My shining star episode 21

(Crazy Love From A Crazy Girl)
High school r0m@nç£
They both entered the boys lair and stood behind the door
Clair looked at Claire and she swallowed ha-rd into nothing finding it difficult to breath as she stared at him endlessly
She finally noticed his utmost irresistible handsomeness,,then her eyes moved to his tempting,softl-ips
Clair looked away as he couldn’t st©p looking at her,,just her tiny curves is really tempting
“Clair…I love you”Claire blurted out and he was shocked
He looked closely into her eyes and all he could see is seriousness
“Yes,, I mean it….I realized it now,,,I can’t resist you,,am really in love with you…I know I said,, I didn’t really know ..but now I know,Clair,,I really love you..I…..”She was interrupted as Clair pu-ll-ed her into a de-ep k!ss
They continued su-cking on each other’sl-ips like their life depended on it
Claire held on ti-ght unto him as they k!$$£d each other endlessly
They broke the k!ssand brou-ght their faces together
“I love you”Clair said, sincerely
“I love you too Strawberry”Claire replied and Clair chuckled
“You won’t ever leave me,right?”Claire asked and Clair pe-cked herl-ips
“I promise”Clair said and she smiled as she rested on his che-st
“I love you strawberry”
“I love you my pie”Clair replied and she chuckled
“Shall we,pie??”Clair asked and she nodded and they both walked out
Students stared at them as they were so close to each other but they cared less
Clair held her hand and she smiled as they both interlocked hands
They walked to clas-s with interlocked hands and students started mummuring
*What’s going on??
*Are they d@t!ng??
*Why are they so close to each other??
Clair win-ked at Claire and she smiled lovingly at him
“Ok listen Everyone……..Claire is now my girlfriend”Clair said and a loud noise erupted from the clas-s
*Oh my,, she’s so lucky
*She’s so lucky
*They look cute together
Clair walked to her seat and Goldwyn flashed her a smile and she returned it while Anna did some thumbs up to her
“So, you guys are d@t!ngnow?”Kings asked Clair and he nodded as they walked into the cafeteria together
“Do you think she knows Naomi??”Kings asked
“I think so,,,but I don’t think she wanna talk about it”Clair said as they finally say down beside Chris who was eating alone
“Where’s Xavier?”Kings asked
“Chasing after the new h0t chick”He replied
“Can he ever change?”Clair asked
“And here he comes”Chris said and they turned back and Xavier walked in breathing heavily
“What’s wrong?”Chris asked
“Can you believe that bit-ch actually rejected me and even kicked me in the face”Xavier ranted angrily and they bur-st into laughter
“Really….you guys are mocking me?”Xavier asked angrily but they kept laughing
“Fine”He said and walked out angrily
“Can’t believe he got rejected”Chris said
“What’s the girl that broke the record,,, can’t believe this”kings laughed
“I heard her name is Riley”Clair said as he di-pped his fork into the food
“Where are the girls?”Chris asked as his eyes roamed around the cafeteria
“They’re having their ping pong practice,,,I heard they’ll be repres£nting the school in a competition with OXFORD HIGH”Clair said almost immediately,the girls was walked in looking tired
They walked towards them
“Hello”They said,tiredly
“You girls seem tired”Kings said
“Really tired”Claire replied as he gave Clair a pe-ck
“You guys care to join us?”
“Sure”They replied and sat
Claire sat beside Clair
“Care for some pie?”Chris asked Anna and she nodded and he pas-sed it to him
“Huum,,,this is really delicious,,,am really starving”Anna said as she ate the food in a hurry
“Hey,,, don’t choke on that food”Kings cautioned but she didn’t st©p
“Here”Clair said as he stabe-d the salad with his fork and she opened up and he gently fed her
“OMG!!!!!”Girls screamed
“I love you”Claire said
“I love you too my pie”Clair replied and planted soft k!sses on herl-ips
“Awwn!!”Anna and Goldwyn chorused and they smiled
“Oppression”Kings said
“Go meet your Naomi”Clair replied
“Ofcourse, she’s coming soon”He said with a smile
“I hope so”He muttered
“Noona”They heard a voice and turned
“Jocelyn?!”They all called surprisingly
“Oh,,hi girlie,,how are you??”Claire asked with a smile
“I hope those bit-chea aren’t bothering you again?”,Claire asked and she nodded
“Hi guys”Jocelyn said with a smile
“Jocelyn??”They called again,suprised
“You guys know her??”Claire asked
“Yeah,, she’s Naomi’s sister”Clair replied and she almost choked on her food
“Are you okay??”Clair asked as he hanse over a bottle of water to her and she gulped it down
“Yeah,,am fine”She said,still shocked
“I thought you are in America with …..Naomi”Kings said, slowly
“Well,,no,, Naomi’s in America with Mom and dad,, and am here with my Nanny”Jocelyn explained
“Your Nanny??”
“Yeah,, I begged mom and dad a lot before they could allow me,, I really wanted to come to this school”She said with a smile
“How about …..?
“Yeah,, she’s fine,,she actually lost you guys number ,, that’s why she hadn’t been in t©uçh with you guys,,,she actually told me she’s coming back to Korea to finish her schooling here”Jocelyn dropped the bombshell
“Oh My!!!,, Really??”Anna and Goldwyn asked,, happily
“Yeah”Jocelyn replied
“Wow.. Can’t believe this”Kings said feeling immeasurable happiness
“Can’t wait to see the crazy Naomi again”Clair said with a smile
“Am sure Xavier is going to yell so loud if she hear this,, they’re enemies”Chris said and they bur-st into laughter
“Yes,, she’s going to be like….Really??,,,you are still living a fake life,, I hope you don’t die soon”Anna said mimicking Naomi and they bur-st into laughter except from Claire who was silent
“Can’t believe,tvey know my twin sis more than I do”She thought and kept stabbing the salad repeatedly
“Claire,are you okay?”Clair asked and they turned to her
“Yes…am fine”She said and kept eating
Anna and Goldwyn exchanged glances as they saw her mood
“Here’s her number,,kings…..I gat to go”Jocelyn said and ran off
“I’ll be right back”Kings said and left with a smile
“Feels good seeing his sincere smile”Clair said
“By the way,,, Where’s Xavier?”Goldwyn asked
“The pla-yboy got rejected”Chris said, mockingly and Anna bur-st into laughter
“Jinja??,, Who’s the girl??”
“The new chick,,Riley”
“Oh my,,I can’t wait to see how devastated he’s going to be,, I have been waiting for this day,,, the day she’s going to be rejected”Anna said with a sm-irk and they shook their head at her craziness
Kings walked to their lair and sat down before dialling Naomi’s number
Naomi picked the call then he bacme nervous
“Who’s this??”She said and her sweet voice melted his heart once again
“Hello”She repeated
“Hi”He finally said and she her beast skipped a bit
“Kings?”She called slowly
“Am glad you still recognize my voice”Kings said with a smile and she also smiled even though they couldn’t see each other
“How Are you??”She asked
“Am fine and you??”
“Am good”She replied
“I missed you”He blurted out after series of silence between them
“I missed you too”She replied
“You’re coming back,,right??”He asked, almost in tears
“Yes”She replied
“Promise me”He said and she chuckled
“I promise”She said and he smiled
“I love you”
“I love you too”
“Love you more”
“Love you more and more”She said and he chuckled
“Bye”He said
“Bye,,see you soon”She replied and he smiled as the call ended
“My goodbye k!ss”Clair said, pu-lling Claire back as they got down from his car,,in front of her house
Claire smiled before giving him a pe-ck on his softl-ips
“Bye,,,I love you”She said with a wi-nk before walking away
Clair sm-irked as he watched her leave
“Only if she knows the crazy things,we’ll do together”Clair thought before entering his car and driving off
“Mom,,,am going back to Korea next week to see my family and my friends”Naomi said to her mom who was busy on her l@pt©p
“Okay,, bye,,good luck”She replied,,not even sparing her a glance
“Mom,,,I said am leaving,,do you even care???!!!!”Naomi yelled, angrily
Laura(her foster mom) st©pped and turned to her
“My beautiful daughter,,,,,you know I have never stooord you from seeing or going back to your family,,,fine …..I raised you,,but they’re still your family,,,I never st©pped you from going back,,you never wanted to,,,but now that you want to,,You know I can’t st©p you……..I love you,,,Am sure you know that”Laura said and pe-cked her forehead
“Now,,,am really busy with business right now,,, I s£nd you some money,,,,but am sure you don’t really nee-d it cos your account is loaded,,and anytime you nee-d some cash,,, remember that I will always be here for you,,,Take care of Jocelyn in school”Laura said before turning back to her l@pt©p and continued doing her business
Naomi sighed and regretted being selfish as she wanted wealth and never wanted to return to her family
She wanted to stay in a wealthy home,but now she doesn’t want any of this anymore
Her foster parents are too workaholic and have no or little time for them
She sighed as she reminisced on the king of love and happiness she had with her family
The fights,, the pla-y,,the jokes,,the laughter,, happiness,,,she had them all before right here there’s nothing like such
She miss her mom,, especially her twin sister,,,Claire
She hopes they accept her back into their lives, even though it’s going to be ha-rd ,,,she has to try
She brou-ght out her n£¢klace and stared at it,,it has her picture and Claire’s image on it,,,they both had it and wears it everywhere
She remembered her word
*As long as we both have this on,,we will never be celebr@ted*Her twin sister had said with a smile and it was true,,they were never separated but she separated herself from them
All these years their dad died,, she’ve been in Korea for 7 whole years before leaving for America ,,she had been living with foster family,,they actually rescued her from the accident and she lived with them before moving to Korea a year ago
10 years ago
“Appa,,, Where are you going?”10 years old Claire asked and her dad bent to her level
“Darling,,,we nee-ds some stuffs in the house so Naomi and I nee-ds to go get it”Her dad(Julius) Said with a smile
“Can I go with you?”Claire asked and he smiled
“No, you can’t … don’t worry,, I will be back soon”He said
“No dad,,,I want to go with you”Claire gro-an ed
“Don’t worry dear,, Naomi’s going with me,,,we will be back soon,,okay?”He said and Claire nodded,sadly and Naomi stick out her ton-gue at her
“Bye”She said,happily as she hopped into the car
“Dad!!!”Naomi yelled as she rushed out if the car and the car collided with the speeding truck
“Appa”Naomi cried as she tried to stand,,,,her leg was building severely
She watched as her dad’s b©dy la-id helplessly in the car,,he was dead
She cried so loud until she lost consciousness
It was actually reported that they had an accident in their way as they ran into a running truck,,,,but Naomi’s b©dy wasn’t found,,,They searched everywhere for her but you no avail
Back to now
Naomi cried bitterly as memories kept rushing into her head
“Hey guys”Claire greeted as she walked into the guys dorm
“Hi”They replied and her eyes roamed round the place
“Where’s Strawberry??”Claire asked
“In his room”Chris replied
“This dorm has a room??”She asked,shocked
“Yeah,,,,,,by your left”Kings said and she nodded
She walked past Xavier who was moody and st©pped
“Hey…..sorry for your loss”She said before walking away and the guys bur-st into laughter
“Can’t believe, you can be this gentle”Chris said mockingly and Xavier sighed before walking out
“Why did you have to say that?”Kings scolded and he scoffed
“It fits him right”
Claire walked into Claire’s room without knocking
“Hey”She said and he turned to her and her face wi-de-ned,,he was shi-tless
She closed her eyes immediately and he smiled
“Hey,go wear some clothes”Claire said,,as she closed her eyes de-eply with her hands
Clair walked to her with a sm-irk and re-moved her hands
“You don’t like my che-st?”He asked
“Ofcourse not,,,,just go wear some clothes”She said, looking away
He smiled and gr@bb£d her hands and placed it on his che-st
Claire felt its smoothness and ru-bbe-d her hands on his ba-re che-st
“You like it?”Clair asked and she nodded
“Yeah,, it’s smooth”She replied and continued ru-bbing it
He gr@bb£d her hand and she looked up at him
He smiled and pinned her to the wall before placing his softl-ips on her