Old flame episode 3 & 4

Episode 3


Evelyn wondered what Roland wanted to discuss with Her as they had been talking the whole time. She bec@mĀ£ scare, Evelyn was aware that the love she once shared with Roland had rekindled alre-ady but she was doing all she could to suppress the ungodly feelings.
“I’m all hears” Evelyn managed to say
Roland walked closer to her, held her hands pas-sionately and planted a h0t pas-sionate k!ss, they hvggged and k!$$Ā£d in the process, Roland’s hands were warm and tender and they pierced Evelyn’s skin as he ru-bbe-d them all over her.
They were in each other arms, k!ssing, when Roland whispered into her ears. “Evelyn, I still… Love you” And immediately Evelyn disĀ£ngaged from Roland’s arms.

Yes the k!sswas heavenly, the last time she experienced such pas-sionate k!sswas 8 years ago on her wedding night.
Her husband, Frederick make sure that night was memorable for her, Evelyn reminisced on her wedding night, She remembered how she and her husband made love all throu-gh thier wedding night, they explored different positions and activities before they finally coll@psed and sle-pt off on each other. It was obvious that she was S-x starved and any wrong move would cause her to end up in Roland’s be-d. She comported herself immediately her s-en-ses returned.
” I’m a married woman, I don’t nee-d to be here, it’s wrong, no matter what is going on between My Husband and I, I won’t cheat on him, never! ” She thought, Roland stared at her in confusion and then she turned to Roland.

“Roland don’t you dare, do this to me again, how could you k!ssme, when you know that I’m married, i only c@mĀ£ here because you are my friend and because of the love we once shared but I’m not going to cheat on my husband with you, plea-se don’t you dare try this again” Evelyn warned sternly while Roland stared in confusion, Evelyn walked out on him quietly.

All throu-gh the ride home, Evelyn almost died of guilt.
“Yes I know that My Husband is not faithful to our marriage but I don’t have to start cheating on him too, no I can’t do that, I don’t want to offend God. I know that I don’t love my husband anymore because of his lies and disloyalty but he is still My Husband and the father of my children” She thought soberly but she couldn’t get her mind off the pas-sionate k!ss, she shared with Roland.

The next day, She returned to her matrimonial home in Abuja and Frederick was acting weird around her as he still believed that his wife was cheating on him

Frederick believed his wife was cheating on him ever since he learnt of Roland but he never uttered a word about it to Evelyn, because he had no proof. Evelyn’s trip to Benin, made everything worst. Frederick ba-rely asked how the trip went but Evelyn was not even paying attention to Frederick’s weird behavior. She was still dying of guilt. She had stĀ©pped taking Roland’s call and blocked him on social media.

Roland had been profusely pleading for her forgiveness in his last message on Facebook messĀ£nger and he promised never to over step his boundaries but still Evelyn went ahead to block him on social media.
In a way Evelyn missed him so much and she had admitted to herself that she was still in love with Roland.
“I don’t know what is happening to me, why I’m I having feelings for Roland, a man who is not My Husband, this is so wrong, plea-se Lord forgive me” She had thought

One day, Frederick woke her up in the middle of the night
“Evelyn? wake up we nee-d to talk!” Frederick told her and her heart froze! She wondered what was going on in her husband’s mind as he had never woken her up in the middle of the night for a discussion.
Frederick had finally found a proof, He somehow c@mĀ£ across the text message Roland sĀ£nt to Evelyn on WhatsApp messĀ£nger, Evelyn had blocked Roland everywhere and she forgot to do the same with her whatsApp, The text message re-ads: “Evelyn dear, I’m so sorry, plea-se take my call, I nee-d to hear from you, if not for anything but for the sake of the love we still feel for each other, I know you still love me and I feel the same way too”.

Fredrick’s suspicion was confirmed when the text message was from no other but Roland and he doesn’t nee-d a soothsayer to tell him that Evelyn was cheating on him with his old school mate.
Evelyn sat up and prepared herself to hear what Frederick was about to say.
“I can’t remain married to a cheap woman like you, I know that I have cheated on you countless times but I’m a man, I have every right to cheat but you don’t, I know you are cheating on me with your so called old school mate, Roland, I have been suspecting you ever since our Bryan mentioned his name but I was quiet because I have no proof. But now that I have proof, I can’t take it anymore. I want a divorce” Roland said at once and tears rolled down from Evelyn’s cheek…..

So you have the right to cheat but I don’t? You want A divorce? And you have come to conclusion that divorce is our ultimate solution?, Even without hearing my own side of the story?, ” Evelyn entered in tears
“I don’t want to listen in details on how you cheated on me with him, I know you where both together in Benin, one of my friend saw you walking into an h0tel in Benin. Well I just donā€™t want to know the details, my heart is no longer in this marriage, it’s better we go our separate ways” Frederick said at once

“Just like that, without giving me a chance to explain myself?” Evelyn said in tears but Frederick couldnā€™t respond
“But I have caught you many times, cheating on me, not the nĆ»dĀ£s and your flir-tatious conversation with different women on your whatsapp messĀ£nger but I always forgive you” Evelyn said in tears
“You have no choice but to forgive me, I’m a man and I have every right to cheat, I married you not the other way round, oh I see.you can hi fresh ish on+233544142683 to be added to story headquarters to get more of this. you hooked up with your Roland for revenge but you are a woman, you have everything to lose, I have nothing to lose” Frederick said at once, he stood up and left the room.

From that day, Frederick stĀ©pped slee-ping in thier matrimonial room and he rejected Evelyn’s meal. He bec@mĀ£ harsh to his children and he calls his lovers in the presĀ£nce of Evelyn.
Evelyn who could not bear it anymore, moved out of her matrimonial home and moved to her cousin’s house with her two children- Bryan and Gianna.
Later that same day, she sĀ£nt a text message to Frederick.
“Fred, When you are re-ady with the official papers let me have them so I can sign.. Bye. From Evelyn”

Frederick almost ran mad when he got the text message, he tried calling Evelyn on the phone but she refused to pick up. He only threatened Evelyn with a divorce, he wasn’t going to end thier marriage. It hurt him so much that Evelyn didn’t even try to defend herself.
“I can’t believe that Evelyn could do this, so Evelyn is really having an affair with that Roland, Now I see why she didn’t say anything in her defense, when I confronted her” He thought….

Episode 4

Weeks later, Frederick had to tell both thier families that Evelyn had moved out.
Evelyn’s aged parents were so worried when they found out, They had to call Evelyn up on her phone and she admitted she had moved out from her husband’s house, with her children.

“Why would you allow things to get to that level, why did you move out of your home?” Evelyn’s parents inquired
“mom, Dad, I have been putting up with Frederick’s lies and unfaithfulness, He cheats on me with different women everyday but because I reconnected with an old school mate, My husband concluded that I’m cheating on him, the worst was he dared had to gut to threaten me with a divorce, I have never fought him or threaten to leave him each time I caught him cheating on me, I was always un-derstanding and I always tried to forgive him but because of a text message, he concluded that I was unfaithful, I’m done with him and I’m tired of our marriage, I want peace, He is too selfish and egocentric” Evelyn told his parents

All attempts made by their family to Reconcile Frederick and Evelyn was futile, as they both stood on thier grounds.
To spite Evelyn, Frederick told one of his lover, Sally to move in with him and when Evelyn found out, She reconciled with Roland and in no time Roland and Evelyn started d@t!ng.
As all these were going on, Bryan and Gianna were neglected as Evelyn ba-rely had time for them. Evelyn started working in Roland’s company and she was always busy.

As Roland and Evelyn was d@t!ng, Roland took good care of her, he always sĀ£nt money to her account, he took Evelyn on a tour to different countries, leaving her children- Bryan and Gianna at the care of her cousin, Mabel.
Roland always showered her with expensive gifts and he often took her to the Spa, to have her skin pampered, Evelyn was practically living her dream life but she neglected her children. Roland even got her some investment shares in her name and he promised to set her up in her own enterprise.

Each time Evelyn’s cousin, Mabel would try to talk some s-en-ses into her, she would flare up in anger, “Eve, I’m your blood, I won’t deceive you, I know that your husband wronged you but you don’t have to neglect your children, you ba-rely spend time with your Bryan and your Gianna. Before Roland c@mĀ£ into the picture, Bryan and Gianna meant the whole world to you, plea-se don’t neglect your children plea-se, they nee-d their mother” Mabel said calmly but Evelyn was angry.

“I nee-d to be happy too, for eight years I tolerated thier father because of them, they are not lacking anything, I paid for thier school fees and everything. Their father had not cared about them for the past one year we moved out, in fact he is now living with his lover in our matrimonial home, what do you want me to do? Don’t I deserve to be happy too?” Evelyn said in tears but Mabel consoled her.
“I un-derstand how you feel but two wrongs can never make a right. Bryan and Gianna are both special to you, plea-se don’t make them pay for the crime they know nothing about. plea-se” Mabel added and Evelyn promised to make amends.

Things got worst when Roland
got Evelyn an alre-ady furnished and crispy ap@rtment so she moved out from Mabel’s house with her children. Bryan and Gianna took the school bus to school every morning and the same school bus would bring them back home after school

One day, The unimaginable happened, Bryan and Gianna were back from school and met thier mother’s absĀ£nce and there was nothing Evelyn left for Lunch, They were starving and nee-ded food to eat, Bryan went into her mother’s be-droom and he saw few cash in Evelyn’s wardrobe and the young boy set out to buy lunch for himself and his sister, Gianna.
“Gianna, I’m coming, let me go down the street and buy us lunch, I know Mummy have warned us not to leave the compound but she didn’t keep lunch for us, I guess she forgot and we nee-d food now because I’m hungry and I’m sure you are too”
Bryan said innocently and Gianna nodded in agreement.

Few minutes later, Bryan was outside in the main road, he couldn’t get a loaf of bre-ad from the shops in the street, he decided to go further and try the nearby streets, He was about to cross the road when he was hit by a moving truck. Blood oozed out from his nose and his head and these attra-cted people’s attention that In no time, crowd gathered around.
Bryan was rushed to a nearby hospital and some people who recognized him called Evelyn on the phone.

Evelyn almost died of shock when she got the bad news. She began to blame herself, h0t tears rolled down from her eyes and she raced to the hospital like a mad woman.
“oh my child, where is my Bryan?, Nurse plea-se where is my child?” She said immediately she arrived the hospital. But the Nurse tried all she could to calm her down.

“Madam, plea-se relax, the Doctor is with your son and they are doing all they can for him, plea-se have faith” The nurse told Evelyn.
h0t tears kept falling off Evelyn’s cheek, She called Mabel to inform her about what had happened and of course, Mabel blamed her.
“Evelyn you are careless, you are not fit to be called a mother, Bryan is just a little boy of 7 years old and Gianna is 5 years old, I told you to look after them because they can not look after themselves but no you were so interested in being happy, you are so selfish and wicked. If anything happens to Bryan, I will never forgive you” Mabel said sharply at the other end of the phone. Mabel’s emotional outbur-sts on the phone made Evelyn to feel worse.

She fell to the ground and bur-st into uncontrollable tears and the nurses on duty tried all they could to console her.
Few hours later, Mabel had arrived at the hospital with Gianna and not too long Roland arrived too, Evelyn had told him what happened.
They were all waiting anxiously for the doctor, who c@mĀ£ with a bad news.

The doctor had as-sumed Roland was Bryan’s father.
“Your son is in a bad shape, the accident was so terrible, your son is still unconscious but I don’t know why he keeps calling out for you unconsciously” The doctor said calmly.
“My son is calling out for his father? “Evelyn asked shockingly
“Yes I suggest you go in there and talk to your son, that will help him alot”The doctor said and Evelyn was speechless

“Actually doctor, I’m not his father, but I can go in there, Bryan is like a son to me” Roland said calmly but the Doctor told him “plea-se get the boy’s father, that would help him alot” The doctor concluded and finally left.
Mabel was quic-k to call Frederick on the phone, Frederick ran to the hospital as soon as he heard the news, He was directed into the intensive care unit and he bur-st into uncontrollable tears immediately he saw Bryan, laying lifelessly on the hospital be-d.


To Be Continued