My secret angel Episode 19 & 20

Episode 19
Kim’s POV continues
I st©pped to catch my breath when I reached the station.
Everywhere was crowded that I had to f0rç£fully get throu-gh.
I went towards the train going to Seoul and it was damn crowded.
I looked at my watch and in the next 2 mins the train will leave.
How do I find Tyler in the midst of all this crowd in just two minutes ?
I started running, crying and calling Tyler’s name.
I searched almost everywhere but no sign of Tyler.
I watched as my watch ticked 5 4 3 2 1 and the train started.
I watched with tears streaming down my cheeks as the train left.
I bent down and cried with my hands covering my face.
I lost my angel again.
I don’t even know where he’s going in Seoul.
I sluggishly stood up with tears still pouring down like rain and walked away not knowing where I was headed to.
I turned to go out throu-gh the exit but I st©pped on my track when I saw a guy.
The same hair as Tyler.
His back was facing me.
I walked towards him and I could see he was crying, cursing and tearing his ticket.
“Tyler ” I called almost in a whisper.
He turned to face me and stood up.
“kim” he called with tears still rushing down his cheeks.
“Tyler ” I called and ran to him.
He picked me up so that my legs were crossed around his w@!st and I buried my face on his n£¢k.
We sobbe-d quietly for a while on each other ‘s arm.
“Tyler biané ” I said calmly and he held me ti-ghter.
He ca-ressed my hair and slowly dropped me on my feet.
He cu-mpped my cheek with his hands and used his thumbs to wipe away my tears.
I cu-mpped his cheek too and wiped his tears with my thumb.
We looked at each other straight in the eyes and he slowly brou-ght his head towards mine then his soft l!planded on my gently.
I de-epened the k!ssand ran my hands throu-gh his hair and he pu-ll-ed me ti-ghter against him.
He pu-ll-ed away from the k!ssand gently ru-bbe-d my cheek.
“I love you” he said and I smiled.
“I love you Kim Sertori ” he said again and I hvgged him ti-ght.
I felt him k!ssmy n£¢k and I giggled.
We walked home hand in hand.
“so Tyler, tell me why didn’t you leave ” I asked.
“because I couldn’t find it in me to leave you ” he said and I smiled
“biané ” I said softly and he ru-bbe-d my head.
We got in the house and Cleo and dad sprung up seeing us.
“Kim ” dad said almost in tears and wra-pped his arms around me.
We had a little get together and that’s when Tyler asked.
“but Kim, I don’t still get it, what were you doing at that deserted area ” he asked and everyone’s gaze turned to ME.
“I didn’t go there myself, I was taken there ” I said and they were more curious.
“I was coming to the school to meet you but then I was abducted ” I said and dad and Tyler sprung up and yelled “what ”
I nodded and continued.
“Tyler’s car was entering and the car I was in was leaving, they took me to that deserted area and pushed me off the cliff ” I said and dad yelled.
“who could have done such a thing ” Cleo asked.
“Christina ” I said and Tyler’s face turned red.
He looked at me all flared up and I nodded positively.
He sprung up and headed to the door but I was fast to st©p him.
“Tyler don’t, we nee-d evidence ” I said and he sm-irked.
“I don’t nee-d any evidence to strangle Christina with my ba-re hands ” he sm-irked.
“no Tyler, you will be arrested and I can’t afford to loose you, not again ” I said softly and he nodded gently.
“how do we get evidence cuz I’m re-ady to expo-se to my dad and the press who Christina Perri the daughter of the minister of education really is” Cleo said.
“and then she will be locked up behind bars and her dad will loose his position as the minister of education ” Tyler said and smiled wryly.
“I’m still somehow grateful they pushed me off that cliff and that was how I got to meet and know Cleo and her dad” I said dreamily and rested my head on the couch.
I sprung my head up immediately I noticed dad and Tyler glaring at me with red eye like they were gonna strangle me with their eyes.
“aiish that’s not what I meant ” I said and laughed, scratching my head.
“but how do we get evidence to use against Christina ” Cleo asked
“yeah how do we” dad asked too and I nodded.
“I know how ” Tyler said and smiled cunningly.
Episode 20
Tyler’s POV
I sighed and looked at the cops in my car.
I’m in Christina’s compound now but I’m still in my car.
Since my car is of tinted glas-ses, the cops won’t be seen.
“stay here, I’ll call you when I get the evidence ” I said and they nodded.
We called the police earlier and told them so they are with us.
Cleo alre-ady invited the press to Christina’s house and they are outside.
I got down from the car and went in.
I pressed the door bell and Christina’s mom opened the door.
She’s even pregnant, thank God, the new baby will replace that witch when she is imprisoned.
“Tyler ” she called smiling.
She stepped aside and I went in.
“um ma’am, where’s Christina ” I asked smiling
“she’s in her room” she said and I headed to Christina’s room.
I reached the door step of Christina’s room and brou-ght out the recorder that was in my pocket and switched it on.
I knocked and she replied come in.
I went in and she sprung up and hvgged me ti-ght.
“oh Tyler, thank God you’ve finally c@m£ to your s-en-ses and realise Kim is dead”
She dis£ngaged from the hvg and placed a light k!sson myl-ips.
“yeah I’ve come to my s-en-ses and realised the monster you are ” I said and she arched an eyebrow.
I held her by her arm and dug my f!ngersde-eply into her arm that she winced in pain.
“how dare you abduct Kim and made your boys push her off the cliff ” I yelled and she flin-ched.
” i don’t know what you’re talking about ” she said as a tear slid down her cheek.
“you still choose to lie hun, we alre-ady caught your boys and they’ve confessed ” I yelled.
“oh really, I should have known those boys are good for nothing ” she cursed.
“now that you know, what are you gonna do” she asked and freed her arm from my grip.
“everything I did, I did for you and I know you can’t arrest me coz we are childhood friends ” she seethed.
“oh really ” I sm-irked.
“yeah had I know, I would have made Kim suffer a lot before s£nding my boys to kill her, I hope she’s in hell now” she yelled and I laughed.
I sat on the couch and brou-ght out the recorder.
I pla-yed it for her and she g@sped.
“Tyler ” she called in a whisper.
I got up and went out.
Seconds later, the cops are in her house.
I took them upstairs though Christina’s mom was asking what’s wrong but I paid no attention to her.
I c@m£ downstairs with the cops and Christina handcuffed.
“what did my daughter do” Mrs Perri asked blocking the way.
I brou-ght out the recorder and pla-yed it for her.
She was shocked and fell on the floor crying.
The cops took Christina and I let them walk outside so the press can do their p@rt.
“OMG what has Christina Perri the daughter of the minister of education done that made our Tyler arrest her” one of the reporter asked.
I sm-irked and brou-ght out the recorder and pla-yed it for them.
The c@m£ra captured everything and I know it’s on the news now.
“who could have thought that Christina is a devil in sheep clothing ” one of the reporter said.
I looked at Christina who’s glaring at me with hurt and tears in her eyes.
Somehow I felt pity for her but what do do, she made my angel go throu-gh so much pain.
They took her in the car and left.
My phone rang and I picked it up.
“case filed ” Cleo said over the phone and I could tell she was smiling
I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.
Now that the case has been filed, we will be going to the court tomorrow.
⏮️ Kim’s POV ⏭️
We are here watching everything on the news.
I wonder what will be Christina’s punishment, I alre-ady pity her.
“done ” Cleo said and sat beside me on the couch.
“what ” I asked.
“duh, I alre-ady told dad and their gonna re-move Christina’s dad from his position ” she said and rolled her eyes.
I slightly nodded and wiped the tear that slid down my cheek.
We will just have to wait till tomorrow and see Christina’s fate.
We all ate dinner together except Tyler who didn’t come. He must still be busy with Christina.
I la-id on my be-d and drifted to sleep.
Fast forward……….
“I’m re-ady ” I said and ran downstairs.
Cleo and I are going to the court to hear Christina’s fate.
Dads too old to go there, so he won’t have an heart attack.
It was announced early this morning that Mr Perri is no more the minister of education but an ordinary citizen.
We reached the court and went in.
I eye searched for Tyler but couldn’t find him in the court.
Where has he been since yesterday?
I’m afraid I’ll have an heart attack if I don’t see him soon.
We stood up as the judge entered.
She sat down and we did.
I’m not a law person so I’ll just go straight to the point and tell you the final verdict.
They brou-ght Christina and they started their blah blah blah.
I watched as her lawyer and my hired lawyer argued.
A guy brou-ght the recorder and a paper and gave it to the judge.
He listened to the recorder and write something down.
I wasn’t even paying attention but I heard Christina’s lawyer defending it’s not Christina’s voice but then the judge waved the paper to all.
He said her voice rhymed with the voice on the recorder.
Wow, Tyler alre-ady made that down.
So he alre-ady went to do a voice test.
After everything, I heard the judge say Christina has been s£ntenced to life imprisonment.
Some people cheered and some were sad.
I don’t know if I should be sad or happy about it.
What I’m worried about now is where Tyler is.
T. B.C