My prince charming Episode 55 & 56

🤝 Together forever 🤝
✍️ Written by Lois ✍️
🌻 Episode 55 🌻
❣️ Tiana ❣️
I woke with a pang of headache with four eyes peiercing into mine
Those eyes i recognize are Harry’s and Kelly’s
I finally remembered everything that happened my face broke into a smile and I can see how relaxed Harry was
But it immediately went back to that of a frown when I remember that Harry broke the pact we made
To always trust each other
He didn’t trust me enough to believe me.
He believed my friend over me and that pains alot
As if realizing what happened he went on his knees with the bandage on his head and a plaster on his hands
“I am sorry” he said in a very shaky voice
It’s obvious he was trying ha-rd not to cry but I just turned my back at him
I was supposed to be angry at him but surprisingly I wasn’t but I wanted him to feel what I felt not been listened to
“Tiana am really sorry” he said again tou-ching my hands which I shove off
“Leave me alone and go meet Chloe whom you trust Soo much” I said with a pang of jealousy
“C’mon baby” he said ma-king me smile
There’s no doubt I have missed him too much
Then he explained everything that happened after my disappearance
How he found out about Chloe but he’s yet to find her accomplices
Harry showed me how she was beaten to pulp from his iPod
He explained the br.utal punishment he had given her and I kinda felt outta for her
Not because I wanted to but my pregnancy hor-mones is something else
I later forgave him after all forgiveness is also an important key in every successful relationsh!p
“Awwn love birds” our parents cl@pped
For a second I forgot that the were inside the same ward with us
“You pas-sed out??” Mason yelled running into the ward
“Chillax bruh my husby is here” I said and Harry chuckled before wincing
He’s forgotten his head is still feeling pains
I guess the happiness was that much
“Mitchell come gimme a hvg I really nee-d it” I said to Mason’s fiancee
“But I am right here” Harry wined
“Just face your bruised self” I retorted
“Crazy tee is back” Kelly finally spoke
“I will still punish you for all this just get well soon enough” Kelly said facing Harry
“I thought you’ve dealt me with alre-ady” Harry pouted
He looked cute
“That was just an icing in the cake”
“Yeah” she replied with a childish glare
A week later
I was discharged that same day but Harry was after two days
He was now perfectly okay
I was happy to be reunited to my family
And I will be going back to New York City
I announced it to my coworker and some were sad but majority was happy
The happy ones was shocked when o was announced the new owner of the hospital by my overly dramatic mother in law
She bought it in my name so I can come visit anytime
Mason was sad I’d be leaving but elated that I’d be happy
“At least you’d be happy over there* he said
It was a great thing I met him
He didn’t take advantage of my state back then for his selfish de-sires
Now we are at my small house here I n new Orleans and this place is filled by the golds and Williams
Especially with Kelly and Harry’s bickering
I only sleep, eat and cry depending on the type of breeze of the morning cos my hor-mones are madly working
Finally we are going back home And I will get to see that back stabbing btch I call a friend
The breeze blew my hair up as we c@m£ down from Harry’s pri-vate jet
“The smell of New York is still the Same” I said and Harry scrutinized his eyes
“Does a place have a p@rticular smell” he quizzed
“Whatever the smell is okay” I shrugged and everyone bur-sted into laughter and for no reason brou-ght tears to my eyes
“Tiana why are you crying”
“You are all laughing at me”
“You were funny”
“So am now funny huh Harry am now funny and you don’t love me anymore” i said and bur-sted into more tears
“Oh c’mon Tiana I am sorry I won’t laugh at you anymore and for the record you aren’t funny”
“So you are saying am boring and not humorous” I asked childishly and he nodded
I bur-sted into another round of cry
“Oh my goodness* Harry sighed in frustration
❣️💟 Harry 💟❣️
I sighed dejectedly after Tiana’s round of another cry
Really pregnancy is not a good thing
Remind me not to impregnate her again this just a few of it and am tired
She’s close to giving birth according to the doctor
She should give birth this month or next
But right now I can’t wait to get married to her
But first things first deal with Chloe
We got home peacefully and my mom and her mom still followed us
According to my mom she wants to see the btch that caused her daughter in law pains but I have other plans
To find who her p@rtner is
We got to my sitting room and I ordered the guys to bring her wretched self down
I had to cover my ears from Tiana and Clara’s deafening screams
They missed each other alot
I went to my room to bring Chloe’s phone so that she’d call whosoever her p@rtner is
Chloe was brou-ght down and she looked miserable
My mom was re-ady to pounce on her but I dragged her back
Tiana’s mom was just glaring her in a deadly way
Tiana just went to the kitchen to get her chilli peppers and emptied on her eyes causing her to cry out
Kelly wasn’t controllable cause she was dam angry and before I got talk she landed Chloe two heavy $l@ps whose mark stayed glued to get face
“Are you re-ady to talk now” I said squ-atting to her level and she nodded
I stretched her phone to her ” call him to meet you here”
She dialed the number the phone was on speaker
“Chloe where have you been” the voice thun-dered sounding oddly familiar
“I have been working on the plan and it’s done now I knocked Harry out and he’s unconscious just come over let’s dispose him” she said
“I’d be right over”
“Good girl” I said collecting the phone from her
Thirty minutes later
I saw the car pu-ll-ed up at my garage
I went to sit down and we were all waiting patiently while Tiana was eating her third plate of pasta
Then he entered and my phone fell off my hands
UNCLE JOE!!!!!!!!??
🌻 Episode 56 🌻
❣️ Harry ❣️
Uncle Joe?
I can’t believe he did this
But why?
Why would he do this
I just beckon on the cops to come arrest them
He and chloe was taken out
All this while Tiana was just sipping her ice cream curled up like a baby
My mom was at the bridge if tears as my dad nodded pityfuly
I know how he feels to be betrayed by your own brother
At court
Three weeks later
“Miss Chloe you are hereby s£ntenced to death by hanging for the murder if Mr Davis and the attem-pted murder if miss Tiana the possession of illict dr.ugs and being an accomplice to act if fraud and swindle” the jugde said
“Mr Joseph gold you are hereby s£ntenced to life imprisionmet for act of fraud and swindle”
“I rise”
Uncle Joe was dragged out and he has no feeling of remorse what’soever
He still feels like he’s right
💫Uncle Joe 💫
I was the one wronged and not the one that’s supposed to be in jail
My brother is the one meant to he here
I only nee-d to find a out of here so I can deal with him
“Prisoner 149 come over to the visiting room” a prisoner warden called
“St©p calling me a prisoner”
“So what are you huh” he said mockingly
“Just get the hella here greedy fool”
I walked into the visiting room to see my brother and Harry sitted
“What are you doing here”
“Get bu-tt down Mr and cooperate” the warden said going out
“What did I do to deserve this Joe??”
“You are really asking me that”
Flashback 💮
I was done at the office that day and decided to come greet you at yours when I overheard a discussion at the entrance of your office
You asked your lawyer to transfer all the properties you own to your son
I wasn’t annoyed at least thats why we work for our children
But I got upset when you asked him to join my own portion of the the empires property to it
When he tried to question your ordered you yelled and I nee-ded to take what was rightfully mine
Flashback ends
I saw a tear sli-pped his face after I narrated finish
“That wasn’t all I had in mind
You didn’t listen to the whole conversation you just as-sumed
I wanted to enlarge the company because it wasn’t more productive like before so I merge it with my
I stared running it and ensured it was booming
I asked him to hand it over to harry because I wanted to surprise you on 30th birthday
I wanted to gift it to you alongside one of my best rising companies that was father’s last wish” he said and I scoffed
“You want me to believe that cra-p” I said and he brou-ght out some do¢v-ments
He was right this contains all the do¢v-ments of the two companies
A lone tear sli-pped off my face when I realized that I jugded quic-kly and I didn’t even ask or confront him
I jumped into conclusion I didn’t bother to listen to the end
I let greediness and love of money cloud my judgement
💫 Chloe 💫
The moment the judge made the pronucement I knew I was doomed
But I wasn’t re-ady to give up
I know this is the end if re-ad but ain’t a giver uper
I was re-ady to take chances and by chances I mean I am breaking out of this prison tonight
The execution will be carried out tommorow
I waited till past midnight for all cops and prisoner to be asleep before I crawled out stealthily
My bruises weren’t healed up yet but this pain and risk was worth taking
I had gotten to the fence where the other side of the world was
I mean outside the prison walls
I was about to climb up when I felt bullets Pierce my skin
I my eyes bec@m£ heavy I feel to the ground as I lost my last breathe