Oceane episode 11

💋 My Señorita 💋
Author Viola
“She still doesn’t want to go with you” Adele told Kyle after several attempts to convince Océane to go with him
“What do I tell Maeva?” Kyle asked no one in p@rticular
“she’s scared cause someone attacker her this morning” Adele said
“I don’t know”
“where’s Océane?”
“she’s in the be-droom”
“can I go see her?”
“sure” Adele led him to the room she shared with Océane.
“Océane?!” he care entering the be-droom while Adele went out but there was no reply
Océane looked up from the chair she was sitting and asked “How’s Maeva?”
“she’s fine”
“I really didn’t push her”
“I know” Kyle said but he wasn’t even sure of what to believe. If Océane didn’t push Maeva then who did? He didn’t want to believe Lovane pushed her.
“Maeva wants to see you”
“I don’t want to go”
“Am sorry for what Ninon did to you”
“She called me a thief and tried to str!p me off your shi-t”
“an sorry”
Océane took in a de-ep breath and caught a glimpse of the n£¢klace from his shi-t. She shifted her gaze and peered into his eyes.
Why can’t you remember me?
She thought
“Can we go now?”
She nodded and they walked out to his car.
“Can you tell Maeva that Lovane isn’t a blood su-cking creature” Kyle said rather than asked as they walked into the living room and Océane chuckled
“She thinks Lovane is su-cking…”
“I want you out of my house” Maeva hurled and threw a dish at Lovane but she dodged it
“Am going nowhere you g@sbay”
“Ahhh!” Maeva picked a lamp and flung at Lovane
“You creep!” Lovane shouted and charged for Maeva who was sitting on her wheelchair then the both of them fell on the floor and started rolling on each other.
“Maeva!” Océane pu-ll-ed Maeva up while Kyle dragged Lovane
“Maeva where are your manners?” Kyle yelled
“Are you scolding me cause or this wool from an as-s?”
“Oh! Maeva! shut up. you ought to be respectful, you shouldn’t be abusing Lovane and fighting with her”
“For real?” tears welled up in Maeva’s eyes and Lovane sm-irked from behind Kyle
“She’s so disrespectful” Lovane said feigning anger
“am sorry” Kyle apologized to her
“Maeva should be apologizing” Lovane said
“Maeva apologize” Kyle ordered
“am sorry” Maeva apologized and wheeled herself out in tears
“she’s hurt” Océane said and went after her
“I hate ma-king Maeva cry” Kyle face palmed himself
“she’s going to be fine” Lovane said pretentiously
Maeva la-id on her be-d facing the wall as she sobbe-d quietly. After the earlier incident, she wouldn’t st©p crying and she refused to talk to anyone not even Océane.
“Maeva st©p crying” Océane pleaded for the umpteenth time “Kyle doesn’t hate you but you shouldn’t be fighting with Lovane”
Kyle walked in and sat beside Océane on Maeva “Maeva?!”
“she still doesn’t want to st©p crying” Océane said “you shouldn’t have scolded her. Maeva is a good girl and won’t just fight Lovane for no reason”
“Whatever the reason, she should’ve waited till I returned”
“and you didn’t want to hear the entire story when you returned” Océane accused. For the first time, she was mad at Kyle.
“Maeva am sorry” he apologized and she just sniffled “Maeva?!” he t©uçhed her buy she shook his bad off
“How do I pacify her?”
“I dunno” Océane replied with a shrug
The door opened and Lovane walked in “Is she still crying?” she asked pretentiously
“Yes, she wouldn’t listen to my plea-s”
“Oh! Maeva am sorry” Lovane apologized and Océane scoffed
Nice try!
She thought
“Meava we’re sorry” Kyle apologized again
“I think she’s asleep” Océane said cause sounds of her sniffles had ceased
“she’s going to hate me more” Lovane said
“Maeva doesn’t beat grudges, she’s still going to forgive you” said Kyle
“I hope so, she’s such a darling, I don’t un-derstand why she doesn’t like me whereas I want to be close to her” Lovane sighed
“she’s going to definitely like you someday, Maeva….”
“I’ll take this” Kyle said glancing at the caller’s ID then walked out
“Good job pretending” Océane told Lovane when Kyle left
Lovane scoffed “I own Kyle”
“you just want the n£¢klace”
“and am going to have it”
“what if I tell Kyle you’re an imposter?”
“He’s not going to believe you”
“Those sprayed strands won’t speak for you”
“You’re a loser cause I still have my gold strands” Océane shower her the new gold strands.
“How did that happen?” Lovane asked in utter bewilderment
“Surprised?” Océane chuckled “am a mermaid with a difference, thought I told ya before”
“He’s still not going to believe you”
“we’ll see” Lovane huffed and stormed out
Océane took in a de-ep breath and and stared into space.
“I nee-d to get that n£¢klace from Kyle” she said to herself
“Am coming” Melvin shouted as he ran down stairs to check who was knocking on the door
“Ninon!” he g@sped at who he saw at the door. Ninon never visited him since the last time she visited and they had S-x. Ninon was drun!kMelvin wasn’t and that was 8 months ago.
Ninon pushed him aside and walked in.
“What can I offer you” he asked
“Nothing” he snapped and he chuckled.
The last time he offered her wine, it had resulted to many nas-ty things she didn’t want to repeat.
“C’mon Nin, water or coffee?”
“my name isn’t Nin”
“Nin sounds ro-mantic” Melvin win-ked and she scoffed
“be serious for once in your life Melvin”
“Nin I missed you and that’s the only thing I can take serious now”
“I wish I never c@m£” Ninon sighed
“Then why did you come?”
“I nee-d a little info from you”
“an eye for an eye”
“Melvin am not ma-king any bargains with you”
“you can’t get information for free”
“just listen”
“fine” Melvin rolled his eyes and started chewing gum
“I want to know who that girl from the news is to Kyle”
“A k!sswould process your question and give you information as output”
“you’re not a computer Melvin”
“what can I do?”
Ninon sighed then got up and k!$$£d him lightly
“That was quic-k”
“start talking” Ninon snarled
“she’s his maid”
“His parent’s maid actually”
Ninon scoffed “low life”
“probably” Melvin shrugged
“what’s her name?”
“another k!sswould….”
Ninon shut him with a k!ssbut Melvin held him firmly around her w@!st before she could sit back on the sofa.
“Let me go”
“Her name is Océane” Melvin went on without re-leasing her
“Does Kyle have anything with her?” Ninon asked and quic-kly k!$$£d him
“what about the girl from his office?”
“That question would cost more than a pe-ck on thel-ips” Melvin prompted when she was about to k!sshim
“you’re a corruptible judge”
Melvin chuckled “whatever you say” then he made her sit on his l@ps and covered herl-ips with his in a long and demanding k!ss.
“Answer me” Ninon broke the k!ss
“you shouldn’t have st©pped, we were going to elevate”
“Fine, her name is Lovane and she’s his childhood friend from Phili-ppines. That’s all I can tell”
“But that’s not all you know”
“That’s all your k!sscould afford”
“you can’t be using me to get another guy”
“I love Kyle not you”
“But I love you”
“You don’t love me, you love anything on Sk-irt”
Melvin chuckled “Am a changed person”
“There’s no change in change”
“you made up that saying”
“Whatever!” Ninon rolled her eyes “I have to go now”
“But you just c@m£” Melvin said and ti-ght£ñed his grip around her
“And I didn’t come to stay”
Melvin sm-irked and k!$$£d her. Ninon tried breaking free but his grip was ti-ght and firm.
“must this happen whenever I come?” Ninon said into the k!ssand a m0@n escaped herl-ips
Melvin chuckled “we both want it and you can’t deny it”
“Take me to your room”
“Maeva?!” Océane entered Maeva’s room with a glas-s of milk and Maeva was sitting on the be-d cross-legged
“Did Kyle really take sides with her?”
“He’s truly sorry” Océane said and extended the milk to her “he wants you to drink this”
“I could’ve rejected it but since you served it, I can’t turn you down” Maeva said and accepted the milk
“why did you fight with Lovane?”
“she said I didn’t have good home training and called my parents hefes”
“what’s a hefe?”
” a stupid person”
“you should’ve waited till Kyle returns”
“I could’ve waited till he returns but she called me crippled and that’s the last straw that breaks the c@m£l’s back”
“what’s a c@m£l?”
“it’s an animal”
“did Lovane break an animal’s back today?”
“Silly! That’s an adage”
“am not going to tell you what an adage is”
Océane smiled “I wasn’t going to ask”
“did you loss your memory?”
Océane shook her head
“Then why don’t you know the meaning of things?”
“cause the p@rt of the world I come from, those things aren’t heard nor used”
“it’s more like a rural area right?”
“you c@m£ from an uncivilized area”
“Maeva?!” Kyle entered the room “Hermano mayor is really sorry”
“Hermano mayor is forgiven” Maeva said with a grin
“Thank you” Kyle hvgged her
“but next time, hear me out first”
“I promise never to take sides again”
“No way!” Maeva hurled “you have to take sides with me”
“As you wish your majesty” Kyle bowed
Maeva giggled “that made me feel on t©p of the world”
“am going to prepare a special meal for you” Kyle said
“yea!” Océane squealed “you should cook with Océane, her food tastes delicious”
Kyle looked and Océane then back at Maeva “I planned on cooking with Lovane”
Maeva frowned “you shouldn’t be annoying me as her, majesty”
Kyle smiled “as you wish”
“what are we going to cook?” Kyle said when he was alone with Océane in the kitchen
“Dinner” Océane replied
Kyle stared at her quizzically “I meant what food we are to cook”
“Adele always prepared dinner in the evening”
Kyle raised his brows “let’s get started”
Océane nodded and tied her apron
“turn on the stove”
“check ☑” she turned it on
“set a pot of boiling waterĺ
She poured water in a pot and set it on the stove “check ☑”
“Get a knife”
she took a knife “check ☑”
“slice dinner”
she started running round the kitchen searching for dinner “I can’t find it”
“we’re cooking dinner right?”
she nodded
“then search for dinner, slice it, add it to the pot of boiling water and stir till I get back” he instructed and walked out with a hidden grin
Kyle walked in the kitchen and Océane was sitting on the floor, p@n-ting heavily after searching for dinner to move avail.
“Dinner not found, check ☑” Kyle chuckled
“let’s prepare something else, I think you ran out of dinner”
“Something else like what?”
“maybe breakfast” Océane suggested then shook her head “no, breakfast is meant for meaning”
“How about we prepare lunch” Kyle suggested
“isn’t it too late to prepare lunch?”
Kyle shrugged “I don’t know”
“Adele said lunch is for afternoon and it’s evening alre-ady”
“crazy Océane” Kyle chuckled “Come. I’ll teach you how to cook”
Kyle drove Océane home after they had finished having dinner. It was really fun for Kyle and he wished Océane would be coming over every single day and he wasn’t busy with work. He stared at her throu-gh the rear view mirror and she had fallen asleep on the pas-s£nger seat. There was something about her smiles and the way she used gestures without speech made him feel they’ve met before but he couldn’t figure it out.
He kept staring at her till they arrived at Hernández mansion and he pu-ll-ed the car to a halt outside the gate. He unfastened his seatbelt and sat staring at her but he didn’t wake her. He was trying to figure out where they’ve met.
It wasn’t mere coincidence or look alike. He’ve definitely met her somewhere.
Océane felt someone was staring at her in her sleep and she fluttered her eyes open.
Kyle was thrown aback. He didn’t expect her to wake up in such manner and catch him staring.
“we arrived” he said trying to hide his embarras-sment
Océane sat up and looked out the window “Thank you” she said and her hand went to the door handle
Kyle gr@bb£d her arm and turned her to face him
“I was wondering…” he prompted “Have we met before?”