One last only girl Episode 1 to 4

By Juanita
Stanaziel patel,a beloved son to a multi billionaire become arrogant and selfish after his step mother insulted him publicly for helping a girl whose mother was on verge of death. He regrets ever helping the poor and he become a little distance from girls.
Meet Debbie, a girl from a poor family who won a scholarsh!pto attend Twi-nkle star high school.
Twi-nkle star academy is owned by Stan’s father and Stan is the prince of the school, no one dares him and go freely.
What happens when Stanaziel an arrogant, selfish heir meets Debbie, a fearless and stubborn poor girl?
What will happen to Debbie when stan realize that she is the reason why she was publicly disgraced by his step mother years ago
Episode 1
In Mr patels mansion
“Dad, we are re-ady to go”David, the first born of the family.
“Where is stanaziel”Jamie asked looking around.
“Dad, plea-se can’t we just go without him? We are always late for clas-ses because of him”Lawrence complained.
“On my orders, no one lives the house without Stan, if you know that you will trek, then its fine with me”he took the remote and tuned to news Chanel.
“My husband, why do you treat them as if they are not your children? “Caro, the wife interfered.
“I don’t see why you people are complaining, just to remind you, everything I have belongs to Stan and conai so let me have my peace”he said fixing his eyes on the television.
“This is not fair, this is not fair at all”David said and just then Stan come down the stairs.
“Dad, I am done”he said and Jamie smiled at him.
“Have a good day son, James, take his bag to the car”he said while pe-cking Stan.
“Dad, st©p treating me like a baby,I am arleady 10″he said.
“You will forever be a child to me Stan, Mark, plea-se drive then safely “he instructed the kids driver and just then all the kids matched out of the house.
The break time bell has alre-ady rung and all the kids are rushing out to gr-ab something to eat but Debbie just sle-pt on her desk.
“Debbie, its alre-ady break time, let’s go and eat”Luhina, Debbies friend said.
“To be honest with you guys, I don’t have even a single penny on me so just go without me”she said.
“Its fine, I and Luhina will pay the bill, by the way, how is tour mother? “Persina asked.
And it was like an insurt to Debbie coz her eyes immediately turned red.
“Girls, her condition has bot improved a bit, I think I was destined to cry for the rest of my life”she said.
“Take back your words Debbie, who knows, your tommorow might be brighter than today”comforted her Luhina.
“Girls, I just wish to die, there is no meaning in life”she, said
“Debbie! “Her friends chorused.
“Never mind, let’s go out”she said while standing up.
“Jamie! Jamie! “Caro yelled.
“What is it Caro? “Asked Jamie.
“Did you just gave Stan an ATM card”she asked in anger.
“Any problem? “He asked.
“How could you give a ten year old boy an ATM card? ”
“I see no issue in that”he said.
“Is it because he us that prostitute’s son? “She said in anger.
“Point of collection, he is a son of a woman I really loved”he said and Caro looked at him in anger
Episode 2
The family gathered at the dinning.
“My children, your growing up, what are your dreams? “Jamie asked his children.
“Dad, I want to be an engineer”said David.
“And I want to be a human resource manager”Lawrence said happily.
“And me, I want to be a nurse”said Lezita, the only girl in the family.
“Conai, what about you? “Caro asked her last born son.
“Well,I share the same dream with Stan”he said.
“What dies that mean? What if Stan want to be a professional thief? “David said and they all laughed.
“Enough of this nons-en-se, Stan my son, what is your dream? “Jamie asked.
“I want to become a well known artist”Stan said and they all looked at him.
“Stan your joking right? My husband pays millions of money at that school and all you can say is that you want to become a musician? “Caro asked in anger.
“St©p it Caro, its his dream, you know what son, I will support you”Jamie said.
“Thanks dad”Stan said with a smile.
Just then the maids brou-ght the food in the table.
“Dad,I have no appetite for Rice and macaroni, I want Nsima “complained Stan.
“Are you kidding me? We are not that poor to eat nsima”Lawrence said.
“But mom, we should eat different kind of food to be strong”conai said.
“Will you shut up! What do you know? “Caro said.
“Stan, conai come with me, I will buy what you want at Picas-so restaurant”Jamie said and the boys followed him out.
“No wonder, that boy gave my husband a love portion”Caro said.
I was behind the house singing when i heard dad calling my name.
“Dad, you called for. .Jesus,mom? “I said while kneeling beside my mom who lie on the mat lifelessly.
“Dad, we nee-d to do something or mom will die”I said in tears.
“Here, this is all I have managed to get from work place, go and buy the listed medicine”dad handed me some money and I rushed out of the house.
Tears could not st©p streaming down my eye. I didn’t even realize that I was ba-re footed.
“plea-se give me the listed medicine”I said to the pharmacist and in no time he handed me the drugs and I paid.
“Young girl, are you joking with me? This money is not even half of the required amount”he said.
“Uncle plea-se, my mother is dying and that’s all we have”I said in tears.
“That’s non of my business, get out”he took the drugs away from me.
I pleaded w but to no avail, with tears in my eyes, I turned to go out but I found myself on t©p of someone.
Episode 3
I quic-kly stood up and some men who we’re wearing black suits rushed to the boy I bu-mped into.
“Young master,are you okey? “A man asked him.
“I am fine”the boy uttered.
“Don’t you have eyes? “Another boy asked.
I looked up to then and surely we we’re world ap@rt, I felt ashamed of myself more over looking at my bleeding toes.
“I am sorry, I am very sorry”I said wiping my tears.
By one look at her, you can tell that something is wrong with he.
“I am very sorry”she kept saying while sobbing.
“Are you okey? Why are you crying? “I asked her but she couldn’t respond. “Uncle,why is she crying? “I asked the pharmacist and he explained everything to me.I felt sorry for her.
“Give her the drugs and I will pay”I said and my brothers looked at me.
“Stan, are you for real?What concerns you about her? “David asked me.
“Stay out of this David, I am spending my money”I warned him and in no time the drugs we’re handed to the girl.
“Thank you very much, thank you very much”she almost kneel down.
I took ten thousand cash and handed her.
“No sir, I cannot receive the money,paying the drugs is enough for me”,she said.
“If you won’t take the money I will take back the drugs”I said and she reluctantly took the money just then she run out of the drug sto-re.
I don’t know who that boy is but may God bless him for me. Upon reaching home, I found a lot of people surrounding our house and some running with buckets of water and sand.
“Debbie, thank God your here”a woman said.
“What is happening here? “I asked, I could see my sisters and brothers crying.
“Calm down Debbie, your father went into the kitchen to prepare porridge for your mother, suddenly fire broke out from nowhere”the woman said and my heart skipped.
“So where is my father? “I asked but no one answered.
“Can someone tell me where dad is?! “I yelled.
“He couldn’t go out of the room, he is no more”another woman said.
“No, tell me its a lie”I said.
“Calm down Debbie”my sister said but just then everything was dark.
“Stana! Stanaziel! “Mom called me and I rushed down stairs.
“Mother, I am here”I said.
“Hold it right there, whom are you calling your mother? “She said.
“Mom, why are you talking to him like that! “Conai asked.
“Shut up conai. Stan, did you just gave a begged seventy thousand? “She asked
“Mom, she is not a beggar, she is someone who nee-ded help”I said.
Episode 4
“Mom, I didn’t not help any beggar, she was just a girl who nee-ded help”I defended myself.
“Does my husbands money look like an aid for charity works? “She asked me.
“Mom, it was my money that I helped her with”I said.
“Shut up you illegitimate son”mom said and my heart skipped.
“Mom! “Called conai.
“, stay out of this, Let this be the first and last time you use my husband ha-rd earn money on some stupid beggers or prostitutes. Tell me is this what that your stupid mother tought you? No wonder an apple dies bot fall far from the tree”she said.
I could not help it but she’d tears, what dies my late mother have to do with this.
“And one more thing, tour getting engaged to Romena, the daughter of the owner of sun and sand cooperation”she said.
“Is that a joke? “I asked.
“Hop”she said.
“But mom I am only ten”I complained.
“Did I say your getting married or its just an engagement? “She asked.
“Mom, I don’t like R0m-na, I am not interested”I said.
“Illegitimate sons don’t have a choice, you do as I have said you son of a husband snatcher”she said.
“My mother was never a husband snatcher”I yelled at her.
“Of course she was, and you are”she said.
“No! “I yelled and run to my room. Tears could not st©p streaming down my eyes. I have never been called an illegitimate son before, my mother has never been insured like this before, but only because I helped someone who was I nee-d my life has been messed up. I swear, I will never forgive that girl nor will I ever help anyone again.
Debbbies POV
“My children, since your father pas-sed away, things have been very ha-rd on me, I cannot manage to support all of you that’s why I want to s£nd some of you away”mom said and we all looked at her.
“Mom, what does that mean? You know we are always comfortable with the little you provide for us”merue my oldest brother said.
“I know, but u cannot afford to pay your school fees, I want all my children to be graduates or do you want your dream to die because ei cannot support tour education? plea-se you have to go somewhere, my relatives has offered to help you guys”mom said.
“Mom, I am not going anywhere, I will stay here with you”I said, she made me sit on her l@p.
“Debbie, I know that you love me a lot, but its for your own good “she said.
“I cannot ba-re to be away from you”I said.
“Debbie, no but, Define, turn on the television “serine took the remote.