime and covered It up. But for How long will you keep it covered?. I’m sure your spies must have called to inform you about the Attorney that c@m£ around. Well we are investigating the case. And don’t you dare try to get rid of that Attorney or even think iyf coming near Ria..if you do – I swear I’ll be the one to end you miserable life Mr Frederick Robert” the line dropped
Anger and fury crashed over him. He threw his phone across the room.
Ian was solidly behind Ria!
He didn’t stay away from her!
suddenly fear gr!pp£dhim. Fear of being summoned by the police! He won’t wait for them to come knocking at his door!
He would get rid of them..all of them working on the case before they catch him.
He stood up and rushed to his room.
He packed some clothes into a bag.
“Where are you off to?”
Vivian asked when she saw the bag with him
“I’m going on a vacation”
“What vacation? And why the sudden -”
He went to her and k!$$£d her possessively silencing her in the process.
He stepped back and looked at her with a serious face.
“Don’t go to Chicago” he warned
“Go to the sanders place right now,take care of our unborn grandchild. You can stay there still I return home”
It was a lie!
He knew that he won’t be coming back to Idaho anytime soon!
Vivian was confused. She couldn’t utter a word as she watch Frederick walked out of the house
It would be a great battle!
Someone must surrender to the other!
Someone must die in the process!
Frederick promised himself that he won’t be the one to surrender or die!