Ria Episode 45 & 46

°°°°°° IN THE NIGHT °°°°°°
IAN POV ????
I pu-ll-ed up in front of the enormous steel gate but i didn’t press the spare remote control in my car to open the gate. I saw no nee-d to drive in since I’d be leaving soon. I just c@m£ around to say good night.
I got out of the car and punched in the pas-sword to open the small gate and it did.
I Motioned towards Ria’s front door and pressed the door bell. I know the pas-sword to her home but it not wise to press it and just go in like that.
The door opened.. Ria must have seen me from the devise inside. She can see and tell whoever was out here.
“Hi..Come in” she greeted with a smile
She opened the door wi-de for me to come in.
Ria was dressed in a blue silk robe with her hair up.
“sorry..I’m late. I was busy at work. And I dropped by at the sto-re before driving down here”
I was surprised to see that it was closed. The time was 9:00pm and RRC closes by 10:00pm
“Ian..I had called to inform you that we closed early at the sto-re today so you won’t bother driving to the sto-re again but you weren’t picking up your calls. But I figured you were busy at work”
“I told you i forgot my phone at home this morning”
She placed her hand on her forehead
“Oh Ian..I totally forgot you left your phone at your place”
I leaned in
“Okay..and I’m sorry for not driving you home today”
“It okay.. Actually Ethan was at the shop when we were about to close..so he drove me home”
I tensed up
Now Ethan knows place!
“What was he doing at the shop?”
She raised an eyebrow
“He just c@m£ to say hi”
“And so he drove you home?”
Did he come in?
I wondered
“We nee-d to talk Ian” she whispered
Talk? What does she wanna talk about?
My heartbeats ra-pidly
Perhaps did she want to say that..she’s in love with Ethan? Or she was in love with him and now she want to work on loving him again?
Series of questions flooded my mind at the moment
No it couldn’t possibly be!
Ian st©p over thinking!
Ria is not in love with Ethan..he’s just an old friend!
“What is it?”
“plea-se seat..while I get a drink for you”
She was almost leaving, I gr@bb£d her upper arm and whirled her to face me. To hell with the Drink!
I’m more concerned about what she has to say.
“I’m fine”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes Ria”
She nodded
I settled on the couch..with Ria sitting close to me.
I gr@bb£d her hands in mine and squee-zed it gently
“Today..Drake Robert c@m£ to the shop”
“What?!” My jaw dropped slightly
That Bastard! Why was he at RRC?.. To buy a dress?
“He c@m£ to see me”
Ria explained Drake’s reason for coming to see to her.
He had guts!
He knew I was p@rtnering with Ria. That my company supplies RRC but he still went ahead to try to make an offer!
And I don’t think this is just ma-king an offer of supplying at lower prices. This is unlike Drake..he always wanted the Best p@rt of a deal!
“You don’t have to worry about it. I’m turning down his offer. I don’t nee-d his company supplying me any materials”
I flashed back at the Dinner [email protected] Drake had stared at Ria. I s-en-sed that he liked what he saw..he was swept off his feet by her beauty. And he even asked about Ria when she left. I didn’t say much to him “she’s my d@t£” I told him clearly..so he won’t get any idea in his silly head.
Could it be that Drake felt something for Ria too? And so he wants to use this chance to get close to her.
“I don’t trust Drake Robert. And I think he’s up to something”
“You think so?”
“Yes Ria..I feel Drake wants to get close to you”
And if thas the case then How many men do I have to deal with just to have Ria?… First Ethan was in the picture..and now Drake who c@m£ all the way from Idaho just to make a lame deal.
Ria ru-bbe-d my hands gently
“Ian -” she called
“Don’t worry I’ll talk to him and find out what he want?”
“No Ian it not about -”
“We can’t ignore him” I cut in
“I don’t want him around you”
I sounded possessive
I relaxed
“Or do you want to accept his offer?”
“Then I’ll talk to him”
“He dropped his card”
“Call him up tomorrow and tell him you’re not interested”
She nodded
I will talk to Drake Robert tonight!
I studied Ria’s expression
It was as if she was working up courage to say what was on her mind.
“Are you okay?”
I tilted her chin to look straight at me
“Yes..yes..I’m fine Ian”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes” she nodded
And avoided my gaze
I stood up and Ria did the same too. I turned away from her.
“Ian -” Ria leaned forward silently and –
She hvgged me!
“Thank You” she said the words coming out in a ti-ght whisper.
I pu-ll-ed her in closely and simply held her
She was trembling. Something was wrong!
I closed my eyes ti-ghtly but
I couldn’t figure out what it was!
Or maybe she just wanted to Thank me for Everything.
Seeing her like this brou-ght an ache to my soul but I was enduring. Ria took in a ragged breathe.
And I wanted nothing more than to take away her pain.
Her chin rested on my che-st..we were holding each other, and in that moment it was enough to just connect, to hold each other and be there for each other.
I don’t know how long we stayed just hvgging before I held her back,my hands on her shoulders.
“You’re welcome”
My hands lifted to frame her face. I noticed the way she swallowed ha-rd to be able to speak again.
I glanced at herl-ips,then met her gaze again. I have to leave before I do something I’ll regret tomorrow
“Let’s talk tomorrow” I murmured
“Good night” she whispered
I placed a k!sson her forehead
“Sleep well” she nodded
I went out,closing the door quietly behind me. I kept thinking,and those thoughts went in confusing circles.
I walked quic-kly back to my room and searched for my phone. I dialed Mrs Elise Number and she picked on the second ring.
“Miss Ria -”
I stiffed back tears
“I wasn’t.. able to tell.. Ian about it”
She sighed
“It okay..I’m sure with time you will be able to tell him”
” I don’t think so Mrs Elise”
“I was so scared…”
My world was upside down. I only managed to survive the ti-ghtness in my throat when I was about telling him the truth. I had imagined Ian’s expressions after I told him I was Lucas’s S-x toy. He got mad at me and left saying that I didn’t deserve to be with him. It was an imagination but it looked real.
“Do you remember when I said you deserve the Best?”
She asked as if she had re-ad my thoughts
“I’m sure Mr Ian will un-derstand too -” she paused
“Mrs Elise can’t you tell him about it for me?”
“No..if it was the best option I would have told him a long time ago. Mr Ian will un-derstand better If it’s coming from you”
“Okay” I muttered
“Don’t worry too much..for now just build up the courage”
“Thank You”
“So did you tell him about Drake?”
“Yes..and Ian thinks Drake want to get close to me. So he said that he will talk to Drake”
“He doesn’t want you to p@rtner with him right?”
“Yes..I’ll call Drake tomorrow and turn down his offer”
“Okay..see you tomorrow”
“Have a good night sleep”
The line dropped
I had to figure out what to do..and how to say what I had to say. I got into be-d and turned out the light.
IAN POV ????
I went in search of my phone immediately I walked into my room. I found it un-der my pillow.
15 missed calls and two messages from Ria.
She s£nt the first message around 8:30pm
“Why aren’t you picking up your calls?..you’re busy at the office right?. I’ll be closing early at shop today and Ethan offered to drive me home. So you don’t have to come to the sto-re. And I will un-derstand if you decide to head straight home from work. Take care!”
I cli-cked on The second message that c@m£ in 20minutes ago.
“Are you home now?”
“Yes” I replied
My phone buzzed
She’s awake
“Still up?”
“Yes..I wanted to be sure if you’ve gotten home before going to be-d”
“I just c@m£ in not quite long.. Thanks for waiting! And i saw the message you s£nt around 8:30pm and the missed calls too”
“Okay..get a good rest Ian….see you tomorrow”
And no message c@m£ in again.
I dialed Ramsey’s number but he didn’t pick up. I nee-d him to forward Drake’s number to me.
He left the office by 6:00pm before I finished my task around 8:30pm
I tried it again and he picked on the third ring.
“Hello” he yawned
“Ramsey I apologize for calling at this time -”
“Oh Mr Ian!” His voice clear now
“What do yo nee-d sir?”
“Did you go home with Lint Tablet?”
“Yes sir”
“I nee-d Drake Robert Contact”
Lint Tablet contains all of my schedules,meetings,contacts of Business as-sociates and some other things about Lint Corp.
“Yes it on the tablet”
“Forward it to me”
“Okay sir..and any thing else?”
I was silent
Then I recalled Ethan drove Ria home today.
“Call Ryan tell him to hire a new driver”
I don’t want Ethan driving Ria in his car.
My driver will drive her anytime I’m busy at work.
“That’s all Ramsey”
“Okay sir”
I hang up
My phone buzzed almost immediately. Drake’s number displ@yon the screen.
I walked into the bathroom and took a quic-k shower before sitting in my be-d.
“Hello” Drake said on the phone
“It me Ian Bryant”
“Oh Ian!.. I knew you were going to call me as soon as Ria told you i dropped by at her sto-re” I clenched my fist
“What do you want from Ria?”
He chuckled
“I also want to be her Business p@rtner”
Jealousy replaced my anger at the moment.
There was more to Drake wanting to be Ria’s Business p@rtner
” and just that?”
“Yes..or what are you thinking?” He st©pped
Followed by a de-ep laughter
“Oh Ian you’re still thinking I’m going to steal your d@t£. Well…I must admit that Ria Robert is a beautiful woman and I get ideas in my head each time I set my eyes on her.. Just like today it was ha-rd for me to think clearly cause it seemed like her beauty was casting a spell on me”
“So you are in Chicago because of Ria?”
“Isn’t that obvious.. I like Ria Robert”
His words echoed in my head
“I like Ria Robert”
I fought the urge to throw my phone across the room.
I knew it! That cunning son of a bit-ch wanted to get close to her because he liked her. I s-en-sed it that he felt something for Ria!
He wanted to use his offer to win her heart.
I can’t let him win Ria’s heart!
Even though Ria decided that she won’t strike a deal with Drake..
I can’t sit back and accept it
A man like Drake Robert will do all it takes to make Ria accept his offer and also win her heart in the process!
I can’t let it happen!
“But Ian – you can st©p me from getting close to your d@t£”
He said
I hate to bargain with this son of a bit-ch!
“What do you want?”
I ru-bbe-d my forehead
“Agree to 25% of our deal Ian Bryant and I will stay away from Ria Robert”
He sounded shocked
“30% Drake Robert and I will sign that deal. And you will never go near Ria Robert or try to make any deal with her”
He was silent
If that’s what he wants, then it fine by me.. As long as he doesn’t come near Ria.
“30%” he said
“Is that a deal?”
“It will be deal when you sign the do¢v-ments Ian Bryant”
“Bring it to my office tomorrow”
“What time?”
“8:30am..I will be there. And the deal will get canceled if i don’t see you by 8:30am”
He threatened
“I’ll be expecting you”
I gritted
He hang up
I swear if I see him close to Ria after signing that deal then I will teach him a great lesson.
???????? Ian..Mr Lover ????
Can I say that he’s madly in love with Ria?
Well let’s see if Drake will stay away from Ria even after signing the deal. ????
♠ RIA ♠
°°° Idaho Correctional Institution °°°
AUTHOR POV ????????
A warder c@m£ to the cell and gestured to man called Scorpion. He had a scary looking scar that ran across his face. He moved closer to the gate at the call of the warder.
“How is it?” The warder whispered
“I’ve gat a perfect plan man..I just nee-d money to settle my boys”
Scorpion replied in a de-ep tone
The warder gave him a brown envelope.
He smiled at the bulkiness of the envelope and his smile grew broader when he looked into it.
“The boss wants you to do a perfect job..no mistake”
“He will be dead by noon”
Scorpion said
The warder was about leaving when scorpion whistled and he turned back at him.
“You haven’t told me who the boss is”
“You don’t nee-d to know Scorpion..just do your job”
He replied harshly
He said with a de-ep frown
The warder walked away
“Did he disclosed it?”
An inmate asked
“No..it hidden”
Scorpion threw the envelope to another inmate
“Keep it”
He ordered when he heard footsteps approaching
The inmate kept it in a box un-der the be-d.
Another warder showed up at the entrance and opened the steel gate.
The bell in the hallways Jangles. Time to pl@yout in the open field.
Scorpion win-ked at his men and they all filed out of the cell.
Scorpion eyes searched the basketball court in the field hoping to find his target but he wasn’t there.
“Where is he?”
He asked his men
“Look he’s coming”
One of them pointed to a direction.
Speedy was coming with his men.
Scorpion was known to be the terror of Idaho Prison. He was feared by all the inmates except Speedy who once challenged him in a fight and he won. Speedy took away his title as “Lord of the Prison”
Scorpion’s de-ep hatred for Speedy made him agree to the warder’s offer to kill speedy. He was desperate to be the Lord of the prison again and make the inmates fear him Again.
“Now let’s end him” he uttered
Scorpion spat and thought of what to do to attra-ct speedy attention as he was now talking to some other inmates.
He sighted an old man sitting alone on a bench.
“Let’s go”
He said to his men
They got to the old man and scorpion ordered one of his men to hit him and he did.
“What do you want?”
The old man said painfully
He nodded at his men
And they started throwing punches at the man. He tried to Dodge the b!ows but he was too weak. His loud cry attra-cted speedy attention and he watched scorpion’s men beating up an old mam.
Anger and fury surged throu-gh him and he called to his men.
“Let the man go!”he snarled
And they turned to him
“This is none of your business!” He snarled back
Speedy stepped closer
“And don’t you ever get tired to bully other inmates?”
Everything changed the moment he said that to scorpion.
Scorpion’s eyes grew crimson and in no time his fist collided with speedy jaw and a fight broke out between them.
Some inmates around watched but couldn’t get closer to them.. Until they heard Speedy loud cry amidst the chaos.
He slowly dropped to the ground..and they all ran helter skelter when they saw blood and heard the sounds of whistles in the air.
Scorpion and his men ran away too and some of speedy men.
“Speedy.. hang on..” His friend Matthew begged him. He placed his hands on speedy stomach.
Scorpion stabbe-d him with a dagger..pushing it too de-ep into his stomach at the slightest chance he got when speedy was about to take a b!ow for his friend
“Call the medical team!”
He yelled at the warders..they all stood wondering how speedy got stabbe-d.
Matthew helped him up gently when medical team c@m£ around to take him to the infirmary in the institution.
°°°°° CHICAGO °°°°°
“You called for me miss Ria”
Elise said when she walked Into Ria’s office
“Ahmm yes Mrs Elise”
She stood up from the swivel chair and went to the couch
“plea-se sit down”
Elise settled on the couch adjacent to the one Ria sat on.
Ria took the first easy breathe she could manage.
“Are you okay?” Elise asked
“I failed again.. I didn’t tell Ian when he dropped by this morning. He was so concerned about Drake Robert”
Elise stood up and went to her
“Don’t push it too ha-rd ..just relax. You can tell him anytime you are fully re-ady to face him”
She squee-zed Ria’s hands gently
“And was that the only reason why you called me?”
She asked
“So…tell me what’s on your mind? Remember I’m always re-ady to listen to you”
“Okay..I want us to talk about some things.. that has been bothering me for days now”
“Tell me about it”
“Cas-sidy added to a group for single ladies and Ahmm.. they’ve been talking about..Love..but I couldn’t contribute much because I really don’t un-derstand it. And a lady actually asked if we all believed in Love at first sight?.. And you know -”
“I know you don’t believe in love let alone love at first sight”
“Yeah you’re right, But everything has changed now. To be honest Mrs Elise..i think I’m different now”
She feels something for Ian..but she can’t tell if she’s in love with him.
“I must tell you Love at first sight happens” Elise said
“Okay..but what about loving someone? How can you tell if what you feel is love?”
Ria asked
“Can I ask you question?”
She nodded
“Do you like Ethan?..i mean did you like him when you were in Idaho?”
She didn’t know why Elise asked if she liked Ethan..but she think back to when she and Ethan were in Idaho.
“I liked him..I like him..I mean Ethan’s really great,nice and Ambitious”
“You don’t love him,though do you?”
She was silent
She wasn’t sure if she loved him back then
“I told you..I liked him back then”
“So what about now?”
She was confused
Meeting Ethan again made her happy and she prayed not to lose him again
“I consider him a friend… and the big brother I never had”
“I see”
“You see what?”
Elise shook her head
“You’d know If you are in love,trust me..you won’t be able to think of anyone else. You wouldn’t want to be with anyone else”
Elise smiled slightly
“I don’t know how you’re feeling..but one thing most people won’t tell you, being in love is the most uncomfortable condition In this life. You’re nervous, you feel crazy,off balance and you’re on edge..but you don’t want it to end”
“Well that sounds like a condition..not love” Ria said
“I guess it is.. But when it happened to me and Leon..i didn’t Care”
She said with a grin
“Do you feel that way whenever Ethan was around?”
She didn’t want to ask Ria any direct question that will lead Ian. But she knew Ria was in love with Ian. And that she nee-ded someone to tell her about love and break down the conditions of love to her
She shook her head
“No” Ria replied
And just like what Elise said.. Nervous,edgy,crazy,off balance? That certainly describe-d the way she felt around Ian
“I think I feel that way around -”
A beeping sound interrupted Ria before she could finish her statement
She stood up quic-kly and went to her desk. It was a message from Ethan!
“I found a detective and He want to see you”
“Mrs Elise.. Ethan found a detective that will work on the case”
“Oh that’s good..call him up” she nodded
Ria dialed Ethan’s number and he picked immediately
“Hello Ethan”
“Ria are you busy?”
“No..where are you?”
“I am with the detective. He’s actually a friend of mine”
“s£nd me the address so I can meet up with you”
“I can bring him to RRC”
“No..no Ethan I font think that’s a good idea.. just s£nd me the address”
He hang up
“Mrs Elise I have to meet up with Ethan”
Her phone buzzed again
“Okay..we will talk later”
°°°°° Idaho Correctional Institution °°°°°
Speedy opened his eyes slowly. The beeping sound of the machine woke him up. He looked around and realized that he was in the infirmary. He coughed and Matthew went to him immediately.
He was alive!
A smile formed on Matthew face as speedy stared at him weakly. The pains in his stomach was unbearable.
“You made it man!”
He exclaimed
“Guess so”
“Scorpion stabbe-d you”
“Yes i know. Where is he?”
“He is in the dungeon with his men”
“Come closer Matthew”
Speedy said in a ti-ght whisper
He waved his hand slowly and Gestured to Matthew to bring his ear closer to his mouth.
“Someone want me dead”
“No..Frederick Robert”
“That same old man”
“Yes..and I’m sure he won’t st©p until he sees me dead”
“But why?”
“It a long story I can’t tell now..and probably I won’t be able to tell you anytime soon” he gro-an ed in pain
“So I nee-d your help?” He muttered
“I nee-d you to help me find someone as soon as you get out of here”
Then he said the words to Matthew,how to find the person and what to give to person when the time comes.
“Promise me that you will help me”
He held Mathew hands
“I promise”
The door opened and Matthew stood straight
A nurse and a warder stood at the entrance.
“Mr Kelly its time for your medication”
“What medication?”
Matthew asked
“Hey you have to return to your cell now” the warder said to Matthew.
He looked at speedy and he gave him a short nod before walking away.
“How’re you feeling?”
The nurse asked as she prepare a nee-dle and syringe. Speedy cringed when he saw the expression on the Nurse face.
“I Will be fine if you inject me and leave”
It was pointless trying to fight the female nurse from injecting him.
He closed his eyes when the nee-dle pene-trated his skin
“Frederick s£nt you right?”
Her eyes wi-de-ned In Shock
“I don’t know what you are talking about”
She said shakily
He chuckled
“Tell him I wasn’t afraid to die. I’m not coward like him..and tell him I s£nt my greetings too”
He felt a sharp pinch in his side
The Nurse hurried out of the room
“Soon.. Soon Frederick..”
He felt another pinch in his heart,this time the pain was horrid and His breathe cut. Darkness c@m£ over him.