Ria Episode 25 & 26

IAN POV ????
I heard laughter from inside when I got to the entrance. I stepped in. And the way Ria threw her head back in laughter as my mom said something funny..it made me happy to see her this way.
“Oh son!” My mom said
Ria’s vibr@nt aquamarine blue eyes which had left me mesmerized the moment I’d looked into them after the Surgery sparkle slightly as she looked at me.
“I was telling Ria about our last vacation in Swahili” I nodded
That vacation in Swahili was hilarious and fulfilled. Everyone was pres£nt.. Josie’s family,Lauren’s and Piper who c@m£ along with her celebrity b©yfri£ndwho almost ruined the vacation.
“So have you both decided?”
“Oh yes! My mom exclaimed
She seemed too excited about Ria
“so can we leave?”
“Yes son”
Ria stood up,picking the large paper bag she brou-ght.
“It really nice to meet you ma’am And spend time with you” she said
“I’m more plea-sed Ria”
“Okay mom..” I k!$$£d her cheeks
The phone on her desk beeped
“That should be madam Charity”
“I’ll see you tomorrow”
She nodded
Ria and I walked out of the office and back to our car
“Thank you” she said when i opened the car door.
I pu-ll-ed out of the driveway to main road. I was thinking of what to say to her when she said,
“Your mom is nice”
Our gaze met for a second before she looked away.
Yeah I know! My mom is nice! The best mom in the world! And fun to be with but it interesting to hear that from Ria. I mean she likes my mom!
“How was the meeting?”
“So did she tell you what sort of dress she wants for the kids?”
“Hmm yeah..just a little t©uçh of creativity and the design will be done”
She brou-ght out a notepad and a pencil
“I made a design for your Mom.. Still a sketch though”
“What about the ones in your collections? She didn’t like it?”
“She liked it”
she said with a smile
“She just want something different”
We l@psed into silence
Ria focused her attention on the notepad
“You’re using left?”
“I mean you’re holding a pencil with your left hand”
She nodded
“Yes..I’m a left-handed person”
I never knew! Maybe because I haven’t seen her use a pencil up until now
“So what have you put together?”
“You want to see?”
“Of course!” I exclaimed
“It not perfect -”
“It doesn’t have to be perfect for it to look good”
Or for me to like it! Everything about her is just perfect for me!
Ria turned the notepad for me to see the sketching of dress on it.
“We planned to use silk for the dress and lace to make it pretty. But we haven’t decided on what color of silk to use. So For that,your mom is thinking of calling the p@rty planner to know the color of the stage -”
“For it to match the dress”
“The design is pretty. I’m sure the kids will like it”
“You think so?”
“I know so” then she flashed me a bright smile that almost took my breathe away.
“When are you visiting the foundation? Tomorrow?”
“No I will make a sample of the dress first. If your mom and Madam Charity likes it then I will visit the foundation to measure the kids”
“When will you make the sample?”
“I should be able to finish up the design tonight..buy the materials tomorrow. And it should be re-ady in two days time since I don’t have such work to do”
“Okay. What time will you be leaving to the sto-re?.. so I can come and pick you up”
She was silent
And she said seconds later
“You don’t have to..I’ll just take a taxi”
“Sure about that?” I asked
I don’t want to insist on driving her to the sto-re.. Just for some reasons.
I don’t want her to feel pressured that I want to always be around her.
“Okay” I managed to say
And does that mean I won’t be seeing her tomorrow or the next?
Ah! No! I can’t bear that thought of not seeing her.
RIA POV ????‍
Ian st©pped the car but didn’t pu-ll into the driveway in my home.
“Thanks for the ride” I said when I got out of the car
“You’re welcome”
He said
I expected him to drive away but he didn’t.
Ian just sat in the car staring at me.
I raised an eyebrow at him.
Then Ian nodded
“Yeah.. bye!” He waved and drove off slowly
“Mrs Elsie -” I called when I walked into the house
“Oh you’re back” she sat up on the couch.
Then I noticed the sad expression on her face
“What’s wrong Mrs Elise?” I went to her quic-kly
“Something is wrong. You just don’t want to tell me about it”
I settled beside her
“I’m just tired” she said
Something is wrong! Mrs Elise ba-rely complain of tiredness!
“Remember our promise..No secrets”
She stared at me
Her eyes bec@m£ blurry from tears that threatened to spill anytime soon.
“what happened Mrs Elise?”
I glanced around the house to see if someone had barged I and harm her.
Well that was my first thought!
“Oh Miss Ria -” her voice trailed
“Relax..just tell me about it”
“I..I..met Leo and Abigail at the mall today” she managed to say.
I g@sped in shock
“Abigail is carrying his child.. Probably the second or third..and I couldn’t hold it in. I broke down in tears at the mall”
She wiped her cheeks
I have no idea of what to say or how to comfort her.
It must very ha-rd for her to. Seeing her greatest love happy with a friend who betrayed her.
That’s unfair!
Taking what isn’t meant to be yours! Greed!
Just like how Frederick took my father’s inheritance. He’d more than enough but he still wanted the token that belonged to my dad.
“I shouldn’t be like this because of them right?.. I mean i ended things with Leo long ago so I shouldn’t be bothered” she sniffed
Then I pu-ll-ed her in for a hvg.
“It okay Mrs Elise”
“But it good that Leo didn’t see me”
“I don’t know but you have to take him off your mind”
“Yes..yes..yes…Cause he moved on..I should do the same too”
Yes but her case is different! She’s still yet to find love and have children of her own.
“I promise not to think about them again. I swear I’m going to forget everything I saw today.. Miss Ria”
“Yes..you have to Mrs Elise”
Even if it won’t be easy for her to forget..But I know she won’t think about them.
I let her go after she calmed.
Mrs Elise wiped her face and sniffed
“Now look what you’ve done to these babies..you ruined them” I wiped my f!ngerson her cheeks
“Oh don’t mind me Miss Ria”
I managed to smile
“I shouldn’t let you see this other side of me..but you know that I can Be very emotional at times”
“Yes. And I know that you’re a strong woman too”
And Mr Leo is a j£rk and a bad as-s for letting a woman like her go!
If only I could meet him then I would tell him that he lost a precious Jewel!
And I keep praying that Mrs Elise finds true love. A man that will love her de-eply!
Well Mrs Elise is not too old to find love! She is still in her Prime.
“Well you’re stronger Miss Ria”
She pinched my cheeks and I giggled
“Now tell me how was your meeting with Mrs Perla?”
“Good it was -”
“Wait..lemme get you something to calm your nerves..cause I’m sure meeting a money figure like Mrs Perla wasn’t an easy task”
“Yes it wasn’t Mrs Elise”
She stood up and went to the kitchen. I pu-ll-ed off my flats and then arranged the Collections back in their places.
Mrs Elise c@m£ back with an orange jui-ce.
“Thank You”
I drank it and dropped the rest on the table.
And I explained everything that happened at the Sto-re
IAN POV ????
“Welcome home Sir” a maid greeted when I c@m£ in
Mr Griffin joined in with a glas-s of water in a tray
“drink this” I collected it and gulp down the whole glas-s
“We nee-d to talk” he pas-sed the glas-s to the maid. She bowed and walked away
“What is it Mr Griffin?”
I bounded up the Curvy stairs leading to my room
“About Miss Ria” I st©pped and turned to face him
“Whats about her?”
I opened my be-droom door.
Mr Griffin sighed
“I made a terrible mistake today”
“Terrible mistake? What mistake?”
“I bu-mped into Mrs Elise at the sto-re today.. So along the line she found out that I’m working for you..as a cook not -”
“what?!” My jaw dropped
“I’m really sorry about it…I had no choice but to explain everything to Mrs Elise”
“So..are you saying Mrs Elise is aware that Cas-sidy is not your daughter and that i s£nt you to Ria’s place to know about her” he nodded
“Everything.. I told her the whole plan”
I placed my palms on my face
This can’t be happening!
Now Mrs Elise will see me as a bad person!
“She un-derstands your reason for the plan but I wasn’t able to convince her against telling Mrs Ria”
“She’s going to tell Ria?!”
“Yes..she insisted that Miss Ria deserves to know since Cas-sidy is pretty close to her now”
I picked my car keys on the be-d and stormed out of the room
“Where are you off too?”
Mr Griffin called behind me
“To see Ria!”
I replied before rushing out of the house. I nee-d to see Ria! It better to face her and explain things to her myself!
RIA POV????‍
I g@sped when Mrs Elise said that Mr Griffin is not Cas-sidy’s father.
We talked about my meeting with Mrs Bryant and how everything is going to work out. The Kids c@m£ back from school when Mrs Elise was suggesting additionally style to the design. And then she broke the news of Mr Griffin,Cas-sidy and Ian’s plans.
“Yes that’s what he told me. Mr Ian did that because he wanted to get close to you. I don’t blame him.. But you know Miss Ria you wouldn’t have let him close to you if Cas-sidy wasn’t in the picture at first”
Maybe she’s right! But he shouldn’t have done that..
oh well maybe that was the only way! But
I don’t like the idea that he s£nt Cas-sidy to obtain information about me.
“And Cas-sidy actually changed the plans when she realized that it looked like they were deceiving you. So Mr Ian called me to his office and told me straight that he wanted to help”
Mrs Elise said in a calm tone
“Do you un-derstand Miss Ria?”
I shouldn’t try to a make a scene out of it. He did that to help me.
“Yes..I un-derstand why he did it”
“Okay” She sighed
“Mom someone’s car is in the driveway” Phone said as she walk into the room with a glas-s of milk in her hand. She must have seen the car from the kitchen window.
I exchanged glances with Mrs Elise. Who could it be?
“Do you want me to check?”
“No i will check”
I stood up and went to the pane. It was Ian’s SUV
Why was he here?
“It Ian”
“Mr Griffin must have informed him..go and talk him” she persuaded
I went to the door.
And Ian was almost at the front door so I met him halfway not too far from his car.
He itched the back of his n£¢k as I waited for him to talk. Ian said
“Did Mrs Elise tell you about -”
“Yes” I cuts him off
There is no nee-d for him to tell me..But wait did he come here because of that?
“I c@m£ as soon as Mr Griffin said Mrs Elise would tell about my former plans”
Oh yeah! he was here because of that!
But why didn’t he just wait till tomorrow?
“So I think I have some ma-king up to do” he said with a sigh
“You’ve lost me”
“Well I did something bad. I shouldn’t have s£nt an old man to act but I should have come straight to you. But I only did that because i realized that you don’t want me close. So I want to make for the false plan”
“There’s nothing to make up for.. Business p@rtner have no expectations of make ups… and undivided attention”
“Okay..let’s say I’m ma-king up to me then for acting like a coward”
“And that doesn’t sound businesslike”
Yes! He shouldn’t try to make things up to me!
“It doesn’t… but -” he paused
It really ha-rd to win against him when it comes to him wanting to do something for me!
“Here’s what I was thinking..I nee-d to do some stuffs at the office in the morning but I will be done by 10:00am..so call Me when you’re re-ady to leave for the sto-re so I can come and pick you up”
I found a smile on his face
“It doesn’t sound businesslike but let me do it anyways”
he said and before I could think about it. I heard myself say
“All right”
In a voice that was ba-rely more than whisper. That made him smile even broader and I got lost in it. In that smile and his pres£nce.. Ian was big,talk and muscular. He c@m£ closer.
And what’s he trying to do?
Ian leaned in closely. I stood rooted to the sp©t.
He was going to k!ssme?
I didn’t know how I knew but I did!
But am I going to let him?k!ssme?
No! I just made it clear that we are just business p@rtners!
And without doubt..I won’t let him!
“And don’t you even think of taking a taxi” he said as he stepped backward
I snapped out of thought!
I only imagined things! He wasn’t going to k!ssme like I thought!
But what if he’d tried to anyways?!
I just stood stunned and a little embarras-sed that I thought IAN WAS GOING TO k!ssME!
“Have a good night sleep”
I gave him a slow nod as he walked back to his car
He waved before entering.
I waited for him to drive off before walking back inside
“Settled?” I looked up at Mrs Elise
“Yes. And he wants to make up by driving me to the sto-re”
“So he c@m£ all the way from his place just to talk and make up?”
I nodded and I kept wondering why he c@m£ rushing here just to explain himself!
BAY POV ????‍????
“You look pretty Alexis” I complimented the maid who had a pretty rose In her hair. I moved a chair at the dinning and sat in it.
“Thanks Miss Bay” she said with a smile
I picked up a spoon and stuffed food in my mouth.
Minutes cli-cked by,and I bec@m£ irritated by the taste of food in my mouth. Bile rose up at the back of my throat from the taste. I placed my hands over myl-ips as I ran to my be-droom at a fast speed.. Then into the bathroom.
I emptied out the contents in my mouth.
I heard footsteps in my room,my mom c@m£ Into the bathroom and held my hair up behind me.
“Are you okay?” She pas-sed me some papers from the toilet roll
“I’m fine” I nodded with my head feeling light and dizzy. I lifted a hand to pu-ll myself up with my mom trying to help me by the side. I staggered a little,my vision getting blurry by seconds.
“Bay..are you okay – Bay?”
My mom called but soon her voice faded off as my eyes rolled to the back of my head,darkness claiming me as its own.
DRAKE POV ????????
“So how is the company fairing?”
My dad asked as he sipped a glas-s of champagne
“Good dad I’ve been able to run it well”
“Yeah I know son..and that why I’m proud of you”
Now I’m beginning to wonder why my dad suddenly shows up at the office. He hasn’t been here since months now..Not that I’m st©pping him from checking the company but i just want his bu-tt at home with his wife taking care of him! I’m charge now!
“And when do you think of getting married and having Kids?” He said
“What?!” My jaw dropped at his unexpected question
“You heard me son. I want children. I want to see those little things pla-ying around our home”
“Dad..dad let’s not talk about starting a family now”
“But why?”
“I’m a busy man..work oriented. I don’t have the time”
“Don’t be all work and no pla-y. I was able to have a own family as well as running the company”
“I’m not re-ady to run a family. I have better dreams for the company and starting a family now will st©p me from fulfilling it”
“No it not going to affect your dreams for the company -” he paused
“Or are you having problem with your S-xual system?.. Cause I haven’t seen you with any woman”
“I’m fine dad. I don’t have any problems. I just don’t have the time for women”
“You should make out time. Do I nee-d to hit 70 before to see your children?”
“No dad”
“So get a woman”
“It not that easy to find a woman. Dad you don’t expect to go to the street and pick any woman. I’m busy”
“Okay..then I will find a woman for you..a beautiful one”
“You don’t have to -”
“As a matter of fact I alre-ady found a pretty lady that will interest you”
“Who is she?”
“Her mom is a very good friend of mine”
“A friend… or your Ex girlfriend?”
My dad laughed
“Serena Sanders is just an old friend..and we used to be p@rtners”
“Sanders?” I repeated
“Yes Serena Sanders the wife of late Rex Sanders the famous Architect in the state”
“Oh Sanders Architectural Firm”
“Yes. His wife is the one running the company after he died”
“Is she architect?”
“Yes and her only daughter too”
“Is she famous?.. I mean her daughter”
“Not really..Serena did a good job at hiding her from the public. That why you haven’t heard about her”
“So have you met her?”
“Yes..I met her when she was about 16”
“That long dad..” I rolled my eyes
“Yeah but I can as-sure you that you will like Serena daughter. She is not one of those rich spoilt kids..Serena took her time to raise her well after Rex pas-sed on”
I rested on my elbow
“So should I set up a meeting?”
“I will think about Dad”
He nodded
“How is mommy?”
“She’s fine.. Oh! I was with Jack Bryant two weeks ago. We met at the gulf centre in Alabama. He doesn’t know anything about his industry”
“His daughters are the ones heading the br@nches while his son is overseeing their activities”
“Yeah he told me”
“And I was with Mrs Perla weeks back. We were supposed to sign a deal but it didn’t work out”
“The old lady insisted on 40% of the deal case they will be sh!pping the goods to Idaho. 40% is too much for such deal..I persuaded her on 25% but she refused”
“You should have informed me about it. I would have talked to Jack”
“Dad I’m in charge of the company now so let me run things here”
“So are you giving in?”
“No..I’m agreeing to giving out just 30%”
“But..you know it not bad to give them 40% since we get 60%”
“No dad the 40% they are requesting is for just the sh!pping process”
“Okay..then strike a deal with another sh!pping company”
“Dad you and i know that Lint corp is still the best in sh!pping things to Idaho. The guarantee is sure and safe”
“So what do you want to then?”
“I will meet Ian and talk to him”
“And you think he will accept 30%?”
“I will persuade him”
But that’s easier said than done. Ian must have warned his mom about me..How I make my deal!
That old Lady insisted on 40% without changing her mind!
“Just make sure that we keep p@rtnering with Lint Corp”
My dad stood up and cleared his throat
His words sounding like a threat!
Like something will happen if I st©pped p@rtnering with Lint Corp
“Sure dad”
“I hope so”
I followed him out of the office.
BAY POV ????‍????
I could hear hushed voices as i la-id on a be-d. Where am I?
I pry open my eyes before closing them again quic-kly due to the lights above in the ceilings
“She’s awake” i heard someone say, coming next to me. I opened my eyes again,blinking ra-pidly to clear my vision. A woman dressed in a white coat was standing by the side of the be-d
“Bay you’re awake” I heard a familiar voice say gratefully. I tried to get up but the Doctor St©pped me.
What was I doing in a hospital?
“You shouldn’t move yet” she Pushed me back down lightly. I frowned in confusion
“What happened?” My voice c@m£ out as a rasp. I looked at my mom who pas-sed me a glas-s of Water. She gave me a concerned look as I accepted the glas-s and drank it.
“Why am I here?”
“You don’t know?” My mom asked
“Know what? What should I know?”
I asked
Annoyance clear In my tone
The doctor and my mom exchanged glances. My mom shut her eyes as the doctor cleared her throat hesitating a little before speaking.
“You’re..bay you’re expecting”
“I’m..” I paused
“I’m what?”
My mind s£nt blank,not comprehending what she had just said
“You’re pregnant” she said finally
‘You’re pregnant ‘ the words echoed in my head
“I’ll leave her with you Mrs Sanders” the doctor said
“She nee-ds to get more rest,ensure she drinks more water and have the prenatal vitamins”
I could hear the doctor explaining things to my mom whose eye were on me with herl-ips pressed together.
I’m pregnant. I ca-ress a hand over my belly
There’s a life in here. And I didn’t know..I never thought of it. It never occurred to me that I was pregnant.
Seven weeks and i haven’t heard from Drake. He never called and I’ve been finding it ha-rd to accept what my Heart was telling me. That just that night didn’t mean anything Drake. I refused to accept that Drake could really chalk things up – everything we shared that night to One Night. It had meant a lot to me and I had expected a call from him which never c@m£!
Now I’m pregnant!
I’m carrying Drake’s child!
This wasn’t how expected things to turn out for me.
“Who is the father?”
I stunned out of thought when I heard my mom’s voice.
How do I explain things to her?
Tears gathered in my eyes but I have to be strong for my baby!
I will tell her the truth!
And if she decides to disown me then I’ll leave town and raise my child alone.
Cause it obvious Drake won’t accept his child. He thinks I’m a who-re..but I doubt it if he knew that he took my vir-ginity that night.
“How did you manage to get yourself into a mess like this?”
My jaw dropped
“A mess? You’re calling my child a mess?”
And I don’t think I’m re-ady to discuss with her!
I wanted to get out of be-d but she held me down
“You nee-d to rest Bay”
“No this Is my child.. and it doesn’t matter how I bec@m£ pregnant!”
Tears dropping down my cheeks. My mom sat close to me on The be-d and held my hands
“I’m sorry..” Her voice trailed
Then I relaxed. Her f!nger c@m£ on my face c@r£ss!ngmy cheeks
“You’re my sweet child Bay..and I’m not going to leave you because you’re pregnant”
She swallowed ha-rd
“Just tell me who the father is?”
“No mom..”
I sobbe-d
It really ha-rd to explain how I got my baby!
What was I thinking? Going to such extent of acting like a who-re just to be with the one i love!
“You can tell me Bay”
“I’m sorry mom”
“Yes I know you’re sorry”
I nodded
“So just tell me the truth so we can know what to next”
“What to do? Next as in..” I raised a brow
“I’m not having an ab-ortion!”
I screamed at her
“No..no..I’m not suggesting an ab-ortion! I just wanna know who impregnated you!”
She let out a shaky breath “Cause I haven’t seen any man around you..so I -”
“And whose fault is that mom?!..I’m 23 but you still treat me like a kid! I was never free! right after dad died..I felt like a caged Bird. I leave home and head to school then back home..no social life.. No meeting up with friends….never had a b©yfri£nd! I couldn’t fall in love even In college because you had eyes everywhere to look out for me. And each time I wanna mingle or love they sl@pped it right to my face that I was a momma girl. Even after graduating from college I thought things was gonna change.. But it didn’t. I gave you everything you wanted Mom. I was a good girl, I had good grades,c@m£ out with a first clas-s. I studied ha-rd thinking If I did maybe things would change instead you only made sure that I always go to work. All I do is work my as-s out at the firm.. Build Bridges and constructing buildings. You didn’t give me the freedom I craved for.
I fell in love again and made a decision that I would find that love. And i did find him..I met him. The one my heartbeat for but I did the most stupid thing anyone who was naive could have done. And if only i had experience on how to start a proper relationsh!pthen maybe all this won’t have happened”
Never giving In to the thought of regret!
“I gave myself to the one I love but It just so sad that he doesn’t care. They say he’s a bad guy but I’m not buying that cause I flowed with him freely that night. I was happy to be with him in Just one night”
I st©pped my che-st rising and falling
“who is he?” She asked shakily
“Drake Robert” Her eyes wi-de-ned in shock
I nodded
“Drake Robert is the father of my child”
I swallowed the lump which formed at the back of my throat
“Are you sure Bay?”
“Yes..I’ve never been with any man. The night I spent with Drake was my first”
“But why didn’t you tell me you were in love with Drake Robert?”
“What would you’ve done? Call him up and tell him? No! If I told you then you would have grounded me for life”
“No Bay..plea-se don’t talk like this -” her voice broke
I saw the tears drop down her cheeks
“I waited for you to bring someone you love.. But you didn’t. Then I thought you aren’t re-ady to settle down with anyone. I’m sorry my love..sorry for treating you like that. But I only did that because -” she paused
“Because of what mom?”
She sniffed
“I made a promise to your father that i would raise you well..to be the best. I didn’t want you to be like other kids who goes slee-ping around all in the name of having fun. I wanted you to be a strong willed woman..with great dignity and integrity”
“So did you get that now?..just look at me..I’m pregnant and I’m sure the father doesn’t want his child. Drake isn’t re-ady for commitment”
“No..no Bay you can’t be sure of anything yet”
“But it is mom..seven weeks ago I dropped a note for Drake before leaving the h0tel but he never called. If he wants something with me then he should have at least s£nt a text..”
“Sh sh Bay..just calm down and listen to me. I’ll blame myself for everything that happened. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I’m proud of you..I’m still proud of you even now that you’re carrying a baby in your wo-mb. My grand child”
She placed her hands on my belly..a smile displa-ying on herl-ips
“The reason why I said you should have told me you loved Drake is because..I know his father,Frederick Robert. He used to be close to your dad”
“Yes you’ve met him once when you were almost 16”
“I don’t remember -”
She nodded
“What do I do now?”
“We..we Bay. We’re in this together”
Her smile broader
“And I must admit that this is fate”
“Fate?” My forehead crea-sed
“Yes I met Frederick few days ago and he said his son is yet to find a good woman. He asked me if you were married and told him no. He suggested that we have dinner at their home to introduce you to his son. You’ve been busy at work that why i haven’t told you about it. I planned to tell you at breakfast but you pas-sed out in the bathroom”
I can’t believe this!
“I wasn’t going to f0rç£ you if you decided not to meet him. But now that you are carrying his child you have to meet him. We have to let them know that you’re pregnant”
“It pointless Drake won’t believe me”
“So do you wanna raise your child without a Father?”
I didn’t respond
“I’ll take that as a no. So we’re meeting the Roberts. We will explain things to them.. and if Drake deny his child then we will run a paternity to prove to him that the child is his”
I felt my hands itching to ca-ress my stomach
“There is going to be a hvge change” she pointed to my belly
“But don’t worry I will take care of you”
I nodded trying to place a smile on myl-ips but that didn’t work.
I took silence between us. All I could think of was,
Will Drake accept his child even after the test is done?
This gift from God. A joy my mom thinks will bring me close to Drake.
Well being with Drake is what I wanted..But,
Why,just why,do I not feel right now?.