My shining star episode 3 & 4

(Crazy love from a Crazy girl)
They got to the Restaurant and they all entered
Clair sat down on the first seat and Anna hurried to the seat beside him before Goldwyn could
Goldwyn shook her head before sitting on the available seat beside Chris
“I never knew your dad built another restaurant here”Xavier said to Kingston
“Yeah,,,it was just opened today,,,I actually didn’t know either…..I only knew about the other one”Kingston explained as a lady c@m£ to them,, She looked beautiful even though she seems probably in her 50’s
“What would you like,,,plea-se??”She asked politely
“Excuse me”Anna interrupted
“Who’s the manager???,,we are not supposed to be here,,,We are supposed to be in the VIP section”She said,, proudly
“Okay ma’am….but standard charges….”
“Yeah,,,we un-derstand….Do we look like a commoner to you??”Anna snapped rudely and Goldwyn g@sped
“Anna,, How could you talk Rudely to her??”
“Yeah whatever,,,,meet me in the VIP section,,,,I wanna see your manager”She said,, before walking away
Goldwyn shook her head before facing the woman
“Ma’am Don’t be offended”She apologized
“It’s nothing,,,,Kindly follow me”The Lady Said and they followed her to the VIP
They all took their seats beside Anna
“What would you like??”She asked and they all placed their order
“Hey”Anna called and she st©pped
“Hey old lady,,,am talking to you”Anna called and the woman turned towards her
“You called me??”
“I think your ears are malfunctioning??”Anna snapped and CLAIR stood up angrily hitting the table so ha-rd and they flin-ched
“Can you st©p all these???,,,Is she your mate???,,,What if she’s your dad’s employer,,does that mean you have the right to insult her???”CLAIR yelled at her and she flin-ched
She was suprised,,,she have never seen him so angry
CLAIR walked out angrily and the rest followed him
Anna struck the woman a deadly stare
“What’s your name??”She asked,,angrily
“Are you deaf??!!!!”She yelled angrily and the woman flin-ched
“Mrs…… Nelson”She Stuttered
“Consider yourself fired and never return”She said to her angrily before storming out of the place
Not too long,,,,Claire rushed in
“Eomma,,,,Am sorry….am late,,,, you never told me this restaurant is opening today,,, I went to the previous one”She said p@n-ting ha-rd but she never said a word
“What am I to help you with??”She asked again
“Help me pack my things”Her mom said before walking out with lots of thoughts roaming her head
“Boragu!!!!(What)”Claire yelled
“It wasn’t your fault her b©yfri£ndyelled at her”She said annoyingly but her mom kept mute
“Eomma,,,,How are we going to live now???,,, I won’t st©p schooling,,right??”Dennis asked tou-ching her mom
“Will you shut your cra-p and let’s think on what to do!”Claire snapped and he kept mute immediately
“I will be right back”Claire said as she took her phone before rushing out
(Crazy Love from a crazy girl)
Note:Since some people are finding it ha-rd to differentiate between the the two names;I have decided to write Crazy Claire for the girl and Clair for the guy
Crazy Claire ran out and stood there for some minutes
She searched for C investment,,,,
“Collins” She muttered before searching for the name
It brou-ght out the whole members of the Collins family
“Good” She said,,studying the address of the company before running off to board a cab
The cab st©pped and she got down after paying the cab man
She looked up at gigantic and big skyscr@p£r in front of her
She breathe in heavily before walking inside
She got to the reception office and could feel some stares on her,,,she knew it was because of her dressing but she cared less
She got to the Receptionist and tapped her desk
The Receptionist looked up to her with a weird face but quic-kly replaced it with a smile
“Welcome ma’am,,,who are you here to see??”She asked,,trying to sound polite
“Am here to see Mrs Collins” Crazy Claire replied
“Do you have an appointment with her??” The Receptionist asked and She sighed
“Gosh,,,I should have thought this over??” Crazy Claire thought
“Yeah” She blurted
“oh…..your name???”
“Check for Miss…..Fin..dsay” She said
“Oh,,, Claire,,is that a name??” She thought as the Receptionist searched for her name
The Receptionist sighed and looked up
“Ma’am….I don’t think….” She was interrupted as Crazy Claire snatched the book from her and started going throu-gh the list of names
“Hmmmmmmmmmm….here it is,, Lindsay” Crazy Claire said showing the Receptionist the name
“Bye” She interrupted before running off
She got to the elevator and heaved a big sigh before entering slowly
It’s actually her first time entering an elevator,,,she could hear her heart pounding
“Aaargh Aaaaaaaaargh” She screamed as the elevator took off closing her eyes and covering her ears with her palm
“Waoh” She screamed as the elevator opened
She got out of the elevator and kept wondering where the CEO company is
She kept walking till she got to a doorstep with a name pasted on the door. CEO
She heaved an heavy sigh before opening the door gently
She entered and her gaze met with a beautiful lady seating on a large comfy office seat,,,she’s seen busy with some office do¢v-ments
She look young that one can mistake her for a youth
Crazy Claire recognized her quic-kly as the wife of Mr Collins in the picture
“Gosh,,,,where’s she??”Mia(Mrs Nelson)kept pondering
“Mom,,,she will be fine” Dennis said,, his gaze focused on the television in their house
“Am just wondering if probably she got into trouble” Mia said,,worriedly
Dennis stood up and walked over to her
“Mom,,,you know it’s not possible……..for her not to get into trouble,,,, Maybe she probably got stuck in a cell with some Crazy dude like her” Dennis as and Mia faced him
“Come on,,Get out of here!!”She yelled as she threw her sli-ppers at him but he ducked it
” Eomma”Crazy Claire gushed happily as she bounced in
She entered fully and Mia brou-ght out the mopping stick and hit it at her back
“Eomma!!” She yelled but she kept hitting her with the stick
“Eomma,,,what did I do wrong??!!” She kept yelling as Mia kept chasing her around the house while Dennis kept rolling on the floor in laughter
Mia st©pped,,p@n-ting so ha-rd as Crazy Claire ran out of the house
“If I should catch you,,, you’re a dead meat”Mia yelled and started coughing
” Here”Dennis said,,handing over a cu-p of empty water to her
She collected it,,thinking it was water and placed it in her mouth trying to sip it but nothing c@m£ out Dennis bur-st into laughter
Mia held the mopping stick firmly SBD started chasing Dennis around the home
She sighed as Dennis ran out of the house
“Both of you are dead meat!!!” She yelled
“Sir,,,,your food is re-ady” A maid said to Clair before walking away
Clair stood up before walking to the table
He sat down and the Maids set the table
“Oppa” Goldwyn hvgged him from behind and he smiled
Goldwyn sat on her seat beside him and they both started eating
“Are they coming home today??”Clair asked and Goldwyn st©pped eating and faced him
“You know they aren’t coming” She said sadly and his mood changed
He dropped the cultery before standing up
“Where are you going??” Goldwyn asked
“I lost my appetite” He said before walking away and She sighed