Protected episode 15 & 16


By Bebe Ernest

Episode 15 & 16



When I know enough time has pas-sed for everyone to be in be-d, I make my way to Magic’s room.

I knock and I get no response, I open the door and enter and she is sitting on the be-d watching me.

I climb on the be-d and position my self, my back resting on the headboard and my legs crossed.

I look closely at her and I see her holding the phone case and another small broken phone.


“What’s that?”

I ask with a nod towards her hand.

“I thought…. I thought you were angry at me?”

She says and I almost smile.

“Anger is a strong word”

“What are you then?”

I decide to ignore her question, I pu-ll the phone casing from her hand and I open the wra-p.

The br@nd new sleek iPhone falls out, she g@sps.

I look at her with my eyebrows raised.

“Don’t tell me you’ve never seen a phone”

She blus-hes.

“I have but not one this beautiful”

She says this while raising the piece of junk with a ru-bber band around it lookalike of a phone.

I nod.

I lean over her and plug the phone in on the wall socket.


“Is there any one you want to call?”

She nods…

“Your best friend?”

She nods again.

“Why haven’t you done so?”.

I ask while nodding at the thingy in her hand.

“I think its dead for ever, it won’t turn on and I don’t have the charger”.

I nod.

“No worries then, when that one powers on you can call your friend”

“But I don’t have her number in my head”

“Let’s up it come up when you switch Sims.”

I reach over her and get her new phone, I hear her pu-ll in a breath when our che-sts brush, I almost smile.

I switch Sims of both phone and I power on the phone, she squeals a little.

After a while I go throu-gh the contact list.

“So?! Is the number in there?”

She asks excitedly, I shake my head and she deflates.

“Tomorrow, we will take your other to the mall tomorrow to try and get it to power on, ok? Then we can get your contacts from it.”

She nods .

I go on to show her the things her new phone can do and soon she is smiling.

We open a Facebook account, an instant mess£nger, WhatsApp and even an Instagram account, she followed all the t©p fashion designers.

She knew them all and can even spell.

Not that I don’t think she can spell, just that am surprised she is that good at it.

I have to really find out about a university for her.

I turn to her when she tugs on the hem my shi-t, I like that $h!t.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Depends, what do I get from answering?”

She frowns confused.

“Go on, ask away”

She takes a de-ep breath and I br@ce myself, this will not be a good question.

“Why didn’t you ever arrest Selene?, I mean, isn’t ab-ortion illegal in our country?”

I nod.

“Her parents are very influential and good people, at that time I was going to but to what end? They will just get her out and am sure they will saddle me with a name, a name my company didn’t nee-d at that time.

So I locked up, and besides, her parents are like one of the major share holders in my company, good people, a relationsh!pruined like that because of their greedy, selfish daughter would have been irreparable and again , major shareholders”

She nods.

“But that doesn’t mean I won’t pay her back in her own coin itty bitty, she won’t see it coming”

She nods and i get that she totally got me.

“She will deserve what ever comes to her”

I nod.

“Of that you are right magic”

She narrows her eyes.


“You just said my name, for the first time”

I sm-irk, well well well.

Someone is observant.

“You like me saying your name baby?”

She blus-hes.

“Well I don’t hate it”

Ha sneaky.

I pu-ll her face to mine.

“Will you not hate it if I k!ssright now?”

Her eyes wi-den and I see something in there.


No way.



“Have you ever been k!$$£d?”

She blus-hes and refuses to meet my eyes by pla-ying with her phone

“Eyes on me magic”

She slowly raises her eyes.

“Have you ever been k!$$£d?”

She shakes her head no and I almost weep.

So effing innocent.

I pu-ll her gently to me and she comes willingly.

“Am going to k!ssyou now, break the k!sswhen ever you want itty bitty”

Her eye wi-den, I don’t let her say anything because I k!ssher.

At first she is motionless, I ni-bble on her l!pand she opens for me.

Good girl.

After a while she seems to get the hang of it because she k!sses me back like a pro.

I break the k!ss.

Well what do we have here.

She turns glazed eyes to me and stares at myl-ips.


I ask and she nods.

I k!ssher again, this time ha-rder and much more longer, I break the k!ssand whisper in her ear.

“You taste so much better than anything or anyone I have or will ever have”

She goes still in my arms and I frown.

“What’s wrong?”

“plea-se leave my room.”

The eff?

“You said what Magic?”

“Leave my room”

I stand from the be-d and I pace a little.

I turn to her, pissed.

“Is this what you do? You lure guys in by being sweet and when you have them grasps you ti-ght£ñ the noose?”

Hurt flashes in her eyes, but am too far gone to care.

“Was that even true? Was that even your first k!ss? Or you made that up to make you look innocent?”

She kneels up in the be-d and points to her door.

“Get out!”

“You don’t have to say that twice bitty, am going”.

I exit and i slam the door as ha-rd as I can.


They are all the same.

I enter my room and I fall on my be-d.

I think about what happened, I go over my words and…..

“Oh $h!t”

I un-derstand now why she is angry,

‘better than the one I will ever have?’

Who says that?

So tactless, justice, you moron.

I sigh as I ru-b my palms on my face.

And the harsh things I said, and after the girl gave me her first k!ssnonetheless.

Ha, justice.

I go to stand but st©p.

Tomorrow, Tomorrow.



“Hey, magic? Can you hear me?”

I turn to Alec, I must have zoned out again.

“Am sorry Alec, am a little tired”

He nods.

It’s the next morning after the theatrics last night.

How could someone be so sweet and venomous at the same time?


And beside what was I thinking?

I heard he was an aspirant for the governorsh!pposition earlier this year.

What chance do I have?

What do I have to offer.

Am never going back to him.

I feel my self getting angry as a knead the pancake batter.

“Magic?, I think you are killing the pancake”.

I st©p when I see I have almost scattered the batter.

After I set the table, I take my seat.

Everyone is pres£nt except his majesty himself.

Am beginning to feel good that he is not coming when he makes an appearance.

Ha, my life.

“Good morning family”

He greets cheerily.

“Wow you are happy.”


Julliet observes and I become angry, he shouldn’t be Happy, he is a monster.

I begin to shred my pancakes into little shreds when Justin holds my hand.

“Are you ok, little one?”

I smile sweetly at Justin and I see justice scowls at the edge of my vision.

Well take that your highness.

I lean to Justin and I feign interest in his shi-t.

“Wow, that’s a nice shi-t Justin, is it new?”

Justin raises an eyebrow and I smile so sweetly my tooth almost ached.

Alec glances between me and Mr Justin.

“Well damn”

“Alec, language”

Julliet says and countinues.

“The atmosphere this morning is severe, so can we all just go ahead and eat this delicious feté in front of us?”

I nod.

All throu-gh the meal I found all excuse to talk to Justin, I laughed, I smiled, I awwed, I frowned.

I did everything I could to get back at justice.

He scowled all throu-gh the meal and I almost smile.

Good, there is no way he will be happy and I am angry.

After the meal, I clear the dishes and i walk upstairs to bath.

I feel so good right now.

As I open my door I am yanked back and pu-ll-ed into Justice’s room., He pins my back to a wall, my hand over my head.

“What the hell was that show for?”

I blink innocently.

“What ever do you mean?”

“Don’t pl@ygames with me itty bitty, am not in the mood”

I get angry.

Oh no.

Hell no.

“Let go of me justice”

“I will let go of you when I want to.”

“Leave me alone”

He ignores me.

“What the hell was that behavior about just now?”

“You don’t get to ask that, you are not my father, then again, you are nothing to me.”

“I very well am, woman”

“If I am your woman, you would never act the way you did last night”

I yell at him and he stills.

He says quietly.

“I didn’t mean a word of last night..”

“You did justice, don’t insult my intelligence, I know you did, you even used you name for me in anger”

“I did no…”

Oh whatever.

“If you are sorry justice, just say you are”

“Fine am sorry, am sorry, I didn’t mean a word of what I said, I was an as-s”

“You were, a fine one at that”

I say quietly.

He chuckles

“So am I forgiven?”

One more thing.

“Never use your name for me in anger again justice, I like it,”

He nods and k!sses my head.

“I won’t”

“Good, and you are forgiven.”

“That’s good, now, I will tell you this, never ever flir-t with my brother to get back at me, it was a low b!ow”

I nod, “Am sorry”

“So you are gonna go get re-ady so we can hit the mall?

I nod.

But wait.

“You don’t think am using you for your money right”

“No baby, I have too much of it, you can’t spend it in your life time”

So Arrogant.

I nod, I turn to leave, I turn back.

“I have nothing to wear, well nothing that will be up to your standards”

He goes to his closet and brings out a white polo.

“Put this on over a blue jeans, tie it at the back, it should do”.

I nod, I gr-ab the shi-t and turn to leave but I turn back.

“Aren’t you going to work today”

“No magic, I want spend the day with you”

I nod.

I turn to leave.

But turn back, I open my mouth.

“If you don’t leave itty bitty, I will tie you to the be-d and have my wicked way with you.

I blus-h as I flee his room.