Our new driver Episode 13 & 14

🚗Our new driver 🚙
👙I must have him to se-x👙
Episode 13…💞
By :V»Praise.✍️
Martina’s POV 💕
My dad spoilt everything. He was getting along with my request when dad interrupted.. Gush,,, I Wish I succeeded in su-cking him. Not withstanding discouragement, I will continue s£dûç!ng him till I have him.. I imagined how hvge he’s down there.. I went further and fantasized how he is going to fv¢k me ha-rd and it led me to masturbation. I quic-kly re-moved my clothes and rendered my b©dy n-ked. I imagined a n-ked man standing opposite me. I slowly inser-ted my middle index f!nger into my hole(pvzzy) and began to twist it 360 giving the cl!toris a ha-rd kick as it sprang to life.
Arhh,,,,Ahhhrhshe,,, I m0@n ed.. I f!nger fv¢ked myself for about 10 minutes and I ¢v-m in my hands. I’m damn hor-nyright now. Where has he gone to know.? I wish he would come and bleep me..! said as I m0@n ed louder that if any one was close to the door could heared me..
I took my t©p and cleaned my hand and dumped it to the dirt basket later I will wash it.. I am tired now let me shower up and rest..
‘I must have him to S-x’ I as-sured myself and went for a refresh.💧
Wilson’s POV 🎀
I got mad at my sight. Vivian walking in a hand-chain with another guy. Vivian that I have missed for year.. Let me tell you about Vivian. She my girlfriend. We both loved each other so much as teenage lover she do not without my company likewise me. We promised to get married after our school time.. As a result of wealth her parents changed her school and base. At first I was reaching her on calls and we missed each other. She promised to see me after the year vacation. I craved to have her S-xy curves on my l@ps again but at last I lost my phone and I lost everything about her. I kept searching for her in secret but to no avail I couldn’t Find her but each day break, her thought ban-ged in my heart. It has been two years now we p@rted… That’s all about her for now.
Watched them got into dark Lexus RX and drove off. Gush,, it h0t me the more.
“Bro, calm down I feel your pain.. I know how hurt you are now but as-sure you that if she’s truly yours she will locate you..” Frederick consoled me. I was in tears and couldn’t say a word.
We went home and for the of that day, I didn’t talk to Fredrick of answered my boss call.. I felt like commiting suicide that moment. I take no food not drank water for the rest of the day.. I was later made to see reason Why I should rebuild my personal life again..
I couldn’t forget about her totally and I continued with life in grieve..
The next day was Saturday. I didn’t planned to go to work. Just as I got my clothes outside for laundry, a call from my madam popped in..
I answered the call and she told me to come over to her house and pick her up for an emergency meeting with business p@rtners. She sells house hold items and also owned a boutique..
I sluggishly went inside dropped my cloths and told Frederick my madam wants me.
“Arh, today is Saturday nah,”
“Yes but she nee-d to drive her to a meeting” I replied.
“Ok,,, take care buy something for me in your return” he tea-sed.
“Ok, I will buy biscuits for you, see your mouth like something”I replied and he laughed. I just like his company he is very Jovial.
I got dressed and headed to my boss house…
I entered and met madam Felicia in a complicated dress of a ti-ght white t©p and a blue half knee leather Sk-irt.. Her curves were pumping of the blinking Sk-irt.
I stared at her and she caught me.. she was really beautiful at her age been a mother of two.
“You’re here alre-ady welcome”. She said smiled wi-dely at me like she saw an angle.. she stood up walked close to me and pu-ll-ed me into a ti-ght long hvg…
“Yes, how is husband and marthina?” I asked and try to dis£ngage.
“My husband is fine relaxing upstairs and marthina to God knows where with her friends..” she replied…
“That’s lovely then let’s get going” I said.
“Yes my dear” she said picked her hand bag and we went out.
I drove gently to a place down town very far away from their residence. she asked me to st©p and I did beside the a big gate designed with indigo stamp.’ BLENGO MOTEL ‘ Written on it.
I st©pped and she dropped down smiling.
We went into the motel and she headed into the bar. She asked me to seat in a round table with her and i did. I was expecting to see large number of people gathered having a definite conversation but here nothing of such.
I sat and she ordered for a wine 🍷. In a while we were served.
“Honestly, I must confess to you that I’ve no meeting here but just to have a cool time with you here hence it will be difficult for us at home” she said and I got mad in my mad. What kind of thing is this? What for? I hate this woman. Why won’t I rest on a day like this because of her.. cool time indeed. The expression on my face re-ad dissatisfaction and she asked.
“Are you sad to be with me? Or don’t like the way I did it.?” She asked.
“Ma, actually I thought of dropping you here and went back home. I don’t feel good today”
“Don’t worry I will make you feel good upstairs” she said and I ignored her.
This woman is crazy.
“Make me feel good, how?” I asked just to get what she meant.
She smiled and eyed me.
Don’t be in a hurry. Just cool your head with this and later we can go upstairs and have some fun. I really want you. I can’t think of you less.. ” She muttered..
“Here is a cash of 30k just take this and manage, I will add more later after which we must have spent our day upstairs.” She gifted me in opened arms.. Then I c@m£ to the conclusion of what she meant. Just make her day ro-mantic and S-xy . In short make love to her..
🚗Our new driver 🚙
👙I must have him to se-x👙
Episode 14…💞
By :V»Praise.✍️
Wilson’s POV 🎀
I couldn’t get at the point which madam Felicia was going. “Ma, I think we have to leave this place it’s not safe for us maybe at home or some other cool place. Here is noisy and populated” I said just to get her convince so we can leave..
“Guy calm down, I un-derstand your fear. Just drink up let’s move upstairs” she said.
Gush, this woman is this insisting we go upstairs. She smiled at me and reached for my hands. We went to the main building.. majestically she went to receptionist to book a room for the night when my eyes c@m£ across a familiar face.
“Josh!” I exclaimed.
“Wilson!” He rushed back at me..
“Bro how have you been?” He asked looking so cute in a white and blue outfit.. I guess he pas-sed his night in the motel…
“Bro,it has been ha-rd here in Lagos. Ever since we p@rted from Benin things has not been well at all” I said and he oop.
“Ok,, sorry bro. What are doing for now as an engineer or?” He asked and I cut him short…
“I’m not doing anything responsible now bro.. ” I said in disgrace. I buried my face in shame and he noticed it…
“I can feel you bro but I will advised you not to loose focus, things will soon get well” he said and I thanked him.
“Don’t thank me bro. Beside what are you doing here.?” He asked and I was more down casted to say I was here with that old woman as her driver and her fv¢ker.
“Hmm,,, actually I work as a driver now and I drove my madam here.” I said pointing at madam Felicia.
She turned and I saw anger in her eyes.
“Driver? Damn that $h!t. Ok,I just returned from New York yesterday so I decided to pas-s my night here.. I c@m£ to checkmate that my dad’s oil company at Ekpa in Edo. I now owns that one and I’m as-suring you that before I go back to New York I will fix you as the manager!” He Said.
“Jesus!!! I exclaimed. I can’t believe my ears… Are you for real?” I asked in much excitement.
“Yes bro,”
“Wow, thank you very much, God will bless you” I said.
“Same to you. I won’t leave to see my bestie leaving in dismays… I have to get going now. I have a flight to meet up to Benin” he said. He has grown to an extend that he uses flight to states not even a car. This guy is a millionaire now everything on his b©dy says that..
“Man, how is your babe ? Who is the lucky girl?” He asked teasing
“Bro no one is lucky to suffer with me. I’m single ever since my last girlfriend left to where I know not about..” I said and bubble of tears formed in my eyes. Anytime I think about Vivian my heart got broke into piece… I don’t know why I can’t forget her from my mind. The wound of that heartbreak 💔 is there in my heart and only her can amend it… I was in de-ep thought when he brou-ght me back to s-en-ses by showing me a lady standing beside him all this while we talked she stood backing us… She was really cute with unique curves. Her darked fixed hairs rolls to her bu-tts.. she also look familiar but I can’t get her recognized hence she not facing me.
“Here is my girlfriend and my wife to be, I met at her in US where went to finalize my studies and Bea meet my old time friend. ‘Wilson’ We both studied petrol chemical engineering in the same institution and in the sams hostel” He said introducing me to her girlfriend..
Vivian’s POV 🎯
My heart skipped immediately my eyes jams someone familiar. I thought of going back but why will I?
Why will my mind even Skip? Beside I don’t really know who the person was.
We walked downstairs close to the person and I fully recognized him to be Wilson and turned immediately pretending to be doing something..
Jesus Wilson? I really missed him. It has been long I thought I won’t see him again. I thought he’s dead or something. Why is he hear? Why will it be today of all time. My mind began to beat fas-ter. I pray he doesn’t see me.
I left Nigeria with not my intention but my parents f0rç£d me and there I meet Josh. He has been nice and caring but not like Wilson. I really love Wilson and I can’t avoid thinking of him a day but it c@m£ to pas-s when I met Josh..
“Babe, I said meet my friend” Josh said and my b©dy vibr@ted as he t©uçhed me to life. I don’t know what to anymore than to give up to what is before… I could felt my heart hurt de-eply.
I turned and our eyes met. With fixed gesture he looked at me full of surprises. Tears dropped down my eyes. I couldn’t talk nor moved my feet. Josh look at me in confusion and he asked.
“Why are you crying?”
I couldn’t answer him and I looked up to Wilson and he was also in tears..
That moment silent reigned..
TBC ✳️