My sworn enemy last batch



Episode 20




So tell me who is your boss? detective Nathan asked

Our boss is a woman, and her name is……… “he paused immediately his other gang looked at him

“continue talking, what is the name of your boss? detective Nathan asked again but he refused to talk, and likewise the others also refused to talk

“since you people don’t want to tell me the name of your boss, you left us no choice but to torture you all ha-rd “detective Nathan said and then order his men again to torture the boys, and this time they torture the boys mercilessly

“plea-se! plea-se!! I will say the truth, the name of our boss is… Mrs Sophia “one of the kidnapper said and detective Nathan with the other policemen were shocked of what they heard

“which of the Sophia are you talking about ? detective Nathan asked trying to be sure of what he heard

“is the Sophia you all know “the kidnapper responded

you mean Sophia the lawyer? detective Nathan asked again

“yes she is the one “the kidnapper responded

“So what about Mr Joe we killed, was he among your gang ? he asked

“No, he is not among us, we only set him up by using his car to kidnapped Mr Lawson’s daughter so that they will think that he was among us “the kidnapper explained

“what!!! so you mean that Mr Joe was not among your gang, and yet you people made us to kill him for the crime he did not commit, but why will you people set him up ? detective Nathan asked surprisedly

“It was Sophia that told us to set him up, she is the main br@in behind all this “the kidnapper said

“Hmm…… this is serious, so Sophia is behind all this, she must face the law, I mean five of you must face the law “detective Nathan said to the four kidnappers and after that he s£nt some of his men to go and arrest Sophia.


Meanwhile Sophia was coming out from her office because she have closed for the day and was about going home before she saw some policemen coming towards her direction, she st©pped to know what they want.

“good day officers, are you looking for anyone? Sophia asked

“yes madam, we are actually looking for you “the policemen responded

Me?? I hope there is no problem? just as you can see am about to go home, so tell me what you want to say because am in the rush to go home “Sophia said

“Am sorry Mrs Sophia, you can not go home because you are un-der arrest “one of the police said

“you must be out of your mind for saying that, why will you arrest me, do you know who I am “Sophia said

“Yes we know who you are, you are one of the most famous lawyer we have in this state, but you are un-der arrest for kidnapping and murder “the policeman said and Sophia’s heart skipped

“I don’t know what you people are talking about, plea-se leave my way I want to go home and cook for my husband “she said and wanted to walk out from them but they st©pped her

Madam!! plea-se respect yourself and kindly follow us to the station because anything you do or say shall be use against you in the court of law “the policemen said and after that they took Sophia away.



Episode 21
One week later, Sophia and the four kidnappers were taken to court, they stood in front of everyb©dy, while Mr and Mrs Lawson, Stephen, Anita and others all sat before the judge. The four kidnappers confessed that it was Sophia that s£nd them to set Mr Joe up by taking his car to kidnapped Mr Lawson’s daughter and also she told them to killed the girl since he have involved the police to trace them, that she don’t want anything that will implicate her career.
Sophia also confessed on how she s£nd the boys to kidnapped Mr Lawson’s daughter so they could get money from him because he was a wealthy man, but since he have involved the police, she told her boys to kill the girl so that the police will not trace them because of her reputation. she also confessed on how she s£nd the boys to snatched Joe’s car from him and use for the kidnapping so that they could set him up, she said that she did all that to get back at Anita for what she did to her. “As Sophia was confessing all her crime, Anita was shedding tears because she never knew that Sophia was the one that set her husband up ma-king him die for a crime he know nothing about, Mr Lawson on the other hand was very shocked of what Sophia said, he never knew that Sophia was responsible for the kidnapped and the death of their only child Jane, because Sophia was known as their family lawyer, even Mrs Lawson cried because she was still surprised that their family lawyer could have a hand in the kidnapped and death of their daughter Jane, and she cursed Sophia for ma-king her childless.
“Stephen on the other hand was very disappointed at his wife, he never believe that Sophia could go to the extent of committing such a hilarious crime.
After everything the judge s£ntence the four kidnappers to death by hanging, while Sophia was s£ntence life imprisonment with ha-rd labour and this made her to cry bitterly and she regretted everything she did. As the policemen were taking them away, Sophia saw Anita and st©pped.
“I am very sorry Anita for all the bad things I did to you, I know that I have caused you tears and pains, I know that I went too far and I am very sorry for everything, plea-se find a place in your heart to forgive me “Sophia pleaded with tears
“I rather go to hell than to forgive you, you made them killed my husband for the crime he didn’t commit ma-king me a widow and also ma-king my daughter fatherless, you are very wicked Sophia and I will never forgive you, now I know that the devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know, Sophia for what you did to me I will hate you till the rest of my life, you will be my sworn enemy, I will not have anything to do with you in my life again because you are a devil incarnate, you deserve the life imprisonment that they gave you because you are a wicked soul, how I wish you will die in that prison “Anita said with tears dropping from her eyes, while Sophia cried
“plea-se Anita forgive me I beg you, I am very sorry for what I did to you “As Sophia was still pleading, the policemen drag her and the four boys away, while Anita stood there crying before Stephen walked up to her.
“Am very sorry for the evil things Sophia did to you, I never knew she could be this wicked to the extent of setting joe up ma-king them to killed him for the crime he didn’t commit, just because she want to get back at you by ma-king you shed tears, which is very wicked of her “Stephen said while consoling Anita
That same day the four kidnappers were hanged to death, while Sophia went to jail to serve her punishment
After some months, Stephen got married to another woman who could bear him children and he totally forgot everything about Sophia.
Two years later, Anita found love again in doctor Linus, because doctor Linus have always loved her right from the beginning but since Anita was a married woman then, he thought that it will be very stupid of him to tell her his feelings towards her when he knew quite well that she was someb©dy’s wife, but now that her husband was dead he professed his love for her, as time goes on they started d@t!ng, not too long doctor Linus proposed to her which she agreed and later on they got married, doctor Linus also accepted Anita’s daughter as his own and from there they lived happily as a happy family.
After some years, Anita bear children for doctor Linus, But she never forget the memory of her late husband joe, And she vowed that as long as she live that Sophia will still remain her sworn enemy till she die, And she kept to her word till d@t£.
A story written ✍️ by Chichi Tonia
Thanks for re-ading ❤️❤️