Priestess of kebr@ Episode 19 & 20

Episode 19.
By Amah
Lydia was enjoying her stay in Kish with her father who couldn’t hold back his Joy.
The happiness of having his daughter back was written all over him.
“….I can join my loving wife now with this joy in my heart. I know if she is looking down on us right now she will be smiling. Oh…how much I really missed her can’t be put into words. I can’t explain the gladness that filled my soul. Well, Lydia, Lukas and the entire fellowsh!pof believers are all that I got and God never disappointed us. All throu-gh those long years he kept my little daughter who has grown to be a full woman… God kept her sound and safe. How the heavens exalt his name and the earth tells of his wonders. He is a father to the fatherless. A defender of the orphan and widows. He is a way maker and his name is forever great…
Mark, Lydia’s father sang his praise to the Lord in the pres£nce of all the people who gathered for worsh!pin their local church.
They all joined him singing and rejoicing.
After the service was over. They waited behind to greet the members.
everyone c@m£ to welcome Lydia back to Kish.
A fine young man walked up to her.
“Wow, is good to finally meet you Lydia. My name is Cornelius… people generally calls me Nel. You probably won’t remember me but I had a little childhood memories of you before you were sold off. I’m really plea-sed to see you again. Welcome back to Kish…
He extend his hand to Lydia, she smiled before taking it.
Lydia had more time to greet alot of other people before going back home.
The weeks turned into a month, Lydia took over in caring for the house.
She joined other women to work in the field, she works as a nanny for a rich family. Lydia cooked and sell out to workers at a construction site.
the money she got from all of this was worth much.
And with the money Lukas also got they joined it together to raise their roof and renovate their poor home.
Nel was around to show his support in the renovation of the house.
He supplied the wood, nails and few other building materials and refused to collect money from Lydia.
Their home was turned into a beautiful one again.
Nel was the mayor’s nephew. He c@m£ from a well to do family and had his own business. His parents were believers before they died. Nel was also a believer and contribute greatly to the house of God and to the people in nee-d.
Nel c@m£ visiting one day and had time to sit, talk and sip tea with Mark, Lydia’s father.
Later he had time to speak with Lydia.
“There is a dance coming up early next month. Is organized by the mayor for all youths. I don’t think you have had anything fun to do ever since you returned back to kish. Can you come to the dance with me… plea-se?
Nel asked but Lydia was not re-ady for any fun. She had target of what she planned to start up in Kish and will not welcome any distraction.
“No… I’m sorry Nel. I can’t go to the dance. I’m pretty occu-pied this days and anything aside working and raising funds will not be welcomed.
“I can help out in any way possible if you don’t mind. But…hmmm. I un-derstand. I really wish you will go with me Lydia. Think about it… there is still enough time to do so.
Nel left.
During dinner with her family, they had a conversation that got Lydia thinking.
“You are working so ha-rd Lydia and ma-king me to look lazy. I and Lukas used to do the little we can before he traveled in search of you. Maybe if you can slow down and breath…I mean going to the dance with Cornelius is not a bad idea. He is a nice young man and ha-rd -working too. He doesn’t depends on his family’s wealth. He has enough of his own. The mayor has two daughters and no son…he takes Nel as his son after his parents pas-sed. Nel is also God fearing…he helped in establishing the Church in the heart of the city. I know you are used to so much work back in Kebr@ but you are not a slave anymore. Lydia…You are free woman. give yourself a wave of freedom, loos£n up a bit. We want to see another side to Lydia…. not the workaholic that you are turning into…. plea-se…
Mark said to Lydia. Lukas also supported his father.
She decided to go with Nel to the dance.
Nel was very happy when Lydia informed him that she has changed her mind.
She will be going to the dance with him.
Sheila tried asking her mother again but it was still the same old reply.
She smiled without another word and walked out.
Her next plan was on Dembe. She has alre-ady started acting all nice around him.
She even pretend to be interested in Dembe’s God because she knew that is another way to get to his heart.
But Dembe saw throu-gh her, he felt it that Sheila was up to no good.
Sheila tried getting acquainted with Caleb, Dembe’s son. She bought him gifts and try pla-ying with him.
Dembe could not take it any more, he confronted her.
” What do you really want? I don’t un-derstand all this your sudden kindness. St©p the pl@ybecause that’s not who you are. I can see throu-gh you my lady and is obvious you have an agenda…spill it out… what exactly do you want?
Sheila smiled before saying.
“Oh Dembe… I’m not up to anything. I just want to be close to my nephew. I don’t want him to see me as a difficult Aunty. I also want to show you how much I truly care and be there if you nee-d me. Aprin’s dep@rture has been ha-rd on all of us. I un-derstand how ha-rd it is and I won’t mind robbing your shoulders if you nee-d me to… even acting as Aprin in anyway you may want. I will listen to you talk about your God, listen to those boring stories that you usually tell Aprin…give you a shoulder to lean on. Things like that…
“Your name is Sheila and you can never be Aprin. There is still time for you to turn back from your wicked ways and embr@ce the light. You are manipulative and cunning but is unfortunate that I see you clearly…more than Aprin saw or even the priestess. Get behind and keep your distance from my son.
Dembe walked away with Caleb.
Sheila folded her fist angrily and punch into the air.
She looked around if someb©dy was watching.
She left and decided not to make fool of herself again.
Sheila wondered how Dembe was able to know what she was upto.
As she thought of it over the night she decided to try again.
After three days she c@m£ knocking on Dembe’s door in the night when everywhere was very quiet.
When Dembe opened the door she began to sob heavily.
Dembe watched her in silent as she went on with her drama.
“What is the problem my lady….why are you crying?
He asked with a concerned tone.
“Bash went drinking with his friends and when he returned I questioned him of his whereabout he descended on me and started…sta…t…plea-se let in so that I can explain better…a servant may see me or even eavesdrop on our conversation. I just nee-ded someone to talk to. I beg you in the name of the God you serve… give me a listening ear and I will be off.
She began to sob again…
Dembe moved away from the door and she went inside.
Ever since the pas-sing of Aprin, phatsy has been taken care of Caleb in Dembe’s abs£nce.
she makes sure Caleb is re-ady every night before be-dtime.
He sleeps in the same chamber with his father and only allowed out doing the day and it must be phatsy.
Caleb was slee-ping on his be-d when Sheila entered.
Dembe knew it was a bad idea allowing her to come into his chamber but he will feel bad to s£nd her away in such a devastating state.
He was not comfortable with Sheila in the same room after seeing that she has pu-ll-ed down the shaw she used to wra-p around herself.
Her inner cloth was very glaring.
Dembe suggested they sit outside instead of the room but Sheila insisted in staying.
She moved close to Dembe se-ductively, still pretending to sob bitterly.
Sheila pretend to be looking for a comfort but Dembe gently pushed her away.
She paused from her drama and said
“Let’s be quiet with this Dembe so that we don’t wake your son up or attra-ct anyb©dy. Bash has been starving me in be-d…I can’t take it anymore. No one will have to know if anything transpired between us tonight. Nob©dy will ever know… i promise. plea-se Dembe don’t say no to my nee-ds or I may die.
Dembe moved towards the door, creating enough distance before saying to her.
“The God who sees in secret will know because nothing is hidden before him. plea-se leave now… whatever you have to say can wait till morning except there is more to you showing up at my door this late hour. plea-se Leave I beg of you…
“I’m not leaving and I know that you can’t throw me out Dembe. I have alre-ady pu-ll off my night shaw and you have seen my n@kedness. Ever since Aprin died I know you haven’t t©uçhed any other woman since then. I’m available and i de-sires your t©uçh. If you don’t do as I wish I will scream so loud and everyone will gather here…I will tell them that you tried to f0rç£ me into be-d…
Dembe quietly walked to Caleb’s be-d and lifted him to his shoulder.
Sheila watched in silence wondering what he intends to do.
Dembe carried his son and started moving towards the door. He suddenly st©pped and said.
“You can have the room. But next time try to think of a better trick. I thought you were smart than this? How can you even be right in my chamber and still planning to scream so that you will tell people that i try to f0rç£ you into be-d. How did you get into my chamber in the first place… what are you looking for? Why are you half dressed? This are the questions you should have thought about before sneaking down here with your crocodile tears and lies. Get behind me devil….
Immediately Dembe stepped out with his sleepy son on his shoulder. he was shocked to see the priestess standing by his door.
He couldn’t utter a word at first.
“Don’t panic Dembe. I know what my daughter is capable of doing. I was sitting out in the dark close to the fountain wondering to myself when i saw Sheila sneaking down to your chamber and I followed quietly behind. I’m glad and very proud of you Dembe that you did not fall for those her cheap tears and act. How could Sheila come to you like a temple pr©st!tût£without shame??? what kind of evil spirit possesed her???…..
Immediately Sheila heard her mother’s voice talking to Dembe outside the door she gr@bb£d her Shaw and wra-pped around herself before leaving the room.
And without saying a word  she shamelessly walked past her mother and Dembe.
Dembe g@sped out in relief. He thanked the priestess and returned to his chamber with his son.
Episode 20.
The priestess was busy with visitors all day. She had planned to see Dembe earlier but waved it off.
Some of the visitors wanted her to consult the gods for them and also to pres£nt their gifts both to her and to the gods.
She was cold in carrying out her normal duty. Despite she has served as a priestess all her life which was pas-sed down from her mother to her and she was supposed to pas-sed it on to her first daughter or the one who has the people’s interest at heart.
Aprin fit into the role perfectly but instead she chose her own just curse. An unseen God who does unimaginable things according to Dembe.
And now the mixed feeling she gets about this God is disturbing.
Her heart was greatly troubled even when she is carrying out little tasks in the temple like burning incense or her early morning worsh!pto the gods it wasn’t as it used to be
Consulting the gods for her visitors and pres£nting their offering becomes difficult which was uncommon.
It used to be a thing of joy for her before but she was gradually loosing interest.
The priestess wondered how Dembe’s God had so much influence on her or did he cast a spell.
With all this trouble crowding her heart she decided within her that she was going to summon Dembe.
The moment she thought of doing that she saw Dembe walking towards the visitors lodge where she was.
He st©pped to say something to Phatsy and she smiled sheepishly.
“Is Dembe picking interest in Phatsy? That will also mean the slave girl’s freedom if Dembe decided to marry Aprin’s personal maid…
The priestess wondered as she sat and waited for Dembe to come.
“My kind greetings mother…”
Dembe greeted and waited for her permission to enter.
After he was asked to sit he began to speak.
“Thank you once again for the other night with lady Sheila. You c@m£ just in time. I’m here to give a complain. I’m still not permitted to step out freely like I wish to do. The men guarding the gate said you have not lifted the ban… that I have to take permission from you for every movement that will involves stepping out of the gate.
“Very true Dembe. You are bonded to this household. Marriage to Aprin makes you p@rt of the priestess household. I know Aprin, my daughter is no more but it changes nothing because your royalty lies in this place. I also…
Dembe quic-kly interrupted.
“Pardon me for interrupting. My greatest de-sires is to travel back to Gwali someday. My parents and many other people might have died or captured during or after the war but I still want to go back home to know how the land is faring. Gwali blood still runs in my vain not Kebr@… I want to take my son back to my people so that he will know where his father originated from. Is over a years that Aprin pas-sed. I really want to step out of here once in a while and know what the outside world looks like…I beg of you great mother. Sometimes it feels like I’m in prison and only limited to this long walls…
“Okay Dembe. you can step out once or twice in a week but that will be without Caleb. You can’t expo-se him to the public eyes. He is a special seed.
Dembe look up at her with a straight face.
” Every child is special. I hope you are not still considering him for some barbaric offering to your gods because that will never happen. Pardon my tone but my word is my bond except you will kill me first. Caleb belongs to the God most high. Just like me and Aprin too before her transition. I will obey every other law here but I will keep my distance from shedding of blood or anything like it…
He expected the priestess to flare up or curse him like she used to do in the past whenever he challenges her but she did not react negativily.
Instead she said calmly
“Your stubbornness is just like that of Aprin. But very soft at heart. For Aprin sake no harm will come to Caleb. I give you my word on that. You are free to take a peep at the city anytime but make sure you return on time and do not leave with Caleb. Remember is once or twice within the week. About going back to your home town Gwali, I doubt how possible that will be. I have alot I wanted to ask you Dembe… is a good thing you c@m£ Just in time because I have been wanting to summon you up here. Is about your God…is it the same God your people worsh!pin Gwali? plea-se tell me more about this invisible God…
Dembe was surprised to hear her say that. he looked into her eyes and saw that she was serious about knowing the true living God.
He breathed de-eply, bent his head for sometime before saying.
“My people worsh!pped Zulu until the greatest change c@m£ throu-gh some missionaries. I saw God use this people to do great things… their words were like prophecy which later c@m£ to pas-s. They said ha-rd time will come but we should be in good cheer and that ha-rd time was the war that broke us into pieces. We couldn’t cheer or rejoice in it…I was angry with God for so long because I don’t un-derstand why a loving God will watch us go throu-gh so much trouble and ha-rd sh!pwithout doing anything. I didn’t un-derstand much then untill I met a young servant girl here in Kebr@…. called Lydia who led me to Jon the tent maker. This people opened my eyes to the de-epest things of God. Jon thought with the holy spirit direction and every if his teaching was an eye opener….it sink de-ep. God is real…is only a foolish person that says there is no God. Every other God bow down to him because he is omnipres£nt. I have experience him and he erased every fear and doubt that sat on my salvation. The greatest loss in life is not death, is dying without embr@cing the throu-gh light. See… every thing in this life will eventually pas-s away but the word of God stands firm forever. God is a loving father who does not want his people to perish in sin and that was why he s£nt his…
There was a cl@p sound coming behind Dembe.
He turned and it was Sheila, she was smiling mischievously and cl@pping her hands.
The priestess did not even noticed her coming, she was taken by every of Dembe’s word and was hungry to hear more.
“Oh I see, you finally got acquainted with my mother. I see why mother took a defensive wings over you instead of me which was really unlike her. I hope you are not selling those cheap lies that you sold to Aprin before she died….I hope you aren’t selling them to mother? Anyway, I trust mother… she is a priestess, a dedicated one. A mouth piece to the gods. She can never show interest in another God aside the one she is bound to serve for the rest of her life and the same one I will worsh!pand even draw blood for….
“What do you want Sheila??
The priestess asked interrupting her.
“I’m here to see you mother. s£nd this infidel away because I nee-d to speak to you pri-vately…
Dembe stood before the priestess will protest over Sheila’s word.
“Is okay, I will be out. plea-se let me know when you nee-d me. I’m taking a short evening walk. Caleb will be with phatsy. I will return soon…
Dembe left. He was going to the tent maker’s house but is going to be a long walk. He decided to ride on a pas-s£nger carriage going towards the lone road.
As he got closer, he paid the carrier and went down.
Dembe walked throu-gh the rest of the journey before he got to Jon’s house.
“How plea-sant to see you again Dembe.
Jon exclaimed happily.
His wife joined in.
Hannah c@m£ out to greet cheerfully.
Dembe’s heart was lifted the moment he saw Hannah. She has added extra height from the last time he saw her.
Jon sat to talk with Dembe while his wife makes evening meal with Hannah.
Dembe told Jon about the priestess and her de-sires to know God.
Jon was very happy as he told Dembe that there is nothing God can not do.
They talked more on de-ep things about Godly until Dembe began to feel a strong urge to start going.
He was shock to know that Lydia had traveled back to Kish.
He had wish to see her even if just once but she was gone and don’t intend to come back to Kebr@.
Jon said they have not heard from her for months now since she went back to Kish with her only brother.
They all missed her and will keep praying for her.
Dembe couldn’t eat the food he was offered. He took the drink and thanked Jon and his wife.
He told them he nee-ded to go he doesn’t feel comfortable with himself.
Jon un-derstood and asked him to run ahead after they held hands and make a short prayer.
Hannah waved goodbye to him as he ran off.
Dembe ran all the way from lone road until he got to the market and paid for a carriage ride that took him home.
He wondered what was wrong, his mind was on his son.
He silently prayed that nothing bad happened to his son.
As he entered the priestess big gate, he saw the servants in great panic.
There were guards all around and they quic-kly siezed him the moment he stepped inside.
Dembe was confused about what exactly was going on.
He began to hear Sheila’s voice from behind as she approach him.
“Yes, he is the man that stabbe-d my mother…the great priestess to death. Yes he stabbe-d her with a knife and ran out but the gods dragged him back. Sieze him because he must die by tomorrow evening for Killing my dear mother. I’m glad she made me the next priestess of Kebr@ before she died… I’m in charge now. This man called Dembe must die a painful death and I will s£nd the search squared to fish out wherever he hide his son. His son will be offered to the gods… the gods required blood sacrifice for cleansing.
She moved very close to Dembe and said.
“I told you I will deal with you Dembe. You are going to watch me roast you alive. Aprin is dead and mother just died… nob©dy will save you or your son from my claws. You are totally finished… wretched infidel like you…
Dembe was dumb founded to hear that the priestess was stabbe-d to death. He was with her earlier before Sheila showed up and wanted to talk with her.
“Before you take me away, plea-se let me see the priestess. I want to see the priestess plea-se……
Dembe cried out in anguish.
Sheila refused. Bash was there and ordered the guards to let go of Dembe but Sheila said she was the one that gives the order and nob©dy else has that right not even her husband.
As they were arguing
Dembe suddenly pu-ll-ed away from the guards grib and began to run towards the priestess chamber.
They ran after him, he got to the door and quic-kly entered inside.
Bash tried to distract the guards from coming after him but Sheila was in action.
Immediately Dembe entered the big chamber he quic-kly locked the door firmly behind.
He rushed to the priestess whose b©dy was cold and with no breath.
Dembe cried out in terror.
“God no… plea-se no… Don’t let this to happen. She was about to be saved father… plea-se revive her. plea-se give her another chance. Oh Lord…I beg you. Not for my sake but that your name maybe glorify throu-gh this. Oh God plea-se…oh Lord…
Dembe kept crying as tears poured from his eyes.
The priestess had a knife tucked to her stomach.
Blood filled up everywhere, she l@ylifeless on her be-d
There was a heavy ban-g on the door and once they break in dembi will be taken away and tortured to death.
Sheila was out to destroy him and everyone that stands on her way.
Dembe knelt beside the priestess not knowing how to pu-ll out the knife from her stomach.
He kept praying and crying out.
He tried a little pu-ll and noticed that the priestess winced in pain.
He was surprised and tried again and again.
“You have to get a physician to do that Dembe… I still want to hear the rest of what you were telling me this afternoon. I’m very much interested now than ever…
The priestess spoke quietly with pain in her voice. her cold b©dy was filled with warm all of a sudden.
Dembe opened his eyes very wi-de to be certain he heard her spoke because her eyes remain sh0t.
She opened her eyes and managed a smile at Dembe.
Just then the door was broken ap@rt and the guards rushed in with Sheila to take Dembe away but they suddenly paused when they saw that the priestess was alive.
“No harm should come to him or my grandson… Dembe will remain here with me….
The priestess warned with a shaky voice before closing her eyes again.
Dembe saw she was very weak and couldn’t speak another word.
It was shocking as Dembe began to scream for someb©dy to fetch a physician.
Bash rushed out with some guards and returned with a physician who managed to pu-ll off the knife.
“The priestess lose alot of blood but she is going to live. Whatever magic power that kept her alive is baffling… she will live because all her organs her responsive….
The physician said shocking everyone even Sheila who stood with her mouth opened.
Sheila cried out with a total shock.
“I saw her die. She was dead…my mother…the priestess died and I confirmed it. How is it possible that she is still breathing. She was confirmed dead….this can’t be happening…. no…no…
Sheila ran out in terror and all the guards that c@m£ to take Dembe took a bow at the priestess whose eyes remain closed.
Everyone left the room except the physician and Dembe who remain speechless at whatever that Just happened.
He watched as the physician began to clean the priestess blood and sew up her de-ep knife wound.
He did not leave her side just as the priestess wanted.