Revenge was the plan episode 8



EPISODE 08🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇





I sle-pt next to Emma in the airplane and it was

the best sleep I had in years, something in her

makes me feel at home. I carried her to the

be-d bridal style very careful to not wake her

up, I will never st©p saying that she looks like

an angel when she’s asleep.

I lied to her when I said I was tired and that’s

why I sle-pt next to her, the truth is I wanted to

feel her closer to me, I nee-ded contact with

her skin and her scent. I’m becoming add!çted

to this woman and she doesn’t even know.

We arrived at sunny Rio de Janeiro, the day

was bright and beautiful. A 2017 yellow

convertible Porsche 911 waited for us at the

steps of the airplane, a crew member arranged

our luggage in the car while we took our seats

in the car and left. I took off the jacket of my

suit and tie, place them in the back of the car.

“I’ve never seen you driving.”

Emma told me with a smile on her face, I just

looked at her and smiled back, this week away

from home I want to forget about everything

and just enjoy that beautiful smile of hers.

“Adam, is so beautiful in here.”

Emma’s smile was wi-der each minute, it made

me feel complete and I laughed. The roof of

the car was down and I saw as I drove how

she opened up her arms standing up, bending

her head back and closing her eyes taking in

the exquisite warm weather.

Emma is so full of life and is amazing to

witness such thing. Her red hair flies free with

the wind while the sun rays makes it shine in

contrast with her white skin, she looks like a

goddess and I can’t st©p gazing her way while

I drive. At this point is impossible to hide the

smile plastered on my face, Emma makes me

happy in ways I thought will never be possible

again. I wish I had met her un-der different


I opened up the door to the h0tel suite and

Emma immediately broke the silence.

“Just one room?”


“One be-d?”

“I think so…”

“Like hell I’m slee-ping in the same be-d as


“I am a gentleman Emma but if my pres£nce

disturbs you so much I’ll get myself another

room, here take this key I’m going downstairs

to get a room for myself.”

And with that I walked away.


I felt bad after all, I saw hurt in the way Adam

spoke to me, but I wouldn’t take a chance, I

can’t have him to close to me every night for a

whole week. My luggage was alre-ady inside

the room which by way the was the most

amazing room I’ve ever been in.

I explored the suite walking around. Inside the

decoration was beautiful and elegant. The big

balcony had an amazing view of the beach, the

sun was bright and warm so I sat on the

balcony for about ten minutes just to enjoy he

beauty of this city. The phone ringing inside

made me get up and step inside once again.


“Hi it’s me.”

“Oh hi Adam, everything OK?”

“Yes, I just called to let you know that my

room is next door to yours, to the left , you

can knock on my door if you nee-d anything or

call my room number 1378. I think we should

get a nap now, I’ll pick you up at seven to go

downstairs and have dinner.”

“OK, thank you.”

“Good bye Emma.”


I placed my suitcase on the be-d in order to

take my clothes out and hang them, I mean

they’re not that pretty and on t©p of that having

to wear them wrinkled will add no good. As

soon as I opened up the suitcase I noticed

that those were not my clothes. This can’t be I

got the wrong luggage, but how is that even

possible we c@m£ in a pri-vate plane.

I don’t know why something was telling me

Adam had a lot to do with this, the nerve of

this man. I stormed out of my room and

ban-ged on Adam’s door. He opened the door

with a surprised look on his face. Why did I

have to come in here? Wouldn’t be easier to

call him? I regret coming the minute Adam

opened up the door and stud in front of me

shi-tless, earth swallow me whole right now.

Adam had a perfect b©dy very toned, I should

see the muscles is his arms and a very S-xy

six pack. I could say that I got frozen, and he

knew because a sm-irk immediately formed on

his face.

“Emma, want to come inside.”

“No I don’t.” Was all I could get out.

“I don’t bite, promise.”

“Im not in the mood for your games Adam.”

“Then tell me what brings you here.”

“What did you do to my stuff.”

“What stuff?”

“My clothes.”

“Nothing, they’re in your room.”

“No, those aren’t my clothes.”

“As a matter of fact, yes they are. I just had

someone switch them over.””

“Why did you do this? You hate me so much

that you go out of your way just to ruin my day

like this?”

He gave a small smile and I could see

sweetness in his eyes, he placed a strand of

hair behind my ear and said looking into my


“Emma I don’t hate you and I don’t want your

day to be ruined , I want to see you smiling

like you did today in the car in our way to the


“You’re so confusing Adam.”

“I know.”

He then wra-pped one arm around my w@!st I

felt the skin of his ba-re strong che-st and I

wanted to t©uçh and explore his muscles but I

was to nervous to move an inch. My insides

trembled when he gave a small k!sson the


“Go and have some rest, see you at seven.”





At seven o’clock sharp I was knocking Emma’s

door she opened up after a few seconds, took

me a while to say something because all I

wanted to do in that very moment was take in

how gorgeous she looked. She was wearing a

mustard satin off the shoulder summer dress,

it had bu-ttons in the center going t©p to

bo-ttomand a thin black belt around her w@!st.

Her hair was put up and two strands of hair

were intentionally left loose on both sides of

her face. She looked older but in a very good


“Shall we?” I finally spoke

“Let’s go.”

Involuntary my hand reached hers and our

f!ngersintertwined and it felt so good.

We arrived at the restaurant of the h0tel and

the hostess took us to a table at a deck very

closed to the sea, the view was spectacular. I

ordered a bottle of wine for both of us while

we decide on the main course.

When we walked to our table few minutes ago

I noticed a guy from a nearby table looking at

Emma, I know that look very well and my

blood started to boil. Now the as-s-hole still

won’t st©p looking at her, isn’t it obvious that

she’s with someb©dy alre-ady? I’m trying my

best to hide how upset I am, I just don’t want

Emma to notice, first that there’s a guy in this

room interested in her, and second I don’t want

her to know how much that bothers me.

The server c@m£ with our bottle of wine and I

didn’t even said thank you after he poured

some wine into our glas-ses and said. “Enjoy”

and walked away.

“Is there something wrong?” Of course she

noticed my change of mood. I did a mental

eye roll.

“Why would there be something wrong?”

“Adam would it be to much to ask you to not

answer my question with another question?”

“I meant there is nothing wrong.”

“OK, whatever.” She gave me an annoyed eye

roll and looked towards the sea.

The server approached us again holding a

single napkin, he handed the napkin to Emma

and I could see that there was a phone number

written in it and a name Max. I wondered if the

smoke coming of of my ears was visible now.

“What is it?” I asked Emma with the little self

control I had left in me.

“I don’t know, it looks like a number, and then

someb©dy’s name at the bottom.” She was so

innocent that she didn’t catch what it was at

first. I looked at the guy and he had a stupid

sm-irk on his face, his eyes still on Emma

while he calmly drank his whiskey.

The thought of Emma talking and smiling with

this guy or worst k!ss!nghim, with those

add!çtingl-ips that can only be mine drove me

to the point of insanity. I snatched the napkin

from Emma’s hold and stormed away towards

the guy, this has to end and it has to be now. I

think I heard Emma’s voice calling my name

and questioning what was going on, but I only

had one thing in mind.

“You’re Max, right?”


“Good so, this napkin appeared in my table

while I was having dinner with my wife” I said

stamping the napkin on the table. “So I just

felt like I had to come and give you a little

advise, if you’re a guest of this h0tel I will

recommend to stay away from my wife

because next time you try something or go

near her I’ll break every single bone of that

face of yours, Am I clear?”

“Chill bro, I didn’t know she was married, I’m


“Yet you very well saw her with me the whole

time, just keep your distance, for your own


I returned to my table and adjusted my suit

before seating down, Emma’s stare was

questioning and confused.

“What was that?”

“I just had to take care of something.”

“Adam can you plea-se tell me what’s going on,

don’t treat me like I’m a five year old.”

“I just went and retuned the napping to its

owner, you’re married.”

She let go a sigh and said sarcastically.

“Like we are married for real and you are in

love with me.”

“Emma not because I’m not in love with you

means I’m OK with other man flir-ting with you

un-der my nose. Do you think I want to look

like a fool even if this marriage isn’t real?”

“Oh but I do have to be fine with you fv¢king

your as-sistant in your office desk every day

while you work.” She quoted the word work

with her gingers. “I’m the fool for getting

myself tra-pped in this marriage.”

“No that’s not—-” she interrupted.

“Save it Adam.” Emma rose up the palm of her

hand signaling me to st©p. “I don’t care to

listen to anything else you have to say.”

Emma was furious, if looks could kill I’ll be a

dead man. The rest of the dinner went

awkwardly quiet, I wanted to say something

but thought that at that point it will only make

things worse.

“I’m going back to my room.” She finally broke

the silence, I stud up to take her but she lifted

her hand signaling to st©p.

“No nee-d, I can go on my own.”

I looked as she walked away, what on earth is

wrong with this woman now.




(20 minutes ago)

“Emma not because I’m not in love with you

means I’m OK with other man flir-ting with you

un-der my nose. Do you think I want to look

like a fool even if this marriage isn’t real?”

A cold s-en-sation stro-ke my che-st the moment

Adam said this, was this hurt? It can’t be, I

mean I was very aware that this was a

loveless marriage, jet it hurt so much to hear

him say he didn’t love me. I’m so mad at this

man and his stupid ego, I had to get away

from him, seen him hurt, hearing his voice hurt,

his sole pres£nce hurt so I opted for spending

what was left of tonight alone in my room.

As soon as dinner was finished I left, he stud

behind looking dumfounded at my reaction.

I entered my room and tears stared to fall out

as my back rested against the now closed

door, I was unconsolably crying and I didn’t

know why.

I stud in front of the bar of the suite and it had

all kinds of alcoholic beverages, I gr@bb£d the

bottle of wine, took off my shoes and walked

to the balcony. I sat on the floor and started

drinking wine directly form the bottle.

They always say ‘you always have choices’ not

in my case, looking back in my life I never had

choices, my mom leaving me, mi dad’s

accident, having to escape from my own house

because my own brother might one day kill

me, and last but not least marring a stranger

that felt nothing but hate towards me. How

miserable I feel right now, all these

circu-mtances brou-ght me to Adam a cold

hearted man that I just realized I started having

feeling for, and I know this will destroy me.

I’m such a fool for letting him get to me, I

should’ve known better, this is all my fault. I

can’t say I wish I could go back in time and

deny his offer of marring him because thanks

to that my dad was receiving the medical

treatment he nee-ded. I paid a very high price,

first it was only my marital status but now my

heart was in it, I gave my hart in an attempt to

help my dad and I felt like I sold my soul to

the devil. Never in a million years I’ll re-move

my dad form his treatment, that was not an

option, I’ll just continue with this even if I

loose my heart in the process.

Images of Adam k!ss!nghis as-sistant flashed

in my mind and it hurt, the fact that I know this

will happen my entire life hurt even more. Life

was never fair to me, no good things c@m£ my

way I’m wicked, happiness will never be meant

for me.

My makeup is ruined by my tears, the wine is

now gone. I walk inside and wipe the dripping

makeup off my face. Suddenly that h0tel room

felt small and suffocating, I nee-d to get out of

here I nee-d some fresh air.

I walked to the beach, it was pitch black but

the sound of the waves and the tickling

s-en-sation of the sand un-der my ba-re feet felt

so soothing. I couldn’t walk straight, the wine

effects started to show but I just decided to

take a walk anyways. The warm wind from the

beach ca-ressed my face and I closed my


The hold of a hand around my arm took me

off my trance, I turned to the direction of the

hand and there he was, the last person I

wanted to see tonight.

“What are you doing here? Don’t you know how

to respect when people want to be alone?….

Ohh…. Maybe I have no right to be alone… Is

that so? Are you going to take that other right

away from me too?”

“Emma you’re drun!kand talking non s-en-se,

let’s go inside.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“What have I done now? plea-se tell me”

“Y…you don’t know $h!t, don’t you?”

“Emma plea-se listen.” He now framed my face

with his two hands and continued talking. “We

can talk if you want, but plea-se lest go inside.”

“I’m going because I want, not because you’re

telling me to.”


I walked past him, I didn’t know how sas-sy

alcohol can make me. We walked into the

elevator and it was just us.

“He deserves my sas-s for ma-king me marry

him, for k!ss!ngme, for being so effortlessly


“Did you just said I’m h0t?”

Holly cowl I did say this out loud, I will never

in my life t©uçh alcohol again. I covered my

mouth with both hands. Adam showing me his

signature sm-irk just made things worse, like

the the guy nee-ded to feed his ego, I’m so


The elevator door opened and I thanked

heavens, immediately walked out, Adam

following me. I walked into my room, Adam

still behind me, he closed to door behind him.”Answer my question did I hear right?”

“You’re an as-s-hole.”

“A h0t as-s-hole then.”

“Yes…….Yes, you being h0t make this fake

marriage ha-rd , and I hate you for that. When

you k!ssme I feel like I can loose myself and

that’s not good.” For the love of God what am I

saying? I will regret this tomorrow.

“Why so say is not good?”

“Because I’m disposable to you.”

“I will never see you in such way.”




“I can’t k!ssyou now Emma.”

“Why? you said you won’t k!ssme unless I ask

for it and I am right now.”

“There’s nothing I’ll rather do now than k!ss

you, but I won’t in your state, I won’t take

advantage of you when drun!k, if I do you will

hate me more tomorrow”

“Coward.” I yelled. I’m not recognizing myself

now. You can Join us to re-ad more exciting stories from our whatsapp and telegram page throu-gh fresh ome on+23354. But Adam’s looks as calmed as ever, not

bothered at all.

“Call me whatever you want, you’re going to

be-d now.”

“With you?”

“With me? You were the one who wanted me

out of this room in the first place.”

“That was sober Emma, but drun!kEmma is


He laughed.

“Well I have to admit I like drun!kEmma better

than sober Emma, however sober Emma might

kill me tomorrow if I do as drun!kEmma says

and I won’t take that chance. Here let me help


And with that he walked closer to me, my

drun!keyes fixed on him while he undid my

hair, he was so focused that didn’t notice me.

My hair fell over my shoulders.

“There, you look gorgeous with your hair


I don’t know what got me but in a split second

I wra-pped my hands around his n£¢k and

k!$$£d him. Adam was in shock but soon gave

in, we k!$$£d pas-sionately and I didn’t care

that he won’t love me, I was too drun!kto

overthink so I just followed my instinct.

The k!sswas pas-sionate and demanding, it

was full of thirst, we were both thirsty and

desperate. Adam walked us against the wall

never breaking the k!ss, our breathing was

agitated. I felt how one of his hands ca-ressed

my cheek while the other sledded down my

leg, then up my ti-ght and continued until

reaching my but, he held my but ti-ghtly and a

m0@n escaped my mouth, I wra-pped that leg

around him.

He then turned me facing the wall, moved my

hair to the side while k!ss!ngthe other side of

my n£¢k. Adam then proceeded to undo my

Zi-pper and my silk dress fell right at my feet.

He turned me again to face him, his hands

framed my face and he looked me in the eyes,

his eyes replaced lvst for something else that I

couldn’t perceive.

“I can’t do this, you’re drun!kand I’m not taking

advantage, you deserve more than that my

sweet Emma.”

“But you don’t want—-” a small k!sson myl-ips


“This is very ha-rd from me to do but if we ever

make love I want you to be in your full s-en-ses,

now is best that you sleep.”

He gr@bb£d my hand walked me to the be-d,

opened up the cover for me to slide right in

and walked away not before tugging me in and

leaving a k!sson my forehead.