Obianuju episode 30



Episode 30

True love






My eyes were stiff , devoid of emotion. My face pale and whitish. For seconds I did not move ,I just stood there , staring blankly at the sight in front of me.

Demi k!ss!nganother girl right on his be-d ,so heartbreaking!

It was like the whole world was breaking crumble ap@rt around me and I had to lean on the door to st©p myself from falling.

“Demi!”I called out in shock and only then did he notice me. He pu-ll-ed away from the girl in an instant and sat up in a huff , looking as if he has just seen a ghost.

“Uju!”he wiped his face . “when …did get… here?”he picked his words.

“You crazy bastard”.I cursed at him and ran out of the room, crying.

my heart was racing so fast I thought I might pas-s out , it was burning with pain and anguish.

how could he do this to me! how could he cheat on me! I was hurt beyond words!

Disoriented , I made for the front door, opened it and was about running out when a hand r0ûghly dragged me back , holding me ti-ght.

“let me go”. I screamed and kicked , throwing my finest temper tantrum

“No i won’t”. a shaky voice whispered into my ears , ma-king my head explode anger and I turned around to face the cheat.

“why? I eyed him coldly. “are you tired of k!ss!ngyour newest girlfriend?” I yelled hysterically.

his brown eyes wi-de-ned in total fear, and his face turned a ghastly shade of white.

“girlfriend! no she isn’t , she is erm just a girl erm a girl.. I met in the h0tel”

“and you brou-ght her into your room?” I asked in disbelief. “what kind of guy does that?only a stupid and an irresponsible one”

He ran his f!ngersthrou-gh his hair, a confused jumble of emotion burning in his eyes

“I can explain babe”

“explain what?” I fired at him

“everything that happened between us”. he replied .”erm i was in the gang p@rty and she..she ..c@m£ over to s£dûç£me and ………

“Let go of me”. I said , cutting him off .

I was in no mood to listen to his stupid story!

“no no you have to hear me out plea-se”. he begged, his voice strained and sad.

“I said let go of me”. I repeated , but this time around with a ha-rd voice and he did, reluctantly though.

“Good!” myl-ips curved Into a ghostly smile . “I am sorry for barging into the room , go continue with your fun”

“Fun!” he repeated, searching throu-gh my gaze . “what are you trying to say?”

“Simple! I want out of this relationsh!p”. I spelt it out

he froze in place , staring at me in disbelief

“You want to break up with me?” his voice was ba-rely audible

my bottoml-ips quivered and big tears rolled down my cheeks

do I really want to break up with him? I felt so confused at the moment

“Yes!” I replied, not sure of myself.

“baby”. he called , attempting to hold me , but I took a step backward, and f0rç£d a smile

“let us end it here”

He studied my face with a confused eyes, and his mouth twisted into a cold smile.

“Is that what you want?”

Is that what I want? I asked myself, nodding slowly

“then fine”. he screamed so loudly that it echoed throu-gh the room . “leave.

go ahead and break me , go ahead and shatter my heart”. he coll@psed on the sofa , buried his face in his palm and began to sob silently.

“I.. was .. a fool …to have given ..all of my heart to you”. he muffled in between tears , his b©dy shaking as he cried.

I stood there watching him , my eyes wi-de open in surprise.

I have never seen him cried like this before!

but still, he cheated on me and doesn’t deserve my forgiveness.

I took few steps forward and then st©pped abruptly, facing him

I couldn’t do it , I couldn’t leave him alone , I couldn’t even break up with him.

He is in my bone , my blood and my heart and I would have to tear myself open to let him go.

“Ademilade”. I called out his name in full and flung myself at him, crying in his arms.

Though the world I know is falling ap@rt, there is only him in my heart.






she c@m£ back to me, I couldn’t believe it. After all the pains I caused her , she is still here in my arms .

pu-lling out of the hvg , I stare dazedly at her messed up face and only then did I realise how much I nee-ded her in my life.

I could never get enough of her and I was a fool to have brou-ght that cheap slut into my room, our room.

what c@m£ over me sef?I was hor-ny, fine! but does that mean I should cheat on my her? d**n! a good thing I haven’tfu-cked the b**ch.

“Ade”. Obianuju called, interrupting my thoughts .

“Yes!” I smiled lightly, c@r£ss!ngher cheeks softly.

“You hurt me really bad”

“I know”. I agreed. “I will do anything to right my wrong?”

“anything?” her face lit up and her eyes flashed

I nodded slowly and she sm-irked evilly

“I want that bit-ch out of this house right now”

I laughed inwardly, as if I knew she was gonna say that.

“Alright ma”. I lifted her , gently placing her on the sofa ; then I stood up and marched to the room.

Entering, I found Dumebi in front of the mirror stand dancing, she wasn’t even bothered with all of the happenings.

“you are back”. she smiled, staring at me in the mirror.

“Yes, and I nee-d you to leave”

“but we have not done anything yet” . she queried and turned around to face me

“I am not interested again”. I simply told her

She stayed quiet for a moment and then she sighed.

“Is it because of that girl?”

“my girlfriend”. I corrected, my eyes darting up and down her expo-sed flabby b©dy.

how in the world did I get attra-cted to her in the first place?”

“Oh I can see”. she nodded slowly. “she is really beautiful”

“Thanks”. I gr-unted , tapping my right foot on the tiled floor impatiently .

I just wanted her to leave my house!

“erm it is alre-ady late , can I plea-se pas-s the night here?”

“No”. I answered and went over to my drawer; I opened it and took out a wad of bank notes

“take this”. I tossed the money at her. “that is #40,000”

“#40,000”. her eyes wi-de-ned as she stared down at the money.

“now leave my house”. I barked

“alright”. she nodded excitedly and began wearing her clothes.

I leaned against the wall and watched her sl!pinto her go-wn.

she wasn’t even wearing undies, just a red g-string p@n-ts.

jeez!no wonder her b©dy was all bouncing!

“Thanks for the money”. she appreciated, grinning wi-dely as she buckle her sandals

“It is nothing”. I waved it off and opened the door wi-dely.

without a word , she gr@bb£d her bag and walked past me ,out the room.

I followed quietly behind her till I got to the sitting room , then I joined “my baby” on the Sofa , sitting down beside her.

“crazy bit-ch”. I heard her curse, her angry gaze on Dumebi as she walked throu-gh the front door.

I smiled lightly and reached out my hand and drew her near to me.

“what else do you want me to do?” I asked calmly

She spin around to look at me , and her gaze softened, a smile tou-ching herl-ips.

“uhm hmmmmh. she shook her head slightly, as if thinking. “I want you to change the be-d , the be-d sheet , and every other thing the b**ch la-id her hands on”

“Including the walls abi?” I asked jokingly.

She frowned. “are you doing or not?”

“I am doing ooo”. I replied , laughing and she nodded sharply.


I brushed the hair back from her face and stro-ked her cheek gently

” I didn’t sleep with the girl”. I said softly,

I just wanted her to know!

Her eyes bored into mine , as if searching for answers

“why did you cheat on me?” her face crumpled , tears welled up in her eyes and threatened to fall.

“because i am a fool”. I answered truthfully, got off the sofa and dropped on my knees next to “because i am a fool”. I answered truthfully, got off the sofa and dropped on my knees next to her.

“I am sorry for hurting you, I am sorry for being selfish, I am sorry for…………

“shush”. she placed a f!nger on myl-ips . “I am also to be blamed here, I shouldn’t have called you a S-x add!çt”

“but I am a S-x add!çt”. I stated , feeling ashamed of myself

She shook her head. “no you aren’t, you were just a boy on heat and I am really sorry for hurting you”

her words burn into me and I felt better in an instant

“thanks”. I muttered and got up off the floor ,sitting on the centre table in front of her.

“have you eaten?” I changed the t©pic

she nodded . “Shakirat served me one black eba like that”.

“black eba …. black eba…. you mean Amala?”

“Yes oo”. she giggled , cl@pping her hands excitedly. “ah! It is very very delicious and I want to eat it tonight . Amala and ekwe…erm ekwensu

ekwensu ke!

“It is called ewedu “. I corrected her

oh! yes! yes! amala and ewedu”. she quic-kly corrected herself.

I smiled lightly, staring into her innocent face

“but I thought you told me you can speak Yoru-ba”

“of course I can”. she sm-irked. “knowing how to speak a language doesn’t mean I should know the language food.

“Okay oooo”. I raised my hand in defeat . “the lawyer has spoken”

“So will you order the food for me?” she cu-mpped her chin, ma-king a puppy dog eyes.

“erm”. I glanced at the hvge clock on the wall and shrugged. “9;00pm, the cafe should take night orders”

“woo-hoo!”she screamed loudly, almost blocking my eardrum

I chuckled lightly. what kind of carefree girl is this?

Her phone suddenly rang and she took it out of her bag

“unsaved number”. I heard her say as she received it!

“hello! who am I speaking to plea-se? yes………..Dave……:

Dave! I heard a loud ban-g in my head, which of the Dave?

Impulsively, I gr@bb£d the phone out of her hands and looked into the phone.

this number, I could recognise it anywhere——Dave’s Mtn number.

why the hell is he calling my girlfriend?

I placed the phone on my ear and listened to him

“Yes Obianuju, I just called to check up on you as promised”.

as promised! what business do they have together?

I shifted my gaze to Obianuju and met hers

“what!” She mouthed at me and I looked away

let me take care of this bastard first!

Dave continued. “Is everything alright? are you okay?”

“Yes she is okay”. I answered and the line went quiet.

Ah!Ah! It shock the fool!

“are you there?” I asked to be sure and he heaved a sigh

“Demi! how are you?”

“why did you call my girlfriend by this time?”I fired him , ignoring his greetings

“erm I erm just wanted to erm to check on her”. he stuttered

I scoffed silently, he is unbelievable!

“I appreciate your concern, but don’t ever call this number again”. I screamed into the phone

“Did you just shout at me?”

“Yes, and I will do more than that if don’t stay off my girlfriend’s path”. I warned .

I was trying so ha-rd to control my anger!

“be careful with your words Demi and don’t….I hung up the call before he could complete his words .

how dare he threaten me!

“how did he get your number?” I questioned Uju immediately.

“actually he gave me a ride to Shakirat’s place and asked for my number”

“and you gave it to him? I stared at her in disbelief.

“erm”.she scratched her hair. “I am sorry, i didn’t know it would get you upset”

I took in a de-ep breathe , calming down

“It is alright, but I don’t want you talking to him again”

“Is it because of what he did to Susanna?”

So she knows about it!

“not that, I don’t just trust him, he is kind of erm……. will I put it now……..”

“dangerous”. she bu-tted in and I nodded

“exactly! he is dang…. I st©pped -mid s£ntence when a question popped into my head

“why did you come rushing here?” I threw the question to her

“why did I come rushing here?” she repeated , clearly confused

“I mean you wanted to sleep over at Shakirat’s right?”

“Oh that!” she nodded , finally un-derstanding the question. “a strange number messaged me


“yes, you can check my phone”. she pointed to the phone in my hand.

quic-kly, I unlocked the phone and scrolled down to her text message, cl!çk!ng on the first one

“Demi is home with a girl , you should confirm it” . I re-ad it out.

I dialled the number to confirm who the s£nder was, but it wasn’t going throu-gh,it wasn’t even connecting.

really! did someone set me up? If yes , why?

“Is anything wrong?” obianuju asked

I f0rç£d a smile. “Yes”

“why then are you looking so pensive?”

“nothing”. I leaned over to k!ssher forehead. “promise me that you will never leave me”

“why the sudden promise?” her searching eyes roamed over my face

“just do it”

“Fine! she sighed. “I Obianuju Juliet promise never to leave you Ademilade Troy till death do us p@rt”

“are you re-ading a marriage vow?” I asked tea-singly

“Is it not you that ask me to promise ni?” she frowned

I smiled lightly and pu-ll-ed her close in an embr@ce

“thanks for coming into my life, thanks for ma-king me smile like crazy and thanks for ma-king me happy”






I paced up and down the sitting room, looked outside at the enveloping darkness , sat down , stood up , sat down and stood up again.

I was so restless!!

Demi picked up Obianuju call! Does it mean they are still together?

“Argh! this is bull$h!t”. I screamed and began pounding my fist into my hand.

“Guy calm down or do you want to hurt yourself?” Prince who had been watching me quietly asked , a worried look on his face

“I don’t care, I really don’t care”. I half yelled, p@n-ting with rage .

“ahh! nawa ooooo”. he cl@pped his hands lightly. “don’t tell me it is because of that …that….small asthmatic…girl you are getting all worked up”

I bit at my lowerl-ips, ignoring his insulting remark.

he wouldn’t un-derstand the way she makes me feel , no b©dy will. It was like my heart has been ambushed, like I was hovering between sanity and insanity…..

“You should call Dumebi and ask her what really happened”. Prince suggested

Bingo! why didn’t I think it?

hastily, I reached for my phone which was on the centre table and dialled her number

She picked it on the second ring

“hello Dave!”her girly voice rang throu-gh

“where happened? why are they still together?”I asked in a rush , ignoring her greeting

she sighed de-eply. “everything was going well oooo, not until his girlfriend showed up”

“and so?” I retorted. “that was the plan na, or didn’t she see you both together”

“she did”

“why then are they still together?”

“ahh even me myself cannot explain that one , their love is so strong. if you see the way they were both cudd-ling each other ……I hung up the phone before she could spill out more nons-en-se

cudd-ling each other! is she trying to upset me the more?

“what did she say?” Prince asked

“they are in love”. I replied and he scoffed

“love my foot! I bet she is sticking with him because of his money”

“Money?”I repeated to be sure I heard right

“Yes!” he nodded . “are you too blind to notice the way Demi spoils her with his money. that girl gets anything she wants just by asking, do you think you stand a chance with her?”

“Shut up!” I barked at him, “how dare you insult me”.

“I did not Insult you , I am only telling you the truth”. he stated and yes , he was right

Demi was far richer than me!

how I wish I had just a quarter of what he has then i will be……my thought trailed off when I remembered his step mother offer .

“Kill my step son and receive a million dollars”

I sm-irked evilly , a perfect deal!

unlocking my phone , I scrolled throu-gh for her number and when I saw it , I cli-cked on it and dialled it .

She picked up right away!

“haba Dave , why did it take you so long to call me?”

“I was busy with lectures”. I lied

“Alright. so have you thought about our discussion?”

“that is the reason I called, I am interested”

“Good!” She sounded excited. “we have to act fast before my husband Wills his entire property to him”

“Okay!” I said , urging her to continue

“I want his death to be a brutal one , I want it to more painful than his moth….she st©pped mid- s£ntence and chuckled lightly

“erm hope you un-derstand me?”


” I will pay you the money as soon as you are done with the Job”

“No way!” I objected . “I must get an half-payment before carrying out the task”

There was a pause and then she sighed

“fine! she agreed

I smiled inwardly . “so when will I get the money?”

“I will call you”. she simply said and ended the phone call.

Crazy bit-ch! she should better call me on time!

“Who was that?” Prince asked

“Demi’s step mother”. I answered truthfull”Demi’s step mother”. I answered truthfully

“Okay!” he nodded. “and what were you both talking about?”

I stared blankly at him, wondering if I should tell him or not

“don’t dare lie to me”. he warned

“fine!” I chuckled. “she wants me to get rid of her step -son”

his face grew pale all of a sudden

“and you agreed to it?”

“Yes!” I smiled. “I will also be nee-ding your help”

“my help! no way!hurting ourselves is against the con fraternity code”

“I made the code so I can easily bend it to suite myself”

“but still , this is not ………

“$300,000”. I cut in and smiled when I saw the confused look on his face

“what will happen to $300,000?”

“It will be all yours if you agree to help me”

he li-cked hisl-ips and scratched his hair , as if contemplating if he should agree or not.

“I will do it”. he agreed

“Thanks bestie”. I smiled. “and remember, no one else must know about this , not even Tony”

“sure”.he nodded . “what is the plan? you are not going to kill him in an open place or are you?”

“uhmmmm”. I shrugged lightly. “not at all, I will lure him over to a secluded place and get done with him”

“which of the secluded places?” Prince probe-d on and I was f0rç£d to laugh

Chai! this guy can ask question no be small!

“the refugee camp in Oru, I will make use of…….I trailed off when I heard a faint noise from outside, it was like the sound of a confused foot shuffle.

“did you hear that?” I faced Prince and he nodded .

slowly,I made for the front door and on opening it , I c@m£ face to face with the angry face of an extremely beautiful——wait a minute! is this not Demi’s ex girlfriend, the one who prince R@p£d! what is that her name again? ….uhm ….Susan..

“Susanna right?” I asked , but there was response from her.

she just stood there, glaring at me ,her eyes flashing with de-ep contempt.

Oh right! she must really despise me!

“why are you here miss?”

“to kill you”. she growled in a de-ep , menacing voice and only then did I notice the small knife in her hand.

I chuckled lightly, opening the door wi-der

“come in”. I instructed and when she did , she flew at me and attem-pted to stab my che-st , but I caught her hand and twisted it ha-rd

“Let me go”. she screamed and began kicking me

I sma-cked myl-ips ,staring at her expo-sed cleavage.

“You are quite tough hun”. I pinned her wrist above her head with one hand and f0rç£d her ha-rder against the wall.

“You bastard!” she cursed, looking daggers at me. “I will make you pay for what you did to me”

“what did I do to you?”

She looked at Prince and then back at me

“do you know how miserable my life is right now? do you even know how broken I am?” her voice spat venom.

“Is this about the r@p£?” I asked, clearly confused.

“you are truly a heartless bastard”. she half yelled

I smiled inwardly, so it is about the r@p£!!!

“but I didn’t instigate the r@p£ , Demilade did”. I lied

her eyes grew wi-de in horror. “Demi did what?”

“everything”. I answered. “he wanted you to pay for hurting his girlfriend so he………….

“destroyed my life”. she completed, her voice ba-rely audible.

“Yes!” I nodded. “so get a hold of yourself and let’s punish him together”

I watched as the anger in her eyes bec@m£ less, and soon enough they were filled with fear once more.

“You want to punish Demi?”


“then I will help you”. she re-adily agreed. “what do you want me to do?”

“nothing”. I smiled mischievously. “just be my bit-ch”

She swallowed ha-rd . “only that?”

“hum hum!” I nodded . “and in return, I will help you gain back all what you have lost”.

I let my hand sli-pped to her side ,gently exploring upward until it reached her br£@st .

“are you in or not?”

“I am in”. she replied with a shaky voice.

“Good! I put an arm around her and lifted her up

” can you take in my di-ck?” I asked , staring at her beautiful face

why does Demi always get the best of everything??

she shook her head . “my “un-der”is still hurting”

“I won’t be ha-rd on you”.l promised and walked to the room, smiling

I will use her to satisfy my S-xual urge and kick her out as soon as Obianuju becomes mine!






The little pain in my head got sharper and harsher .

I gro-an ed out a sleep and slowly began to sit up.

what kind of headache is this?

I stood up and staggered to the bathroom , as sleep continued to fog my br@in.

I washed my face with plain water and looked in the mirror to see a pale faced boy staring back at me .

Sh*t! I really emaciated , no doubt about it!

Returning to the room, I coll@psed on the be-d and reached for my phone which was on a low stool.

I scrolled throu-gh and saw 30 missed calls

“5 from Demi, 2 from Kewe , 2 from Bola and 21 from ——-Funmi

Jeez! did she want to run down my battery?

I switched off the phone and put it back on the stool

I was in no mood to receive calls!

suddenly ,the door opened and Funmi entered, p@n-ting ha-rd

“Funmi!” I called out in surprise. “what are you doing here?”

“you weren’t picking my calls so i c@m£ here to check on you”. she replied, her voice so low

“by the late hour?” I glanced at the wall clock. “what if something bad had happened to you?”

she chuckled. “It is just 9;45 and nothing bad will happen”

“Oh! was the only thing I said as I stared at the short skinny girl who was acting all tough!

“so how are you feeling now?” she asked and joined me on the be-d , sitting beside me


“have you eaten?”

I shrugged lightly. “something like that?”

“what do you mean by that?” she frowned, squee-zing her face like a baby and I was f0rç£d to smile

“I have eaten”

“Good”. she remarked ,and with that , she placed her hand across my forehead,checking my temperature.

she was close , so d**n close and swears, I could hear the sound of her heart beating wi-dely.

does she love me this much?

“Tobi”. she called , but her voice sounded distant as I was lost staring at her fulll-ips.

I wanted so badly to k!ssher!

In a swift move , I planted a short k!sson herl-ips . she looked surprised by my action, but did not complain.

I smiled inwardly, I will take that as a yes!

Staring into her eyes , I lightly slid my ton-gue across her bottoml-ips and k!$$£d her de-eply.

“Tobiii”. she breathe into my mouth and returned the k!sspas-sionately. I de-epened the k!ssfurther , slanting my head from side to side , giving more, receiving more. I could feel her hair swinging against my face , cooling my skin . I could feel her deliberately moving against my ha-rd ness.

I smiled knowing that she wanted me, we were S-x stared.

quic-kly, i unZi-pped her dress and let it fall to the floor; then I fell backward on the be-d , pu-lling her down with me and we rolled together,leg tangling, arms reaching,l-ips seeking.

I unclasped her br@ and my hands went exploring , tou-ching her arms , cu-pping her brea-sts , then lower, to her special place .

Her eyes went hvge , mesmerised and she clung to my shoulder as if they were a life line .

“what do you want?” I g@sped . “Tell me….”

“You know ……I want you inside me, Tobi”. she curled her legs around me , seeking to get closer. “I nee-d you. I want to take you in … I nee-d you….

I rose up then, and hastily pu-ll-ed off my clothes and slid down her p@n-ties

she bit her swollen l!pbetween her teeth as my th!gh gently pushed her legs ap@rt; then I took her n!ppleinto my mouth and began su-ckling on it ….

“Tooooobi”. she m0@n ed loudly

I lifted my mouth from her br£@st and gave her a little smile . “what??”

“Are you deliberately taking your time?”


“Don’t”. she begged , her nails , digging into the skin on my back . “I am going crazy”

Jeez! she is really crazy!

I k!$$£d her mouth with tenderness, then entered into her , ma-king her g@sp

“you are so ti-ght”. I whispered and began thrû-sting into her , dee-per and dee-per, careful not to hurt her.

She was so delicate and fragile!

“You are all right?” I asked , holding her eyes with mine as I rammed into her ha-rd

“Yes. No. plea-se…..”. She raised her h!ps, drawing invisible circles on my che-st as she let out a loud cry.

I chuckled lightly, watching her and a surge of emotion welled up inside me —- a mix up of utter astonishment, joy and love..






After eating the delicious “Amala and Ewedu”, I packed the paper plates into a nylon bag , tied it up and then dragged my feet to the kitchen.

I was filled up!

I dumped the nylon bag in the trash can , washed my hands thor0ûghly and scurried out of the kitchen to the room .

Entering, I found Demi stretched out on the be-d , hands clasped behind his head as he stared at the ceiling.

“urm! urm”. I cleared my throat to get his attention and it worked, he shifted his attention to me.

“You done eating?” he asked

I swallowed ha-rd , watching the water drip down his ba-re che-st

“I am talking to you”. he snapped at me and I quic-kly composed myself, blu-shing with embarras-sment

“erm yes I am done eating”. I stuck my ton-gue out at him and padded to the bathroom. pu-lling off my clothes , I dump it into the cloth basket , stepped into the bathtub and had a long and refreshing bath .

when done , I reached for a towel and wra-pped it around my b©dy as I returned to the room.

“should I switch off the light bulb?” I asked Demi who was now typing into his phone .

“no, leave it”. he replied

“Okay!” I joined him on the be-d , laying down beside him

“who are you chatting with?” I looked into his phone

“oh! Kewe”. I answered myself and snuggled into his shoulder, forcing him to look at me

His eyes raked down my b©dy and back up ,he didn’t even try to subtle it.

“Do you want to sleep with a towel?”

“No”. I shook my head vigorously

“why then are you on a towel?”

“erm”. I twisted my f!ngersnervously. “I want you to erm ……..

“fuc-k you”. he completed and I gulped down ha-rd

why must he be so raw!!!

“Yes!” I answered with my tiniest voice

He chuckled lightly and drew me nearer to him

“no baby!you don’t have to do it , let’s us sleep”

Sleep kwa! with this tension inside me!

“I want you tofu-ck me”. I stated boldly

A slow , languid smile crossed his features,one that made my b©dy flush and ache .

Oya na! what are you waiting for? my subconsciousness screamed at him.

slowly,he loos£ned the towel and trailed his f!ngernails lightly over my br£@st ,pu-lling my n!ppl!s ti-ght and zapping.

“ouch”. I cried out in painful plea-sure and rolled on t©p him.

I li-cked the shell of his ear and su-cked on his ear-lobe , pu-lling on it with my mouth

he chuckled. “who is teaching you all this ?”

“no one”. I gr-unted my response, my hands on his £r£¢tdi-ck as I pla-yed with it throu-gh his brief.

“D**n!” he cursed and reached for the be-d switch to switch off the light bulb ; then he rolled me over , pinned me to be-d and su-ckled on my n£¢k.

My hands fisted in his hair, unable to control myself when he su-ckled , k!ssand ni-bbled my br£@st , n£¢k , skin and abd0m£n..

“Deeemi! I want you now”. I m0@n ed , wriggling my b©dy in plea-sure.

quic-kly , he re-moved his brief and gently slid his di-ck into my “un-der” stretching me wi-de and open.

“oh my gawd!” I g@sped and he paused to stare at me

“are you alright?”

I nodded , throwing my head in plea-sure and he resumed his thrû-st , thrû-sting in and out of me ha-rder and ha-rder.

The only light in the room c@m£ from a generous full moon slanting throu-gh the window . It bathed us in cool shadows , illuminating our faces and bodies..

“Baaaby”. I screamed, curling my legs around him as I felt my organm building up.

“let it out”. he whispered into my ears and when I did , he wra-pped his hand around my w@!st and increa-sed his pace, taking me to another level.

hefu-cked me r0ûghly this time around,and in what seems like forever, he pu-ll-ed out of me , re-leasing his stuff on me..

I was so damn weak and I found myself dozing off

“Good night baby”. he bade , wra-pping his b©dy against mine.

“Good ni……… I drifted off to sleep.



Next morning



My sound sleep was disrupted by the sound of my phone ringing.

who is this na? I hissed silently and gro-an ed out of sleep, reaching for my phone which was at the head of the be-d .

I opened my bleary eyes to checkout the caller and noticed it was Chichi.

Chai! this girl again.

Ever since Demi got her a phone , she has been acting as my personal alarm clock , always disturbing me early in the morning.

smiling lightly, I received it

“Don’t tell me you are still slee-ping”. her loud voice rang throu-gh

“Ah! Chichi, is this why you called , to query me?”

“No, I called to gist you”

“Okay!” I said , urging her to continue

“uhm! uhm”. she cleared her throat. “Daddy bought me big teddy bear and guessed what!”

“what?” I asked with keen interest

“I named it after you”. she screamed excitedly. “her name is Juliet”

what the heck!

“and you happy ba?” I asked sardonically

” oui bebe ( Yes baby)”. she replied in french and I was f0rç£d to laugh

she and this her french!

“what of Chidi?”I changed t©pic

“Grand ma is dressing him up for church”

daddy nko?”

“he has taken Uchenna to the airport”

Oh! I completely forgot he is travelling back to Canada today!

“Alright! you are home alone with grandma and Chidi…..

“and Aunty Helen”. She added .

So that one is still around!

“okay oooo! extend my regards to her”

“Sure”. she agreed. “what of Demi?”

“Demi! Demi!”. I let my eyes wander around the room but he was no where in sight

where could he be??

“are you still there?” Chichi asked , snapping me out of my thoughts

“erm yes sure I am still here”

“Demi nko?” She repeated her question

“he is fine”

“Alright! help me k!sshim”. she giggled and ended the phone call.

Funny girl!

stretching, I sat up in the be-d and glanced at the wall clock

“7:30am! time to prepare for church!

I picked up the towel from the floor, wra-pped it around my b©dy and was about getting off the be-d when the door flew open and Demi walked in , dragging a big foam

“baby! you got a new foam”. I exclaimed, my eyes wi-de open in surprise

“you asked for it right?”he retorted , p@n-ting heavily as he finally pu-ll-ed the foam into the room.

  1. I stared on at him smiling, knowing fully well he only wanted to make me happy.

“aren’t you going to church?”he asked

“I am going oooo”. I dragged myself up from be-d and began walking to the bathroom when he said

“I am going with you”

I st©pped in my steps , facing me

“You said what?” I wanted him to repeat himself

he sm-irked . “I said I am going with you”

“really! I jumped excitedly and rushed to hvg him .

he chuckled and held me to him ti-ghtly

“I am willing to chan

