My prince charming final Episode

🤝 Together forever 🤝
✍️ Written by Lois ✍️
🌻 Episode 59 🌻
Genres: Betrayal, Love, hatred tragedy etc..
On the wedding day
💓 Tiana 💓
I sat down on my watching the make up artiste do some finishing t©uçhes on my face
To say I was nervous was an un-derstatement I was literally shaking
I am finally getting married to Harry after all that had happened he’s eventually gonna be mine alone
I blus-h at that thought
Kelly was adorning my n£¢k with a gold chain Harry got me and I watched as the bridal train got re-ady
They really looked stunning
I was now in front of my mirror trying to get my wedding dress on when Clara brou-ght in on of the twins
“She’s been crying so I brou-ght her so you could feed her”
“Oh my baby” in muttered as I collected little Ariel from her
This two has been a pain on my n£¢k for the past one week but they are the best thing that has ever happened to me
Her face brou-ght me the thought of Harry
We were in the same house but wasn’t allowed to see each other
Mom said it was some kindaff bad luck to see your hubby before your wedding
C’mon who still thinks that we are at the 21st century
It was just a day and I missed him Terribly to make matters worse mom had me guarded by my pesky sister
In few minutes Riel was asleep and Clara c@m£ to Carry her
I resumed to my dressing and in less than an hour I was done
“Whoa sis you look stunning” Kelly complimented
I looked at myself in the mirror and she was darn right
I looked beautiful in my stra-pless go-wn
“Harry is gonna fall in love with you all over again” she said and I blu-shed
💓Harry 💓
“You did it mehn” Adrian said
“Of course why won’t I” I shoved my hair looking at the mirror
“Do you think this is good enough” I said staring at my suit
“C’mon dude you look handsome if I were a girl I won’t mind having you all to myself”.
“Yeah yeah flattery” I scoffed
I am nervous as h.éll she’s gonna be mine forever in just few minutes
“We don’t have all day let’s move” Adrian said
“What if she doesn’t want me to marry her” I said dead on my tracks
“Are you being delusional Harry let’s fv¢kin go”
“Don’t Blame me I dieing of anxiety”
“Yeah I know now move we’ve a wedding to attend”
I got into my car alongside Adrian as we drove off to the church with my heart rate racing as if it’s been chase
We finally arrived and I must confess mom’s got a taste for planning events I think she should take it up as a profession
She’s good
I watched in gracefully all the guest we’re on sit the priest was standing in front of the altar and Adrian follow me close by
As I pas-sed I received some wi-nks and slutty smiles from ladies but my mind was focused on one thing my bride
I got to the front and waited patiently for her to show up
“What if she doesn’t” I thought but was quic-k to shake off the odd feeling
💓 Tiana 💓
“Let’s go tee”
“I’d be right down gotta take some things”
“We have no time to waste”
I ran down as I got into the car and we set off
“Wow” escape myl-ips staring at the beauty in front of me this place showed that there was a big of money sl@pping it off
The environment was glittering and shouting money money money
A blissful song stared signifying that the bride was around
Kelly covered my face with a veil as dad held my hands as we entered
Everyone stood at their feets as I walked by
I could see Harry grinning ha-rd where he stood
He seem super excited
I finally got to his front and I deby the drool staring at harry he looked so smoking h0t
I am finally getting married to my prince charming
“Do you Harry gold take Tiana Williams as your lawfully wedded wife in strength in sickness in wealth in trouble in poverty in weakness and in happiness”
“I do”
“Do you Tiana Williams take your lawfully wedded husband in strength in sickness in wealth in trouble in poverty in weakness and in happiness”
“I do”
“Before I proceed do we have anyone against the union of this two should speak up or forever hold his peace” the priest said I find my che-st beating really fast
“Yes I object this Union” a lady in hoodie said and everyone g@sp
We both turn to the speaker as she revealed herself
“Maddie??” Harry and I called at the same time
“Bye love birds” was I heard followed by gunsh0t
🤝 Together forever 🤝
✍️ Written by Lois ✍️
Final episode 😍
🌻 Episode 60 🌻
Genres: Betrayal, Love, hatred tragedy etc..
🎈Chloe 🎈
I gro-an ed bitterly watching Tiana cudd-ling her baby from where I sat
That was supposed to be me and my baby
That was supposed to be me getting married to Harry but she took him from me
She took what belongs to me
And Harry even despised me
So If I can’t have Harry then no one Will
Because he’s mine and mine alone
I stood up and drive to the venue of the wedding
I put my disguise on and entered using the invitation card I got dubiously
I sat down at the far end of the hall watching how well decorated and elegant it was
This was supposed to be mine but some btch took it from me
Anyways all ends today
In a matter of minutes my handsome Harry walked in looking all Harry like he’s always been maybe more more handsome than the last time I saw him
Its all a shame because we’d go do our wedding on the other side after I kill him
I watched as the btch walk in looking beautiful and more of the reason I hate her
I waited patiently for the priest to reach the interesting p@rt
“If any one has anything against glthr union of this two speak up or forever hold your peace’” he said
I stood up and walk out
I knew they were confused not until I re-moved my disguise
“How’d you get our of prison” Harry growled we angrily
“I have my phone ways boy”
I brou-ght out my gun and I see them move back with fear glistering in his eyes
“Put that down”
“Umm no” I said as I made to pu-ll the trigger
Then I felt something Pierce throu-gh me the gun I was holding fell off as I fall on my knees as bl00d gush out my mouth
Someone was fas-ter than me I had been sh0t
I felt my eyes go heavy as life Gently left me I watched Tiana sm-irk
I fell down as I drifted off to the other side
💓 Tiana 💓
I opened my mouth in shock as I saw Maddie die in front of me and a man holding a gun behind her
Then Kelly laughed out loud “finally the Last btch is dead as well”
“You know about this” Harry and I asked together
“Well yeah sort of..”
“Start talking”
“I felt like something bad was gonna happen so I had to inform a cop about it
That was when I learnt that Maddie escaped from prison
I would have told you but you know now
I decided against it and went solo
I noticed her weird movements so I signaled the cop
And when he saw her aim at you he shoots at my command” she said grinning
“Wow” was all that c@m£ out of my mind
She was right anyways because if she had told me I would have ignored her or probably become worried to death
At least finally she’s dead and I’d a peace of mind
“Now Is this a wedding or what” Kelly yelled and everyone shouted
The wedding continued ave Maddie’s b©dy was dragged out
Even with her little stunt my wedding was still the best
I closed my eyes as I threw my flowers in the air which landed on no other person but Kelly
I can see her smiling and I just shook my head
My breath was taken away when Adrian knelt down in front of her with a really expensive ring
“Will you marry me” he said and I watched my sis go crazy over a question
“Heck yeah.. been waiting for that question” she answered
Must she always behave cr.azy
The wedding ended wonderfully at the church as we proceeded to the house for the reception
The reception was graced by lots of dignitaries and Harry’s fellow business p@rtners
I can see most of them stealing glances at me and Harry was growling
“You shouldn’t worry am all yours” I wisphered
At night 🌃
The p@rty was over and everyone was gone leaving Harry and I to ourselves
Mom has taken the twins with her
According to her she wants us to have a memorable night if possible one that will lead to another grandchild
I was removing my go-wn when I felt Harry’s hand on my ba-re back s£nding cold shivers down my spine
I really have missed his t©uçh
He trailed his hands downward re-leasing my dress to the ground
Right now I was in my th0ng the one Kelly got me as a gift
“Whoa looks se.ductive” Harry said trailing kss to my n£¢k line….
“I love you my princess” He said after our h0t session of love ma-king.
“I love you too my prince charming” I replied drifting off to sleep
Five years later
“She gave me a wedgie” little Chris said crying pointing at ria
Chris was Mason and Michelle three year old son
They got married two months later after ours
While Kelly got married two years ago and she is heavily pregnant
I really feel for Adrian because Kelly’s craziness is overwhelming
They were all at our house for the little get together
I Heard uncle Joe was found dead a year ago at prison he was said to commit suicide
Though everyone forgave him but it seems he didn’t forgive himself
His death pla-yed a toll on Harry’s dad but there’s nothing he could do about it
But one thing was sure
The  end!!
⏹️ Never strife to get what isn’t yours
⏹️ In every relationsh!pLearn to trust your p@rtner no matter what
⏹️ Mind the kind of people you make friends with
⏹️ Do not jugde to quic-kly based on what you eavesdrop