On the fence finale

🌀🕋On The Fence🕋🌀

🍃👉 Falling At The Right Path 👈🍃

💞Love Story💞

🐾🐾Episode Thirty-two🐾🐾

🔎🎥✨🔥 °•°Finale°•° 🔥✨📢🔍

Written By Chris Val 💎

**not edited**

=====>>>🌲Switzerland🌲<<<===== Continuation Mark was beyond shocked as he held Rita who was sli-pping off his hands "She don't even have blood" Phil-ips aid referring to Rita because there was a little blood that splashed on her shoulder Mark was lost not knowing what to do The capon walked in, along with Fred "As expected, and who's that?" The capon asked referring to Lucy who was behind Mark "That's Lucy" Phil!preplied "Wow, then it's perfect timing or is Mark working with us alre-ady?" The capon asked smiling "Come here" the capon said as he dragged Lucy out from where she was James and Mikhail was still sitting but was alre-ady freed Though couldn't do anything because they were armless "Get the c@m£ra and my mask" the capon commanded a guy "Don't try that" James said from where he was sitting Knowing what the capon was about to do "Am just starting, I haven't beaten you the way I want" the capon said looking at James who was forming in anger As the guy c@m£ out with the mask and c@m£ra The capon collected the mask and wore it James couldn't take it anymore as he jumped out from where he was and bounced on the capon who fell down Phil!ptook out his gun to shoot but Mark was too fast as he kicked him on the f!nger and the gun fell off his hands He kicked the guy who was next to Phil!pand it was unfortunate that the guy hits his head on a wall that has nail on it as he gave up immediately Phil!pwanted to attack but Mark has been an experienced fighter as he managed to kick him again Meanwhile The other guy and Mikhail was struggling on their own Fred in the other hand, opened a drawer and took out a gun He was about to shoot it when Mark took him unaware Thanks to the gun he kicked off from Phil!phand In the other hand, the capon heard the sound of the gun, he then punched James before he rolled on the ground, bringing out his gun and pointed it at Mark knowing that he was the one with the gun Meanwhile Mark has alre-ady pu-ll-ed the trigger but it sounds empty ma-king the capon to smile Just then, they started hearing gunsh0ts from the down "Wow, beautiful" the capon said smiling as he stood up He checked throu-gh the window and it was police Mark and James has to raised up their hands in surrender The capon walked closer to Mark and held him from the back, ceasing his hands and pointed him at his ears from the right hand side "Move it" the capon commanded as Mark took the lead leaving James, Mikhail Phil!pand Lucy behind He was only trying to find his way to escape not thinking about others "Take Rita before it's too late" James said referring to Mikhail as he picked up fight with Phili-p Lucy helped Mikhail to carry Rita Outside, the capon c@m£ with that same position as the police pointed at him Mr and Mrs Jones were there as well "Better step aside or I pu-ll the trigger" the capon shouted but no one said anything One of the smartest policeman targeted his f!nger and sh0t him The capon screamed, letting go of both the gun and Mark as he bent to nurse his f!nger The police rushed to him Handcuffing him "plea-se upstairs" Mark said rushing back but met Mikhail and Lucy on the step with Rita Other policemen rushed to help them take Rita Some rushed upstairs Phil!pwas alre-ady weak when they got in They handcuffed him and took him away ++±++ =≠={{🏠}}Mr Jones Residence{{🏠}}=≠= The following morning, They were all in the sitting room chatting Although Mark and James were dressed up for somewhere "Only me can do it" Mark tried defending himself "Maybe another Mark, as far as it's this one, it's not possible" Mr Jones said as they laughed "Dad, you are un-derestimating me" Mark said smiling "Am just telling you the truth" "But am still the hero" Mark boosted "But how did you get to track us?" James asked "I actually felt the danger on time" "If you can remember, before you left to h0tel, I hits your car key ma-king it to fall" Mark said while James nodded "So as I pretended picking it, I slides in a tracker in your shoe and that's how Mom and Dad get to know where we were" Mark explained Just then his phone started ringing It was Mikhail He picked it up and placed it on loud speaker "When are you guys going because am alre-ady on my way?" Mikhail asked "Right now, don't mind this dude that enjoy talking" James shouted from where he was sitting as Mark smiled "We are on our way" Mark said then hung up and stood up "Where to?" Mr Jones asked "To that our clas-smate who was sh0t yesterday" Mark replied ± ====={{{{🏥}}}} Hospital {{{{🏥}}}}===== Mark and James arrived on the same car Mikhail was there as well but he c@m£ before Mark and James They shook hands with themselves before going to see the doctor "It is really funny" the doctor said when they asked him about Rita's health "How do you mean doctor?" Mark asked in confusion "She actually fainted, she was wearing bullet proof vest inside, so her heart skipped, resulting to the fainting and it t©uçhes a little of her shoulder but not harmful, that's why there was a splash of blood on her shoulder" the doctor explained "Can we see her now?" Mark asked "Sure,,,, just ask the nurse,,,,,,,,," ± They got the ward where Rita was She was looking at the ceiling "Hey" Mark was the first to enter "Hey" Rita responded as her face curved to smile "How are you feeling?" Mark asked smiling as he sat on the be-d "Am good now, hope you aren't hurt?" Rita asked back while Mark shook his head negatively "Hey, hey" James and Mikhail greeted waving their hands Rita waved back "Am still wondering how you get there" Mark stylishly asked while Rita smiled "Actually, I was in that restaurant you met Lucy, so I overheard everything" Rita started "The following day, I c@m£ to your house early before you left but I parked outside, immediately you left, I rushed inside and informed your parents since Lucy refused to do so, after informing them, I left and drove fast to where you asked Lucy to meet, luckily she was just entering when I appeared, so I drove after you guys but kept distance" Rita explained "I see" Mark said "That love " Mikhail as they smiled "James, do you know anything about the capon father?" Mikhail asked changing the t©pic "Mr Johnson?" James returned the question "Thanks, that's all I nee-d to know, I got to do some work now" Mikhail said as he meant to walk out of the room "What's that?" James asked surprisedly "I don't think I have to answer you" Mikhail said instead "This dude is crazy" James said "You know" Mark said laughing "In London right?" Mikhail asked when he gets to the door post "Yes" James replied "Good" Mikhail responded "So are you gonna tell me now?" James asked "I don't think so" Mikhail responded "$h!t, that dude is really crazy" James said hitting his hand on his head Mark later told James about Lucy's love for him but they kept it to themselves so that Lucy wouldn't look cheap James used that opportunity to visit her ++±++ =====>>>🌲 London🌲<<<===== =≠={{🏠}}Mr Johnson Residence{{🏠}}≠= Mr Johnson was in his balcony taking a fresh air when four policemen drove in on a one vehicle "Sergeant Kelly" one of the policemen said showing him his ID card Mr Johnson nodded "We are here to search this house and here is the search warrant" sergeant Kelly added Mr Johnson knowing that he has nothing to hide granted them the permission As information given, sergeant Kelly was able to get a cocaine in the capon's room and also the fake do¢v-ments that they prepared for Mr Holmes Mr Johnson was arrested ++±++ =====>>>🌲Switzerland🌲<<<===== =≠={{🏠}}Mr Jones Residence{{🏠}}=≠= On Sunday, a very big p@rty was thrown in Mr Jones house Mark invited Rita while James invited Lucy Mark has asked Rita out It's true she couldn't wait within her but she had to tell Mark that she would think about it James was able to ask Lucy out as well The p@rty was very excited and enjoyable James was taking a walk around the house when he to saw someone he knew from the past "Mercy" James said not believing what he was seeing "Hey, motherfv¢ker, what are you doing here?" Mercy asked "In my own house?" James asked back jokily "See who is talking" Mercy said bending her mouth a little Just then, Mark walked to them "Hope am not disturbing?" Mark asked smiling James turned smiling as well "Mercy meet my brother and Mark here is Mercy my clas-smate at Paris" James introduced "See James, see introduction" Mercy laughed "Forget, this is not James you use to know" James said "Anyway, you have a cute brother, although I don't know when you started having brother" Mercy responded ma-king Mark to smile "Mercy here you are" Mrs Tessy said as she walked closer to them She was Mr Jones sister "Mom" Mercy responded "Ah Mark, where's the James you went to call?" Mrs Tessy asked turning to Mark "That's him" Mark replied pointing at James "Wow, my son, how are you?" Mrs Tessy asked "Am good ma'am" James replied bowing a little "Mom this is that James" Mercy reported "What a coincidence" Mrs Tessy said "Well, Mercy meet your cousins, Mark and James" Mrs Tessy introduce "What!" Mercy couldn't believe it Even James find it difficult to believe it "You?" Mercy added "Mark and James, your father is asking for you guys, Mercy come with them" Mrs Tessy said walking out from them Mikhail from nowhere walked in "Wow" Mikhail said "Mercy this is my best friend, Mikhail, Mikhail this Mercy my lost but found cousin" Mark said "Nice to meet you" Mikhail said stretching out his hand and Mercy took it "You can have your, James let's go" Mark said as he pushed Mikhail to Mercy and dragged James Mikhail un-derstood him and smiled He has to engage in conversation with Mercy "Wait a little" James said halfway to the room "What?" Mark asked "Am still apologizing" James said "See this dude, it's now in past" Mark said hitting him slightly on his shoulder "But still" James "Don't start" Mark said James c@m£ closer to Mark and whispered "Do we have another game to bet?" James asked while Mark laughed hitting him James ran away laughing 🎺🎺The End🎺🎺 Kindly drop your comment