Olamma episode 5 & 6

Episode 5.
By Amah’s Heart.

The seven days p@rty continued in Olamma’s house.
The guest were giving a nice and warm place to stay on each night of the seven days.

Olamma was counting days to be over so that she can journey to Ozulu kingdom with her handsome husband, prince Onrah.

Her friends gathered around her, they all have different things to say about Olamma’s suitor.

Oby, Olamma’s friend couldn’t hide her excitement.

“Mma, you are so lucky. The gods has indeed favoured you. Nob©dy has seen or heard of prince Onrah. He is like a god. Wealthy and he has royal blood running throu-gh him. Very handsome too. Many of us wish to be you right now. You are so lucky. We pray the gods that gave you this numerous blessings will also bring a man like prince Onrah to the maiden of this village.”


The rest of the maidens pres£nt chorused “ise” repeatedly so that the gods will hear and visit them with a man like Prince Onrah.

Mess£ngers were s£nt by Olamma’s father to inform Adaugo about Olamma’s seven days wedding ceremony.

They went twice before Adaugo decided to journey down with them on the fifth day.

When she arrived with her servants, she witnessed the great feasting and celebr@tion going on.

She saw her younger sister and her friends dressed in a decorated bead and wra-pper. Olamma was filled with smile as she sat like a queen.

Olamma saw Adaugo her elder sister but ignored her and did not bother to stand up and say hello to her.
Olamma wanted Adaugo to see that her level is far higher than her own.

Adaugo did not mind as she walks up to her younger sister and greeted her and her friends.

Adaugo was scanning the faces of the people so that she can sp©t the wealthy prince Onrah that everyone was talking about.

When she later saw him, sitting with some strange faces at a far end with palm wine, kolanut and other items on their large table she suddenly felt cold.

In truth prince Onrah was extremely handsome, and even the strange people around him looks good too.
Prince Onrah can pas-s for a man with great authority but there was something strange about him.

As Adaugo looked on, prince Onrah looked in her direction. she felt frozen at that sp©t.
All the hair on b©dy stood. Her head felt heavier, a sudden cold held her immediately.

She couldn’t move her legs or speak out.
It was as if she has seen a ghost.
Fear gr!pp£dher.
Just then Olamma tapped her shoulder.

She quic-kly got herself from the sudden shock.

“,O bu maka gini ka I na e lee dim anya otu a. (Why are you looking at my husband like that) it was even Oby, my friend that draw my attention to you. I know you have not seen a handsome, wealthy, royal prince before in your entire life. Not the ugly, poor looking man who calls himself prince that you got married to. My prince Onrah is actually the most handsome, wealthy prince anyb©dy has ever seen. plea-se, I’m guarding my husband jealously, don’t think he will even notice you with all those your look. Stick to your so called husband.

Adaugo knew what she just felt after prince Onrah looked in her direction. She knows there was something wrong.
She refused to be offended by Olamma’s insult but rather started warning her.

“,, Olamma, Biko…ari rio kam na ario nwanne m. (I’m begging you my sister) I don’t think this prince Onrah is ordinary man. Think before you leap my sister. I know he fit in perfectly well into the man you have always wanted but he is really strange…. totally strange. He made all the hair on my b©dy to stand, my b©dy is filled with goose bu-mp. plea-se, don’t marry him. What if he is a ghost in human skin?…..

Adaugo was still talking when Olamma began to laugh. She laugh so ha-rd at Adaugo before concluding that Adaugo is an enemy of progress and she was only being jealous of her.

Adaugo went to her father to also tell him about prince Onrah but her father shut her up.

“Adaugo, mechie onu gi. (Shut up your mouth) st©p talking ru-bbish. You are sounding like a jealous and bitter woman who do not want the happiness of her younger sister. Not everyb©dy should be called a prince, someb©dy like your husband is a common rat to where prince Onrah is. I wanted you to come and witness the difference between royalty and that common prince you got married to. Your younger sister has made me so proud. What you couldn’t do Olamma has done it in double fold. She is more of a daughter to me than you can ever be. I always know that a day like this will come, when Olamma will make me proud. Have you seen the grand celebr@tion which is still going on for days… Your husband will be called a servant in prince Onrah’s pres£nce….”

Adaugo shakes her head in a pity rage as she left her father who is carried away by people’s appearance.

She went to her mother to see if she will be more un-derstanding but her mother was even worst.

Adaugo couldn’t stay any longer, the whole compound was polluted with terror.
she left with her servants back to her kingdom.
Leaving Olamma to her fate.

The seven days p@rty was over and it was time for Olamma to leave with her husband.

She was very excited as she bid farewell to her people.

Her parents hvgged her and wished her well.
They wanted Olamma to take a filled box of wra-pper and beads but Olamma said she doesn’t nee-d it.
When she gets to Ozulu kingdom she will order for whatever she want.
Wra-pper, cloths, jewelries and gold will be in abundant in Ozulu kingdom.
She said.
Her mother insisted she takes at least two wra-ppers as a newly married wife.
If she gets to Ozulu kingdom she should keep it securely so that she will always remember home with it or use it whenever she starts bearing children.

Olamma sluggishly took it, de-ep down her mind she will give it out to one of her common servants who will be at her aid in Ozulu kingdom.
She doesn’t nee-d anything ordinary or common any more.

Her parents also said she should visit home sometimes because they will really miss her.
She promised to always visit with one of her husband horses and numerous servants and she will bring enough gold for them.

Her parents were very happy to hear that and bid her goodbye.

Prince Onrah thanked the villagers and his in-laws for the big reception they gave him and the people that c@m£ with him.

Olamma was guided by prince Onrah to one of the horses, the one that c@m£ with the gifts.
She felt like a queen alre-ady as she climbe-d the horse back and rode off with her husband.

They journeyed all night till the following day.
They rested for a while and continued their journey.
After four days of being on the road, ri-ding along bush paths, Olamma who was looking forward to Ozulu kingdom and receiving a great welcome from the people was becoming worried.

They pas-sed four seas, four mountains, four tallest palm tree yet there was no kingdom in sight.

Olamma was worried as she was too far from home and will never be able to recognize her way back.

She still felt confidence that Ozulu kingdom was very far and they will get there soon.
Her confidence even grew more when she remembers that she married a wealthy prince Onrah and bec@m£ the envy of many including her sister Adaugo who she thought was envious of her and the great luck that the gods blessed her with by s£nding prince Onrah.

Olamma waved off her fear and continued her journey with her husband and his people.

They st©pped to rest un-der an oak tree on the fifth day.

Prince Onrah asked Olamma to gather woods around and make fire for the night since everyone of them has being ma-king fire for days but Olamma never helps out.

Even food is served to her but she has never bother to know where it c@m£ from.

Prince Onrah asked Olamma to gather dry woods and make fire just as they have being doing but Olamma cautioned him and said her fine skin will get burnt or her hands will get soiled.
She has never made fire in her parents house why should she start now.

Prince Onrah listened to her without word.
He ordered one of the men and in no time the fire was set.
Olamma was given a meal which she did not know how it was prepared.
She ate, drank the water that was served to her and tossed her plate and cu-p aside without washing them.

“, When exactly are we getting to Ozulu kingdom. We are spending so much time on the road. I just can’t wait to be welcomed and ushered into the big palace….

Olamma queried her husband.

Prince Onrah replied.

“We have only pas-sed four seas, four mountains and the tallest palm trees. We have three more to go to complete it seven. After crossing seven seas, seven mountains and seven tallest palm trees then we will get to Ozulu kingdom. Our journey is still far….but we will get to the kingdom in few days from now.

And so, the journey to Ozulu kingdom continued.


Episode 6.

By Amah’s Heart.

The journey to Ozulu kingdom continued, Olamma was alre-ady getting bored with the whole long journey.

It had been from one bush path to another, she has not seen a village or any human and she did not really give it a de-ep thought because the only thing in her mind was how to arrive at Ozulu kingdom.

She asked Onrah few hours ago after they pas-sed one big sea, a mountain and a tallest palm tree. She has not been taking note of anything around but she couldn’t help but wonder at how big the water run.

Onrah told her that it was the sixth sea and they will soon get to their seventh.

Olamma bec@m£ happy and more eager.

She could have allowed her friend Oby to come along with her but she turned the offer down.

She doesn’t want any maiden poking around her handsome husband.

Oby has wanted to esc-rt her to Ozulu Kingdom but she was not re-ady for such. Even Onrah did not want anyb©dy to come along with her.

Olamma started wondering within herself as the journey proceed.

“…We are no more in the same level, Oby should go and marry her own husband. I don’t trust that girl or anyone else. Prince Onrah belongs to me and only me. I am the next queen of Ozulu kingdom and I can’t wait to rule. No maiden can compete with me in anything. They are always happy to be acknowledged as my friend. I’m always ahead of everyone, even ahead of Adaugo. She married an ordinary prince who is not even as handsome or wealthy as my Onrah. I nee-ded a real prince and I got exactly what I wanted. I have always gotten what I wanted and everyb©dy else is below me. I was born to be a queen and not to be married to some prince from a small kingdom, trader or a farmer. May the gods forbids such. A whole me, Olamma can never settle for less. When I get to Ozulu kingdom, I will be received with a grand welcome. Servants will line up to greet me, women will throw their wra-ppers for me to step on, the men will sing about me and marvel at my great beauty. People will st©p whatever they are doing and prostrate whenever I walk pas-s. Anyb©dy that fails will be severely punished. I will not take nons-en-se from anyb©dy or tolerate any lazy subject. I am a queen and I will…

The horses suddenly st©pped. Everyone else did the same as they got to a great river.

Olamma was not happy that they interrupted her beautiful thought.

She spoke out immediately.

“Why are we st©pping again? We just rested few hours ago. What sort of nons-en-se is this? When are we getting to Ozulu kingdom because my patients is running out? I just can’t wait to get there and receive my grand welcome from the people. We shouldn’t be st©pping again. We nee-d to keep going. Since I’m the future queen, I should be treated as such and everyone here should be more concern about my welfare and how to get me safely to my awaited kingdom. This st©pping is not necessary, anyb©dy that wants to drink water at the river should do at his own risk not ma-king everyb©dy else to st©p beside this big river….what sort of disrespect is this?

Onrah c@m£ down from his horse and walked up to her before saying.

“Patient my bride….patient. Our dear friends nee-ds to go. They have gotten to their destination. Let’s bid them farewell.

Olamma was confused. She looked round the whole place trying to see if there was a nearby village that Onrah’s friends c@m£ from but the only thing she saw was thick bushes and a big river.

She was about to ask Onrah what he meant but kept mute instead.

She watch him approach the three men who were coming behind them

He st©pped right in front of the three men and said

“My great friends, thank you for agreeing to journey with me. I know your journey ends here, your home calls out to you in chorus. You have all done well my friends. Farwell and May there always be water to nourish your lives. Farwell my friends.

He t©uçhed each of them and moved back.

Olamma watched and wondered what sort of childish pl@yprince Onrah is pla-ying with the three men.

She was about to rant out her displea-sure when Onrah cl@pped his two hands together and the three hefty men who has journeyed with them for days suddenly turned into fishes. A live big fish.

Olamma blink her eyes severally to make sure she was not having a nightmare. Three men who has become three big fishes jumped into the river and disappeared.

Olamma was about to screamed out in shock but realized that she wasn’t ma-king any sound. Cold from nowhere gr!pp£dher.

She couldn’t get over what she witnessed. She tried to speak but no s-en-sible words c@m£ out.

It appears her ton-gue had been tied.

Onrah climbe-d his horse and the journey continued. It was now Onrah, his remaining friend on a horse and Olamma who rode quietly.

After sometimes again they st©pped close to a big three.

Onrah c@m£ down from his horse again. Olamma realized that she can now speak.

She began to voice out angrily.

“whaaat….what ru-bbish was that Onrah. Are you also a magician aside being a prince? Why did you turn those men into fishes? Is not like I even care if they are alive or dead. They are not useful to me in anyway but how did you do that? I almost fell from the horse in shock and why was my ton-gue tied. Why couldn’t I speak for sometimes? Onrah answer me now. Nob©dy ignores me. Back in my father’s house I’m treated like a princess. I’m also very stubborn and nob©dy dares me too. You wanted to get me scared? That is totally ru-bbish because nothing scares me. All I care about is when we will get to Ozulu kingdom so that I can take a proper rest. Don’t ever pu-ll such tricks again on me. If is a joke, end it because is not funny. Are you even hearing everything I have been saying to you?

Olamma blabs on and on. She was talking none st©p but prince Onrah totally ignored her.

He wasn’t smiling, his face was plain as he st©pped in front of Olamma and said.

“Get down from the horse this minute, we nee-d to bid farewell to our dear friends, they have reached their destination and won’t be able to go further. Our journey will continue by foot after now.

Olamma felt insulted as she heard that their journey will continue by foot. She has planned on how she will ride on the horse back into Ozulu kingdom and they will give her a great reception.

She will not allow anyb©dy to spoil her plans, not even prince Onrah.

The only human with them is the one Prince Onrah addressed as a great friend back in the village. And he was standing beside his own horse. The horse are animals and she will not come down from her own. She will prove to him that she is really stubborn and nob©dy tells her what to do. She is going to be a queen and her words should also matters to everyone.

Olamma started her usual talk, ignoring Prince Onrah who asked her to get down.

Onrah stepped aside and raised his hand to the sky. The sky changed and everything bec@m£ still. Even the gras-shopper and crickets did not make any sound.

Olamma also bec@m£ quiet as she watched what was going on.

“My dear friends, thank you all for journeying with me to the other world. I couldn’t have done it all without your help. I appreciate you all and in due time I will return the favour. I will s£nd in your shares when the fat is melted. Your home beckons on you….they have perceived of your pres£nce, they have heard you and seen your sign in the sky and they jubilate. Welcome back to your home my friends. Farewell to you all and May your wings takes you beyond the sky….

The horse suddenly went on one knee. Olamma almost fell off when the horse she was sitting on went on one knee and bow its head to the ground.

They began to transform into a large hawk. Olamma fell with a heavy thud to the ground and held her w@!st in pain. She clashed heavily as the horse transformed into a bird.

She was in shock, and has to pinch herself to make sure she was still alive.

The first one happened, when the men turned into fishes and it was like a joke to her but there was no denying that this was beyond her comprehension.

Suddenly the horse carrying her which was now a bird spoke out to Olamma’s clear un-derstanding as it fl@p its big wing around.

“Onrah, it was indeed a journey to the great beyond. We are plea-sed to help in our own way. Your bride will make a good meal for your wands. Aside watching her running mouth, she should also watch her weight. She almost broke my back bone. We will take off now Onrah. Farewell dear friend….

Onrah replied them with a nod and three of the birds flew into the big tree and disappeared like a thin air.

It quic-kly dawn on Olamma that she has being on a journey with strange animals or even with a ghost.

Fear quic-kly gr!pp£dher and she began to shake in terror.

Her fear increa-sed when she began to wonder who prince Onrah truly is.

She looked around her, trying to see if there was a way of escape but she saw nothing. Maybe their journey has taking them beyond human legs can go. into another world.

Olamma was scared as she sat like a child on the ground and began to cry.

Onrah c@m£ to her and said.

“Get up from the ground my bride. Our journey continues by foot. Few feet from now and we will get to our destination, Ozulu calls out to you alre-ady dear one. You have looked forward to it and soon you will get there. But first we have one more st©p to make. My dear remaining friend nee-ds to go. We will bid him farewell and the journey will be just me and you to the great Ozulu.

Olamma cried out in terror as she got up from the ground and obeyed Onrah’s instruction.

She followed him in tears as she continued to cry out that she want to return back to her father’s house.

“I want to go home. Onrah….plea-se. I beg you. I want to go back to my father’s house ooo! I want to go home plea-se ooo.

She kept crying as she marched along Onrah and his remaining friend.

Onrah replied her.

“Dry your tears my bride or save it for later. There is no nee-d for it at the moment. Your home is with me now. We are going home and Ozulu is our home. But like I said we will have to bid farewell to my friend before we get to Ozulu. Very soon we will get home my bride.

Olamma’s leg shake as she walks. She was took scared to even scream or speak. All she did was to plead to Onrah to take her back to her father’s house.

But the journey is almost finished and there will be no going back now.

Olamma began to wish she has listened to Adaugo who saw what even her parents cannot see and warned her but she was too engraved with pride and thought Adaugo was only jealous of her. She wish she can undo what have been done.

Her bitter cry continued, tears run down her face as she kept pleading to go home.
