Refugees 3 episode 6

?????Refugees ? ? ? ?

?????? ??????


?Season 3?

?Chapter 6?

? Written by Goddy Francis?



My heart leap to my feet. It’s not because I can’t k!ssDylan but it’s because Arden had to watch. I stare around this people as Thelma smiled at me. Arden gulp his drink and it seems he wasn’t st©pping. His dark hood covered his hair and he looks cute as usual.


” Can you change the dare ?” Dylan asked.


” No. A dare is a dare.”


” I’m having a headache..” Arden mutter ru-bbing his temple from inside his hood.


” It’s fine.” I said and smiled at Dylan. Arden furrow his brows and i s-en-se his jealousy. His pride won’t make him admit it.


Dylan sigh and cu-mpped my cheek before k!ss!ngme. I k!$$£d back and sm-irk before m0@n ing on his mouth.


” Oh my God. Who’s feeling the heartache ?” Connor said and that made them laugh.


I exhale and looked at Arden who doesn’t look entertained. His emotionless face sm-irk at me before looking away.


” Who’s next ?”


” Me.” Connor said.


” Arden , truth or dare ?”


” $h!t..” he mutters and take off the hood of his hoodie.


” Truth.” He replied defeatedly.


” What’s your worst S-x experience ? And when ?” Connor ask.


Arden bit his l!pand ran his hand throu-gh his hair.


” Can you change the question plea-se ?” Arden asks.


” If we change it , then you’re answering both.” Mira ch!pin.


” Yeah..” Everyone supported. Yeah , he’s a looser.


” Okay fine.” He takes a de-ep breath before speaking. I think he’s shy or something. Or maybe he regrets pla-ying.


” My worst S-x experience is ever slee-ping with an Irish girl. She didn’t ¢v-m. I couldn’t make her ¢v-m.”


Everyb©dy laughed and mocked him. Dylan chuckle and I did too.


” And that was when ?”


” In college. It’s stupid.” He sigh and I think he smiled. For once since we were pla-ying.


” Who’s up ?” Connor ask. Stacie raised her hand and smiled looking at everyone.


” Dylan. Truth or Dare ?”


Dylan sigh.” Truth.”


” Which do you prefer ? A b!ow job or an an-alS-x ?” Stacie ask with a grin.


” Someone’s going dirty tonight.” Thelma mutter and that gain a chuckle from the gathering.


” I don’t like an-al. I’ll go with bj.”


Mira almost choke on her drink as she spit the liquid back. ” That’s crazy.” She laughs.


” Next..”


” I’ll go next.” Dylan said.


” Oh.. ex college bad boy..” Stacie laughs. I roll my eyes and smiled.


” Arden , truth or dare ?”


” $h!t , me again.” Arden mutter as everyone laughs.


” It’s no big deal bro.” Dylan said. I was f0rç£d to laugh


He growl.” Truth.”


” His highness is scared of dare huh ?” Jens£n ask.


” I’m not. I just don’t want to.” Arden reply.


” If you’re ask to have S-x with any girl here , who would that be ?”


I think I heard Arden’s heart beat. It skipped dramatically. He sigh and looked at me.


” Stacie.” He managed to say as Stacie shyly blu-shed .


Wow. That was epic , nob©dy expected that.


” Who’s up ?”


” I’m up.” I said looking around.


” Arden, truth or dare ?”


” I’m not the only person here.” He retorts.


” Yeah , we know.” Connor and Thelma said. The guys chuckle as Arden sigh.


” Fine. Dare.” He said.


” I dare you to k!ssJens£n till he m0@n s in your mouth.” I said.


He narrowed his eyes and pressed hisl-ips together.


” I’m waiting..” Connor win-ked at me.


I chuckle as the guys begin to cheer him. I’ve never seen Arden this pla-yful before. He’s too bossy.


” Come on babe.” Jens£n wi-nks and that made us laugh.


” St©p acting like a homoS-xual. Damn.” Arden sigh.


He roll his eyes and glared at me before getting up. I can’t believe he’s about to do this. Thelma and Mira brou-ght out their phone as they begin to record the scene. He k!$$£d Jens£n as Jens£n m0@n .


” fv¢k.” Arden mutter as he sit back.


” I feel like to throw up. Damn I’m sick.” Arden said standing up as he went to a corner.


The guys laugh and I sm-irk. His pretty eyes glared at me from the dark before he got back. He doesn’t look angry and mad , just normal. He drank his drink and breathe in.


” I’m up.” Jens£n said. ” Thelma , dare right ?”


She sm-irk and nodded.


” I dare you to str!p. I mean br@ and shi-t. You can leave your p@n-ts on and un-derwear.”


” Holy moly.” I mutter as the guys chuckle.


” Just tell me you want to see my bo-ob s , you as-s-hole.” Thelma scoff.


” We’re waiting..” Connor said alre-ady l!çk!ng his bottoml-ip.


” Whatever.”


” My eyes are closed.” I mutter and that made the guys chuckle.


She took off her crop t©p as her lace br@ surfaces.


” Honey is wearing a lace br@.” Jens£n joked and the guys chuckle.


” Are you really taking off your br@ ?’ I ask Thelma who’s hands were alre-ady behind her.


” Stacie did that in college.” Connor said with a shy smile.


She undid her br@ and took them off. Oh my goodness , this is crazy. I won’t even dare. The guys all sm-irk at her. Arden slightly shake his head and looked at me. He was always staring at me. Dylan chuckle and nodded drinking his drink.


I couldn’t look at her nûd£ self for too long. She’s pretty in the inside though.


” Now I’m hor-ny.” Jens£n mutter.


” Okay that’s enough. Enough of the bo-ob ies show. My daddy’s angry at me for staring too long. Anyways , nice titties.” Connor complement and win-ked at her.


She roll her eyes and put on her br@. Mira who sit close to her helped her with her br@. She put on her shi-t and smiled.


” They look different this time. Better than those years in college.” A guy with the name Josh i think said.


” That wasn’t cool.”


” Who’s up ?” Stacie ask.


” Me.” Josh replied.


” Alita truth or dare ?” He ask as I gulp.


” Dare.. sorry truth. $h!t.” I ru-b my forehead and sm-irk.


” Okay. Have you ever had a first k!ss? And who ? What does it feels like ?”


Oh great. Here goes nothing. I don’t feel like saying it’s Arden and I don’t wanna lie. I feel Arden’s eyes all over me including Dylan.


” I’ve never k!$$£d anyone.”


” You’re lying.” Connor said at once. Did Arden tell him about our k!ss?


” Alita..” Dylan muse and smiled at me.


” Fine . Yes and it was Arden.”


” Oh my God.” Mira said as Stacie faked a smile. Is she one of Arden’s crush ?


” So how does it feels like ?”


” Terrible.” I lied.


” You’re lying. Arden is a good k!ss£r.” Jens£n said at once.


” Stupid fv¢ker.” Arden cuss. I roll my eyes and scoff.


” Will you tell the truth ?” Josh ask.


” Alre-ady said it.” I smiled at everyone.


” Alright. We know Arden isn’t a bad k!ss£r. Every single guy here is a damn good k!ss£r. Except you’re the unlucky one with no emotions.” Stacie spat. She’s jealous.


” I’m sorry to bur-st your bubble ,I’ve got emotions. Maybe you’re the one without emotions.” I defended.


” No. You’re the one sweetheart. At least I won’t be slee-ping with two brothers and claiming to be a vir-gin.”


That was way too forward.


” Stacie that’s enough.” Dylan scold.


” What ! You know…”


” Stacie shut up. She’s not a who-re like you. And she doesn’t f0rç£ herself on men.” Arden said.


I sigh as Stacie glared at me. She scoff and walk out of the gathering.


” That was crazy.” Mira said with her hands up as it drops on her l@p.


” Game over. We should talk about something different.” Thelma said to cheer the gathering up.


I wasn’t concentrating on her talk. Stacie made me feel stupid. How could she act so chidish because she has a thing for Arden. Arden was always looking at me and I regretted ever sitting opposite him. I feel weird and tired. I’ve drank enough from this p@rty and i nee-d to sleep.


” Maybe we should call this a day.” Dylan said.


” Yeah , I’m really tired.” I stood up and walk to a corner. I feel h0t like my system is heating up.


A warm hand wra-pped around my shoulders and I feel safe. I turn around and it was Dylan. He smiled at me as I looked at the gathering. Arden’s talking to Connor and Josh. He stare at me and shake hands with Josh and Jens£n before walking to our direction.


” Hi Alita.” I smiled and ru-b my hands together.


” I’m just gonna leave and get a drink .” We watch Dylan leave as we looked at ourselves.


” What !”


” What ? Happy freedom right ?” He ask with his hands in his pockets.


I looked at Dylan who’s talking with Connor. ” Yeah. Thanks.” I tell him as he nodded.


He sigh and look around before looking at me.


I cross my arms and sm-irk.” You know it’s unusual of Arden not to have something to say right ?”


He chuckle.” So who said I have nothing to say ?”


I roll my eyes and bit myl-ip.


” You really haven’t st©pped that ?”


” What ?”


” Always b!tt!g your bottoml-ip.”


I Chuckle and look away b!tt!g myl-ip.


” You’re doing it again.” He said calmly.


” Do you have an issue with that ?” I ask softly looking at his beautiful eyes.


” Yeah.” He nodded. I wi-den my eyes as he sm-irk.” You’re s£dûç!ng me.” He said like a whisper.


I can’t believe that almost turn me on. I’m going insane.


” I didn’t notice just mere talking to you turns you on.”


” There you go again. So proud.” I scoff and turn to leave.


His hands grip to my arm as he pu-ll me back. Connor and Dylan turn to look at us. I smiled softly at them and turned to look at Arden who’s not even bothered. I didn’t notice his hands are on my w@!st as he pu-ll me slowly to himself. If witches could be compelled then i had say Arden is using compulsion on me. I just cannot resist him.


” Why did you k!ssDylan ?”


” Shawty is jealous ?” I ask and narrowed my eyes. He sigh and roll his eyes.


” I’m not.”


” Why don’t we do this way..” I sm-irk and bit my l-ips lowly gripping to his shi-t. We were outside and I don’t even care.


” Why don’t you tell me you missed me. Why don’t you tell me how bad you always want me . I want you to tell me what you feel towards me. I want you to tell me you missed me. I want you to emphasize on how bad you want me. Arden tell me that you wished I didn’t leave and I will tell you why I k!$$£d Dylan.” I said locking eyes with him.


His hands were still on my w@!st as his eyes were glued to mine.


” I’m not sure I noticed everything you said. I want you , yes. I’ve always wanted you , yes. But I didn’t regret you left and I don’t even have feelings for you.”


I smiled and pu-ll him to myself. I ca-ress his hair and slowly slide my hands down his che-st. I breathe in and brush myl-ips against his a little. His heart skip a beat and I felt it. I sm-irk and ca-ress his hair .


” Lemme break your bones first..” I whisper still tou-ching him. He wanted to k!ssme but I won’t let it.


” I wasn’t lying when I said you k!$$£d terrible. I had to fake the m0@n s to make you feel like the boss. Each time you t©uçhed me , I had to imagine Dylan tou-ching me so that I can get we-t enough…” I whispered and I could see the jealousy in his eyes. ” And you know what ? I had S-x with Dylan last night. ” His heart leap to his feet cause of his looks.


” He fv¢ks good. I grip ha-rd to the blanket and I m0@n so loud. Loud enough to make me reach the moon. You’ve never made me m0@n like that.” I whispered and k!$$£d his cheek.


” I’m not your type Arden and I’m grateful for the freedom. I deserved it.” I win-ked at him before turning to leave.





So I’ve finally repaired my phone, who missed me

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