Once upon a girl episode 10

šŸŒ¼šŸŒ¹ONCE UPON A GIRLšŸ™…ā€ā™€ļø
(Mira’s trauma)

šŸ‘‘CHAPTER 10šŸ‘‘



“It’s gonna be fine, OK” he as-sured me, I took a de-ep breath and finally sle-pt off.


I woke up as I fight off the bugs that threatened to use me for breakfast, Henry was right, mosquitos are tiny vampires, they almost finished my blood last night.
I stretched myself on the slee-ping be-d and that was when I realized Marichuiy was no longer there. I looked around and saw everyone else eating snacks and soda for breakfast but I didn’t see her.

“Hey, Bathny, where’s….” I started to ask but she cut me off.

“We saw a small lake where we had our bath, when she woke up, I told her about it, that’s where she is” she explained. How did she know who I wanted to adk about. I shrugged it off and stood up.

“Where’s the lake” I asked her.

“Take your left, few feet from here, make sure you bathe as well” she stated.

“Yes mum” I replied and she laughed, I looked around for kiwi, I saw her and ru-by chatting and laughing, it stung me like a bee, weird. I walked to them.

“Hey dude, what’s up” ru-by asked when he saw me.

“I’m good” I replied in between grits teeth, what’s wrong with me, they are just chatting, nothing more.

“Good morning Dave” Kiwi greeted and flashed her million dollar smile, I melted and myl-ips wi-de-ned in broad smile, how can she be so adorable, only her.

“Are you OK cutie” she asked me.

“Nothing, I’m fine, I just wanna go look for Marichuiy”

“Awwww” she cooed, I twisted my brows in confusion.

“What?” I asked her.

“You guys will look cute together” ru-by blurted out.

So that’s why you wanna take away my baby right, I’ll be back for you, stupid boy.

“I’ll be back” I said to them and walked out.

I finally saw the glimpse of the lake, I got closer and there she was, walking out of the lake and the glas-sy water dripping from her bĀ©dy, good thing she was wearing un-derwear otherwise I could have seen a lot of things.

“Hey, good morning” she greeted.

“Sup?” I asked her

“I’m good, you?”

“I’m OK” I replied as I sat un-der a tree. She got out completely from the river, she sat on a fallen tree and stared at me. Damn she’s h0t.

“Won’t you put On your dress?” I asked her, why is she tempting me by the way

“Hey chill, I’m just waiting for my un-derwear to dry” she replied.


“Hey, won’t you also have a bath?” She asked and win-ked at me. Huh? What is she thinking.

“Relax, trust me, I won’t look” she sm-irked, evil girl. Lol.

“So you think I would re-move my clothes to bath, nah, not when you are here” I stated and stood up.

“But why, I alre-ady promised not to look” she whined as I re-moved my shi-t. “Oooohh, cute” she cooed, can she just leave. Nah I don’t want her to leave but she should look away, actually I kinda like the way she’s admiring me. Aaahh, David stĀ©p it.

I re-moved my trou-ser leaving only my bo-xers.

“Not fair” she whimpered and made a puppy face as she crossed her hands on her che-st, I laughed as I jumped into the water, I was un-der water for a while and then I lifted my head up only to see her crying.

“Hey what happened, why are you….” Before I could finish, she alre-ady threw a stone at me but I dodged it and it fell into the water.

“Why did you scare me like that, you were in the water for too long, I thought you drowned” she cried.

“But I was in for only few minutes” I argued.

“It felt like an hour you dumb head” she barley and pick another stone to throw at me, I screamed and started swimming away from her. She jumped into the water and began chasing me.

We pla-yed in the water for a while before we heard a voice calling us.

“You two should have told us you were going on a d@tĀ£, that way we would leave without worrying about you guys” ru-by yelled at us.

I carried Marichuiy and swam out of the water.

“I thought I saw a crocodile in that water when I had my bath” Henry asked as he joined ru-by.

“You were seeing things” I said to him, I layed Marichuiy on a tree trunk and sat beside her waiting for our bĀ©dy and un-derwear to dry.

“Its so cool out here” ru-by commented.

“Yea, its because of the water” I said to him. He sat on the floor, Henry joined him.

“Where’s Kiwi” I found myself asking.

“She’s with Bathny” ru-by replied.

“You are with one fruit and you are asking about another fruit, dude you really nee-d to choose one” Henry blurted out, I know what he’s talking about but I pretended like I didn’t.

“What are you talking about” I asked him.

“You know what I’m talking about” he replied and win-ked at me. I looked at Marichuiy who la-id her head on my l@ps, Henry is right, I can’t be in love with two fruits, it has to be one and that’s the problem, I’ve always thought about Kiwi but now with Marichuiy here, its a different case. How do I fix this.

“OK Henry, do you wanna talk about it?” I heard Marichuiy ask and my heart skipped.

“Talk about what?” Henry asked.

“Your mood….” She said and lifted her head from my leg, she sat up and faced Henry.

“Look I know that i don’t know you that well, but the little i know about you, you are a cheerful person but this morning, you are just dull, why?” She asked him.

“Who would be happy in this kind of place?” ru-by asked.

“That’s not what I mean, he knows what I’m talking about, do you wanna talk about it Henry?” She asked.

“I don’t know” Henry shrugged and went quiet for a while and that was when I realized it, he was really down. “Its just that, I’ve been trying to impress him…” He started and I didn’t nee-d to be told he was talking about Ricky. “But he doesn’t seem to see me”

Marichuiy sighed. “But Henry have you asked yourself some basic questions about him?” She asked him.

“Like what?”

“Like, is he g@y too, what if he’s married, also the dude is way older than you, He’s old enough to be your father, I know he’s cute and all but he’s way out of your league” I ch!pped in.

“I support Dave” ru-by stated.

“Also I’ve been meaning to ask you, how did you get to know that you are g@y?” Marichuiy asked him, I couldn’t hold my laughter, including ru-by.

“I just know since I was little, I started crushing on guys” Henry replied nonchalantly.

“I do crush on girls to, I find my gender so beautiful and cute, but that doesn’t make me a g@y” Marichuiy argued.

“Well I’m not you” Henry retorted.

“Have you ever d@tĀ£d any guy before or you just crush from afar” she asked again and ru-by and I started another round of laughter, she’s really hitting him ha-rd .

“No” Henry answered.

“That means you are not g@y, stĀ©p deceiving yourself” she fired.

“OK, are you my judge now?” Henry asked her.

“No, I’m the one that wants to tell you the truth, Henry stĀ©p fantasizing over nons-en-se do that you would be able to realize the beautiful things in front of you” she stated.

I’m kinda enjoying this, I smiled and looked to beautiful water, I noticed something move. I heard a groll and I saw two eyes and a rou-gh back of a crocodile. fu-ck.

“Uhm, guys, remember when Henry said he saw a crocodile in the lake….. He wasn’t bluffing” I informed them, I gr@bbĀ£d Marichuiy without diverting my eyes from the crocodile which was alre-ady crawling out of the water.

“Oh my gush it’s hvge” ru-by screamed and sprang up, Henry did the same and we all took to our hills.

But the most scary p@rt is that as we were running, i was seeing crocodiles crawling out of every p@rt of the bushes.

“What the h*ll is going on?” Henry screamed out as we were getting close to our camp.

When we got there, everyone was running up and down, parking up the little they can while Salvador and his men tried to shoot some of the crocodiles.

I gr@bbĀ£d my backpack and Marichuiy’s own while she puts own her dress, when she was done, she took the backpacks from me so that I could dress up as well.

“Where the h*ll have you guys been?” Bathny asked as she and Kiwi approached us.

“There are too many of them, we have to leave now sir” one of Salvador’s men screamed out.

“Let’s go, let’s go” Salvador screamed and bounced out, we all joined him and ran as fast as our legs could carry us.

“Oh my candy Goodness, that was crazy mehn” Kiwi screamed out when we got to another p@rt of the jungle.

“That is the real definition of all that glitter are not gold, a place filled with berries yet condemned with crocodiles” ru-by complained.

“At least we should all thank God that they didn’t appear while we were asleep last night” I stated.

“We would have been history by now” Kira said.

“Mmmh” I heard Marichuiy grumble.

“Are you OK?” I asked Her.

“I’m so hungry” she replied as she held her tummy.

“Hahaha, that’s what happens when you don’t eat dinner” I laughed at her and she hit me. I brou-ght out a sandwich from my backpack and gave to her.

“Hey, this is yours, I have mine” she made to open her backpack but I stĀ©pped her.

“It is my duty to take care of you”

“Who made you my guidian Angel?” She asked me.

“No one, eat” I replied, she chuckled and started eating.

“But wait yo, where exactly are we going?” Michael asked the question we’ve all forgotten to ask, well we all know where we are going literally but where exactly are we, where’s our next stĀ©p.

“We are going to kuluvanda temple of course, to break Marichuiy’s curse and get a lot of gold for Salvador” Kiwi answered nonchalantly. I Palmed my face.

“This girl is crazy” Marichuiy whispered.

“Hey that’s rude” I complained “but kinda true, she’s crazily dumb but it’s adorable” I added and she laughed.

“Girlfriend that wasn’t a direct question, but you wouldn’t know that because you are dumb as fu-ck” Kira fired at her, I clenched my fist, if only she wasn’t a girl, I would have punched her ha-rd .

“Don’t you dare insult her bit-ch” Bathny retorted, Kira rolled her eyes and walked away to join Michael who was in the front.

Kiwi sighed. Marichuiy went to her and held her shoulder.

“Hey don’t mind her, she has always been rude, ignore whatever she say to you” she stated, Kiwi nodded.

“Or perhaps you lunch her a little” I added and she giggled, adorable.

“OK, lets join the others” Bathny said and we all joined the rest.

“OK, our next turn is by the left” Salvador informed us.

We took the path and continued walking.

“Uhm, when you were staring at the map and asking us to take this route, did you Also notice there was a bridge here.?” ru-by asked as he stĀ©pped and stared in front of him.

“A dangerous one at that” Michael added.
We all got closer only to face to slimest and longest bridge I’ve ever seen.

“I’m not crossing that” Kira complained and sat on the floor.

“Oh plea-se Kira, can we not do this now” Bathny spat out.

“Is it my fault that the bridge is so long and high, is it my fault that this journey is getting dangerous by every minute, is it my fault that this mission is completely mission impossible?” Kira cried out loud, tears streamed down her cheeks, the girl is really going throu-gh a lot.

“Babe calm down, its not that high, I’ll cross you over” Michael tries to as-sure her.

“Let go off me…” She screamed and snatched her hand off his. “Leave me the h*ll alone, that is what you keep saying ‘have it’s fine, I’m here, I’ll take care of you, I’ll cross you over’, I’m sick and tired of it” she cried.

“Kira” Henry called her.

“Stay out of this” she fired at him. “Michael you sit and watch this people insult me right from the moment this evil man kidnapped us..”

“I’m not evil” Salvador stated.

“Shut up” Kira fired and everyone shuddered in fear except Salvador.

“OK, that’s it” Salvador said, he picked his gun and c0cked it about to shoot Kira and that made her flare up.

“You wanna shoot me..” She fired at him.

“Shoot me I dare you baste*d” she cried.

Michael snatched the gun from him and turned back to Kira. “Baby…”

“Don’t you dare baby me, everyone made fun of me but you never asked them to stĀ©p, twice you guys have shown me that you could deny me anywhere, I’m tired of it, you keep promising to take care of me but you never try to get me out of here”

“Kira plea-se calm down” Michael pleaded.

“I wanna go home Michael, take me home, I’m done” she cried.

I noticed that Kiwi was crying too.

“Kira plea-se we are sorry if we treated you badly” She tries to apologize.

“Save it Kiwi” Kira fired, she cried as she stepped away from all of us.

“Kira plea-se, I’m sorry for getting you into this” Marichuiy apologized, Kira shook her head as she continued backing away from us, I have a bad feeling about this.

“Babe plea-se just come back, I’m sorry” Michael tried to speak, Kira was about to reply when she stepped on a stone, I heard something snap on the floor and before I could blink Kira was alre-ady dangling from a tree with rope strangling her nĀ£Ā¢k and she was struggling to break free or at least breath.

“Oh my gush Kira” Kiwi screamed.

Michael dropped the gun in his hands and rushed to her, he held her legs to at least re-lease the pressure of the rope.

“Oh my goodness what do we do” Marichuiy asked.

“Do something, anything” Michael shouted.

“Cut the rope, we have to cut the rope” I yelled at them as I look for a way to cut the rope.

“To cut the rope, we would have to climb the tree” Henry snapped.

I’m good at climbing, all we nee-d now is a knife” ru-by stated.

“Well there’s no knife but I have a bottle of gin, we can break it and use it as knife” Ricky informed us, he brou-ght out the gun and tossed it to me, I poured out the remaining drink in it and smashed the bottle on a stone, I picked a piece and gave to ru-by. He jumped on the tree and started cutting the rope, by then Kira bĀ©dy was alre-ady getting rigid, she was fast turning white.

“ru-by what the h*ll is keeping you” Michael cried.

“Almost got it” ru-by replied, he finally cut off the rope and Kira fell off but Michael was fast enough to catch her, she was coughing and breathing heavily.

“Here, give her some water” Marichuiy handed him her bottles water, Michael gave Kira and she managed to drink a little.

“Uh, we gotta go” Salvador commanded, we all stared at him as he walked towards the bridge, when he noticed we weren’t coming, he turned back and yelled “now!!!”

“Why is he so heartless, jeez” Kiwi asked.

“Uhm, I don’t think he’s being heartless right now, I think he’s running” Bathny stated as she stared at a direction.

“Running from what?” ru-by asked.

“Fro….from……from those” Marichuiy stammered as she stared at the same direction. We turned to see what it was.


Two black wolves were staring dangerously and hungry at us, their maroon eyes seems to be scanning our bodies to know who has the fattest meat.

“Mich….Michael, pick kira up, I’m outta here” Henry whispered and zoomed off, ru-by dragged Kiwi and Bathny joined them. Marichuiy and I helped place Kira on Michael’s back and he ran off.

The wolves seem to have noticed that we were running for our lives, but they didn’t want loose their food, they jumped down from the stone they were standing on and began chasing us.

I have a feeling we are not gonna leave this jungle alive.


David and Kiwi sh!ppers, answer presĀ£nt, hqters avoid us šŸ„“ Davwi sh!pI stan, let me run first šŸƒā€ā™€ļøšŸƒā€ā™€ļøšŸƒā€ā™€ļø, I’m In my house, come and beat me nah šŸš¶ā€ā™€ļø