My shining star epi Episode 15 & 16

(Crazy Love From A Crazy Girl)
High School r0m@nç£
“re-ady” Goldwyn whispered as they got behind Anna and Claire nodded
“Happy birthday!!!”They yelled behind her And Anna jumped up in fright
“Oh my” She said,,calming down
“Happy birthday girlie” Goldwyn said with a smile and she chuckled
“I almost forgot” Anna said surprised
“Awwn….so where’re we going??” Claire asked and they turned to her
“What??,,,, Am a p@rty freak” She replied and they chuckled
“Well,,maybe after school”Anna replied
“No,,,let’s go now,, we could sneak out of school” Claire said and they g@sped
“Claire!!” They called,,surprised
“What?,,,,It’s nothing” Claire replied and they were shocked
“I’ve done it numerous times and that’s why they keep expelling me” She said and they bur-st into laughter
“No,,we’re not sneaking out” Anna said as the bell rang
“Let’s go eat” Claire said trying to drag them
“Let’s go,,,Am a foodie” Claire said and Goldwyn chuckled
“You’re literally everything” Goldwyn said and she chuckled before dragging them to the cafeteria
They took their food and went to their favorite sp©t
“And here comes the worst twin brother” Anna said as Kingston c@m£ in with the others
“Why??”Claire asked
“He’s forgotten that today’s OUR birthday not to talk of giving me a gift” Anna said with gritted teeth and they chuckled
“Hi”Chris said with a smile as he approached them
“Hello” They replied
“Why are you not with the others” Claire asked
“I c@m£ here to give this to Anna……Happy birthday” He said and dropped it on the table before leaving
“Oh My!!” Claire and Goldwyn yelled
“He bought you a gift,,, let’s open it” Claire said and Anna scoffed
“No,,,you can’t take it” Anna replied
“What’s wrong??” Goldwyn asked
“You don’t expect me to give you… At least he cares,,,unlike those I care about who doesn’t even bother to give me a gift” Anna said with a scoff
“So,,you’re giving up on my brother”Goldwyn asked
“Of course,,,, I can’t continue dying over someone who doesn’t care about me”She replied sadly
” You know……”
“Ya!!!!” A girl said loudly placing her legs on the table and everyone in the cafeteria turned to their direction
**Oh my,It’s Aria
**She’s back
**Another scene
“You are??” Claire asked gently and the supposed called Aria scoffed
“You can ask your flings” She said and everyone g@sped
“This is going to be fun” Xavier said and they nodded
“Aria,,we all un-derstand you have mental disorder,,,can you get your hell outta here” Anna said and the students g@sped
“Her name Is Aria,,,One of the school bullies,,probably their leaders…..her worst enemy,,,Anna,,,she got suspended for a month during her fight with Anna,,I guess she’s back”Goldwyn whispered to Claire and she scoffed
“Am not here for you” Aria snapped and turned to Claire
“Why did you beat up my girls??”She asked sternly
” Oh,,you mean those fools? “Claire said and the students bur-st into laughter
” You know I’ve heard a lot about you “Aria said
“Oh,,did they tell you that am Crazy and also love dealing with fools like you”She said again and this time Everyone bur-st into laughter including Anna which got Aria angry
” This isn’t over”Aria said angrily before walking out
“Oh my!!,,,that was great” Anna said and she sm-irked
“Guess we might have to deal with her later” Claire said and she nodded
“Who’s that??”, Goldwyn said pointing to a guy who seemed to be looking for some one
” That’s Dennis”Claire said as their gaze met and he marched angrily to her
All gazes were on them
“Dennis,,,,Why are you here??” Claire whispered
“My Phone” Dennis said and she scoffed
“Where’s Mine??” Claire asked
“Well,, I got into a fight and your phone got broken, ,,I was so frightened until I saw that it was yours and I was relieved” Dennis said and Claire scoffed
“Did you use your drugs??” Claire asked and Dennis scoffed
“Of course,,, I took some weed” Dennis replied and everyone bur-st into laughter
“Dennis,,leave!!” Claire said
“My phone” He demanded
“Where’s Mine??”
“I told you it’s broken,,are you sure you’re okay??”Dennis asked
” Nah,,,I forgot to use my drugs “She said and they all bur-st into laughter
” Is this some sort of competition?? “Clair muttered
” Fine,,your phone is here,bring mine out and I will give you yours”Dennis said
“Deal” Claire said and brou-ght out His phone
“Here” She said and handed the phone to him
“Good” Dennis said with a sm-irk and brou-ght her alre-ady spoilt phone and dropped it on the table and Claire g@sped
“Bye sis” He yelled before running out and they all bur-st into laughter
“Dennis!!!!” Claire yelled,,angrily
(Crazy Love From A Crazy Girl)
High school r0m@nç£
“That was your brother??”Anna asked
“Yeah…that j£rk”Claire muttered breathing heavily
“He reminds me of Naomi”Anna said and Goldwyn nodded
“Yeah,, she’s just as crazy and a trickster as he is but not as crazy as you though”Goldwyn said
“But to be frank,,she sure looks like you,,but not that much,,,but one might think you’re sisters”Anna said and Claire chuckled
“So,, who’s she??”Claire asked
“Well,,her name is Naomi,,,Her parents are one of the t©p ten billionaire in America,,, but she’s from Korean,,,,she was adopted,,and she has a sitter,,Joyce,,but we don’t know about their whereabouts now,, heard she travelled back to America,, that’s all we know but Kings knew a lot about her cos they were,,you know,,Lovers”Anna said and the last statement took Claire by surprise
“What do you mean Lovers??”Claire asked
“You know,,they were d@t!ngbefore she left,,maybe they still are,, who knows,,but all I know is that Kings really loved her and am sure he still do”Goldwyn said
“Yeah,,he still does….he still looks at her picture every single day”Anna said
“I just wish she comes back”Goldwyn said and Anna nodded
“Claire”Anna called when she realized Claire wasn’t talking,,she was lost in thoughts
“Claire!”Goldwyn called and she j£rked out of her thoughts
“Oh. Hi..hey,,am fine…”Claire said,, probably not in her right mind
“Are you okay??”Anna asked
“Yeah….I will be fine”She said and stood up
“I will be right back”She said before walking out
He has a girlfriend??
He still thinks of her??
What about her??.
It’s nothing,, it’s just an harmless crush
But why’s she feeling somehow
Is it because she thinks Naomi’s ….
No,,it can’t be
She thought before walking back to clas-s
She sat down as her mind wasn’t at rest
Aria happened to pas-s by still thinking about what to do
She saw Claire whose head was placed on the table and sm-irked
“You’re going to be sorry for yourself by the time am done with you”She thought evily before walking away
“Was that Aria??”Goldwyn asked Anna as she saw Aria pas-s as they were searching for Claire
“Yeah,,am sure that bit-ch is up to something”Anna said with gritted teeth
“Wait,,what if she….??”Goldwyn said and they both ran all the way to clas-s
They got there breathing heavily but was at relief as Claire was okay
“What’s wrong with her??”Goldwyn Asked
“I think we should leave her alone”Anna said and Goldwyn nodded and sat on their seat without saying a word
“Oh my,,, she’s home”Dennis panicked breathing heavily
He’s worried and at the same time thinking about what Claire’s gonna do to get,,Cause he knows how add!çted she is to her phone
Claire walked in abs£ntmindedly and landed on the couch with a big sigh
Dennis saw her mood and noticed she wasn’t in her normal mood which is acting crazy
She seemed normal just as she is whenever something is bothering her
Dennis walked to her carefully,, thinking it might be a prank
“Claire,,are you okay??”Dennis asked and she looked up
“Yeah…am fine”She said and sighed again
“Why do you keep sighing??”Dennis asked and she looked up
“Was it that loud??”Claire asked and he nodded
“Yeah…..Is something bothering you??”Dennis asked
“No,, nothing”Claire replied
“Ok,,but I don’t believe that,,,, just know I will be here always if you nee-d someone to talk to”Dennis said,,sad and happy at the same time
He’s probably sad because Claire isn’t herself and also happy cause he escaped being beaten
“Hello Naomi”Joyce said over the l@pt©p to her sister,, it’s actually a video call
“Awwn,,how is my little Joyce doing??”Naomi asked with a smile
“Guess what,,,,,This little gal right here is now a student of Kent High School”Joyce said,, happily
“Kent High School??,,,Did you see ….??”
“Yeah,,he really misses you a lot,,, I just hope you will be back soon,,I also miss you”Joyce said pouting
“It’s fine,,,I will be back soon”Naomi said
“Really??”Joyce asked,,excitedly
“About Kings..”
“Yeah,,but it’s really ha-rd seeing the final year students,,but I’ll try”Joyce said
“Thanks little j”Naomi said and she chuckled
“Naomi,,,I met with this girl,, she’s also a final year student,,, Probably Kings Clas-s,, she’s pretty and Crazy just like you,, she’s really skilled in fighting,, and she resembles you a lot”Joyce explained and Naomi chuckled
“What’s her name??”Naomi asked
“Well as I heard,,Her name is Crazy Claire…yeah,,,Claire”Joyce said and Naomi’s heart skipped a beat
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