My shining star episode 13 & 14

((Crazy Love From A Crazy Girl)
High school r0m@nç£
“You??”Claire asked surprisingly
“Were you expecting someone else??”Kings asked
“No,,,just suprised you’re here”Claire said,, regaining her balance
“Am here??”Kings asked
“You know,, Walking….I mean you’re rich,, and you got cars and you just decided to walk home”Claire said
“I don’t see a problem there”Kings said
“Gosh,, you’re too rude”Claire said as they continued walking
“I am??”Kings asked surprisingly
“Yeah….I kept wondering why you rarely talk,,,Now I know why”Claire said
“To you??”He asked
“Maybe”Claire replied with a shrug and kings st©pped and he brou-ght his face closer to hers
“Why do you think I don’t talk to you??”He asked
“It’s obvious you don’t want me to break your arm”Claire said and Kings chuckled before continuing with his walk
“You don’t take buses??”He asked
“Of course I do,,just decided to stretch my legs”
“Was that Why you refused Clair and Anna’s ride??”
“Yeah,,Maybe”Claire replied
“And thanks for Changing Anna… Because of you,,My mind is at peace”Kings said and Claire chuckled
“It was nothing,,,All thanks to my fist and kicks”Claire said and Kings chuckled
“Where do you learn all those moves??”He asked
“Well,,,,,I went to taekwondo clas-ses with my brother before the death of our father,So I learnt them from A professional”Claire explained
“Oh”Was all he could say
“And We’re here”Claire said and Kings looked around
“You’ve been to my house before??”He asked and Claire shook her head
“That’s my house”He said, pointing to a large, beautiful mansion near another beautiful ap@rtment but not as big as theirs
“That’s your house??”Claire asked, surprisingly and he nodded
“Wow,,I never knew I had an handsome neighbor”Claire said and he chuckled
“You live around here??”Kings asked
“Yeah,,beside your house”Claire said,, pointing at the beautiful ap@rtment beside Kings house
“That’s your house??*He asked,, suprised
“Yeah,, I un-derstand…you expected less from a commoner… re-ad the stories from unlimited story platform, fresh stories kingdom, house of stories room, sweet and nice story room throu-gh kwaku ome on+23354. but my family was once a middle clas-s rich not until dad died,,, that’s why we bec@m£ poor”Claire said,sadly but quic-kly br@ced it up with a smile
“Since we’re neighbors,,,how about You visit my mom”Claire said and dragged Kings before he could reply
“Eomma!!”Claire yelled as they entered
Kings couldn’t seem to hide his suprise as he stared in awe
Truly,they were once rich
Their house look clas-sy,,the tv,,fan,cushions,,furnitures,, everything looks expensive but doesn’t worth theirs but they’re still expensive
“Eomma!!!!”,,,,Am home”Claire yelled again and Kings chuckled
“When are you going to st©p this stupid act of yelling??,,,Huh??”Mia asked re-ady to hit her
“Sorry”Claire said and ducked it
Mia saw Kings and st©pped
“Mom,,,meet Kingston,,,,our neighbor,,,,and also your boss son”Claire said and Kingston bowed in respect
“You’re May’s Son??”Mia asked And Kingston nodded
“Awwn,,,he’s so handsome”Mia said and Kings chuckled
“Look at his cute smile”Mia said and Kings smiled
“Thanks ma’am”Kingston said with a bow
“You’re welcome,, and you’re free to come here anytime,,if you nee-d to see her”Mia said with a smile and Claire Coughed knowingly
“Kings,, you’re about to leave now,,right??”Claire asked and Kings nodded
“Bye ma’am”He said and bowed before walking away with Claire while Mia smiled
“Your mom’s beautiful”Kings said
“Yeah,,you can say that again”Claire replied
“I think you got your beauty from her”Kings said
“Thanks”Claire said and looked away trying to hide her blus-h but he caught it
“Don’t hide that cute face”He said and pinched her nose before walking away
Claire smiled and watched him walk,, looking so h0t
(Crazy Love From A Crazy Girl)
High school r0m@nç£
Claire got to the entrance of The School gate and Sighted Kingston coming from a far end with his hands di-pped in his pockets
She waved her hànds but he didn’t see her,,Claire watched as he walked in
“That j£rk”She muttered
She hissed inwardly and suddenly a car St©pped beside her
“Hey beauty”Xavier said and she turned to him with a frown
“You’re looking specifically h0t today”He said, l!çk!ng hisl-ips and her frown de-epened
“You want your arm broken??”Claire asked,, folding her arms and he smiled
“Ofcourse not”Xavier said with a sm-irk
“plea-se,,kindly leave”Claire said and he smiled before driving off
“I really pity the fool crushing on him”Claire said unknowingly
“Oops”She said as she knew
She swept her bag on her arm before walking in
“What kind of high school writes in school and also bring bags to school???,,,So annoying”Claire muttered as she entered
“Hey girlfriend”Goldwyn said, jumping on her from behind
“Hi”Claire said,gently dropping her down
“Oof,,,, you’re heavy”Claire said and she smiled
“Ofcourse I Kno that,,Am not a slim model like you”Goldwyn said
“How do you know,, I want to be a model??”Claire asked
“Of course I know”Claire said and suddenly her phone rang
“Gosh,, who’s this??”Claire gro-an ed and brou-ght out the phone
She tried to pick the call and suddenly her eyes grew wi-de
“Aaargh!!!!!!”She yelled so loud that everyone turned to them
Goldwyn hurriedly dragged her out of the hallway and pu-ll-ed her to a corner
“What’s it??”She asked Claire who kept breathing heavily
“My phone…..this is not my phone”She said and Goldwyn raised her brow
“This is my Dennis phone”She said
“Who’s Dennis??”Goldwyn asked
“My younger brother”She said and Goldwyn was confused
“Wait,,,you shouted because your phone got switched??”She asked
“Yeah,,,,Am a phone add!çt,,, Can’t do without my phone,,,but right now am with HIS phone,,not mine”She said,, frustratedly
“I could get you a new phone”Goldwyn said and she scoffed
“No other phone can be compared to mine”She said before walking away
“Ya(hey),,,Wait for me!!”Goldwyn yelled, running after her
“You’re still staring at her picture??”Chris asked Kings whose gaze was focused on his phone
“Yeah”he replied,not taking his eyes off the phone
“You think she’s going to come back??”Chris asked
“I don’t know,, but she must,,,my heart is going crazy right now”Kings said with a smile as he k!$$£d the picture
“I hope she really comes back”Chris said and he nodded
“Is Anna in school??”Chris asked and Kings turned to him
“Why’re you asking??”Kings asked
“What??,,,,Just decided to give her a gift since today’s her birthday”Chris said and Kings g@sped
“Oh my!!,,,I totally forgot,,,,Am like the worst twin brother ever”He said and Chris Chuckled
“Yes you are”Chris said before walking away while Kings sighed as he continued staring de-eply at the picture
“I miss you”He muttered before closing his eyes
Claire was on her way to the toilet when she saw an aggravating scene and she sighed
Some bit-ches as she said in her head were beating up a girl,,,,They were all ladies
“I won’t be able to resist this”She said and walked closer to them
“Ya(hey)”She called and the girls st©pped
“What’s going on here??”She asked and they scoffed
“Ya,,,Go away and mind your business”One of the girls said and she smiled
“Sorry,,,but one thing I love so much is prying”She said and the girls scoffed
A girl walked closer and made to hit her but she dragged her air and the girl starts to wince
Another girl tried to hit her and she dragged her hair too
“You bit-ches won’t learn”She said and pushed them together and they hit themselves with their head and they fell to the floor ground so ha-rd ,,the other girls ran out immediately
Claire rolled up her sleeves before packing her hair
She walked closer to the girl being bullied and she moved back in fear
She looks like a fresher,, probably in her first year
“What’s your name??”Claire asked
“Joyce”She replied as Claire helped her up
“Are you okay??”Claire asked
“Yeah,,,,, thanks”She said with a bow