My sweetheart Episode 4

#Episode 4
… Valerie’s POV (continues …
We had dinner in a cool, quiet restaurant.
I laughed and smiled to all his words and was happy to have such a b©yfri£ndlike Iyke.
“…Gosh keep smiling baby. I love this sweet dimples on those soft cheeks…” He said, ma-king me smile over and over again since we’ve been here.
“Babe, you the best in the world. I can’t afford loosing you. I love you so much, like I really do.” He said, causing me to smile again, and place my hand on his.
“I love you so much Iyke that I can give my whole world to you.” I said.
“…Gosh baby, I don’t st©p myself from falling so de-ep for you. Here have it.” He said as he got a cut from his chicken and stretched it to myl-ips. I smiled as I opened my mouth and took it in.
“Babe, I don’t mind giving them all to you and drinking just water. Do you want my drink too?” He joked, smiling.
I laughed.
“Come on. I’do give you mine.” I said, as I tried to give him mine too but my hand got hanged by something so heartbreaking.
–A girl in skimpy yellow dress and six inches heels rushed out from nowhere, to Iyke and all right in my front, she jumped on him in a ti-ght hvg!
I watched in awefulness as she dis£ngeged the hvg with Iyke and her all smiling wi-dely and repeating the word “Wow” to each other and then, she hvgged him again, without minding I was right here.
I swallowed and dropped the fork I held as I just stared at them.
The girl wra-pped her hands around him again.
“…Oh my goodness! look at Iyke. Gosh! I missed you haba!” She kept talking.
Iyke glanced at me with a quic-k smile before turning back to her.
I swallowed again cos I was loosing my breathe.
“Wow girl, You’re looking so h0t!” He said, and I swallowed down the anger that, that just made me feel
“Wow, my Iyke. I can’t believe this is You. I’ve missed those days. Come on!” She said, hvgging him again. Her br@zillian-hair fell accross her face and she quic-kly tucked it behind her ears as she talked on.
It seem like she didn’t even notice someone was there ap@rt from them.
“Lizzy you are looking so different and beautiful.” Iyke said, smiling at her and killing my spirit the more.
Gosh! This is embarrasing.
She laughed, “Like seriously? You are in this Lagos? Wow! I couldn’t belueve my eyes when I saw you. Like you don fresh ehn.” She said and t©uçhed his cheek, that was when I noticed she was actually chewing gum.
She t©uçhed his cheek!
This girl was flir-ting with Iyke right in my front.
“Yeah I am. Girl you are h0t!” Iyke said.
“Omo see Iyke. Guy you don h0t so.” She said and threw herself at him in a hvg again.
Gosh! What’s all this ru-bbish!
I can’t help it anymore. I think im gonna loose it.
I hit my fork on the breakable plate of fried rice and it gave a crazy sound.
That was when the girl turned to me like she’s just seeing me.
She fl@pped her artificial eyelashes in an awkward maner and turned back to Iyke.
“So Iyke you–” Iyke cut her short before she could start again.
He turned to me but she didnt.
“Oh babe, meet my long time friend, Lizzy. We lost contact actually and it’s such a good thing we had to meet up again. Whoa.” He said, smiling.
I just stared at him.
I was so mad that the bit-ch had to cross her hand over his shoulder as he was talking. Doing the stupid ‘Introduction’
“And Lizzy,”
“Yes sweetie.” She answered with a smile, giving my creeps.
Iyke smiled at her, “Meet my beautiful girlfriend, Valerie.” He said.
She turned to me with a fake smile, “Hi Valerie.” She waved.
I rolled my eyes and bit clenched my fist seeing how she hvgged him again.
“Whoa Iyke, I don’t mind giving you million hvgs. I’ve missed you like craaazy. You recall those days nah.” She said.
Iyke smiled awkwardly as he glanced at me.
Gosh! Bringing up this dinner was indeed a bad idea.
She adjusted her dress. “I’ll be going now Iyke. Lemme give you my number. Someone’s actually waiting for me outside.” She said and Iyke didn’t waste two seconds in handing her his phone.
Few minutes, she was done and handed the phone back to him, pe-cked him on the cheek before walking off.
Iyke grinned at me and was about saying whatever but I short him up with a snap of my hand in the air.
“I wanna concentrate on the food.” I said.
“Babe, I could actually explain.” He said.
I ignored him and went on with the food which now tasted awful.
“Sugar, Lizzy was just a long time friend. We were coursemates in school. Then we lost contact later an–”
I cut him short, “I don’t nee-d to know all that.”
But he kept talking and I couldn’t help my annoyance, so I stood up, gr@bb£d my purse and walked out of the eatery and over to the car.
He ran over in the next second and geabbe-d my hand.
I turned away, backing him.
“I love you so much Vale and i’ve promised never to hurt you. Lizzy was only happy to see me.” He said.
Huh! I scoffed and yanked my hand away from his hold. Then turned, facing him!
“And you let her hvg you and k!ssyou all over cos she was only happy to see you? In my front!” I yelled.
He arched his eyebrow, “Hell babe that’s just the way she acts and considering it’s been almost five years we last saw. She was really happy to see me.” He said.
“And you was too isn’t it?” I barked.
“Yeah babe, but you know there’s nothing attached to all that. Trust me babe plea-se.” He begged and tried to hold me again but I sh0t him a glare and he held his hand.
“Im sorry okay.” He said.
“Open the door. I nee-d to go get some rest. I have an operation to work tomorrow.” I said.
He pushed his hands into his trou-ser pockets and then looked straight at me.
“Babe we can’t just go plea-se.” He said.
“I said, I want to Iyke!!” It was a loud yell.
He stared at me for awhile before pu-lling out a small remote from his right pocket, pressed a bu-tton and I pu-ll-ed open the car door and went in, slamming it back.
He walked over to the other side and c@m£ in, to the driver’s seat beside me.
I kept a straight face.
“Babe, you really not going to do this to me tonight, are you?”
I ignored him.
“Well, it can’t really be a dinner gone bad. We are heading to my house.” He said.
I sh0t him a fierce and he win-ked at me and amiled, letting out that ‘bu-tterflies-in-my-head smile.
“Drive this thing and take me to my house right now.” I barked.
He smiled, “Yes my princess but no way.” He said and then drove off.
I hissed and brou-ght out my phone.
“Who are you calling?” He asked.
“My mom’s driver. He nee-d to bring me my car. Now just st©p this car..”
“Come on, baby you so stubborn. I’ve apologised now. plea-see. I hate seeing your face this sad. You are so more Angelic when you’re happy.” He said, tou-ching my cheek.
“Don’t call him plea-se okay. Let’s go to my house, I’ll prepare you something really delicious. Trust me babe. You know you can’t resist my meals.” He said and I eyed him before hitting him on the arm.
Even though It was ha-rd but I wished I’ve put more effort in ma-king it more painful.
“Ouch! Babe. I don’t mind you hitting me over and over again so far that st©ps you from calling your mom’s driver.” He said.
Just then, a call c@m£ into my phone.
Mom was calling.
I picked it up.
“Mom?” I said.
“Yes honey, Benita told me you are out. Where are you?” She asked.
Ugh! why must she know where I am. This is one of the reasons I can’t just wait to be in my own house which I’ll gladly be in few days time.
What’s this!
“Mom, im out with Iyke. I’ll be back soon.” I said.
Iyke smiled and sh0t me a sm-irk glance and I un-derstood.
We just pas-sed our street.
“Alright honey, be careful okay.” She said, her voice low.
“I will mom. Thanks.” I said and dropped the call.
“Wow, we’ll be in my house in the next five minutes.” He said almost immediately.
I didn’t say anything, I just stared out the window.
“Babe I love you so much okay.” He said and I felt his hand on my hair and then a pe-ck on my cheek which made me jump.
I looked at him and then at the road.
He was smiling.
“Are you okay? You driving for goodness sake.” I fired at him.
He pouted hisl-ips,.
One thing I like about him.
“But you don’t wanna talk to me now.. What did you expect me to do. Just cheer up for me naww. Abeg babe.” He said.
I rolled my eyes and looked away but he pe-cked me again!
I glared at him and he grinned.
It made me wanna smile but I frowned instead.
“I love you babe… And woah. Im so glad we’re home alre-ady.” He said and turned into the house.
I hissed as I gr@bb£d my purse, stepped down from the car and slammed the door shut.
Maybe im still so annoyed but to be sincere, I don’t think I am anymore. I guess im only pretending now.
Iyke could just soften my anger within a minute. He has that magic and it really works on me and he knows that.
He c@m£ forward and put his right arm accross my w@!st and I bit down the joy that gave me.
“You look so h0t babe.” He whispered as we walked up to the porch.
He opened the door and I went in with him behind.
I scanned the quite colourful living-room before sitting on one of the two-seater couch and crossed my legs.
He c@m£ forward and placed his hands on the couch arms-rest, then he bent and gently k!$$£d my forehead and I didn’t try to resist.
“You are one in a trillion. Not a million nor a billion. You mean the whole world to me. My heart beat. I could go miles for you baby. Trust my words. We’re gonna make beautiful kids and I’do wanr them to have your pretty eyes and your…your” He st©pped talking as his eyes dropped on myl-ips.
He smiled that breaktaking smile and slowly, he brou-ght his face close and k!$$£d myl-ips.
My eyes were alre-ady closed before he even did.
I can’t believe I just let Iyke k!ssme this night after all that occured there at the restaurant.
But you can’t blame me. Im madly inlove with him. I can’t help it.
He withdrew seconds later and smiled with a wi-nk.
“Lemme get us something to eat.” He said as he turned to walk to the kitchen throu-gh the dinning room.
“Come on, Are you really going there without me.” I half yelled and he laughed, placing his hands on his w@!st as he turned to me.
“You gotta be kidding me babe. I actually knew you would come over. You can’t resist my sweetness you know that.” He said and I smiled.
Yeah, he was right. I can’t resist everything about him.
He mean the whole world to me even though he hurts me.
I know he loves me even at that.