Personal as-sistant batch 15

All James wanted to do was call her. He
wanted to tell her that he nee-ded her and that
he loved her. But he knew that no matter how
many times her phone would ring she wouldn’t
pick up.
He was sitting in his office, blankly staring out
of the window when there was a knock on his
door. “Come in.” He said not looking away
from the window.
“Mr. McGregor, your tux is re-ady and your
limousine will be re-ady to pick you up in an
hour,” Natalie said smiling.
“What? What tux?” He said turning towards her
furrowing his brows together.
“For the event, you know the charity gala?
Tonight? don’t tell me you forgot.”Natalie said
crossing her arms.
“I’m not going,” he said looking at the window
Natalie sighed as she looked at her boss. Over
the last few days, the man had changed
significantly. He hadn’t shaved in a couple of
days, and every day he would stay and work
late. At this point, she had felt bad for Johanna
and s£nt her home at five and would stay
behind herself.
“You know boss, she will be there.” She said
taking a step closer to his desk.
“What?” He said turning back to look at her
with big eyes.
“Her boss can’t make it, so she’s going in his
place.” Natalie said hoping to get him out of
this rut.
“Really?” He said.
“Yes really, so you’ve got to go.”
“What’s the point?” He said standing up and
leaning against the window. “She nee-ds time
she said. So I am giving her time.”
Natalie sighed and walked over to him. “Look,
I know that I am just the secretary and that I
am way out of line here. I can see what she
means to you. And I can see how this is
hurting you.”
James was about to reply and turned to look
at her, but Natalie cut him off.
“Don’t! Look, I know you love her and she
loves you, it is as simple as that. Now you’ve
just gotta go to that gala and get that girl.”
Natalie said gr-abbing his shoulders and
shaking them.
James was surprised by the behavior of the
secretary, but somehow let it happen.
“It’s not as simple as that.” He said. “At least,
not for her.”
Natalie sighed looking down at the ground. It
was then that she realized that she was still
holding his shoulders and quic-kly let go. She
let out an awkward cough and straightened her
shi-t. “Oh… I know it isn’t. But it would be nice
if it was.” Natalie said.
“What do you mean?” James said with
furrowed brows.
“Well you’ve got to admit, the mansion was
quite much,” Natalie said. When she saw the
look of confusion on his face she continued. “I
mean, it is sweet and all, but it is also quite
scary. Having your future set like that. Plus
that whole baby room? Did the two of you ever
even talk about having children? Did you two
every talk about that?”
“No, not really…” James sighed.
“I think that’s why she wanted time. It was too
much at once.”
Elizabeth practically ran out of her ap@rtment
once she finished putting on her go-wn.
God, I am late! She thought as she stepped
into the elevator. quic-kly she put on her shoes
and her earnings in right before the elevator
doors opened.
With longs strides, she walked over to the
entrance only to find that her ride had alre-ady
left. “$h!t…” She muttered un-der her breath.
“Is everything alright ma’m?” Wallace said
walking over to her. “And might I add that you
look stunning tonight.”
“Thank you, Wallace. And well, not really I am
late you see and my ride left.”
“I’ll take care of that right away ma’am,”
Wallace said walking back over to his desk.
“O you don’t nee-d to, I can take a cab.”
Elizabeth protested.
“A woman looking like that deserves a better
ride than that,” Wallace said gr-abbing his
phone. “Trust me, I’ll get you there in no time.
In style.”
Wallace was true to his word as only several
minutes later a limousine stood in front of the
building with a chauffeur holding the door open
for her.
“Oh, Wallace you’re the best!” Elizabeth
exclaimed k!ss!nghim on the cheek.
“I do try ma’m. I do try.” He said with a
chuckle as he waved her off.
James had looked everywhere for Elizabeth,
but when after an hour of waiting she still
hadn’t arrived, he as-sumed that she would not
be coming after all. He sighed as he walked
over to the nearest chair and sat down, putting
his face in his hands.
He didn’t even bother to look up when
someone sat down next to him. It was only
when the man started talking to him that he
looked up.
But then something else caught his attention…
There she was. Looking as stunning as ever.
He watched her as she walked into the room,
looking around and looking slightly rushed.
She was wearing a floor-length, red, off-
shoulder go-wn that fit her ti-ghtly, but flared out
at the bottom. Her hair was curled into, what
he could only describe as an old Hollywood
glamour style with loose waves.
Slowly he stood up from his chair, ignoring the
man beside him and made his way over to
“Miss Waverton!”
Elizabeth turned as she heard a voice come
from her left, calling her name. It was a young
man, probably not even allowed of drinking the
champagne that stood on the platter that he
was holding. His hair was short and blonde,
buzz cut and his full of excitement as he
looked at her.
“Miss Waverton, it’s good that I catch you at
his time. The gentleman over there told me,
that as soon as I saw you, I should ask for you
to join him.”
Stunned by this Elizabeth looked in the
direction that the young man was pointing in,
quite frankly she saw no one that she
recognized. “Who if I might ask?” She said
furrowing her brows.
“Mr. Daimon ma’am.”
“Alright, thank you.” She said walking away
from the boy and over to the direction of the
To be honest she still had no clue who that
man was. But apparently, that man did know
who she was. What would he want from her?
She thought as she walked throu-gh the large
crowd of people.
James was halfway to walking over to her
when he was st©pped by a business as-sociate
of him, who wanted to introduce him to his
wife. James quic-kly shook their hands and told
them that he had to go, but the second he
turned around, she was gone.
“$h!t.” He muttered un-der his breath as he
started looking around the room for her. The
only problem, however, was that the entire
room was filled with people, ma-king it ha-rder
to find her…
Elizabeth didn’t quite know to whom she was
walking over to until she heard her name once
more. This time it c@m£ from a man who
looked to be more her age. He had dark hair
and a well-kept stubble on his face.
“Miss Waverton how nice of you to join me.”
He said taking her hand and placing a soft
k!sson it.
Perplexed by this Elizabeth quic-kly pu-ll-ed
herself together and said, “Mr. Daimon I
suppose?” whilst pu-lling back her hand.
“The one and only.”
Elizabeth had to admit, he was quite charming.
“Why did you want me to join you?”
“I have a business proposal.” He said getting a
little bit more serious.
“I don’t un-derstand,” Elizabeth said crossing
her arms.
“Well, you see I want to make you a job
“I’m going to have to st©p you right there sir,
I’m not looking for a new job, nor am I
interested in becoming a personal as-sistant
“I un-derstand, and though you are a very
capable personal as-sistant it was not the job I
was reverting to. I want you in a different
position, you are far more usefull then just a
personal as-sistant.” He said smiling at her.
It didn’t take long for James to sp©t Elizabeth
again. The only thing that struck him as odd
was the person she was talking to. quic-kly he
recognized him as Mark Daimon, a competitor
of his. Jealousy coursed throu-gh him as he
watched the two of them talk. It was only
when he caught a glimpse of her face that he
knew she wasn’t too happy with the man.
He started walking over to the two of them and
on his way gr@bb£d two champagne glas-ses
from a waiter walking by.
“Ah there you are darling, I wondered where
you wandered off to.” He said walking up to
Elizabeth from behind her.
quic-kly she turned her head to look at him. For
a split second, he saw the surprise on her face
but then she said. “Well, luckily I didn’t wander
off that far.” She said as he handed her one of
the glas-ses.
“Very true, I still got you your champagne in a
very reasonable time,” James said placing on
hand around her w@!st.
“Ah Mr. Daimon, have you met my fiance yet?
James McGregor Jr.” She said turning back to
the other men.
“Yes, I have, good to see you again James.”
He said with a nod.
“Good to see you again.” James countered.
“But if you don’t mind, then I ‘m borrowing my
fiance for a moment.
“Not at all,” Daimon said with a f0rç£d smile
on his face.
James and Elizabeth then proceded to walk
away from him. “Thank you, thank you, thank
you,” Elizabeth whispered in his ear as they
walked away.
James smiled and replied, “Well it’s the least I
can do for my Fiance.”
Elizabeth chuckled sma-cking his che-st.
“Ouch, I must say though I don’t recall asking
“O shut it, b©yfri£ndsounds so juvenile.”
“Well, I didn’t mind being called that, not at all.
You just took me by surprise that’s all.” He
said placing his hand on the small of her
“Well don’t get too used to it.” She said with a
mischevious smile on her face as she re-moved
his hand and walked away again.
“Wait!” He yelled after her.
He heard her laugh as she disappeared in the
crowd again. “Then catch me, if you can.” She
“So what do you think?” James said holding up
a blue tie.
“I’m not sure…”
“What’s wrong with this one?”
“I don’t know, it’s just not right,” Elizabeth said
walking over to his closet.
“Then do tell me what is right.” James replied
“O don’t worry, I will.”
James smiled, as he shook his head watching
the woman before him intently. Standing on
her toes she tried to reach the t©p shelf, her
f!ngersba-rely tou-ching the fabric above.
“Let me help you with that.” James said
walking over to her.
Elizabeth was about to step away to let him
gr-ab the tie, when she felt his hands on her
w@!st. Before she knew it she was lifted up
and the tie was at eye level.
She let out a little yelp, ma-king James laugh
as she gr@bb£d the tie.
“Very funny.” She said handing him the tie.
“So what the plan?”
“What do you mean?” She said turning around
to face him.
“Are we on for dinner?”
“Not sure. I mean I have meetings all day and
so do you. Plus you have this thing with Mr.
Yamato remember.” Elizabeth said as she
straightened his tie.
“Good point.” He said putting has arms around
“How bout this, I’ll call you at five, you tell me
we-ther or not you can make it and then I’ll
make reservations at the Pompadour.” She
said giving him a quic-k pe-ck on the cheek,
before gr-abbing her purse and walking out of
his ap@rtment. “But right now I gotta run, so
see ya tonight!”
James smiled and shook his head as he
watched her leave.
“Goodafternoon, this i-” Natalie started as she
picked up the phone.
hvgE!” The voice on the other end of the line
“Mattie?” She said flin-ching away from the
phone. “What are you screaming about?”
“Sorry! but you’ve gotta hear this. So today Mr.
Urrick walked in talking into his phone about a
certain Ms. Waverton.”
That was the s£ntence that really gr@bb£d
Natalie’s interest. “Why was he talking about
“Well that’s the thing, you see I didn’t know.
But at that moment, things were quite busy so
I stayed put. Then once I had the change to
sneak away I went up stairs with his post.
Usually Micheal does that, but I told him that I
was going up anyways so… Well, to get back
to the story, so I went up the stairs and into
his office.
So there he was sitting behind his desk,
talking to a guy I have never seen before. Then
I heard them say: Trust me, this girl will be
worth it. Especially with the pay she’ll be
“So why would that be about Elizabeth?”
Natalie said not quite following the story.
“Well I got a glimpse of the email that they
had s£nt her… They’re offering her everything…
I mean, they want her for a job on the west
coast. But they’re offering a house, all
expenses payed, and on t©p of that she’ll be
getting a salary that is at least four times
“What makes you think she’d accept?” Natalie
said frowning. “I mean she’s had ridiculous
offers in the past. She never said yes to any of
them either.”
“I don’t know, but she’d be stupid not to take
it.” Mattie said.
The two of them continued on their
conversation until they both realized they had
jobs to do and got back to them.
Then around four Natalie got a phone call on
her cell phone. Looking down at the caller ID
she noticed that it was Elizabeth. Slightly
confused she picked up the phone.
“Hello?” She said sounding unsure.
“Hi…” Elizabeth sighed. “Have you got a
“Sure.” Natalie said curious.
“I nee-d your advice. I got a job offer… A really
good one…”
“Go on…” Natalie said as a man approached
the front desk. He was about to say something
when Natalie held up a f!nger indicating for
him to wait.
“Well I don’t know what to think. I mean the
pay is great. The job itself isn’t really up my
alley but… Well god, Natalie, everything is
payed for, hell he’s even offering me a house…
The only problem is… Well…”
Natalie on the other hand was gripping the
phone with two hands. Patiently waiting for
what her friend would say. In all honesty she
wasn’t expecting this at all. She had never
heard Elizabeth take any of the offerings she
had in the past…
The man in front of her started to grow
impatient as this woman was obviously not
having a business call. He tapped his foot in
annoyance and he looked down at his watch….
“Excuse me I.” He started but was soon cut off
by Natalie.
“Shhhh.” She said holding up a f!nger to her
“I have an appointment.” He stated, angered by
the secretary.
“Oh keep your socks on. “Natalie replied as
she waved over one of her collages.
“Look lady, I-” The man started but was cut
short once more.
“Here’s Mary, she will help you now.”
The man was about to reply when Natalie just
walked away.
“Alright now go on, what’s keeping you from
taking it?” Natalie said to Elizabeth.
“Well first of all it is in a business setting, so
no more architecture. Which is what I prefer,
and to tell you the truth it doesn’t suit me at
all. And it would also require me to move to
California. And that would be away from…”
“James…” Natalie breathed out.
“Yes?” A voice said behind Natalie, startling
quic-kly she spun around and was face to face
with James himself. God what is he doing
here? She thought as she quic-kly muttered a
I’ll call you back later to Elizabeth.
“Is everything alright Natalie?” He said brows
ever so slightly furrowing.
“Yes!” She said a little bit to loud. “Yes,
everything is fine. Is there anything I can help
you with?” She said standing up straight.
“Yeah, there actually is… I cannot seem to get
a hold of Elizabeth and I have a meeting in
ten. Could you check if she’s free for dinner
tonight and if so, make reservations at the
“Yeah… I will…” Natalie said, still thinking
about her phone call with Elizabeth.
“Are you sure you’re fine?” James said
furrowing his brows even further.
“I’m sure.” Natalie said as she started walking
away. “I just nee-d to get back to work, that’s
To be continued