Old flame episode 1 & 2


Episode 1



Evelyn dropped her husband’s phone on the re-ading table and bur-st into tears.
“He will never change, Frederick can never be faithful in this marriage”She thought still in tears . Her Husband Frederick just got back home from work a while ago and he went into the bathroom to freshen up.
Evelyn had looked throu-gh her husband’s phone and was disappointed with what she had seen, is it the nûd£ pictures of different women or Frederick’s conversation with other girls on his WhatsApp mess£nger?
What she saw in her husband’s Facebook mess£nger almost killed her, Frederick chats dirty with random ladies.

Frederick and Evelyn had been married for Eight years and at the beginning, they seemed to be in love with each other. When they were d@t!ng, Frederick appeared perfect but after thier 2nd wedding Anniversary, Evelyn had found out a lot about him, he was a pathologic liar and a chronic wom-anizer, He never really showed this side of him when they were d@t!ng.

All Evelyn ever wanted was for her husband Frederick to be faithful and truthful to her. She kept herself attrac-tive and in shape for her husband But it looked like Frederick would never change and Evelyn felt neglected, unloved and unwanted. “If Frederick really love me, he won’t find it difficult to stick with me” She had thought She was completely exhausted in dealing with her husband’s infidelity.

Many times Evelyn had felt like putting an end to her marriage with Frederick but she couldn’t bring herself to leave everything behind.
The only reason she was holding up was her children.
Evelyn had caught Frederick cheating on her on so many occasions,
And he would beg profusely for her Forgiveness and he would promise to change but he never did. Instead He began to cheat discreetly, He would delete his call logs, put his phone on flight mode the moment he returns from work, he would put difficult pas-swords on his phone but Evelyn always had a way to access his phone despite the difficult pas-swords.

Evelyn knew Frederick so well and all the important d@t£s in his life and that’s why she could still gain access to his phone.
Evelyn who was exhausted with the whole situation decided to overlook her husband’s escapades and continue being a virtuous wife but whenever she thought of the possibility of being infected with S-xually transmitted diseases, Fear would grip her.

“when will Fred change and st©p chasing after everything thing on Sk-irt?, I fear for my life, I don’t want to be infected with STDs or even worst HIV” She thought but she bec@m£ at ease One-day, when she found c0nd0ms and h0tel receipts in her husband trou-ser’s pockets and as usual his clothes reel of female perfume, She was bitter but at the same time she felt at ease.
“At least he uses c0nd0m” she had thought

Frederick was a cheat but he always acted sweet around Evelyn.
“You will always have a special place in my life, I love you so much” Frederick always told her.
Evelyn never believed him and Evelyn had lost all respect for him and most times whenever he would profess his undying love for her, Evelyn would uttered in anger “Keep deceiving your self, shameless man”
Frederick was unaware that his wife was still gaining access to his phone.

One-day, Evelyn got reconnected with her ex b©yfri£nd, Roland throu-gh Facebook.
Roland had s£nt a friend request to Evelyn and She accepted and from that day they chatted casually.
Roland had once been the love of her young life, her first love and the man she thought she would spend eternity with, but life got in the way, they both made some missteps, and they chalked it up to being young and foolish. And Evelyn ended up with Frederick instead.

A lot had changed for Evelyn since that time so long ago; she had changed.
She was now married with two children, Evelyn and her family lived in Abuja all these years, in fact she had her two children in Abuja, She had done what most good mothers did—put the nee-ds of thier children first and moved throu-gh her days running between house chores, the kid’s functions, and taking care of the household.

In the midst of that busy-ness and Her husband’s philandering lifestyle, there simply wasn’t time to connect in any meaningful way with her husband as their Marriage has grown so cold and they had grown ap@rt.

Evelyn was left facing the emptiness and disconnection in her marriage, and it was becoming increasingly difficult for her to ignore.
Severally, She had tried to convince herself that this was just how marriage was “Men are polygamous in nature, as long as he respects me and fulfill his responsibility, he work ha-rd to take care of our family, I should be grateful for that” She had told herself but the truth remains that Frederick was not loyal, he was not honest and he was not a decent man. And any man who is not faithful is not stable.

S-xually Evelyn was starved, as she and her husband, made love once in a while because Frederick got all the S-x he want from his numerous side chicks..
While Evelyn was craving a dee-per connection, she was simultaneously trying to convince herself that she shouldn’t want or nee-d anything more than what she had. But she felt numb, empty and alone. Her marriage was vulnerable. She was also vulnerable.

Then Enter ex-b©yfri£nd, Roland, from nearly a decade ago. He had also gotten married and had children, but he was divorced since two years ago. Roland had been single for two years now. The only thing that was working in his life was his business and he had built a very successful business for himself; Evelyn had loved Roland many years ago before life separated them but she always wished him well and he always had a special place in her heart.

At first, Roland and Evelyn’s messaging conversations were harmless, the two of them catching up on all that had changed in their lives over the years. It only took a few weeks for the conversation to move to phone calls and the conversation become a bit more flir-tatious.
Evelyn began confiding in Roland, She began sharing how she felt about her marriage, and Roland opened up to her as well and shared how he thought about her often over the years. She felt seen and heard for the first time In years. And now, even though it was only a conversation via Facebook mess£nger and phone calls, Evelyn Finally had something to look forward to when she awoke each day.

Evelyn doesn’t know that engaging with an OLD *FLAME was dangerous.* She never knew she was pla-ying with fire. But she couldn’t turn away from the heat it provided.
Social media makes connecting with Roland easy; many times, they’re only a shared connection and a cli-ck away. And the allure of an old flame to a woman feeling disconnected in her marriage can be p@rticularly dangerous.

Episode 2

The aspect where Evelyn remembered the good old times with Roland felt nostalgic. As time goes on, Evelyn began to wished she never married Frederick, She wished she could go back in time.
“I wish I waited for Roland, if I had waited I would have been the happiest married woman on earth, Why did I forget about how Roland made me feel, we were both so in love, I was so impatient, I moved on too quic-kly and fell into a wrong marriage” She had thought.

Even though a great deal of time had pas-sed, Evelyn and Roland’s friendsh!pquic-kly picked up from where they left it several years ago, The shared history between them made it feel safe and easy for them to bond properly again. In few weeks, Thier relationsh!ps develop much more quic-kly.

Evelyn’s marriage was vulnerable, and an old flame comes back in the picture, it’s was easy for Evelyn to see the missteps in the rearview mirror and feel some regret. Her minds would tell her maybe this was her second chance at love and happiness and she began to see all sorts of tempting possibilities that she don’t want to Miss.
“What if I ask Frederick for divorce? Oh what would happen to our children?” She had thought

There’s a certain comfort she felt each time she communicated with Roland, she felt safe and easy, and series of regrets kept pla-ying over and over in the back of her mind and this made her friendsh!pwith Roland much more dangerous to her struggling marriage. Rekindling an old flame is much more personal and inti-mate than a typical affair created with a stranger. As thier relationsh!ptends to catch fire more quic-kly, They began to remember how much they meant to each other.

For six months, Roland and Evelyn connected via social media and calls, more than twice Roland had invited her on a d@t£, so they could meet again but Evelyn who was scared of committing Adûlt€ryhad turned him down.
“I’m a full house wife, I ba-rely have time for myself, I ba-rely step out” She had told Roland.

Then one day, Evelyn went to pick up her children from school and was returning home when this car hit and scratched her car from behind! She got out of the car and all hell was let loose, crowd gathered around alre-ady. It was a gentle looking man and he just got down from his car, apologizing to Evelyn, the gentle looking man and Evelyn ba-rely looked at each other’s Face, Evelyn was fuming in anger but when they finally looked at each other closely, they were both surprised.

Roland? So you are the one that bashed my car?” Evelyn said smiling faintly
“Oh my goodness, Evelyn? I’m glad that our path crossed today, wow you look so beautiful” Roland responded in smiles.

That same day, Roland called his mechanic to fix Evelyn’s car, Evelyn told him not to bother, that she would fix the car the next day but Roland insisted
“My mechanic would fix your car immediately, plea-se let him do it” and in no time, the mechanic arrived, and Roland instructed him to fix the car. “After you are done fixing the car, plea-se spray it, wash it, filled up the fuel tank” Roland told the mechanic and the young man nodded at intervals and Evelyn smiled, “Roland is still thoughtful and caring as ever” She thought.

The mechanic left with the car after he had promised to return soon. When the mechanic drove off in Evelyn’s car, Roland offered to take Evelyn and her children to an eatery nearby, to have lunch while they wait for the Mechanic to return and Evelyn reluctantly agreed because she knew her children will be hungry and nee-ded to eat.

At the eatery, Roland bonded with Evelyn’s children instantly and anyone close by at the eatery would think he was thier Father. After that day, Evelyn’s children won’t st©p talking about uncle Roland and how kind he was and Evelyn was mesmerized.
Roland was really nice, Very funny and charming too and after that day thier friendsh!pde-epens.

One Sunday Afternoon, Frederick was with thier two children in the sitting room, while Evelyn was in the kitchen preparing lunch, few minutes later, Evelyn was done with cooking and was dishing out the food in portions, When Frederick entered the kitchen with thier children.
“Hmm.. Lunch smells so good” Frederick said in smiles
“Yes, mummy is cooking fried rice and it’s looks exactly like the delicious rice we ate at the eatery with mummy’s friend, uncle Roland” Bryan, Evelyn’s first son said innocently and Evelyn almost had an heart attack but she managed to comport herself

“Who is Roland?” Frederick asked in confusion and everywhere was silence for a while before Evelyn finally responded
“Roland is an old school mate, I and the kids ran into him, the other day at the eatery and he offered to paid for our meal” Frederick’s thought went wild, He was a chronic cheat and knows how everything goes but he acted cool, He walked out of the kitchen without saying a word.
From that day, Frederick began to suspect his wife but there’s nothing he could do because…..
because he had no proof.

One day Evelyn had to go on a trip to her hometown Benin city, her younger brother who resided in the United States, s£nt a hvge amount of money for her to acquire some plots of land on his behalf at thier hometown.
Coincidentally Evelyn met Roland at the local airport and they travelled together.
Roland was such a great company, Evelyn enjoyed the flight all throu-gh with his endless jokes and funny faces.. They arrived Benin, Roland lodged in the h0tel provided by the company that invited him over as he c@m£ to attend a seminar while Evelyn went to her parent’s house.
Roland was the president of a multi million enterprise.

The next day, Roland called Evelyn and invited her over for dinner.
At first, Evelyn rejected the invitation but Roland insisted and finally Evelyn reluctantly agreed.
When she c@m£ that evening, they ate, laughed, cracked jokes and even talked about thier past and when Evelyn was about to leave, Roland entered “Evelyn, plea-se..don’t go, I have something I want to discuss with you”


To Be Continued