Oceane episode 41

💋 My Señorita 💋
Author Viola
“I don’t un-derstand what’s happening” Océane said in utter confusion
“She’s Elsa– your mother” Leo explained
Océane stared at Adele in disbelief “How?”
Yasmine served everyone tea as they sat in the living room.
“How did you escape? I thought you were dead” Leo wanted to know
“I was almost dead but a nurse saved me”
🔙 20 YEARS AGO 🔙
Leo ran out with the baby but the nurse who had helped him remained in the room. She took off Elsa’s clothes and wore them while she wore Elsa her clothes. The nurse pushed Elsa out to the exit and left her there then ran out of the hospital and c@m£ face-to-face with a crowd of fishermen.
“She’s the one” someone from the crowd pointed to the nurse
The nurse took to her heels but was caught by the angry mob and beaten to death.
Elsa woke up later and found herself lying on a hospital be-d at the back of the hospital.
“Leo?!” Elsa called looking around then got up to her feet. She was weak and couldn’t walk.
🔛 PREs£nT 🔛
“… I was weak and scared as I crawled out to the main road. A car st©pped beside me and the driver was kind enough to let me in. We drive past the hospital and the premises was dense with people…”
“what’s going on there?” Elsa asked the driver pointing at the crowd
“a woman gave birth to a mermaid and she has been stoned to death” the driver replied and Elsa’s heart skipped a beat. She watched the crowd throu-gh the side mirror as a b©dy was carried put on a stretcher into a waiting ambulance.
“that’s the mother” the driver explained
🔛 PREs£nT 🔛
“… I later found out that it was actually the nurse who was stoned to death but there was no nee-d about the baby and father. It was later discovered that the woman stoned was a worker in the hospital and not the woman who gave birth to the baby. The search for Elsa Jones began. Billboards had my face, the press, news, everyone was talking about me. I was wanted.
I had to flee Phili-ppines and a friend helped sneak to Mexico. Then u changed my name to Adele so no one would recognize me as Elsa Jones. Life wasn’t fair when I arrived at Mexico. I lived in the streets till the Hernández quads were born and I got employed at their nanny. But I didn’t st©p visiting the Océane twice in a year. That was how I met Océane…” Adele paused and looked at Océane “but u never knew she’s my baby” tears were alre-ady rolling down Elsa’s cheeks when she was done narrating
“it’s all my fault” Leo said bitterly “I cost you both a lot”
Adele wiped her tears “it’s okay.. we’re reunited again and am not going to let you out of my sight” she flashed Océane a smile
“How could two humans give birth to a mermaid?” Melvin thought out loud “that’s absurd”
“Am a merman” Leo replied
Kyle and Melvin excused themselves and walked out.
“where’s the n£¢klace?” Kyle asked Melvin
“I have it here”
“give it to me”
“you’re a bad future son-in-law” Melvin accused
“You just excused yourself from the reunion of your future parents-in-law”
Kyle laughed “you’re so infectious”
“I know”
“How are my family?”
“Rodriguez is searching the whole universe for you” Melvin exaggerated
“Any news about Ninon?”
“I got information that she was at the airport yesterday. I think she left Mexico to who knows where”
“Am so sorry for her”
“me too but am going to find her”
“How’s Lovane?”
“Desperately searching for the n£¢klace” Melvin replied and brou-ght out the n£¢klace from his pocket “what’s so special about this? Lovane told me a tale”
“what did she say?”
“That Océane stole the n£¢klace which is rightfully Lovane’s”
Kyle snatched the n£¢klace “I don’t care who rightfully owns it. Am returning it to Océane”
“Now you have to help me get Lovane out of my house. Am so tired of this mermaid $h!t! The girl is war”
Kyle laughed “You should return her to the water she c@m£ from”
“you were the one who brou-ght her to Mexico”
“Océane and her father would be returning, maybe Lovane should go with them”
“That means Océane isn’t going to come back again?”
“That’s my fear”
“Then why did you take such risk? you could’ve just married Ninon and save yourself the pain instead of running away and she still has to return”
“she isn’t willing to return to the water but mermaids and humans can’t be together. We can’t have human babies”
Melvin face palmed himself “what a wasted effort”
“But if she breaks her bond with the water then she becomes human and we can have babies”
“How is she going to do that?”
“I don’t know but I can’t watch her leave”
“you should’ve taken my advice and desist from love”
“I don’t regret falling in love with Océane and I don’t mind kidnapping her and tra-pping her on land”
“I can help you do that”
“Kyle?!” Océane sought his attention as she joined them “can I talk to you for a minute?”
“sure” Kyle excused himself and followed Océane
“my father insist we return” Océane said when they were alone
“but you’re going to come back right?”
“He isn’t mentioning anything about returning”
“what about Adele? she isn’t a mermaid and you both can’t just leave her after so many years”
“I don’t know.. it seems Oceania is more important to him”
“what about you? what’s your decision?”
“I want to stay here on land but you don’t expect him to return alone”
“if you go with him, are you going to return?”
“I will once I get the slightest opportunity”
Kyle sighed and shoved the n£¢klace into Océane’s palm “I kept it safe”
Océane smiled and started at the n£¢klace on her palm “I’ve never fought my whole life”
“are you going there to fight?”
“yes. Coral and her men”
“I hope and not going to lose you to the fight” Kyle said and cu-mpped her cheek in his palm
Océane shook her head “I don’t think so”
Kyle smiled and k!$$£d her forehead “I wish I could come with you”
“yeah! yeah! yeah! happily ever after. Shrek and Fiona” Yasmine walked in “sorry am always the intruder but Leo said we’re leaving tonight”
“Yes. All of us”
“All of us?”
“I alre-ady paid for out seats” Leo said when they got to the train station
“vice never been I. a train my whole life” Kyle whispered to Océane. They were walking behind holding hands
“There’s a first time in everything” Océane said
“yes and am going to get the experience tonight”
“Océane?!” Leo whirled around and they quic-kly separated their hands “it’s cold, you shouldn’t go like this” Leo said then took off his coat and gave it to Océane
“Thank you” Océane said as she wore the coat “I was really cold”
They got to the train and took their seats. Océane and Kyle sat together at the last seat while Yasmine sat with Leo and Adele at the front seat.
“what if your parents find you?” Océane asked Kyle
“That’s almost impossible cause no one is going to recognize me”
“Am not having a good feeling about this”
“Me neither. But I pray everything goes fine and you come back” Kyle said and placed Océane’s head on his shoulder “I love you”
“I love you more” Océane replied in a low tone
“did you just say that?”
“say what?”
Kyle chuckled “you never said those words. Can you say them again?”
Océane covered her face with her palms, blu-shing with embarras-sment.
“Come on, say it again. Just once” Kyle pressed on but she shook her head with her palms still covering her face. Kyle smiled and let her be. Océane gradually drifted to sleep with Kyle stro-king her hair.
The train cruised into the train station and c@m£ to a st©p.
“Welcome to Phili-ppines” Yasmine re-ad out the words on the signpost “we arrived”
“Wake up!” Kyle shook Océane who was still sound asleep on his shoulder. Océane fluttered her lashes open ru-bbing her eyes with the back of her hand.
“we’re at Phili-ppines” Kyle said and her heart started racing
They all alighted from the train and took a cab to the h0tel Kyle had booked a pri-vate suite as a John Smith. They took their bathe and ate breakfast together. When they were done, they all sat together to map out a plan.
“we won’t be returning to Oceania yet” Leo said not wanting to break Adele’s heart. He couldn’t imagine taking Océane from her again.
“we’ll just visit, see how the people are faring then come back”
“what if they’re in bondage?” Yasmine wanted to know
“Then we’ll return and fight but if they’re okay, then there’d be no nee-d to make a fuss. We’ll just let them be and remain on the land” Leo explained
“I hope there’d be no nee-d to fight” Adele said
“me too” Kyle added inaudible
“we’ll be fine. Yasmine is a mermaid so she’ll come with us while you and Kyle wait behind” Leo said
“Are you sure about this?”
“I owe Oceania my life for everything I cost them” Leo said and turned to Océane “you and Yasmine should get re-ady, we’ll spy on them this evening”
“You don’t have to fight” Kyle told Océane when they were about leaving for the Océane
“I have to if that’s the only way to save my people”
“Then let Leo and Yasmine fight. Don’t risk your life”
“we’ll all be fine”
“I’d be waiting. I won’t leave the ocean until you come back. If you perish then I’ll perish with you”
“You don’t have to say that Kyle”
“That’s how much I love you and there’s….”
“It’s time” Leo walked in “I un-derstand the t o of you and I promise you’ll be happy in the end”
Kyle swallowed ha-rd and said nothing. His eyes said it all. He didn’t want her to go.
They took a taxi to the ocean and walked to an obscure side.
“This is it….” Leo breathed out
Adele took Océane’s hands “promise me you’ll be fine”
“I will be fine” Océane promised
Adele turned to Leo “you’ll be fine right?”
Leo f0rç£d a smile “everything is going to be alright” Leo said and dove into the water then Yasmine followed
Océane took in a de-ep breath and made to dive in but Kyle st©pped her “I’ll be waiting here” he said “I won’t leave until you come back”
“we’ll just be spying on them then we’ll come back” Océane said not too confident
“so I’ll be expecting you”
“yes” Océane nodded and dove into the water
“There’s no one am promising to return” Yasmine said sadly
“you’ve got me” Océane said and they went un-der water.
Melvin and Lovane arrived at the Océane and sighted Kyle from afar. They ran to his direction and found Adele sitting on the ground and crying profusely.
“They left alre-ady” Melvin said
“they’ll be fine” Kyle said not taking his eyes off the water “she promised”
Lovane jumped into the water without thinking and went after them. She sighted Leo and the girls struggling with a fishermen net and swam fast towards them.
Océane was tra-pped in the net and Leo was trying to free her when Lovane got to be them.
Lovane gazed at the n£¢klace on Leo’s n£¢k and rushed for it but the net seized her tail.
“what I was waiting for” Yasmine sm-irked and swam into the net. She. swam round Océane and the net snapped cut, freeing Océane but Lovane was still tra-pped.
“How did you do that?” Océane asked
“my kind doesn’t get tra-pped in nets. I’ve got a razor-sharp tail” Yasmine replied
“Then why did you let me stay tra-pped?”
“cause I saw her coming and I wanted her to get tra-pped”
“Get me out.. of this” Lovane yelled struggling to free herself
“let’s go” Leo said and they swam towards Oceania leaving Lovane behind
“Help me!” Lovane yelled as the fishermen pu-ll-ed up the net
“I know a secret pas-sage we can get I’m without anyone seeing us” Leo said when they got to Oceania’s boundary
“everywhere is dark” Océane observed
They swam to a dark corner that was blocked with thorns.
“we can’t swim pas-s there, we’re going. to get stabbe-d to death” Océane said
“There’s no other way in. I think Coral blocked here to prevent anyone from leaving or coming into Oceania”
“Then thank me later” Yasmine said and swam into the thorns
“Yasmine?!” Océane and Leo shouted.
Yasmine swam fast, cutting the thorns with her tail till she made a path.
“come on” Yasmine shouted from the other end then Océane and Leo swam in throu-gh the path Yasmine had made.
“Thank you” Leo told Yasmine when they swam to her
“don’t thank me.. thank my baby” Yasmine said shaking her tail
They swam to Oceania and his as they watched the merpeople.
“Push!” Coral yelled from the throne where she say wearing the crown. The Merpeople were pushing thorns and blocking every entrance into Oceania. They looked dejected and frustrated.
“They’re in bondage” Yasmine said
“we have to fight but not now. Let’s return to land” Leo said the they turned and swimming out.
“not so fast” Coral bellowed and blocked their way
“How did she swim here so fast?” Yasmine asked no one in p@rticular
“I see we’ve got a new mermaid” Coral sm-irked at Yasmine “is she your second abomination Leo?”
“Coral st©p this madness”
“Point of correction Leo.. call me Queen Coral”
“let’s start fighting alre-ady” Yasmine said in a whisper
“Guards?!” Coral shouted seize them
“Don’t t©uçh me” Océane yanked and swam out of their grip
“Let them” Leo signalled Océane and they let the guards arrest them
“Kyle?!” Océane argued when they were thrown into the dungeon
“why did you let them arrest us?” Yasmine asked Leo “I would’ve carved them into shape with my tail”
“we can’t just return and start up a fight. we have to get the people to trust us again. They hate us now and until we give them a reason to think otherwise, they’ll keep hating us”
“we can’t stay locked in here” Océane said “I alre-ady spent 8 years in here”
“Yasmine is going to get us out when necessary but for now– let’s think of a way to win the people’s trust”
“Anais?!” Coral swam to Anais smiling satisfactorily “your son is back”
“where’s Leo?” Anais asked and st©pped rotating the globe
“continue rotating the globe” Coral ordered and Anais obeyed
“your son is in my mercy but I’ll let him go along with your grandchildren of you can convince him to give me the n£¢klace and tell me the remaining ingredients for the ritual”
“Océane is here?” Anais asked buy didn’t st©p rotating the globe
“not just Océane.. you have another grandchild”
“I want to see them”
“tell me what you see in the globe”
“My Lovane?”
“The fishermen caught her and they’re taking her away to be killed”
Coral g@sped “how do we st©p them?”
“you can only st©p their boat”
“you’ll nee-d a siren”
“I don’t know of any siren that lives”
“There’s just one of her kind and she lives down the path of Galway” Anais said
“keep rotating the globe and make sure my Lovane is safe” Coral instructed and swam out to meet the siren
She got close to a big shell from an ancient mussel. The siren was singing as beautiful as ever. Coral swam in and found the siren sitting on a stone with her back at Coral.
“I’ve been expecting you” the siren said without turning to look at Coral.
“my child has….”
“I know” the siren interrupted and continued singing.
“what a beautiful voice” one of the fishermen said as they listened to the siren’s voice
“silly humans” Lovane scoffed. Her hands were tied buy she was still in her mermaid form.
The singing h0t louder and the fishermen got eager to see who was singing so beautifully.
“we’re almost there” one of the fishermen said as they paddled into a dark path. Lovane sm-irked cause she knew it was a siren and the boat would capsize giving her a chance to get away.
“there’s no on here” one of the fishermen said when the water got too dark and they couldn’t see clearly.
Coral who hand been watching smiled and turned into a gigantic sea lion then swam up to surface.
“look out!” the fishermen shouted but it was took late as Coral picked them one after the other a d swallowed. Then she turned back to a mermaid and untied Lovane.
“My Lovane”
“I failed you”
“it’s alright.. we’ve got them” Coral sm-irked