My secret angel Episode 5 & 6

Episode 5
By Jennifer Owens
Tyler’s POV
“I just wanna die and be free from all the pains” I said and sniffed.
I heard footsteps coming towards the garden so I quic-kly wiped my face, breathed in and out and sat up.
Christina c@m£ and sat beside me.
“Tyler are you alright, why are your eyes puffy ” she asked tou-ching me.
“nothing, I coughed too much maybe that made my eyes red ” I lied.
“but why are you coughing so much, are you sick” she asked.
“nope I just ate something I wasn’t supposed to ” I lied again.
“OK come on its lunch time” she said and we got up and headed to the cafeteria.
Kim’s POV
I can’t believe my angel is suffering from kidney problems and he wants to die and leave me.
What do I do to help him?
I sat in the garden till I heard the bell jingle for closing time.
I sluggishly took my bag and went home.
I reached home and went straight to my room and la-id in my be-d.
My angel will soon live the world if nothing is done.
Tyler’s POV
After closing time, I took Christina home and then I went home.
I could still feel pains in my che-st.
I held my che-st and coughed slightly.
I entered the house to meet my mom seated on the couch.
She sprung up immediately she saw me wince in pain.
“Tyler has the pains started again, should we go to the hospital ” she asked ra-pidly.
“no mom, I’m fine ” I said and headed for the stairs.
“Tyler how long will you disagree, do you wanna leave me all alone like your dad and sister did” she asked, alre-ady crying.
“I don’t wanna talk about that mom” I said.
“just let me give you one of my kidney so we can live happily, I don’t wanna loose you” she said crying.
“I don’t wanna loose you too mom, so forget about it ” I yelled.
“but if I don’t give you one of my kidney then you’ll die” she yelled.
“what if you die in the process of the surgery like Kate did ” I said as a tear slid down my cheek.
“I don’t care if I die” she seethed.
“but I do and I don’t wanna loose you like I lost Kate” I said and went upstairs to my room.
“Tyler ” I heard mom call but I paid no attention to her.
I went to my room, slammed the door and fell in my be-d and let the tears pour.
Tyler’s mom POV
Tyler is just too scared of loosing me like he lost his sister.
His sister Kate was supposed to donate one of her kidney to him but she died during the surgery when the kidney was not yet transferred.
Tyler lost all hope.
I decided to donate mine now to save my only child I have left but he’s too scared.
Tyler was young when he lost his dad in an accident that’s why he doesn’t talk much about him coz he doesn’t know much about him.
Tyler should just let me help him and even if I die, I’ll know that I’ve saved my son’s life.
Oh God plea-se, I don’t wanna loose my only child.
Kim’s POV
I sluggishly woke up the next day and freshened up, dressed up and sat on my be-d.
My door flew open and dad c@m£ in.
“huh ” I sighed.
He sat beside me and pu-ll-ed me in his arms.
“my baby is sad, if Kim of all people is sad then the whole world will be sad coz their happiness is sad ” my dad said and I smiled a little.
“come have breakfast, I prepared your favorite ” he said and pu-ll-ed me up.
We ate breakfast together and dad was just trying to cheer me up but it wasn’t working.
If only he knows I will soon loose someone important to me.
After breakfast, I off my school uniform and went to my room.
I don’t feel like going anywhere.
I la-id in my be-d with a picture of Tyler in my hands.
Tyler, I don’t know what I’ll do if I loose you.
Even if you don’t look at me, I’ll always be here to protect you, I’ll always be your secret angel.
Tyler’s POV
I’m alre-ady in my car heading to school.
I reached school and everywhere was calm.
I saw a junior boy and asked him where everyone is.
He said they are at the hall that the principal summoned everyone.
I went to the hall with the boy.
I went there and saw some female student lined up in a row and some were sad.
Even Christina was sad and I don’t know why.
One of the females that lined up, c@m£ out and took the microphone and started singing and gosh, her voice is horrible.
The teacher nodded negatively and the girl put on a sad face and joined the other females that were sad.
Oh I see.
It’s the president daughter’s birthday and our school was chos£n to sing that day.
My principal called me last night to tell me to get prepared with my friends.
A female is nee-ded to sing along with me and that’s what they are looking for, a beautiful voice.
I should have known, that’s why Christina was sad, she doesn’t have a good voice and I know it.
All the females were tested but none seem to have the golden beautiful voice nee-ded for the song.
“since everyone has been tested but none of you seems to have the voice nee-ded we must choose a person and I’ll announce the person tomorrow ” the principal said.
“so get back to clas-s everyone and prepare for the concert ” the principal said and everyone started going out.
Christina ran to me and held my arm so we went to clas-s together.
“um Tyler, I’ll be back” Christina said and left.
Christina’s POV
I have to go meet the principal and talk to him to choose me coz I won’t let anyone sing with my Tyler on stage.
It has to be me and no one else.
I reached the principal’s office and hesitated on knocking.
I heard people discussing so I put my ear to listen.
“but sir there’s one more person we’ve not yet tested” a teacher said.
“who” the principal asked.
I wonder who the person is.
“Kim Sertori, that clumsy girl ” the teacher said.
“oh I forgot, but it seems she’s not in school” the principal said.
“yeah she’s not so we have to wait till tomorrow and if she comes, we will test her” the teacher said.
I wonder who this Kim Sertori is.
Whoever she is, she better don’t have the voice nee-ded.
Episode 6
Christina’s POV continues
Whoever this Kim is, she better not have the voice nee-ded.
I didn’t bother talking to the principal, I went back to clas-s.
We did lectures, went for lunch then the bell jingled for home time.
Tyler left without my notice so I went home too.
Tyler’s POV
I reached home and went straight to my room cuz I don’t want mom to disturb me.
I freshened up and la-id on my be-d.
I wonder the person that’s gonna sing with me on stage.
I closed my eyes and sle-pt off without dinner.
Kim’s POV
I woke up the next day, freshened up, wore my clothes, ate breakfast with dad then went to school.
I reached school and walked past the principal without greeting coz I was still thinking of Tyler.
He called me and I turned.
“yes sir” I said and he was surprised.
Maybe because I didn’t call him bald head or wrinkled face.
“I nee-d you in my office ” he said and I followed him.
He told me our school was gonna pres£nt a special song for the president’s daughter on her birthday and a female is nee-ded to sing with Tyler.
I didn’t wanna sing at first but when I heard Tyler I agreed.
He gave me a microphone and asked me to sing.
I breathed in and out then looked at him and he just smiled.
*For the first time I saw you I realised you are my beating heart*
*without you there will be no me*
*you are the light in my darkness so I can’t afford to loose you ”
I started singing.
Tyler’s POV
I was in clas-s and Christina is yet to come.
All of a sudden, we heard the most beautiful voice ever.
She was singing and OMG she must be an angel.
All the students were cheering,smiling and wondering who could have such an amazing voice.
I wonder who it is.
I’m alre-ady falling in love with the voice, what if I meet the person, gosh I’ll die for her.
Christina’s POV
I c@m£ to school damn late.
I got down from my car and was heading to clas-s but st©pped on my track when I heard the most beautiful voice ever.
How can someone’s voice be so smooth.
Is this the Kim Sertori? If she is then I’m no match for her.
Her voice is like that of an angel.
I have to make sure I be the one that sings with Tyler.
I went straight to the principal’s office and went in.
I saw the girl drop the microphone, she just finished singing.
Oh my, the Kim is that girl that stepped on her shoe lace and fell the other day causing everyone to laugh.
She’s beautiful too just like her voice.
“I want to have a word with you ” I said referring to the principal.
“ok” he replied.
“pri-vately ” I seethed and he gestured his hand for Kim to leave and she left.
“I want to be the one to sing with Tyler” I said.
“but you don’t have a good voice so you can’t ” he pouted
“I don’t care, just make sure I’m the chos£n one” I yelled.
“that won’t happen ” he said calmly.
“oh really, then I’ll call my dad and your school will be the lowest on the list” I seethed.
“fine, but you won’t be the one singing” he said and I looked at him confused.
“your voice will ruin the show so you’ll just be on stage with a mouth piece and act like you are singing but Kim will be the one singing backstage ” he said and I smiled.
“thanks” I said and left.
Oh guys, in case you don’t know, my dad is the minister of education.
Finally, I’ll sing with Tyler.
Kim will be the one singing but I’ll be the one that will be rewarded and praised for having a good voice.