my unwanted mate episode 56






Umbrie and the rest studied well for the competition. They are going to have it today. They are well prepared to support Umbrie while she answers the questions. Of course, they would all work together while Umbrie would represe-nt them. This made Umbrie nervous as she has isn’t that big with the crowd focusing on her.

They got there on time and the competition took off. It went on for a few hours as many schools got eliminated. But Umbrie and her cl@$$mates made it to the finals. It was tough, as there was another school chasing them in scores.

Everyone anticipated there would be a tie between the two schools during the finals. While the others were below them, they had a tie at the finals so the first and second person could not be decided yet. This made Umbrie and her friends work ha-rder, Umbrie was happy enough they made it to the finals.

This alone should make her parents proud of her. It is being broadcasted at a news channel so her parents should be watching her. She wished Kieran was there to cheer for her, gladly she did not come alone to this place. de-ep down, she could feel him cheering for her. That made her feel more relaxed and motivated to continue.

The next competition went on between the two schools. After series of questions and suspense, the other school won by one point more than Umbrie’s school. Umbrie was a bit disappointed but very happy she came this far in the competition. Before, she would never dream of taking third place at all in such a large international event.

It comes to show how good a werewolf br@in can be if they decide to focus. They took second place, got cash prizes and other things. As soon as they were done taking pictures and collecting the prizes, Umbrie decided to call Kieran and her parents. She asked her teacher for her phone which she was gladly given.

Kieran’s call entered immediately she put on the phone. She was flustered by the amount of attempts he must have been making since.

“Wow… You didn’t even wait for me to get my phone. You called me immediately.” She laughed teasing him.

“Do you have any idea how much I missed you? I don’t want to see you there anymore, you should come back home already.” He complained.

Umbrie frowned, “I thought you were calling to congratulate me. Didn’t you watch the competition on TV?”

He chuckled, “Of course I did. Congratulations baby, you are now a celebrity. You appeared on television before me, I am proud of you. Mom even watched this with me, she promised you a treat when you return.”

She smiled, “Really? I’m so honoured. Thanks… I honestly can’t believe I came this far. I am so happy, I can’t wait to get back so we can celebr@te this.”

“That is exactly my point. Get a flight now and come back, you’re a bit rich now you know. It was so ha-rd getting to talk to you, do you know how I struggled. I even have to work at my dad’s company to keep myself busy. Still I could not get you out of my head, I miss you badly.”

She laughed, “I know you do. But I have to wait for the others. I still have a few more days to explore Dubai before coming back home. I may not get an opportunity like this again.”

“You know you can go anywhere in the world with me. Stop acting like that place is the limit of where you can go.” He said, trying to convince her to leave early.

“That’s not convincing enough. I have to quickly call my parents. Let me call you back please?”

“You have five minutes. You have to be on the phone with me if you’re not going to come yet.” He ordered.

She nodded like he could see her, “Yes sir. Five minutes.”

She called her parents first to hear their congratulations. Her parents and little brother Sky were so happy to hear from her. They told her how proud they were, this made her feel happy de-ep inside. She called her brother after, waiting to hear congratulations from him too.

“What do you want Umbrie?” His voice sounded cold on the phone.

“Hi Jared, aren’t you going to congratulate me? Didn’t you watch the competition? I got second place and I was expecting you to at least scold me or something. You don’t even sound like you watched it.” She asked disappointed at how harsh he was.

He sighed, “I’m sorry Umbrie.” He apologized making her get flustered.

“Wait… Did you just apologize to me?” She couldn’t believe her ears. Is this still her brother or someone else possessed him like what happened to Kieran before? “You haven’t apologized to me in ages. Something is definitely wrong? What happened? Are you okay?” She asked in concern.

“It’s Daphne…” He told her without hesitating.

“Daphne? What happened to her?”

“She is at the hospital, she got beaten up badly. I am staying here with her, that’s why I did not watch your competition. I am sorry Umbrie, you know I’m not that bad. I would have still watched if I had the chance.” He said softly.

Umbrie was sad knowing her brother is also not happy. She has never experienced this side of him in a long time. Jared is cold and mean, but he uses that to conceal all the emotions he feels inside. This is why she loves her brother so much, he never fails to show his love even if he is ha-rd to deal with.

“It’s okay. I have to be there now. I won’t ask any more questions till I get there. I will ask my teachers to arrange a flight back for me.” She concluded.

“You don’t have to leave your tour to come here. You should enjoy yourself, she will be fine.” He declined.

“You don’t un-derstand. My best friend is at the hospital beaten up by whoever and you think I’ll be fine staying here? I don’t want to be her friend if I can’t be with my friend when she nee-ds me.” Umbrie stubbornly insisted.

“I won’t argue with you. Do whatever you want. I have to hang up now, I’ll go check on Daphne.”

“Sure, bye.” She waved like he could see her.

After he hung up, she tried to calm herself down. Who did this to her friend? How dare the person? She already pictures how she will be breaking his bones, because she thinks it could be the male gender.

“I’m going to crush your bones and break your spine till you have nothing to fight with anymore. You are going to regret doing this to my bestie you je-rk!” She yelled at no one.

She decided to call Kieran back, the anger still with her. She was very sad that she could not be there to help her best friend when nee-ded.

“You called back already. You took more than five minutes you know.” Kieran said after picking up.

“I’m coming home tomorrow.” She announced.

Though Kieran is happy, he still doesn’t un-derstand why she suddenly changed her mind.

“Wait… What? You just told me you can’t come. Now you want to come back home all of a sudden? What’s with the rush? What exactly is going on?” He inquired in confusion.

“You don’t sound happy.”

“No, I am happy. I’m just…confused. Did something happen? Did someone get you mad? Do you nee-d me to kill them for you?”

“My best friend… She got hurt by someone or some people. She is at the hospital all beaten up. It’s so sad that she has to go throu-ghthis, I can’t believe after her father did this, it would be happening to her again. She was so traumatized, that’s why she has less friends.” Umbrie lamented sadly.

“I am so sorry to hear that darling. Have you told your brother about it?”

“He knows. He told me about it. I swear that I will kill whoever did this to her. I am very sure it is some idiot who wants her, but I’ll find them.” She growled angrily.

“Calm down baby. You just got a trophy. Go celebr@te with your friends and come back tomorrow. Don’t think about it too much. Your friend will be alright I promise, please?”

She took a de-ep breath to rele-ase her anger. “Yes, thank you Kieran. I can’t wait to see you. I missed you so much.”

“You have no idea how much I miss you. I’ll pick you up tomorrow when you return.” He said.

“Okay, I have to go now. Bye, kizzes.” She kizzed the phone and hung up.

Then she joined the others in celebr@ting, her mind still with Daphne. She tried to smile and not let it show. Then she explained to the teacher later. They arranged a flight for her to return while the others would follow in a few days. They would bring any other thing they get for Umbrie when they return.


Jared stayed with Daphne at the ward. Her stepmother went out with her son to discuss with the police. He felt guilty about everything. When his sister called, he felt really bad for not watching her competition. But he was proud of her for getting second place out of all the schools that competed.

“I am sorry you have to throu-ghthis because of me. You have no idea how terrible I feel seeing you like this. Please forgive me Daphne.” He apologized to her sleeping face for the umpteenth time.

Her eyes fluttered open, “Umbrie told me you never apologize unless you want to, even if you are wrong. Aren’t you going to stop? I’m beginning to think you are someone else.”

“I just thought I should…”

“Please don’t… Don’t apologize anymore or I’ll get mad. It is not your fault, stop saying it is.” She warned him.

He nodded, “Yes, ma’am. I got you something to eat when you wake up. Are you hungry now?”

“Yes,” She ru-bbed her stomach, “Though it is very ha-rd to move my body. I feel pain all over. Some pa-rts of my body got fractured, it hurts a lot.”

“You don’t have to worry about eating it. I will feed you myself.” He brou-ght out the food and helped her sit up a bit.

Then he began to feed her slowly, she took it from him smiling. She felt like a queen being treated by her boyfriend like this. She could see how much he cares for her. She is beginning to believe in his moon goddess, who brou-ght them together this close in such a short period of time.

After eating a bit with difficulty, he gave her some water to drink. Then helped her lay back on the bed.

“Does it still hurt a lot?” He asked, she nodded.

He suddenly thought of a way to stop her pain. Then he remembered his little brother Sky who has healing powers. Perhaps he would be able to heal her fast so the pain will go away.

“Just hang on, the pain will be gone by tomorrow.” He promised her.