My priceless jewel episode 1 & 2

🔥🔥🔥🔥New Story Alert🔥🔥🔥

Titled My Princess Jewel
Meet prince Aryan:

A cold hearted prince of Alikiba Kingdom. A great Kingdom in Nigeria , rich and wealthy. His name is Prince Aryan a guy who hates ladies so much. He doesn’t like them
They are disgusting to his sight and he vomits upon seeing them. He is rude, arrogant and cruel to ladies because his heart is in complete

His father is dying and he nee-ds to take up the position of a ruler after his father’s death but he can’t do that without having a Queen. He has to become the king to protect his father’s lineage but how can he do that when his heart is incomplete….?


💖💖💖The Princess Jewel 💖💖💖💖
Written by Bukola Olayioye 💖💖💖💖

😍😍😍 Episode 1😍😍😍

” Good morning boss”Mike bowed ” the latest upd@t£?” Aryan asked with his face turned aside seated on his rolling chair doing something on his l@pt©p
” Sir the coca cola company wants to invest in our business” Mike said
” Modelling right?” He asked
” I told them plainly that you don’t do modelling job. Everyone want to know?” Mike replied
” Well this is not the right time
No further argument”
My name is Aryan , I don’t know what the outside world looks like except from the palace environment. I don’t go anywhere. I am an indoor person because I hates ladied. Personally I don’t know why ? But I hates girls. I spent all my life indoor, I received my training and school indoor and I do my business indoor. Well let’s say it was successful because I have money am rich and wealthy. I am a successful business man with different companies and I am also the prince of Alikiba Kingdom. A kingdom filled with alot of industrious people and a lot of mineral and natural resources.
The discovery of raw gold in our land makes the village very rich, popular and wealthy. A lot of people from the city love to invest in our community. I also have a popular br@nd name called ” Raya designer” a very popular br@nd with over 23 millions followers on Instagram. I have a lot of fans both home and abroad but no one has known who I am. I have decided to hide myself because of one thing I hates ladies, mere seeing them disgust me.
The door creaks and someone entered
I didn’t turn to check who it is but from the steps I heard I knew it was a lady that entered.
Who dare to come into my room?
Knowing fully we I hated ladies
” Hello honey” the lady said
I recognize her voice and slowly pick up my mask, her hands t©uçhed mine and she prevented me from picking up my mask.
” Common you don’t have to do that? Let me see your handsome face” she said turning my face to hers
At once , I saw her face and I turned my face off her sight at once.
My stomach start running and I vomited on her
” Gush Aryan why?’
She asked
I saw her face again and I vomited again, she walk away from me at once.
” Gosh” she said irritated and walk out of my room. My mouth was still bitter and my eyes were turning. I feel like the whole room is running in a circle. I fell on the floor calling faintly for help .
” How can you tell I can’t leave?’ Rose asked
” It is an order from above
Boss said you stole his br@celet and we have to search your bag?” The guard said
Rose rolled her eyes” what sup with this embarras-sment? Do you know who I am
I am Rose Badmus th best female model in the country and you are calling me a thief?”she sl@pped the guard and wanted to leave
But the guard pu-ll her back
” Madam I am respecting you
Respect yourself plea-se”
He f0rç£fully took the bag from her and ordered the other guards to search it.
They searched the whole bag thr0ûghly and they brou-ght out the n£¢klace
I swear I didn’t Know how it get there ?” Rose said
” Guards take her to the guardroom until she confess the truth.”
The chief guard turned to rose
” Mrs rose, my boss is taking this matter up . You are going to explain what you are doing in the room of a guy with misogynist” the cheif guard said and walk away while Rose was taken away by the other guards
Aryan opened his eyes to see his mum crying , her eyes is red and swollen. He saw emotions in her eyes and how much his mum cared about him. He hates girls but his mum is an exception
” Mum st©p crying
Am fine” he said
His mum glanced at him still crying
” Your father is dead?
” Mum are you joking?” He asked
Am not joking your father is dead?”she said
Tears fell from Aryan eyes , this was the first time, tears c@m£ out of his eyes

💖💖💖💖 My Princess Jewel 💖💖💖💖💖
Written by Bukola Olayioye 💖💖💖💖

😍😍😍😍 Episode 2😍😍😍😍
He cried his heart out, his heart aches at the thought of his father’s death. His father has always been his pillar of support from the beginning. What can he do without his father’s pres£nce in this life
It was like a great p@rt of him has just been taken away. He stand up from his seat dressed in a suit and wearing a man to pay his last respect. He walked to his father casket holding flowers in his hands to pay his last respect. He re-moved his mask and he cried over his father casket. His mom was sitting on the chair comforted by two other women.
” Sir we have to go now” the
Aryan glanced at them and he allowed them by leaving his father casket to them. His eyes were red and swollen. He wore his mask and he followed the in his wearing his mask as he followed behind to bury his father.
Days later, chima was going in company of her friends to the village borehole to fetch water
” Ugoma, I have been thinking , now that the king is dead who will take over the throne?” Ugoma asked
” The prince of course?” Ifeoma said
Ugoma bur-st into laughter
” The prince,! That one that doesn’t seems he is interested”
“. Ha ha ugoma
How do you know he isn’t interested ?
Have you seen him before?”
” That is my point
No one has never seen the prince or know what he looks like except his guards and men in the palace”
” Maybe he is very ugly or he has a defect that is why no one hasn’t seen him” ifeoma said and bur-st into laughter
” Is that funny? You are calling the prince of our land ugly
Let the gods struck your mouth then you will know why ugliness means?” Chima said
Ifeoma and ugoma glance her her

” Don’t tell me you have an eye for our prince?” Ugoma said
” Maybe you have fallen in love with the ugly Prince” ifeoma added
” Hey I have not fallen in love with anyone
Moreover how can a first clas-s prince love a lowlife like me.”
They arrived at the borehole
” I am coming
You girls can wait for me here?” Chima said
” Don’t tell me you are going to the village river to fetch you wter at this time of the day?” Ugoma said frowning her face in disagreement
” Haba ugoma
You know my step mother will kill me if I don’t fetch this water. I don’t want her trouble this Evenig” chima said
” Your step mother is Soo evil
That is why I keep on insisting that my father shouldn’t remarry after my mother’s death. I cannot allow one woman to treat me anyhow” ifeoma said

” Okay we will be waiting
Don’t keep us waiting o” Ugoma said
Chima took the bushy path to the village river, she held her pot close to herself as she journey alone in the lonely path.
She was almost near the village river when she saw an inscription
” Restricted Area”
She began to murmur within herself because this is the path she must take to get to the village River. She peeped in carefully and saw no one in the restricted Area
She bent down and picked up a stick on the floor. She started going slowly taking caution and looking left and right ma-king sure no one is there. I must get to the stream to fetch my water.
” Hey what are you doing there?” A man asked
Chima didn’t see his face clearly because it was getting late
” plea-se I beg of you
I nee-d to fetch this water or step mum will kill me”
” You must leave now or else”
” plea-se” chima started pleading with him but all fell into a deaf ears
” You can’t st©p me from fetching my water” she said and made a way to go but the man blocked her
She took another direction but the man won’t let her pas-s. Chima sighed and wants to push him out of the way but the man won’t let her pas-s . Chima started struggling with him using her whole strength. The man and chima keep on struggling until chima pot broke into pieces
” Ouch ” the man said leaving chima hands
Blood was gushing out of the hand that chima injured with her pot. Chima rush to the man but she couldn’t see him clearly.
“Your highness I am back I have brou-ght…….” The things in his personal guard hands fell as he pointed a t©uçh lights to Aryan direction. He saw him bleeding seriously and he rushed to him at once
” Your highness what happened?”
He turned and saw chima
” What do you do?”
Chima opened her hands in tears
” How dare you injured him? Are you blind? Don’t your see the inscription?
” I am sorry” Chima
His personal guard called on the other guards throu-gh a de-ep on the wristwatch, they arrived almost immediately
” Lock her up from three days without food nor water” the dying Aryan said
Two guards gra-p her at once and take her away while the other guards rushed the prince to the hospital?”