My shining star episode 17 18

(Crazy Love From A Crazy Girl)
High School r0m@nç£
Claire walked to school abs£ntmindedly,she wasn’t feeling too well
She walked down the hallway and she felt all gaze on her but she cared less,,,the worrying headache is baffling her
“Hey”Two girls said as they stood in front, chewing gum loudly like a bit-ch
“What do you want??”Claire asked slowly
“Why’d you think we’re here?”One of the girl said
“Just…..”She was caught short as an heavy headache struck her and she started feeling a little dizzy
She held her head and the girls sm-irked
“Bring it”One of the girls said and the other one handed her a bottle of red wine
“Am sure she nee-ds some bath”One of the girl said and before they knew it,,she emptied the whole content all over her and everyone bur-st into laughter
Claire shivered as she felt cold
Her hair bec@m£ sticky and her clothes bec@m£ we-t and glued to her b©dy
“I think she nee-d another bath”One of the girls said with a crooked laugh and the other girl brou-ght out another glas-s of wine
Claire was glued to the sp©t and hurriedly closed her eyes, expecting another bath
The girl sm-irked and was about to pour the wine but a hand st©pped her
They all g@sped as they saw whom it was
**Oh My,, she’s in trouble
Clair pushed her hand away gently and she landed her bu-tt on the floor
Clair walked over to Claire whose eyes was closed and swept her up in his arms
Claire opened her eyes weakly
” Thank you”She muttered before coll@psing in his arms
Clair felt her temperature and it was really h0t
“F**ck” He muttered before hurriedly rushing her to the school hospital
“Is she okay??”Anna asked as they all rushed to Clair
“Yeah,,the doc says she nee-ds some rest” Clair said and they sighed in relief
“Who are those girls??” Goldwyn asked herself
“Aria” Anna muttered before walking away angrily
“Let’s go watch some fights” Goldwyn said and they all ran after her
Anna barged into the clas-s and saw Aria sifted with some girls around her
The others c@m£ in and moved closer to Anna
“Anna,,i think she nee-ds some teachings”Goldwyn whispered and she sm-irked
“Yeah,someone nee-ds to teach this bit-ch some lessons” Anna said and walked over to Aria
“Ya(hey)” She called and Aria turned to her
“Oh,,how’s the little princess??” Aria asked,mockingly and the girls bur-st into laughter
Anna ti-ght£ñed her grip angrily
“I learnt she landed on a hospital be-d,,never knew she was a weakling” Aria said and the girls bur-st into another round of laughter
Anna walked to her angrily and dragged her hair and she started whimping
“I guess she’s going to land on a mortuary be-d” Kings whispered and they nodded
“You this bit-ch,leave me alone”Aria whimps as she dragged her to the hall way
Anna pushed her to the floor and she fell and her knee got wounded in the process and starts to bleed
” Ouch”She gro-an ed with a cry as she felt pain
“Yeah,,am a bit-ch,but a real one” Anna said and landed a punch on her cheek and she coll@psed to the ground immediately
“So weak”Xavier said with a mock as they walked back to clas-s and some students rushed Anna to the hospital
Claire hummed on the be-d sleepily as she rolled from one side to another
She continued rolling and before she knew it she fell to the ground with a loud thud
” What the!!”She yelled and stood up immediately
“Oh,,Am not at home” She muttered before walking out of the ward
“Hey” She heard a voice and st©pped
“Oh Clair” She muttered as he Walked to her
“Hi” She said without looking at him
“Why am I afraid to look at him??” She wondered
“Are you okay??” Clair asked when he noticed she wasn’t looking up
“Um..yeah..Am fine” Claire muttered and moved back a little
“Why are you moving away from me?” Clair asked as he moved closer to her
Claire raised her head up a little and swallowed ha-rd into nothing as she saw his cute face staring de-eply into hers
“Um…Nothing… Bye” She said and ran away
“Did I do anything wrong??” Clair asked himself
Claire ran outside as she felt her heartbeat pounding
“What’s wrong??”She asked holding her che-st
” Why’s it beating so fast??”She asked herself
“Aish” She yelled before walking to clas-s
She was almost entering when the bell rang
“Gosh,,how many clas-s did I miss?” She asked
“Just 3” She heard a voice behind her
“Did I say that out loud?” She thought
She looked back and her heartbeat started racing as hr walked closer to her
“What are you doing here?” She asked
“This is his clas-s,idiot” She thought
“I was looking for you” He said as he walked closer to her and her heart beat started pounding so loudly that she felt her heart might drop
“Why’d you run??” Clair asked as he brou-ght his face closer to hers and she swallowed ha-rd into nothing
“Um…I ….Nothing” She said and kicked his ba-lls and he fell to the ground with a gro-an
She covered her mouth in shock
“Sorry…I..didn’t..mean…to…sorry!!!”She yelled before running away
” What just happened?”Clair wondered
“Gosh,,Claire why are you running??”Claire turned and st©pped and her gaze met with Kings who was just coming out of their pri-vate dorm and he c@m£ face in face with her,,his head was down as his phone was glued to his phone
He wasn’t aware that she was right in front of him and pas-sed by her without noticing
“What could he be staring at to gain his attention so much?”She thought
“Could it be??.. “She thought and turned back swiftly and saw he was staring at the phone with so much love
She started walking closer to him without knowing but she suddenly st©pped and decided against it
“No,, it’s not jealousy….just to clear my doubts”She said to herself before walking to him,,she increa-sed her pace and caught up with him
He seemed so lost and she sighed
She intentionally collided with him and his phone jumped up in the process but she was quic-k to catch it
The phone landed in her hand and Kings sighed in relief
“Thank Goodness,you caught it in time”Kings said to Claire who was lost staring at the picture he was staring at
“Naomi…Naomi ..Naomi”Her head started ringing and tears started brimming from her face and Kings was shocked
“Claire… you’re… “He said and before he could t©uçh her,,,she gently dropped the phone on his palm before running off in tears
“All this while she was never dead….but Why??!!!”She yelled in her mind as tears rolled down her cheeks
“Claire!!!”Goldwyn and Anna called happily as they saw her but it faded away as they saw her tears
“Are you okay??”Anna asked and she shook her head
“No…am not”She said shakily and hvgged Goldwyn so ti-ghtly
“She’s not dead….. she’s alive”She muttered repeatedly
“Who’s she??”Anna asked worriedly
“She….Naomi…….”She muttered and coll@psed in her arms
“Oh my,,she fainted”Goldwyn panicked
“What’s wrong with her??”Clair asked from behind,,he was actually looking for her
“I don’t know,,she was in tears and before we knew she fainted”Anna said worriedly
Clair took her from Goldwyn and swept her up in his arms and they rushed to the pri-vate dorm
Clair placed her gently on the couch and they stood there unaware of what to do
“What’s wrong??”The others asked as they rushed in
“We don’t know what’s happening”Anna fidgeted
Clair walked closer to her gently and t©uçhed her hair
“Does she have any relation to Naomi?”Anna asked and they turned to her
“What do you mean?”Clair asked
“She mentioned her name and said she’s alive,,, and one more thing, don’t you think they look alike?”Anna asked and they turned to Clair
Kings looked at her and looked down into his phone and nodded
“Yeah,,,she looked shocked when she saw her picture on my phone”Kings said and they sighed
“I think something is wrong”Goldwyn said and Clair turned to her and immediately she opened her eyes with a g@sped
“Are you okay?”Clair asked and she nodded
“Yeah,, I nee-d some water”She said and Anna handed a bottle over to her and she gulped it down
“Wow,,this place is awesome”She said as she looked around
“Really??,, that’s all you’re going to say?”Xavier asked with a mock and they s£nt him a deadly stare and that shut him up
“Why did you coll@pse?”Anna asked
“It’s nothing”She said and stood up
“Really?”Goldwyn asked with a scoff
“Why were you shocked when you saw her picture?”Kings asked
“Fine…I was shocked because she actually looks like someone I knew but then I realized the girl was an Americana not a Ko-rean girl”She said and they seemed to believe her
“Well,,who was the girl?”
“Her name was Kate”Claire said and they raised their brow
“You mentioned Naomi”Anna said
“Yeah,,you once told me about her….You know…she and king”She said and they nodded
“Yeah…we told you… yeah”They said and that resulted into silence as they all stared at themselves awkwardly
“I guess we should leave”Anna said and Goldwyn nodded
“Yeah”Claire said and made to leave but Clair pu-ll-ed her back
“You guys can leave,,I wanna tell her some thing”Clair said and Claire looked up at him
He’s actually taller than her,,not to tall though
He brou-ght his eyes down to her and she looked away
“Oh….we will wait for you in clas-s”Anna said and they all went out of the dorm leaving both of them alone
“Now,, you care to tell me what happened back there?”Clair asked as he brou-ght his cute face closer to hers
“What’d you mean?”Claire asked awkwardly
“Why were you running from me??”Clair asked and Claire almost suffocated,his face was too close to hers
“I…I….”She stuttered and her gaze landed on his cute,pink,,soft temptingl-ips
“Huh??”Clair asked
“I..just . “She stuttered,,her gaze not leaving hisl-ips and before she could st©p herself,she placed herl-ips on his
Clair was shocked as he felt her warml-ips on his
He couldn’t reciprocate as he was shocked but Claire kept su-cking on hisl-ips gently,,she bit hisl-ips and he opened his mouth ma-king her gain entrance into his mouth
Clair held her w@!st as he found himself k!ss!ngher back,,they su-cked on theirl-ips no one willing to let go
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