Personal as-sistant batch 14

After their minor argument, although more of a
misun-derstanding, their weekend went rather
well. They decided to avoid public places in
order to avoid the paparazzi and spent most of
the weekend at James’ ap@rtment.
In fact it wasn’t until Sunday evening that
Elizabeth went back to hers. Elizabeth knew
that the following morning she had to be at
work early, for an early meeting, so she
decided to sleep at home.
That Monday morning the meeting went quite
well and Elizabeth was about to sit down in
her office when Paul c@m£ into her office
nearly screaming her name.
“Elizabeth! have you seen this honey?” He held
his phone nearly in her face.
“What?” She asked taking the phone from him.
Right there she re-ad the front line of a story
that had been posted that morning.
“O no…” Elizabeth said as she looked at the
pictures of her and James in the alley, her
seeing James enter the gallery and her and
Thomas laughing together.
quic-kly she re-ad the article which went on and
on about her “d@t£” with Thomas and about
how James found out and fought about it with
“That’s not good.” She said handing the phone
back to Paul. “I know honey, I know…” He
said patting her on the back.
” O god I have to leave, I got a meeting in
five.” She said looking at the clock. “See you
It wasn’t until after lunch that Elizabeth finally
had a moment to herself and turned her phone
back on. Immediately she was surprised by
the number of texts and calls that she had
received from James. She was about to re-ad
throu-gh all of them when Daniel walked in to
inform her that she had to come for a meeting
with a client that had been pushed up.
quic-kly she turned off her phone again and
followed her boss into the conference room.
Quietly she closed the door behind her. For a
second she tried to remember with whom her
meeting was, it was however when her eyes
met those of James that she realized which
“Mr. McGregor, how are you doing?” Daniel
said, looking as happy as ever.
“Fine. How are you?” James replied, looking
“I’m good, now let’s get down to business
shall we.”
Daniel and James started discussing p@rts of
the mansion and all the while Elizabeth was
listening, but not p@rticipating in the
conversation. Quite frankly, for this meeting,
she realized that she was not really nee-ded.
But then why am I here? She wondered lost in
“Elizabeth?” Daniel said looking at her.
“Elizabeth are you still paying attention?” He
added waving his arm in front of her.
“Oh. yes! I… I.. just, my mind wandered off
for a moment. What did you ask me?” She
said sitting up straight again.
“James and I were just taking another look at
the t©p floor, at the rooms there,” Daniel
“Well, how many be-drooms do you think are
nee-ded?” James asked her looking at her
“I would say a master be-droom and possibly
two guestrooms, I mean the space is there,”
Elizabeth said looking back down at the
“But how about a kids room?” James asked,
ma-king Elizabeth choke on her own spit.
“What?” She asked coughing, whilst Daniel
patted her on the back.
“Now now, don’t die it would be such a mess.”
He said laughing as his phone rang. “That
must be the wife.” He said taking his phone
out of his pocket. “What do ya know, I’m
psychic, it is the wife.” He picked up the
phone and left the room.
“Why did you move the meeting up?” Elizabeth
asked him confused.
“This is why,” he said with a stern look on his
face as he la-id down a magazine cover in front
of her.
“What in the-” She started but st©pped once
she saw a picture of her and Thomas at the
restaurant laughing. “O my god, I didn’t even
see them.” She said picking up the crumbled
cover and looking at the picture closely. Sure
enough, it had the same title as the article that
Paul had shown her. “But I don’t un-derstand
why did you move up the meeting?”
“Is it true?” James asked her, not even looking
at her.
“What?” She replied, confused by his
“Was it a d@t£?”
Anger coursed throu-gh her veins at that
question. How could he even think that that
was the care? Countless of times had she seen
headlines like this, but then with him and a girl
in the ph0to. But not once, had she accused
him of anything because she trusts him.
“Yeah, of course, it was a d@t£.” She said in a
sarcastic tone. “Just like all the d@t£s that you
had with all of those girls.” Elizabeth crossed
her arms. “But then again did we ever say that
we were d@t!ngexclusively?”
“O come on.” He said slamming his hand on
the table. “Then explain to me why you never
told me about you two having dinner? Don’t
think I am a fool Elizabeth.”
“I did tell you, I told you I had dinner with an
old friend of mine. You asked me where we
went, I told you and then we continued on.”
Elizabeth said.
“But why didn’t you tell me that it was a guy.”
“Because I also don’t tell you when it’s a girl. I
just don’t see what the problem is, so I had
dinner with a guy that wasn’t you, big deal.”
James was about to counter when Daniel
walked back into the room. “Well I nee-d to
pick up some stuff for dinner, but other than
that I’m fine. So where were we?”
He looked between James and Elizabeth, but
he didn’t s-en-se the tension between them. He
didn’t even notice the anger in their eyes as he
just continued his meeting as normal.
“Ah I remember, a kids room,” Daniel said
looking back down at the drawings. “Planning
on starting a family soon Mr. McGregor?”
Elizabeth looked down and t©uçhed her
forehead with her hand. Daniel had to be one
of the few people in the city that didn’t know
about her relationsh!pwith James.
“I don’t know,” James replied looking atpapace
Elizabeth. “That depends on the woman.”
Daniel missed the look that James gave
Elizabeth, but she couldn’t say the same.
“Ah, yes once you’ve found the right one, things
just go naturally. But we can still reserve a
room for such an event. Elizabeth what do you
think?” He said looking over at the woman
beside him.
“Like said before, the space is there, so it is
most certainly possible. The only problem I
see is that a fully re-ady baby room, might
scare a woman away.”

“Well that’s a rather strong opinion Elizabeth,
but thank you,” Daniel said, slightly confused.
Normally she would be amazed by the fact that
even now he didn’t seem to feel the tension in
the room. But at that very moment, it felt like
she had a stare down with James. What was
he pla-ying at?
“I think a kids room is a good idea. It doesn’t
have to hold anything in it yet, but it’s nice to
have the space available just in case.” James
said, finally breaking his gaze away from
Elizabeth and looking at Daniel.
“Well spoken, well spoken. Alright, that settles
it.” Daniel said putting his hands together,
“Next week the build will start and then my
friend, within no time you will have your
Feeling that the meeting had ended Elizabeth
started gathering her stuff. She didn’t want to
talk to James right now, in fact, she didn’t
want to see him at all. When she looked at him
all she could see was that spoiled br@t she
saw years ago.
So quic-kly and quietly she left the conference
room. She knew she had other meetings, and
other responsibilities, but right now she nee-ded
a moment.
It didn’t take long for James to notice her
abs£nce. Daniel, on the other hand, seemed to
be preoccu-pied with a story about him and his
wife. James knew that he had to go after
Elizabeth now, so he quic-kly excused himself
and nearly ran out of the room.
He looked around for a moment, trying to sp©t
her. She was not in her office or the
breakroom, so he ran to the elevator.
All he saw was a glimpse of her face as the
door closed on him. He knew that it would be
a long way down by stairs. But he also knew
that he had to talk to her now and that he
couldn’t risk losing her, so he started the long
In their time together the two of them hadn’t
had that many fights. Sure there had been
minor ones, small disagreements. But never
had she looked at him like that. Well not since
they started d@t!ngat least.
He had felt betrayed when he saw the article.
Was that the reason why she didn’t want him
to come? Was she seeing someone else?
He trusted her with all his heart. But he had
done so once before, and it had gotten
shattered into a million pieces. He wanted to
trust her so badly, but he also did not ever
again in his life want to feel so broken as he
did then.
But he loved her, so he ran. He ran after her.
He ran down all those flights of stairs in his
Boss suit.
God this was a bad day to wear a three-piece
Once he finally reached the ground floor he
saw a glimpse of her hair right as she left the
building. He ran after her and gr@bb£d her by
the arm. “Elizabeth! St©p.” He said turning her
It was only then that he noted that the hair was
too light and that this wasn’t Elizabeth.
“I’m sorry, I… I thought you were someone
else.” He said looking at the startled women in
front of him.
Without saying anything the woman sped of,
leaving behind an out of breath billionaire.
Once Elizabeth stepped into her car she didn’t
know what she wanted to do. All she knew is
that she nee-ded to get some air. So that’s what
she decided to do, she decided to drive. She
put the car in gear and sped out of the parking
garage and into the streets of New York.
James tried calling her several times but to no
avail. Defeated he looked down not sure what
to do at this point. That was when he saw her
car round the corner onto his street. He knew
that she wouldn’t st©p for him, but he knew he
had to go after her.
Thanking God that he had found her so quic-kly
he stepped into an empty cab waiting for a
st©p sign.
“Woah buddy, what do you thi-” But James cut
the driver off. “Follow that car and I’ll pay you
triple the amount that you should get from me.”
The cab driver held up his hands. “Alright,
whatever you say, you’re the boss.”
Soon the cab started following her car as it
rode throu-gh the streets of New York. But then
it did something that James didn’t see coming,
it left the busy p@rt of the city and went into
the suburbs.
What really surprised James that she was
headed to a place he knew rather well. A place
that he in fact owned.
When he was sure he knew where she would
go he told the cab driver to st©p. There he
paid the man and walked the last p@rt.
As he rounded the corner in the street he saw
her. She was standing right there.
“Who’d have known you’d come here?” He said
in a soft voice walking over to her.
Right in front of the two of them was the piece
of land, they had talked about only a minutes
“I nee-ded air,” Elizabeth said wiping away tears
from her eyes.
“I un-derstand, but we also nee-d to talk.” He
said soflty.
“I know.”
“Where are we going?” James said looking at
the place were soon his mansion would stand.
“I don’t know.”
“Where do you want to be going?” He said
turning towards her.
“That I don’t know either.” She said looking
“What do you mean?” James said surprised at
her reaction.,
“I mean that I don’t know James. I don’t know
what I want. I know that I love you and I know
that I love being with you, but I don’t know if I
can.” She said looking at him intently. “It’s just
the life that I’m not sure about. The working
hours, the paparazzi, the traveling and the list
goes on. I love you James, but I don’t know if
I can do that. If I can take it to be followed
around by strangers only to see my picture in
a magazine. I don’t know if I can take it that
every time you’re with any other girl then me,
they print that as well. And I don’t know if you
can take it to see me ph0togra-phed with some
James was about to respond when Elizabeth
continued talking.
“Look I trust you, I trust you with all my heart,
and I know you weren’t d@t!ngall of those
girls. But you’ve got to trust me too.”
“I do trust you,” James said quietly as he felt
his heart slowly break. “And I don’t wanna lose
“And I don’t wanna lose you,” Elizabeth said
looking away. “Where do you see us going?”
James sighed and looked away from her as
well. “Here.” He simply said looking at the
piece of land in front of him. “To the mansion.”
“What?” Elizabeth said looking back at him. “I
don’t un-derstand, was that your plan for the
“What did you think it was?”
“I didn’t know, I could’ve asked, but it didn’t
feel like my place to ask.” She said.
“You could’ve just asked, but I should’ve just
told you, but I was afraid you’d run.” He said
looking up at her.
“I almost did when you started talking about
that kids room.” Elizabeth chuckled. “We
should have talked about this sooner.” She
“We should’ve…” James sighed. “What do you
want in the future?” he said.
“Like I said before, I don’t really know what I
want. I just nee-d to get my head straight.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that I nee-d time. I’m sorry James.”
James didn’t fight her when she said that. Nor
did he st©p her when she walked up to him
and pe-cked him on the cheek before leaving.
For a moment he just stood there, staring at
the place where soon his mansion would
stand. Wondering whether he had just done the
right thing. It was only after a while that he
moved from his sp©t.
He sighed as he realized that he had come
here by cab and was currently car-less. quic-kly
he took his phone out of his pocket and called
his chauffeur.
Elizabeth didn’t realize that she was crying until
she felt the tears run down her face. As she
pu-ll-ed up for a traffic light she pu-ll-ed down the
mirror and re-moved the mascara from un-der
her eyes.
Pushing the mirror back up she debated on
what to do next. Soon ,however, she decided to
drive back to her ap@rtment.
The second that she walked into her ap@rtment
she remembered that her phone was still
turned of. Reaching into her purse she gr@bb£d
it and turned it on.
Taking of her shoes she walked further into the
ap@rtment. She sighed as she walked into the
kitchen and got herself a glas-s of water.
Calmly she looked down at her phone but was
soon startled by the amount of missed
messages and calls. Most of them had been
from James but several had been by Daniel.
$h!t! She thought as she realized that she had
just walked away from work, without saying a
word… As fast as she could she called Daniel
hoping that he would pick up right away.
“Hello?” She heard on the other end.
“Daniel! I’m so sorry, I had a… minor
breakdown.” She said, not able to come up
with a better reason.
“Ah that explains it. Well it can happen to the
best of us. Why don’t you just take a couple of
days of, you know calm down and get well.”
Elizabeth was quite confused when he said
that. She had to admit, Danial was a great
boss. But he confused her to no end.
“Alright?” She said not quite comprehending
what just happened. “Thank you?”
“Alright, now I’ll take care of your
appointments, and I’ll see you next Monday.”
Natalie had a nice and calm morning. She was
very plea-sed to see that Johanna, James his
as-sistant for the last few weeks was still
sitting at her desk typing away. Finally had she
found the right as-sistant for him, and finally
could she st©p doing all that extra work.
Everything seemed to be great. That was until
James walked in.
His face was set in a scowl and his usually
clean shaven face was now adorned by a
stubble. With powerful strides he walked into
the building.
Oh boy… Natalie thought as she watched him.
“Good morning Sir.” She said but was met with
nothing more then a scowl.
Great… Just great… She thought as she dialed
the number of Johanna sitting upstairs.
James usually wasn’t that rude to Natalie, but
that morning it wasn’t a good morning. Once
he got out of the elevator he was met with the
sight of his latest as-sistant. Johanna was
quite a nice girl, she was around 23 years old
and had short black hair. She wore thick
rimmed glas-ses and usually wore pink
He had to admit, that he actually quite liked
her. But seeing her sitting there, right were
Elizabeth had sat just didn’t sit well with him.
So instead of greeting her like he normally
would he just walked straight pas-sed her.
It was around lunch when Natalie saw her
boss again. This time however, he actually
spoke to her.
“Natalie, make me a reservation at an Italian
restaurant for lunch.” He said, leaning on her
“Alright sir. Trust my opinion on good
restaurants more than your as-sistants?” Natalie
said looking at him briefly.
“It’s not that Natalie, it’s just that she’s not the
same.” He said sighing.
Natalie was surprised by his response. In all
honesty, she had expected him to be brisker,
or get angry, but strangely he didn’t. Instead he
just calmly waited for to make the reservation.
“Your reservation is in fifteen minutes at
Milano’s.” Natalie said as she hung up the
phone. “I’ll s£nd the address to your driver.”
“That won’t be necessary,” James said
surprising Natalie. “I’m walking.”
Not that far away from James was Elizabeth. It
felt strange having a day of in the middle of
the week. Not quite knowing what to do she
went to a nearby park to have lunch. So she
walked over to a bench and sat down on it
before gr-abbing her lunch.
Soon her mind drifted to James at first she
thought about how she missed him. But then
the thoughts of all the other things c@m£ back.
Sure she was in love with him, but there were
so many other factors.
First there is dealing with the schedule, of
course she knew what kind of schedule he had
from having been his as-sistant. But with her
having another job then just following him
around and him being gone all the time, she
didn’t actually get to see him often.
Then on t©p of that times when he was away
on business the paparazzi seemed to take
every chance they got in taking a ph0to of him
with a beautiful girl. Elizabeth knew that
nothing had happened between him and them,
but still she didn’t like seeing those pictures.
Most of those girls he had come across
randomly and then snap! a picture was taken
before you knew it.
Elizabeth wasn’t all that bothered by the
pictures at first, but then there was this one
ph0to of her with a guy. Just one ph0to, with
an old high school friend of hers. And then
immediately he acted as if he didn’t trust her.
It was strange how much that had hurt her.
That he would even think that she would do
such a thing.
But overall Elizabeth wasn’t to fond of the
paparazzi. Every time the two of them would
go anywhere there would be pictures of it the
next morning.
And then c@m£ that kids room. She didn’t even
know if she wanted kids… Well she knew that
she did want to. Eventually. But was she re-ady
for it now? Was that what he wanted? Or did
he think she wants that?
On t©p of that c@m£ the mansion. At first she
thought that the mansion was just a way of
getting to her, but now he was actually going
to build the damn thing. Was that his plan all
along? She didn’t even know how to feel about
moving in together… On one hand it seemed
great, but was this what she wanted. Was this
it? Is he her one and only?
To be continued