My sister’s husband last batch

My sister’s husband


Episode 21


Semi final




Not too long after their car fell from the bridge, some policemen c@m£ and even people gathered there uploading picture of the accident into internet. while the policemen called an ambulance who rushed Nancy and bright to the hospital because they were badly affected and unconscious, as blood was gushing out from their b©dy.


Meanwhile Cynthia was in her room slee-ping, she didn’t go to her shop that day because for the past few days she have not been feeling fine. so as she was slee-ping all of a sudden, she jumped up from the be-d and rushed to the toilet to throw up. after she finished throwing up she c@m£ out from the toilet.

“Am very weak this days and I have been throwing up as well, what exactly is wrong with me? but that reminds me, I was expecting my period for the past two months now but still I have not seen it yet, does it mean that am pregnant? no I don’t think so, well tomorrow I will go to the hospital to know what exactly is wrong with me. “she said to herself and then went to the sitting room because she feels that if she go inside the room to sleep back that she might throw up again, that was why she decided to go to the sitting room. on getting to the sitting room, she switched on the television and sat down on the couch watching it, after they finished the program that she was watching on the Television, they started showing news. on the news they show a car which fell from the bridge and almost scattered.

“OMG!! this is a terrible accident, are you sure that the people involve will survive this accident? Cynthia asked no one in p@rticular as she continues watching the news, not too long they showed some policemen removing the accident victims from the car.

“what a pity, is even couples that was involved in the accident but wh…….”she st©pped talking because the faces look familiar to her, she couldn’t recognize them easily because their faces was covered with blood and also their b©dy, Cynthia went close to the television to know if she can recognize the faces of the accident victims. she continue observing the faces on the television until she saw the wrist watch bright normally wear, that was when she knew that it was bright and Nancy that was involved in the accident, she screamed and then rushed to the hospital because the name of the hospital which they were taking to was mentioned on the television.


When Cynthia got to the hospital, she saw one of the nurse and rush to her.

“good afternoon, I heard that my husband was brou-ght to this hospital, where is he? I want to see him plea-se. “Cynthia said pacing

“your husband? what is his name? the nurse asked

his name is bright Nelson .”Cynthia replied

“bright Nelson?? you mean the accident victim ? the nurse asked again

yes…. yes…. plea-se I want to see him. “Cynthia said still pacing

if truly you are his wife, then who is the other lady to him? does it mean that both of you are his wives? I mean the lady they were both involved in the accident, who is she to him ? the nurse curiously asked, but before Cynthia could say anything the doctor c@m£ out

what is going on here? the doctor asked

“she said that she want to see bright the accident victim .” the nurse replied

So who are you to him ? the doctor also asked

Am his wife. “she replied

His wife? so what about the other lady they were both involved in the accident, who is she to him? because I cannot tell you anything about their condition until am sure that you are truly his wife before I can say anything. “the doctor said trying to be sure of who Cynthia is to bright



My sister’s husband
Episode 22
“plea-se doctor I beg you, I want to see them, bright is my husband while the lady is my younger sister. “Nancy said with almost tears
hmm…., I have heard you, but the truth of the matter is that you can’t see them because they are in critical condition, the accident affected them so much, most especially the lady, she lost her pregnancy, not only that she also have internal bleeding, and her legs was badly affected, is by the grace of God that she will survive it, but for now she is in coma. “the doctor explained
OMG!! but what about my husband, I hope his condition is not critical too? Cynthia asked in anxiety
“Am sorry to tell you this, but his condition is also critical, his spinal cord was affected as well . “the doctor said and Cynthia fell on the ground crying.
One week later, Cynthia went to the hospital to see her husband because the doctor told her to come in one week time. when she got to the ward where bright was, she saw him lying on the be-d helplessly with his whole b©dy been bandage ap@rt from his face, when she saw him in that state she almost cry, so she went close to the be-d where he was lying, when bright saw her he was ashamed of himself as tears started dropping from his eyes.
plea-se honey don’t cry I beg you because of your condition. “Cynthia said and use her hand to clean his tears
“you don’t deserve someb©dy like me as your husband, because am such a shameless and a useless man, I know I have caused you pain and tears by cheating on you with your sister and also abandon you, now look at where my infidelity have landed me, plea-se honey I know you wouldn’t want anything to do with me again but plea-se find a place in your heart to forgive me for what I did to you by having an affair with your sister, plea-se I beg you .”bright pleaded weakly
you don’t have to mention honey, I have forgiven you longtime ago and I still want you as my husband because marriage is for better for worst, all that matters now is that you have realized your mistake which am happy, and also want to tell you that am pregnant. “Cynthia said calmly with tears in her eyes and bright was happy on hearing that she is pregnant, not too long bright sle-pt off because he was too weak. At that time Nancy was still in coma that was why Cynthia couldn’t see her.
One month later, bright was discharged from the hospital and likewise Nancy who was now using a wheelchair because she was now paralyzed and could not walk anymore because of the accident she had.
“Aunty! am very sorry for betraying the trust you have for me by having an affair with your husband without thinking twice, Am very ashamed of myself and I know that mama and papa will be disappointed in me. plea-se find a place in your heart to forgive me. “Nancy pleaded with tears when Cynthia was cleaning her up because she was now paralyzed and can not do anything on her own, because ever since bright and Nancy was discharged from the hospital, Cynthia have been the one taking care of them.
” I trusted you so much Nancy, I give you the best in life, but what did I get in return, you back stab me by having an affair with my husband, ma-king my marriage turned upside down but no problem, I have forgiven you but I will never trust you in my life again. “Cynthia said and then continue cleaning her up without looking at her face
“I know God is punishing me for what I did to you by having an affair with your husband, and now am paralyzed and could not walk anymore with my legs which I deserve, plea-se aunty I know I have caused you tears in your marriage, and I made your husband to abandoned you, and now am regretting everything I did to you, plea-se aunty forgive me. “Nancy said still in tears
Nancy like I said before I have forgiven you, no matter what you did you are still my sister, but the truth is that I will never trust you again in my life. “Cynthia said and Nancy cried because she knew that her sister Cynthia will never love and trust her again,as she cried regretting everything that she did to her sister.
Some months later, Cynthia gave birth to a set of twins a boy and a girl, she and her husband bright lived happily but she never trusted him again.
Nancy on the other hand was taken back to village because of her condition and remain paralyzed because the accident affected her legs. while Janet was still unmarried
Cynthia did not bear any other children again after the twins because of the accident which affected bright’s spinal cord ma-king him to be impotent, bright blamed himself and regretted ever cheating on his wife with her sister, because he knew that if he had been faithful to his wife all this wouldn’t have happened to him and he vowed never to have extra marital affair again.
A story written by chichi Tonia