Revenge was the plan episode 9



EPISODE 09🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇




I woke up with the biggest head ache, the sun

rays coming throu-ghout the window made my

eyes feel so-re too, I ru-bbe-d them in order to

adjust my sight to the morning light. The door

to my room opened and I saw Adam walking

in wearing some beach shorts and a polo, I

have never seen him dressed so relaxed but it

suited him just as good as his everyday suits.

He smiled.

“Good morning, Is impressive you’re awake so


“I have a hvge head ache.”

“I’m not surprised, you were drinking like if the

world was going to end. Here take this it will

help with your head ache.” He handed me two

pills and a glas-s of water. I took it

immediately and continued speaking.

” I don’t remember much, all I know is I was

drinking wine alone in my room. How did you


“Well I found you at the beach.”

“At the beach?!!!”


“I was out of my mind.”

“Definitely out of your mind.” He said with a


“What do you mean?”

“Nothing, just get a shower I’ll order breakfast

to the room in the mid time.”


“Emma…” Adam’s voice st©pped me from

getting up from the be-d.


“Cover yourself plea-se.”

I look down and realize I’m only on my

un-derwear, my cheeks blu-shed, Adam was

standing here this whole time while I just wore

a br@. I was glad only my upper b©dy was at

sight since the be-dding covered me from the

w@!st down. I warped the be-d sheet around my

b©dy and ran to the bathroom where I could

hide my embarras-sment. I heard Adam’s

laughter fill up the entire room, apparently

seeing me like this was very funny to him.

The suite of my room had both a bath and a

shower and considering how badly my head

ached I opted for the first, a relaxing bath will

be very useful in a day like this. Thankfully the

bathroom was fully equipped with all kinds of

bath salts and ess£ntial oils. I poured a spoon

of lavender salt and a few drops of jasmine

ess£ntial oil, and then some soap for bubbles.

I submerged myself in the h0t water, it felt so

good, the scent of the jasmine and lavender

was to die for, I could call this heaven. I

closed my eyes and leant my head back

against the border of the bathtub for comfort. I

noticed I had fallen asleep when the sound of

the door opening made me startle. Good thing

I used bubbles because they covered my b©dy

from been seen.

“Adam what the hell, do you ever knock on any


“I c@m£ to tell you breakfast is here. I called

you multi-ple times and as no reply c@m£ I got

worried that maybe you had pas-sed out, you

took way to much alcohol last night.”

“Good thank you, I’ll be out in a minute.”

He didn’t move an inch, his gaze fixed in me.

“What about now? You’re planing to dress me

up?” I said in a sarcastic and annoyed tone.

“Do you want me to? But have to confess I’ll

rather do the opposite, undress you will be way

more fun. Don’t you think?”

“You’re gross, go away!”

He chuckled and walked out of the room. I

took a de-ep breath and stepped out of the

bath and into the shower to rinse off the

excess of soap. After I was done and dry I put

in a bath robe that was alre-ady in the

bathroom and walked into the room.

Adam had a table arranged for us at the

balcony. The food in it looked mouthwatering,

displa-ying a hvge variety of exotic tropical

fruits, some I haven’t seen before, a basket

with an as-sortment of bre-ads, scrambled eggs,

waffles, two cu-ps of coffee and two long

glas-ses of a very bright colored orange jui-ce.

My stomach growled at the sight of such good Adam waved me to come to seat with a simile

on his face, I obligated. He helped me sit by

pu-lling my chair out and back in once I sat.

We started eating with the turquoise color of

the ocean as background. The bright rays of

sun highlighted the colorful fruits in the table

ma-king them look even more appetizing.

“So what are your plans for today.” Adam

broke the silence

“My plans? I thought I had no saying in this


“Don’t be childish Emma, we are here might as

well have a good time, can we leave the

arguments for another time?”

“Ok, you do have a point.”

“My client invited us to have dinner at his

house today evening, so we have all morning

to ourselves. Anything specific you’ll like to


“Yes, the beach, I’ll love to go to the beach.”

“Alright, the beach it is. Once were done eating

and you put on a bathing suit we can go.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I replied with a smile in

my face. Going to the beach brou-ght to me

some of the few good memories I had from

my childhood before my mom left and we

were a normal happy family. Adam returned

the smile, his perfect teeth always amused



“re-ady?” I said to Emma as she c@m£ out of

the room wearing high w@!st jean shorts and a

cream colored crochet beach cardigan her red

hair was tied in a pony tail, I would say she

looks beautiful but I prefer her hair loose. I

rented a gazebo while she got dressed, when

we arrived, alre-ady cold water and snacks


“Are you going in the water?” She asked me.

“Maybe later.”

“Ok Mr. I’m too important.” She said ma-king

me let go a laughter, Emma was sarcastically

funny and I loved it.

“Adam plea-se turn around.”


“Turn so I can take my clothes off.”

“Isn’t your bathing suit un-der?”

“Yes, but I won’t str!p off in front of you.”

“How about everyb©dy else at this beach now?”

“Adam.” She gave a glare letting me know I

had no choice. How did this woman get to me

so easy, I’m doing what she says without even

realizing it, I rolled my eyes and did as she

said, dam woman.

I watched as Emma walked to the water, she

had a gorgeous b©dy. What was I thinking

when I married her convinced I won’t even want

to t©uçh her? I was a complete fool. I watched

her pl@yand swim, here was no better view in

all Rio de Janeiro than this charming woman.

The ha-rd est thing I’ve done so far since I know

Emma was last night when I walked away from

her, I wanted her,and she wanted me but only

because the alcohol got to her, and wouldn’t

take advantage of that, I’ve done enough

damage alre-ady. All this time made me only

realize how pure and clean her soul was, as

she genuinely cared for my daughter, the

daughter of a man that only brou-ght more

sorrow to her life.

“Come on, don’t be so boring, the water is

delicious.” Emma’s voice made me come back

from my thoughts. She didn’t give me time say

something, she just gr@bb£d my hand and

pu-ll-ed me to the water with her, I took off my

polo and followed.

In the water I c@m£ closer to her, Emma’s face

showed how frightened that made her feel, my

hands reached her hair and our eyes locked

one another, I re-leased the pony tail ma-king

her hair to fall down.

“I told you last night you look much better like


“I don’t recall that.” She said in a nervous tone.

“Just be aware that every time I see your hair

pu-ll-ed up I’ll have to come this close to you

and re-lease it.”

Suddenly she splashed water on my face,

blurring my sight, I heard her laughing as I

tried to get away from all the water coming to

my eyes. I went un-der the water and gr-abber

her by the w@!st pu-lling her up and out the

water and throwing her back into the water.

She sobbe-d of laughter the whole time.

Emma wasn’t coming out, I looked around and

the water seemed quiet, why isn’t she coming

out, my heart skipped a beat then a few more

seconds pas-sed and I didn’t see her coming

out. I called her name a few times. Every

pas-sing second my worry increa-sed. Then I

heard her laughter behind me, she was teasing

me, I was mad and happy to see her at the

same time.

“I hope you know this won’t go unnoticed.”

“What do you mean.” She replied getting a

little serious.

“I’ll punish you.”

“What are you t—”

I didn’t let her finish the s£ntence, I gr@bb£d

her w@!st with my two hands and spun her

around, her back now faced me. Both my

hands went from her w@!st up her arms slowly,

only the ti-p of my f!ngerst©uçhed her and that

was enough to make her beautiful b©dy

tremble. I p@rted her hair to one side leaving

the other free, I took in the feminine scent from

her n£¢k myl-ips ba-rely t©uçhed her n£¢k, and

when I finally made it to her ear I whispered.

“Don’t you ever scare me like that agin.”

“Adam plea-se you said you won’t k!ssme.”

“I’m not going to k!ssyou, unless you want me


I couldn’t control the huskiness of my tone and

to my liking it had and effect on Emma, I saw

how her che-st was breathing ra-pidly, ma-king

her we-t br£@st go up and down and that was

enough to make me feel arou-sed, no secret

Emma drives me to insanity without even

trying. I continued talking very close to her ear,

my breathing giving her goosebu-mps all over.

“Tell me you don’t want me to k!ssyou right

now and I’ll re-lease my hold.” She opened up

her mouth to say something but not a single

word c@m£ out.

“I’m waiting for your answer my sweet Emma”

“Go to hell.” She ba-rely said in a very weak


“If you don’t answer me I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.

Say it.”

“Adam p…. plea-se …….k!ssme.”







“What?” Emma questioned my answer in a


“That’s your punishment my sweet Emma.”

She pushed me away and yelled.


Emma walked away, towards the gazebo

leaving me in the water with a wi-de simile. I

think she likes me as much as I like her, I

have an effect on her and can’t get enough of

it. I followed her to the gazebo where she was

getting dried with a towel. I could do nothing

but stare at her unable to hide the smile on my


“Where are you going?”

“Where do your think I’m going? Back to my


“Emma wait.” I gr@bb£d her arm trying to st©p

her from leaving and ma-king her turn to face

me again.

“What!!! am I f0rç£d to stay here with you too?”

She yelled at me.

“Of course not. We must eat lunch.”

“I rather die than tolerate your arrogance one

more minute, let me go.” She pushed her arm

from my hold ma-king me re-lease and

continued walking away.

“Don’t be childish.”

“Call me whatever you want, I can’t care less, I

hate you!”

“You want to k!ssme and then you also hate

me, that doesn’t make scene”

“Who do you think I am, a toy? perhaps your

who-re? Yeah, that’s it, a who-re is what I am to

you, I got paid to be here like you said it

yourself multi-ple times. That’s why you step

on my dignity at every given opportunity first

insulting me and now doing this. ”

“Did you know you look more beautiful when

you’re mad?”

“I’m a who-re Adam, who-res are never


“You’re not a who-re. Let’s go, I’ll take you to

your room.”

We walked inside the h0tel in silence, Emma

vas extremely mad I figured it will be better to

give her some time to cool down. The smile

never leaving my face, it made me insanely

happy to know how Emma felt about me.

Emma opened the door to her room, just when

she was about to walk in my hand c@m£

across the door entrance, she didn’t move, with

my other hand I closed the door again, turned

her to face me, my hands locked her as I

placed each in once side next to her face and

against the door.

“What do you want now.”

“You have the wrong idea about me.”

“You have proven otherwise.”

“I’m crazy about you.”


“Look into my eyes and tell me if you see that

I’m not been honest right now.”




“Look into my eyes and tell me if you see that

I’m not been honest right now.”

My sight reached for his eyes, I wanted to

scan this man’s soul and it looked like he was

willing to let me. Something in him makes me

get lost in his eyes, suddenly his stare was the

one now looking for something in me, I felt

drowned between his add!çting masculine

scent and his pene-trating eyes that I can’t get

enough of.

His face got dangerously close to me, my

br@in was telling me to go away but my b©dy

was acting on its own. Adam’s eyes left mine

to be fixed in myl-ips, it was like if his b©dy

and mind were disagreeing with each other just

like mine.

“You’re going to be the end of me.” He

whispered as his eyes pined mine again. I was

speechless as a shiver ran up and down my

spine. “I want to k!ssyou Emma.”

“What’s st©ping you?” I finally managed to say.

“Nothing that your eyes can’t beat.”

And with that he finally k!$$£d me. The

s-en-sation of my feet lifting from the floor

c@m£ and everything around me started to

spin. Adam’s hands gently framed my face and

moved to the back of my head c@r£ss!ngmy

n£¢k in the way, and then back to my cheeks.

After a while the k!ss£nded, our foreheads

rested against one another, at first we both had

our eyes closed but simultaneously opened


“Get the salt off your b©dy, I’ll pick you up at 5

to go meet my client.”


At five o’clock sharp a knock made me startle

as I finished applying the last t©uçhes of

makeup. I don’t know how to dress for

occasions like this, all my life all I’ve ever

done is work, dinners at fancy restaurants and

c0cktail p@rties were never p@rt of me, that’s

why I was a little nervous for tonight’s dinner. I

was wearing a wi-de leg stra-pless p@n-t

jumpsuit, the bo-ttomp@rt had thick black

str!pes and thinner white ones while the t©p

was all white. For my hair I let it loose in

beach waves, just like Adam likes and I’ll

never say that’s the reason I did it.

I walked to the door and opened it.

“You look absolutely stunning.”

“You look handsome yourself”. Adam wore a

black blazer, black trou-sers with a white bu-tton

down shi-t un-der, he didn’t wear a tie this time

and his hair perfectly combe-d to the back of

his head like always.

He held my hand and we walked throu-gh the

h0tel, outside the yellow convertible Porsche

awaited right at the door. The guy from the

valet held my door open and when I

approached to seat Adam took the guy’s place

telling him.

“I’ll take care of her, thank you.”

After a twenty minute drive we arrived at

Adam’s client’s mansion, it was very spacious

and luxurious but never as Adam’s.

Adam helped me get out of the car and

holding my hand walked to the main door to

ring the bell. Not long after a man in his mid

40’s wearing a grey suit opened the door.

“My great friend, so good to see you.” The

man said and hvgged Adam.

“Very nice to see you too, is been a while. Let

me introduce you to my wife, Emma

McRoberts.” The man gr@bb£d my bad and

k!$$£d the back of it.

“Is a plea-sure to meet you Mrs McRoberts,

welcome to br@zil and to my home, I’m Rafael

Do Val.”

“Very nice meeting you, but plea-se call me


“In that case you can call me Rafael and plea-se

come on in.”

Rafael walked us into the gorgeous house. We

sat the the living room and a maid brou-ght a

tray with snacks. Rafael asked me what I

wanted to drink.

“Water will be fine.” I said remembering this

morning’s head ache.

A very elegant woman also in her mid 40’s

approached us showing perfect whit teeth with

her smile.

“Emma plea-se meet my wife, Gabriella Do Val,

Gabi this is Emma McRoberts.”

All three of us stud from our seats. Gabriella

hvgged me in a ti-ght hvg that surprised me

since it was the first time we met.

“Oh dear is a plea-sure to meet you, welcome

to my home.”

I smiled at her and then she greeted Adam.

We talked for a while in the living room about

random t©pics. Then Gabriella informed dinner

was re-ady and we all walked into the dinning

room, surprisingly I felt comfortable around

these people, I was really having a great time.

We started eating in a comfortable silence

quic-kly interrupted by Gabriella.

“Emma sweetheart you know, tomorrow we are

going to a ball, is actually a charity ball, we

are trying to collect funds for an orphanage in

the city, we have a lot of orphans living in the

streets, I organized this with a small group of

my local friends and wanted to invite you and

Adam, I know you’re on vacation almost a

honey moon but—”

I shocked on the water I was coincidentally

drinking at the time the word ‘honey moon’

c@m£ out. The thought of what a honey moon

implies Adam and I would do got me

extremely nervous. I coughed like a mad lady.

“Oh dear, are you OK?” Gabriella said with

concern in her voice.

“Yes, yes I’m good, thank you.” I tried to

compose myself and realized Adam’s gaze

was on me and I sm-irk plastered on his face

‘as-s-hole’ I thought.

“Do you want to leave the guys alone? They

will soon start to talk about business, and trust

me it gets really boring.”

“Sure, and tell me more about this fund raising

for orphans I think I want to help in any way I


We walked away and got comfortable in the

kitchen’s long island, Gabriella started to talk

about tomorrow’s ball and how much it meant

for them to be able to help those poor children

living in the streets. I really want to help

because I was abandoned by my mom at a

very young age and even though my dad was

wonderful and tied his best the fact that my

mom wasn’t there traced marks in me and my

brother, can’t imagine what it will be like when

not even a roof if above your head. I was very

interested in the t©pic but couldn’t concentrate

because from across the room Adam will look

at me from time to time while Rafael talked.


Back at the h0tel Adam walked me to my

room. At the door he k!$$£d my cheek, said

goodbye and walked away.

“Adam.” I called his name ma-king him st©p.

He turned to me and I walked over to where he

was wra-pped my hands around his n£¢k and

k!$$£d him pas-sionately.





The morning ocean breeze ca-ressed my face

and made my red hair fly freely while I stare at

the mesmerizing blue water, I get melancholic

as I get a flash back of me and my bother as

kids pla-ying at a beach, my dad comes

running and throws me in the sand and starts

tickling me. Immediately Jason jumps on t©p

of my dad and tries to punch him in a attempt

to save me. Mom comes with a tray of

snacks, I can’t remember exactly what she said

but for sure she told dad to be careful. A tear

slides down, and I wipe it off immediately.

A hand on my shoulder makes me startle,

when I look Adam is standing behind me

showing a soft simile, and I ask myself if I’ll

ever be able to not be affected by this man’s


“I knew I’ll find you here.”

“Were you looking for me?”


“What did I do now.”

“Nothing, I just…. I don’t know, wanted to see

you. What are you doing here anyways.”

“The ocean brings me so many good

memories, it helps me clear off my mind.”

“Can I join you?”

I nodded in response to a ‘yes’. Adam gr@bb£d

my hand in his and walked a few more steps

in the sand, closer to the water, we sat in a

sp©t we liked. We both looked at the ocean,

de-ep thinking, lost and sometimes fighting in

our own demons. I broke the silence and



“Humm…” Was all he said his eyes still lost in

the water and its natural music. I don’t know if

a should ask this but here it goes…

“Tell me about your wife.” He now quic-kly

switched his gaze and was now on me, his

pupils felt like lasers shooting my way, it

worried me how he looked mad and upset, but

then it changed to hurt and pain, then to


“What do you want to know?”

I was impressed he actually allowed this t©pic.

“What happened, how was your relationsh!p

with her like.”

I saw how he took a de-ep breath and his gaze

returned to the ocean.

“We had the perfect marriage, we loved each

other very much. Amy was beautiful, elegant

and smart with a big heart and great s-en-se of

humor. When Demi c@m£ into our lives we

reached absolute happiness. We had so many

plans and hopes for Demi and for our future

children, we wanted a big family. We were

young, happy and in love, what could go

wrong? One night she was coming back from a

dinner d@t£ with her best friend, on her way

back home a drun!kdriver crashed into her car

and she died instantly, when paramedics

arrived she was alre-ady death. I not only had

to deal with the sudden death of the love of

my life but with the fact that I had to raise my

two year old daughter alone. I was a very dark

time in my life, if it wasn’t for Demi I don’t

know where I’ll be by now. I drowned myself

in my work and in being pres£nt in my

daughters life as much as I could. I bec@m£

someone I ha-rd ly know now, I started flir-ting

with every woman I found interesting and took

most of them to be-d, I don’t even know why I

didn’t care one bit about them, I just did it out

of selfishness.

“What happened to the person in the other


His jaw clenched and anger returned to his

eyes. He opened his mouth to say something

but probably had second thoughts about what

he was about to say and closed his mouth

again, then turned to face me, his eyes pinned

in mine. I noticed how his gaze softened

again, one of his hands t©uçhed my face and a

small smile formed on hisl-ips.

“Every one died that night my sweet Emma.”

The sound of a thun-der made us look up to

the sky, the sky wasn’t bright blue anymore, it

was grey, it started to get more windy in the

beach and Adam said to me.

“Let’s go back inside.”

“No let’s stay.”

“Emma is about to rain, we are going to get


“So? Have you ever gotten a rain shower? I

highly doubted Mr. Wonderful.”

I said as I got up from the sand and started to

walk backwards with arms wi-de open, twirling

around as the strong wind brushed my b©dy. I

saw how Adam looked at me in amusement

with a smile on his perfect face and I hint of

light shining throu-gh his eyes.

The rain started to pour and I st©pped twirling

and laughing to see what Adam will do, I saw

how he got up and slowly walked to me not

bothered by the thick droplets of water falling

over him, his eyes tra-pped mine, I forgot I was

soaking we-t and st©pped feeling the rain

droplets landing all over my b©dy. Once again

the entire world around me disappeared, Adam

hvgged my w@!st with one hand while I framed

his face with mine, my thumbs ca-ressed his

cheeks, we both smiled and for the first time

in my life I felt bu-tterflies in my stomach.

Something in me started to grow in that

moment, can’t figure out what it was, all I

know is it made me feel alive, more alive than

ever before.

We k!$$£d un-der the rain and it was one of

those one in a lifetime moments. I didn’t want

the k!ssto end, or the warm tropical rain to

st©p falling over our heads. My heart

palpitated and I felt how Adam’s did the same

as his strong che-st was pu-ll-ed against mine.

Adam lifted me and I wra-pped my legs around

him, now it was like a whole, new k!ssall over

again. Magic will be the right word to describe

my mix of feelings.

Holding hands we now walked into the h0tel, it

felt cold as our skin interacted with the cool

air conditioning of the building. People looked

at us like if we were some kind of rare animals

I’m sure because we were soaking we-t. Hi kwaku ome on+23354 to re-ad more stories from unlimited story platform, sweet and nice story room, fresh stories kingdom, house of story room. At the

elevator we laughed so much that my stomach

started to hurt. Adam was a complete different

person, he was laughing as much as I was, we

were acting like to two kids and he was

actually enjoying it.

At the hallway of our room he gave me a side

hvg and asked

“Feeling cold?”

I nodded a ‘yes’.

“You’re going to get sick, come on.” He

gr@bb£d my hand and pu-ll-ed me to his room


“What are you doing?

“Taking you to my room, you nee-d to warm up

if you don’t want to get sick.”

I wondered what exactly he had in mind as of

to the warmup situation. He knew what I was

thinking, smiled and said.

“Not what you’re thinking my sweet Emma, not

be so dirty minded and come in.”

My b©dy felt cold but my cheeks sure got

burning h0t and a shade of pink probably

appeared in them when Adam said this.

We walked in, his room was pretty much the

same as mine. I felt a little guilty for ma-king

him pay for this when I had another hvge room

just for me. Adam called my name from the

bathroom and I followed.

“What is this? I asked

“A warm bath.”

“I’m not going in there with you.”

“Relax woman, we can go in with our clothes

on, now if you have any other better idea …”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” I shouted.

Adam took of his we-t bu-tton down short sleeve

shi-t and hoped into the warm water. The

water looked so good, smoke same out of it

ma-king my b©dy feel even colder.

“You can just wear your bathing suit Emma,

come on.”

I took off the now cold and heavy floral beach

dress I wore above my bathing suit. Not

before gesturing Adam to turn around to give

me some privacy, he laughed but did as I


I entered the bath tub, it was very spacious

almost like a jacuzzi giving us plenty of

personal space which will be soon reduced by


“Can I come closer ?” Adam asked.

I gave him a glare but nodded yes. Who I’m I

lying to? I do want him closer. Adam sat next

to me and shifted my chin to him with one

f!nger, ma-king me look at him.

“Don’t be nervous Emma, things will go as

further as you want them to, and I’m not talking

about now, this moment, in this bathtub. I

mean in general, in this marriage.”

“Our marriage is fake Adam.”

“Our marriage can be whatever we want it to


“Exactly.” I said in an annoyed tone.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that I don’t want to make this marriage

anything than what it alre-ady is.”

“Are you sure about that my sweet Emma? It

didn’t looked like that minutes ago at the


“You think you’re the only one pla-ying a game

here? The same way you’re pla-ying with me, I

am pla-ying with you.”

“I’m not pla-ying with you.”

“Ohh plea-se don’t treat me like a child.”

“Then don’t act like one.”

“Look, I’m not your as-sistant I’m not going to

believe your sweet talk and fall in your tra-p.”

He now laughed out loud.

“My as-sistant? You haven’t let that go, don’t


“I really don’t care what you do, I’m just

bringing that up for the sake of ma-king my


“Bull$h!t, you don’t know how to lie my sweet

Emma.” He smiled softly

“You think you know everything, and you don’t.”

“You’re jealous.”

“You’re out of your mind if you think I am.”

“If it makes you feel better, I haven’t seen

Priscilla since that morning at the hospital, I

fired her, right after she left your hospital room

I called my HR dep@rtment and informed them

of my decision, they handled everything from

that point on. I haven’t seen or sleep with her

or anyb©dy else since then, I give you my


My heart skipped a beat, internally I fought the

nee-d to jump over him and k!sshim

everywhere and had to try very had to hide the

smile that was about to take form in myl-ips.

“Now, tell me Emma, what’s really st©pping

you from giving in if I know you want it as

much as I do.”

I decided to be honest.

“I’ve never…I….. ”

“You’re a vir-gin.”

“Yes.” I looked down trying to hide my

embarras-sment. Adam pu-ll-ed my head up by

gently gr-abbing my chin.

“You have nothing to be embarras-sed about,

that only makes you more perfect than what

you alre-ady are. I’m not going to lie to you

Emma, very often I find myself thinking about

having you in my be-d, all for me, all mine, I

like you soo much, you have no idea how may

cold showers I’ve taken the last few days” we

both laughed “and I will continue taking them

happily until the day you tell me you’re re-ady.