My sweetheart Episode 35 & 36

💝My Sweet Heart💝
#Episode 35
… Valerie’s POV ..
“This. One. For. You….this. One. for. you. This. one.. for you…” I watched amazingly as Joy gave his friends each, one yoghurt drink.
When he was done doing that, he turned to me with a smile.
The kids danced and sang a silly funny song for him.
Inorder for the noise to die down, I asked;
“Who’s Sabi?”
“Na me.” The darkest kid among with bald head said.
I smiled.
“Me, im Dele.” Another said.
“Im Emma”
They all said their names.
I smiled.
“Alright.. lovely names. Im Valerie.” I said.
“Aunty Valerie, Are you his girlfriend?” The same kid that spoke good english that day, asked.
He said he’s name is ‘Solomon’
I was amazed at his question. He’s quite a little boy to ask such a question.
“She. Is. My. Friend.” Joy said.
“No.” I interjected.
They all stared at me to hear what im gonna say, including Joy.
“Im.. his girlfriend.” I said.
“Ahhhhh!” They all cheered.
Joy blu-shed.
“Aunty. If you are his girlfriend, then k!sshim, so we’ll know, abi?” Solomon said.
“Yes Aunty k!sshim.” They said in unison.
It rang in my head like a bell.
I should k!sshim?
“I should do what?” I asked, just to be sure.
“k!sshim.” They all said with a grin on their faces.
I should k!sshim.
I should k!sshim..
Joy raised his eyebrows and mumbled, “Uh?” as he stared at me and then at his friends, then at me.
I smiled.
“I will.” I said.
They grinned wi-der.
“k!sshim… k!sshim. k!sshim..” They sang.
Oh silly.
“Uh..” Joy mumbled again as I c@m£ closer to him.
I smiled and gently k!$$£d him..
On thel-ips… then withdrew.
“Yeeeeeee..” The kids cheered loudly.
Joy blu-shed with a shy smile.
I took his hand.
“He’s my b©yfri£nd.” I said with a smile.
… Iyke’s POV ..
What the fv¢k just happened?
Did I just see that?
Valerie just k!$$£d that insane bit-ch?
Ohh alright… Now I get it.
I was right.
Now im gonna deal with that diot.
How can Valerie even be so stupid to be inlove with an insane guy?
Well, I don’t care.
I must end his life.
They started coming out with Vale holding his hand.
I fumed and walked away.
A taxi c@m£ by and I entered.
“Wait a bit. I want to see something.” I said.
He seem confuse but waited.
I saw them c@m£ out and then entered her car.
I felt so angry.
My heart burned with hatred for him.
I’ll deal with him!
“Go now. Thanks.”I said to the taxi driver and he zoomed off.
Damn it!
So it’s been that fool!
How could Valerie be so clumsy.
This $h!t is gonna end!
Vale is mine.
How can I loose Vale for that insane bastard?
… Valerie’s POV ..
We were back home…
I still smile at what happened there with Joy’s friends.
k!sshim… k!sshim… and I did!
“Aunty Valerie. Why. Are. You. Smiling?” Joy asked.
We were sitting on the three-sitter couch.
We sat close to each other.
Uh? waa I?
“I wasn’t smiling.” I said.
“No. You.were.” He said.
“Oh..Alright.” I said.
Night c@m£..
We prepared fried egg and plantain for dinner.
We ate together and washed the dishes.
I was in my room. I had just taken my shower and was waiting for Joy to come in so we could sleep..
Just then, a call c@m£ in my phone.
An unsaved number.
I knew it would be no one else but Iyke, but I picked the call.
I wonder why I did.
“Vale..” His voice c@m£ in.
He sounded gloomy and de-ep.
“Iyke” I said.
“Vale, Why can’t you listen to me?” He asked.
It seemed as if he’s crying or is he drun!k?
“I don’r nee-d to listen to your lies.” I spat. Even though I was feeling how sad he might be now.
He’s truely in pains.
“I love you Valerie I swear it. Im crazily inlove with you. I want you back. I want you backk.. I miss everything about you.” He cried.
I shut my eyes as I felt for his cries.
I swallowed.
“Vale, don’t leave me this way. Nob©dy deserves you better than I do right now. I nee-d you in my life. My life is incomplete without you. Baby im so sorry. Im sorry.” He broke down into a cry.
My palm felt sweaty.
I tried ha-rd to hold back my tears.
“Vale, im truely sorry. Im dying inside. Just give me a second cha –” I cut him short!
“I can’t… You are a monster! You areout of my life for good, forever! I got a better person in my life now and thank goodness you left so he could come in. He’s the best.” I barked angrily.
My tears started now.
I tried ha-rd not to sniffle, so he doesn’t know im in tears.
“Vale, plea-se get him out of your life and I promise to be better than him. And the best for you.” He said.
“You will never be better than him! I hate you Iyke. I hate you!”
“Because of him” He said.
“I love him so much and he does too.” I hit the ‘end call’
Just then, the door opened and Joy c@m£ in, dressed in his night wear.
He c@m£ over and sat beside me on the be-d.
I wiped my tears and sniffled.
He stared closely at me.
“Aunty Valerie. Why. are. You. Crying?”
I sniffled again, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine.” I said.
He shook his head, then suprised me by pu-lling me to him.
“Im. Sorry. Oya. Sleep. If you.Don’t. Want. To. tell. me.” He said.
I f0rç£d a smile as I rested my head on his shoulder.
“Sleep. Sleep. Sleep…” He mumbled continously as he softly patted my back gently…. Just like he did yesterday night.
It’s now like a routine that I cry each nighr and Joy cuddles me and pats my back till I fall asleep?
I smiled and blinked as a tear rolled down.
He’s so affectionate.
He’s so adorable.
He’s so funny.
So lovely..
He makes me smile.
He’s so wierd and childish behaved..but they make him seem so amazing.. to me.
I don’t regret saving me.. and I don’t regret falling inlove with him.. and knowing that he sincerely love me too.
“I love you.” I whispered to him.
“Uh..I. Love. You. too.” He said, then he began to stro-ke my hair slowly.
“ you. Hair.” He said.
I smiled.
“I like your hair too.” I said and loos£ned the hairband holding his hair…and his hair fell to his shoulders.
I stro-ke his hair too just the way he was doing to mine.
He giggled softly at that.
I smiled.
“I love you Joy, you know that right?” I said.
He nodded.
“Yes.” He said.
I pu-ll-ed back and stared into his brown hazel eyes..
The most charming eyes I’ve ever seen.
“You are adorable Joy. I just wish you get okay soon.” I said coolly.
“But.. im. Well. Im. Not. Sick.” He mumbled with a raised eyebrows and pouted bottoml-ip.
I smiled.
“I know.” I said, then brou-ght my face close to his and placed mtl-ips on his.
… Iyke’s POV …
I gulped down the rest of the alcohol and gr@bb£d another full bottle.
I stared at the gun laying on the table beside the empty bottles.
I gulped down a little of the drink then dropped it back on the table..
I picked the gun and scanned it.
“Im ending that guy’s fv¢king life with this. I cant watch him take away Joy from me with his insanity.”
I dropped the gun and took a cigarette.
I Lighted it and smoked, puffed.
I can’t wait any longer..
It’s either I have Valerie or nob©dy else do!
This Episode has a little of S-x scene…….but you won’t wanna miss it..
#Episode 36
… Valerie’s POV …
He giggled as I pushed him…
I smiled and c@m£ on t©p him.
Then I bent, got myl-ips on his and began k!ss!nghim again, but now, more pas-sionately..
I don’t really know what c@m£ over me but I found my hands unbottoning his PJ shi-t and he stared at me.
I can’t re-ad his expression though.
I smiled as my heart beated fast..
I pu-ll-ed out his shi-t.
I bent low again and giggled.
I felt silly.
I began k!ss!nghim again..
He just stared at me.
It felt silly but I went on.
I k!$$£d him on the nose and down to his n£¢k.
He giggled..
Um.. He likes it.
I smiled.
“You like it?” I whispered in his ear.
He nodded.
I really wanna see if he’do get a ha-rd on.
I li-cked his ear-lobe and he giggled more.
So childish..
I streamed my ton-gue down to his n£¢k.
Then down to his ti-p.
Iyke always love me to do that.
He say ir ‘feels cool’
Uh… I dont wanna think about Iyke.
He giggled softly as I s**ked his ti-p.
When I finally reached down… He was ha-rd .
I smiled
He’s not really an ‘adultbaby from birth’ Even if he is….he’s matured enough and not a kid, though he might not un-derstand what that means.
I pu-ll-ed down his trou-ser to reveal di-ck.
It felt silly… but I c@m£ to his ear and whispered.
“You are ha-rd .”
“Uh?”He mumbled.
“Don’t worry. I know what to about it.”I smiled, the pu-ll-ed back and took off my nightie..
I smiled as he stared at me… Not really at me but at my b00bs.
“You like it?” I asked with a smile.
He closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands, feeling really shy.
I smiled and gently pu-ll-ed his hands away.
But he still shut his eyes.
I sighed.
“Close your eyes then.” I said.
I pushed back and after a little thought of what I was about doing and concluding, I can’t hold it and I don’t care what happens after.
I gently slide his di-ck in and he fli-pped his eyes open and stared wi-dely at me.
“Uh?” He mumbled.
I smiled and rolled my eyes.
“I swear Eva! I don’t know what c@m£ over me! I feel so stupid!” I said.
She breathed.
I had woke up this morning to see Joy slee-ping.
I didn’t wake him up cos I felt so shy recalling what happen last night.
I had S-x with him and he re-leased and c@m£ right inside me.
I felt it was nothing but this morning that I woke up.
I felt so shy that I ran to the bathroom and took my bath before he wakes up.
I was all dressed up when he did wake up.
I breathed.
“Joy, im off to work. Come help me open the gate.” I said hurriedly walked out before he could say ‘JACK’
I made sure I was in the car before he c@m£ out..
He seemed so confused and worried as he opened the gate and I drove off.
God! What did I do?
I nee-d someone to tell me what I did wasn’t wrong.
I have no idea what c@m£ over me!
Now, I had to tell Eva.
She’s the only person I can tell this.
“Eva you ain’t saying anything.”
She sighed.
“What do you want me to say? You’ve done it alre-ady with him.” He said.
“I feel like I R@p£d him.. He was so shy and confused. I was so stupid. I just wanted us to be bond, to be stronger.” I said.
“And you thought S-x is the only thing that could?” She said.
“ it’s among.”
“Vale what if this guy isn’t clean? I mean what if he’s afflicted with an infection or disease? considering he’s been on the streets. He must have been R@p£d by some S-x freaks without him un-derstanding.”
I sighed.
“I don’t even wanna think about that now I couldn’t even face him this morning.” I said.
She sighed.
“It’s okay babe. You don’t have to be this way. You love him like you say, so let it go. Don’t act like you didn’t like it? Im just scared you did without using any ptotection. Do you know what that means?”
“Pregnancy.” I asked.
“And disease. You nee-d to do a test. I’ll do that for you.” She said with a smile.
I sighed.
.. Joy’s POV …
I’ve been slee-ping… I just woke up.
I’ve been sad all day..
She just left without k!ss!ngme like she use to.
Is it because of what happened last night.
I giggled remembering all that happened..
It was sweet.
I wish we will do it again but if it’s the reason why she acted that way this morning; then I promise we won’t do it again.
I will beg her when she comes back.
I’ll beg her not to do it again so she won’t be harsh on me again.
I sighed as I hvgged a pillow.
But it was sweetttt…
“Uh?” I mumbled as heard a loud knock at the gate.
Who’s it?
It can’t be Aunty Valerie.
She horns for me and not knocking..
The knock c@m£ again.
It must be my friends or one of them..
I grinned as I rushed out to check.
“Sabi?” I peeped from the gate.
Oh no. It wasn’t Sabi.. but him..
Aunty Valerie friend but now they are enemies.
Why is he here? to beg Aunty Valerie.
I’ll tell just him she’s not back.
I opened the gate.
“Aunty Valerie..” But he pushed me in, c@m£ and shut the gate.
I felt so scared.
What did I do to him?
“Get the hell up dumbas-s.” He barks at me and I rushed up.
His face look like a devil’s face.
He began pushing me into the house..
“What. did. I. do. to You. plea-se. Leave. Me. Alone.” I cried.
He ignored me and pushed me into the sitting-room.
Then turned me so I was facing him.
“Valerie means the world to me. How dare you confuse her with your pretence and stupidness?”
I don’t know what he’s talking about.
I shook my head.
“plea-se.Aunty.Valerie. Is not. back. Go and come. back. Later.” I said.
He chuckled.
“Tell her I c@m£ when she comes back probably in your next world.” He said and then he brou-ght out a gun.
“Ahh!” I screamed
Is he going to shoot me?
He pointed it to my face.
I freezed.
… Iyke’s POV …
“plea-se. Don’t kill me. Don’t sh0t me plea-se.” He knelt down with tears pouring.
“You are insane and don’t deserve to be alive. Vale is mine!” I said and just immediately, I pu-ll-ed the trigger but a hand sl@pped the gun out of my hand..
My target was on his forehead but the went into his stomache.
He fell.
I turned frighteningly to see who was that but a b!ow to my nose s£nt me crashing on the floor.
I gro-an ed.
They are three.
I tried getting up but a kick to my ba-lls s£nt me crashing painfully again on the floor.
“Fool. Na you go die when we don finish with you” The one who just kicked me spat.
“Jojo… make una hold the bastard.”
He added.
I gro-an ed as the two tra-pped my hands.
Then in one swift, he carried Joy to his shoulders and dashed out.
“Get the hell off from me!” I yelled at the two who held me ti-ghtly.
“Who you dey talk to?” The one at the left said.
“The bit-ch stole my girl!” I yelled at him.
The one at the right kicked me again and I yelled out in pains.
Then I was pushed up as they dragged me out.
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