My ro-mantic maid Episode 7 & 8

Episode 7
😍My ro-mantic maid
😀 [She’s S-xy] 😊 by Blessing D
Few minutes later I heard the gate open and I instantly knew who it was – Mason of course.
I dropped the l@pt©p on the be-d and got down to the sitting room.
The door opened and mason walked in with a guard carrying his luggage.
“Why that much clothes? You have clothes here alre-ady remember?” I asked and he chuckled.
I wanna wear new clothes everyday to impress the pretty princess, he replied.
“Wait, is all you think of Nora?” I asked .
“Yes man, I think I like her course I can’t get her off my mind, he replied.”
“Even when I was with Sara the other night, he added and sat down on a couch.”
He turned and saw a maid then told her to tell Nora to serve him decaf and cookies.
I sat down beside him and we started talking about random things and I recalled something.
“Eh…Mason when are you gonna start working fully in your dad’s company?” I asked and he scoffed.
See when that man dies then I can start working there, as long as his alive and is giving me any amount of money I want why will I stress myself, he replied laughing.
Of course the man his referring to is his father.
I joined him in laughter.
“You are never serious you no, I replied him.”
Just then someone walked in and I raised my head to notice that its Nora.
“Oh my! What is she wearing?”
She’s putting on a long spacious dress.
I’ve never seen her on this type of this before but I must admit that the dress looks expensive and still brou-ght out her shape but not too much.
“Wait, she’s just a maid right? “Or does she have other means of income. I’ve never seen her on random dress , they all look expensive.
She carried a tray along with her and dropped the tray at Mason’s front. Without saying a word she turned to leave but mason big head st©pped her.
“Hello Missy , he said.”
“Hi sir, she replied with a straight face.”
“Em do you mind sitting down and explaining the ingredients used in ma-king this awesome cookie?” he beamed.
“No sir, I’ve got a lot of stuff to do and if you really want to no the ingredients you can goggle it , she replied and left leaving us with shocked.”
“What the hell?”
“Is she like that?” Mason asked really shocked.
“What happened to her? “I wondered to myself.
I looked over and noticed Cal and then decided to ask her about it.
“Hey Cal ! Come over here! “I called and she ran over.
“What happened to Nora?”
Em..sir..I really don’t no, ever since you yelled at her, her mood changed dramatically, she changed her clothes and didn’t talk to anymore, I actually thought she was angry at me for telling you she was the one that took your briefcase upstairs but seeing her like that I think she’s actually moody course you yelled at her, she replied.
My mouth dropped open as I starred at mason who in turn starred at me.
“Em Sir can I go now?” She asked and I nodded.
“Wait ,so you yelled at her?mason asked and I glared at her.”
“Is it prohibited?” I asked back.
“Because she helped take your briefcase upstairs? “He asked again.
“Is not like she’s my wife, she keeps behaving weirdly towards me, I replied”.
“Like how? “He asked with keen interest.
“Like s£dûç!ng me, I replied more like a whisper.”
“You’re kidding right? “He asked.
Swears bro I almost had her twice. Yesterday immediately you left and at the office today, I added and he kept starring.
“So why didn’t you?”
“Well, we were interrupted, I replied and he smiled.”
“Serves you right, he said and I chuckled.”
“But why did you yell at her?” He asked.
“Course she was behaving the way she wants .” I can’t let her have her way , I’ve got Rachel man, I replied and he scoffed.
You can’t compare Rachel to this goddess you’ve got to apologize to her man, he replied and yelled her name immediately.
“Wait ,what? Are you fv¢king kidding me?” I half yelled.
“I’m not, to get her man, she have got to be on the good side, he replied.”
“So you’re doing this for your selfish de-sire?” I asked but he couldn’t reply because Nora was alre-ady standing at our front.
“Marcus wants to tell you something, he said and she looked at me.”
“Me? What? “I asked looking at mason but he urged me to do it.
“So, I am gonna be apologizing to my own maid?” I wondered.
Well Nora…
Episode 8
“Well Nora, I heard you are being moody, why? Do you want an increase in your salary?” I asked and Mason glared at me.
I can’t apologize to her maybe I can pacify her with money.
“No ,I don’t nee-d money and I’m okay alre-ady, she replied.”
“You’re okay alre-ady? Meaning? ‘
Well since you cared to ask then I’m fine alre-ady. Really, she replied and smiled.
My mouth dropped open in confusion as I starred at mason who in turn starred at me.
“Just like that? “I asked again to be sure.
“Yes sir ,so I forgot to ask you what snack you’ll love to take?” She asked.
“Em…anything you bring is okay by me, I replied and she nodded and left.”
“Man what was that? “Mason asked immediately she left.
“I don’t no, I replied simply.”
“Is she being controlled or what? “He asked again.
“Am as confused as you are man, I replied.”
“So does it mean I can try her again?” He asked again.
“I don’t no, you can try, I replied sharply.”
“Come to think of it , she speaks good English and she doesn’t behave like a maid at all, he added and I nodded in agreement.”
“She doesn’t truly behave like one , I replied”.
“Let’s find out then, he said and called her.”
She showed up almost immediately with a tray filled with sweets and chocolate with grilled chicken brea-st.
“Huh! Are we hosting a p@rty or what?” I asked confused.
“Sir, this are all for you , she replied smiling.”
“Uh…I actually have something to ask you , mason said to her.”
“Is it about the cookies ? $I still…
“No,no , not that , I want to no more about you , I mean I no all the maids here and you’re the newest so tell me about yourself.
Oh! She replied and sat down on the “couch without being asked to.”
Em my name is Nora and I have three siblings – all boys.
Yea! Mason mouthed.
And I studied nutrition in college.
“Nutrition as in?* Mason asked.
“I wanted to be a chef actually, she replied and mason nodded.”
I haven’t even asked her all this and no wonder her cookings are exceptional.
“So how did you end up as a maid?” Mason asked yet again. father died and my mother was the only one catering for us until she fell ill and I looked for a job but couldn’t find one so I took up the one I saw being the eldest, she explained but I didn’t buy any of her explanation.
“Why is she always putting on expensive dress if they nee-ded money and why did she reject the money I wanted to offer just now? “I wondered but didn’t bother asking her.
Oh! So sorry sweetie , mason said and she nodded with a smile.
“You said you are the only girl?” I asked and she nodded.
I thought I saw you with a lady some time last week and you said she was your younger sis , I asked and she opened her mouth.
Em…actually, she isn’t my sis but my friend, one of my brother’s girlfriend, she replied and i did an oh mouth.
“So you actually lied to me that time, I asked.” see I take her as my sis because I think she’s the one my brother is actually interested in , she replied.
“So that means your brother have numerous girlfriends? “Mason asked and she f0rç£d a smile.
Cal ran to us immediately with a phone in her hand.
“Em..sorry sir ,but Nora’s phone have been ringing non st©p. “The person keeps calling her repeatedly, she p@n-ted and gave Nora the phone.
Nora collected it looked at the phone , she raised her eyes and looked at us as if being suspected then instead of taking the call , she switched off her phone and come to think of it ,the phone looks really expensive.
“So why didn’t you take the call? Is that your b©yfri£ndcalling and you don’t want us to no?” Mason asked chuckling.
“Ah no , of course not , I don’t do b©yfri£nd, she replied and I glared at her.”
“Wait, what? you mean you’ve never had a guy before? You have never k!$$£d , r0m@nç£and have se-x with a guy?” Mason blurted and she starred at me with her mouth opened.
I…I..I..em..uh..yes I’ve never , she replied and I flin-ched.
“What the hell did she just say? ”