Once upon a girl episode 12

(Reunited with mum)




I never believed in curses and jinx but right now, I think I’ll literally do anything to get out of this curse, condamed and jinxed jungle.

“What the h*ll happened?” Ricky asked us as we dropped Henry on the cold floor.

We were all p@n-ting out of panic and tiredness so he decided to let us breathe for a while. We sat down, the rest sat on their be-ds while Marichuiy and I sat on the floor beside Henry and Bathny.

When we finally caught our breaths, Ricky asked again. “What in God’s name happened out there?”

Salvador was still in his tent, while his men were still fast asleep on their slee-ping be-ds.

“We don’t know, we were pla-ying in the waterfall and next thing, this happened” Michael replied as he buried his face in his hands.

Ricky bent down and t©uçhed Henry And Bathny.

“Their bodies are warm” he stated as he felt their temperature.

“Warm?” Marichuiy asked.

“Weird, They were literally h0t like iron” I added.

“But how did this happened, they were only swimming, what the h*ll was in that water?” Kira asked a question which no one had the answer to.

“I saw three dragons on the cliff while we were running back in here, they had red eyes” I broke the freezing silence.

“What!” Everyone exclaimed in fear.

“I knew this was a suicide mission from the beginning” Kira whined.

“Gush, where did they come from?” Kiwi asked in fear. Marichuiy hasn’t said anything since, she’s pretty much shaken, she was just staring at her best friend, I held her hand and ca-ressed it a little, trying to as-sure her that everything will be fine, she sighed and smiled a little.

“Those dragons were probably the ones that were defeated by the emperor’s dark wizards, both the three dragons and their dragon lords were slain after they were turned evil and fought the dragon king” We all turned when we heard Salvador’s voice.

“plea-se who un-derstood what he said?” Kira whispered to us.

“I think what he’s saying is that what you guys saw were spirit dragons” Ricky stated.

“Oh my God” Kira exclaimed and ran behind Michael.

“You say what now” Marichuiy asked in astonishment.

“Oh no, we are gonna die” Kiwi cried, I wanted to go hvg her but I was still holding Marichuiy’s hand in comfort.

ru-by bit me to it.

“Oh my gush look, they are waking up” Ricky pointed at Henry and Bathny.

Bathny fli-ckered her eyes open but she blinked three times before realizing where she was, she tried standing up but she winced in pain, Marichuiy had to help her. Henry sneezed a little, he sat up weakly, he looked around for a while and then t©uçhed his head and winced a little in pain.

“Bathny, are you ok?” Kiwi screamed and launched on Bathny in a hvg. Bathny smiled and nodded a bit.

“Yea, I’m fine” she replied.

“What the h*ll happened, I feel so cold” Henry asked as he robbe-d his b©dy, Bathny did the same.

“Weird huh, a moment ago, you two were literally boiling alive, now you are cold” Marichuiy chuckled out in surprise as she gave each of them a blanket.

“So what happened to us?” Bathny asked.

“You two were pla-ying in the water, you de-ep yourselves in the water twice but didn’t come up the second time, when we reached in and dragged you up, you two were boiling h0t, dark h0t smoke oozing out of your bodies” I explains to them and they stared at me in total shock.

“Also, David said he saw three dragons with red eyes staring down at us” Kira added.

“I think those dragons did this to you guys” Kira stated.

“Or maybe the waterfall has dark magic.” Kiwi argued.

“It was the dragon spirits alright.” Salvador snapped, he kicked Jonny, Jonny sprang up and tapped the black guy whom I still don’t know his name, he too woke up, I can’t believe they didn’t wake up all this while, gush they are really de-ep sleepers.

“Well what matters is that we are all ok, and no one is going back to that……” Ricky started saying but then he st©pped, he raised his head up a little, he held his right ear and then bec@m£ silent, as if he was listening to something.

“What Is it?” Michael asked him.

“Ssshhh” Ricky whispered. “Did you guys hear that?” He asked us.

“Hear what?” I asked him.

“Oh my gush you are freaking us out” Kiwi cried. But what Ricky said wasn’t as scary as how Marichuiy sprang up from where she was sitting, she looked towards the entrance of the cave which leads to the waterfall, she took a step back and whispered. “Pick up your backpacks and pack anything you can”

“Goodness, girl why the hell are you being weird right now, what is going on?” Kira asked her as she and Michale hurriedly packed their stuff.

Kiwi and ru-by pack theirs, Bathny and I packed ours, I helped Marichuiy with hers but she didn’t take her eyes off the entrance as we were packing up.

“What is it” I whispered to her.

“The dragons are here” she whispered back and I felt my breathe seize for a moment. Whaaaaaaaaat!!!!!


As Ricky was talking, I heard footsteps coming from the entrance followed by a groal of an animal or so I thought. I think Ricky heard it too cause he st©pped talking and listened keenly. And then I heard the same voice I heard at the fruit plantation last night. “Three days to your birthday, I alre-ady told you, you won’t make it on time” the voice whispered.

I sprang up and took a step back.

“Pick up your backpacks and pack anything you can” I whispered to them and they started packing while they throw questionsat me.

As David and I were packing my stuff, he asked. “What is it?”

“The dragons are here” I replied and he went rigid in fear, I really shouldn’t have dragged them into this.

Everyone’s bag was alre-ady packed including Salvador’s, I Began to wonder why the dragon hasn’t started chasing us yet.

“What will happen to me if I didn’t get to the temple before my birthday?” I asked the voice, everyone turned to me, wondering why I asked the question they don’t have answer to, then it dawned on me, I was the only one hearing the voice but not the only one hearing the footsteps approaching. They were alre-ady panicking as the footsteps gets closer.

“You will be cursed forever” the voice creaked out and laughed evily, I hate that laugh, it’s very annoying. “But if you want to be free, come with me to the temple, give me a strand of your hair, I’ll fix you without waking up the dragon king” he stated.

The dragons finally walked in fully and they were white beautiful men ri-ding on each of them. The dragon lords perhaps.

They were all wearing dark robes, they were all so beautiful, their eyes, brown and glas-sy but I’ll definitely know evil when I see one, and standing right in front of us are three evil beautiful men ri-ding on three cursed dragons from 17 century.

“So what do you say, do you accept my offer?” The voice asked, I looked at each of them to know who spoke but to my shock, non of them were moving their mouths.

“Oh my God, who are they?” Kiwi cried out. Everyone stepped back except me.

“What’s in it for you, what will be your gain?”I asked.

“It’s simple, I want the temple, I Want to take over the temple” he replied.

“But you are dead” I said.

“Marichuiy who the h*ll are you talking to?” David whispered to me but I didn’t reply, I stared at the dragon lords.

“Deal or not?” The voice asked.

“Never” I blurted out. The dragons lords sm-irked evily, the dragons whimpered, they raised their heads up and I didn’t nee-d to be told that fire will come next.

“Ruuuuuuuun” I heard ru-by scream out loud, we all took to our heals running dee-per into the caves as the dragons sh0t fire at us while chasing us.

“Who the hell were you talking to?” David screamed at me.

“The dragon lords, they were ma-king me an offer but I didn’t like it” I screamed back.

Salvador was leading the way, he entered into another cave and everyone followed him, but as David and I were about to run in, one of the dragons flew fas-ter and blocked us, he was about to shoot fire at us but we heard a gunsh0t, the dragon screamed and vanished into thin air, we turned back and saw Jonny holding a gun, we smiled in appreciation.

“Go go go” he screamed at us when the dragon reappeared by the left wall, we quic-kly ran into the cave.Jonny sh0t at the mud wall three times, it coll@psed, blocking the dragons from entering into the cave.

“Thanks Jonny but you do know that those dragons are spirits?” David asked him, lol, stup*d boy.

“Yes, but that will hold them off for a while.” Jonny replied.

David shrugged and we continued running to meet up with the rest.

We finally got out of the cave into open enviroment.

“Oh, thank God” Kiwi screamed as we ran to a tree.

It was almost sun rise, I could see the round ball gracefully rising from the east.

“Wow” Michael cooed as we stared at the rising sun.

“It’s so beautiful” Kira added.

“I’ve never seen anything like it” Salvador confessed as he stared softly at the sun.

We all went silent as we stared at the graceful rising ball.

But the sound of the dragons rushing out of the cave broke the silence.

“Oh no, they are back” Bathny screamed and we starts running again.

The dragons flew past us and blocked our way.

“I gave you a chance but you chose the wrong option, I’ll make sure you don’t make it out of here” the voice spat at me.

“I’ll make sure you forever remain dead, or cursed or whatever it is you are” I spat back.

They began to approach us but one of the dragons looks towards the east, he saw the sun and winced in shock, he turned and began to run but it was too late as the rays of the sun caught up with them and they vanished into thin air.

“I guess they are not friendly with the sun” Henry stated.

“So that’s why they come at night” I added.

“Whatever, one thing I’ve learnt about this jungle, never de-ep yourself in any water here, first it was crocodiles, now dragons, what else are we gonna see in the water” Bathny snapped.

“Lions with two head maybe” ru-by replied humorously and we all laughed including Salvador.

“I can’t believe we are laughing after the crazy night” Dave chuckled out.

“Like the saying goes, let the past remain in the past” Michael stated and we laughing.

“Ok, break time is over, let’s move on” Salvador snapped at us, we gro-an ed but still followed him.

“This way” he pointed to the south.

We walked for a while until we got to a cliff which is opposite another cliff but there was no bridge for crossing.

“We are supposed to get to the other side” Salvador said as he checked his map.

“Therewas a wooden bridge here before” Ricky complained.

“Dude 17 years ago is not 17 hours ago, wind must have b!own it off” Henry spat out.

“So how are we gonna cross it now?” Kira asked.

Salvador sighed as he looked around for a way to cross.

“This way” I heard a whisper.

“What did you say?” I asked David.

“Huh, I didn’t say anything” he replied.

That’s weird, I know I heard a whisper of a male voice and the rest of the guys are kinda a few steps away from us, so it’s not possible for me to hear their whisper.

So who whispered to me.

I looked around a bit, I shrugged and concluded that it was my mind pla-ying tricks on me. I was about to look back to Salvador when I saw him. The man that visited my mum and gave her the book.

He was standing elegantly as he stared at me. He then turned to leave but whispered again. “This way” I g@sped, was he trying to help us.

“Umh, guys, let’s go this way” I said to them and pointed to the north.

“The map says south” Salvador argued.

“Well how will you cross this cliff, why don’t we try another route” David urged.

“Yea, I’m with them” Michael stated, he walked towards us with Kira, the rest joined including Salvador’s men. Salvador gr-unted, he sighed three times before agreeing to go towards the north.

We began to walk down the northern direction.

“Damn, I’m hungry” Kira complained as she held her tummy.

“I see apples over there” Kiwi informed us.

“There’s an apple orcha-rd over there” Bathny added.

“Oh my gush, and gr@p£s too” Kira cooed, the three of them ran towards the orcha-rd and vineyard, Bathny c@m£ back and dragged me with her. We giggled as we ran to the beautiful garden.

This is so beautiful, it was as if the garden is being taken care of by humans.

“Wow” the guys wowed at the garden when they finally joined us.

“Bathny was plucking and eating the fruits.

“Have some bes” she tried to give me a seed of gr@p£ but I declined.

“What, no, remember what happened the last Time I ate jungle fruits, a cursed girl isn’t supposed to eat fruits of the jungle that cursed her” I reminded her.

“Oh plea-se, is that supposed to be the law of moses?” Kiwi asked, everyone laughed.

“Open her mouth girls” Kira commanded, Bathny held me while Kiwi opened my mouth, Kira presses a gr@p£ and the jui-ce went straight into my mouth and down my throat. I hate this people that I love so much.

“You guys are unbelievable” I hit them one after the other and they giggled, crazy girls.

As we were about to pluck more fruits, we heard a different female voice screaming “thieves”

“What the h*ll..” ru-by snapped. We all stared at the girl in shock.

“Where did she come from” David and Michael asked in unison but they didn’t care as we all stared at the girl approaching us.

She then st©pped, she turned and ran back to where she c@m£ from.

“That was so weird” Ricky stated.

“Oh my gush look” Kiwi pointed to the same direction. We turned back again only to see about 5 people dressed in animal skin approaching us with big sticks.

2 women and three men. And they were not looking happy, they probably wanna know the people stealing their fruits.

“Umh, listen, we are coming from a far place and we were so hungry, plea-se do not be angry with us, we sincerely apologi…..” Ricky was trying to apologize but one of the men hit him ha-rd , he fell down and past out, they hit Salvador and his men, they pas-sed out as well.

“Why are you stealing from us” the beautiful woman with brunnete hair asked.

“We are really sorry ma’am but we didn’t mean to….” I was still talking when the other girl approached me and gave me an eye blinding sl@p.

“Hey, leave her alone” the woman st©pped the girl, she bent towards me cause I was alre-ady on the ground.

She ca-ressed my cheek and then her face turn to shock. “Marichuiy?” She called out.

And that was when I saw her face clearly. “Mum?” Was all I could reply before I pas-sed out.



This episode really scared me wen I was typing it ??

But look on the bright side, Our girl found her mum ?