My prince charming Episode 41 & 42

🤝 Together forever 🤝
✍️ Written by Lois ✍️
🌻 Episode 41 🌻
Genres: Betrayal, Love, hatred tragedy etc..
🌸 Tiana 🌸
“Arrgh” I squeak feeling pains round my che-st region
The pains have happening for a period of time now
And I have ignored it but it seems it’s getting worse
“Are you re-ady” Harry yelled
“Yeah gimme a sec”
I was picking up my bag stuffing my stethoscope in to it and packing it all up when I suddenly have the urge to puke
I ran hastily to the toilet and let all out
I was cleaning my face up when I felt a pres£nce behind me
Definitely Harry
“What’s wrong with you honey”
“Am fine seems like am coming down with a fever”
“What! Don’t worry we aren’t going to work today” he said
“We?? Why??”
“You are sick I can’t allow you go to work”
“But It is not affecting me in anyway”
“I am not changing my mind”
“C’mon Harry I’ve got torns of work to do”
“Main reason am not letting you go you’d stress yourself out”
“I promise not to work” I pouted
“Your adorable face isn’t gonna work this time” he said pinching my cheeks
“Pretty plea-se” I said battling my lashes like a two year old
“One condition”
“I’d follow you to work and stay with you all day”
I was the one who drove us to the hospital
I felt eyes fell on me as soon as we entered the hallway
Probably because I c@m£ with Harry in the same car and he’s holding my hands ti-ghtly
Becca was busy glaring at me and smiling sluttily at Harry at intervals
She just disgu$t me
“Harry let go of me I wanna go to my office” I said When I can’t no longer bear the ti-ghtness of his hold
“Ya staying in my office today”
“Oh jeez another round” I muttered
“Shut up or amma have to shut you up with a kss right in front of everyone”
“Let’s just go”
🍷 Chloe 🍷
I kept pacing up and down the office
I wonder why Harry isn’t at work today day
Of all days
That alone make me Flashback to what the man said the other day
💮💮💮Flashback 💮💮💮💮
🌠 Unknown 🌠
“I want to get rid of Chloe crept into Harry’s life get him to sign this do¢v-ment which states transfer of owanbe of all his inheritance
Before we kill him to” he said
🌠Chloe 🌠
“What if I say am not interested”
“And I guess you want them to know you killed Davis”
“Oh my how did you know”
“It doesn’t matter do you agree to the deal or not” he said
It’s not like I Don’t like his plan but I wanted to be the master planner
I don’t nee-d any one involved but now I don’t have a choice
“Fine I agree”
💮🌻 Flashback ends 💮🌼🌼💮
I had planned to get the do¢v-ments close to him today and he is not around
I was able to convince him not to allow me kill Tiana because I had done something bad to her alre-ady
💮🌻Flashback 💮🌻
“How much is the poi$on”
“Hey Chloe how you doing”
“Won’t you gimme a hvg”
“Of course come closer”
I hvgged her and use the opportunity to deposit the poi$on on her skin
It’s a skin poi$on
💮💮 Flashback ends 💮💮💮
It’s only a matter of time before the poi$on starts reacting on her b©dy
She’d die slowly and I will still cause her hearbreak
I hired someone to follow her every movement
Any wrong move should be captured
Any clos£ness to guy should be captured
Because she once told me that Harry said the only thing that could break their relationsh!pis of she cheats on him
So am going to set her up
Harry is a jealous guy so I’d be able to do it effectively
I had marked out plans
I picked up my phone to text her
💬 Hey angel you know the surprise I promise you let’s meet up at 5star club tomorrow 🌃 night Love you xoxoxo Chloe 💬 I s£nt it to her
This is just a ti-p of the iceberg
💢 Kelly 💢
My b©dy was twitching me where I sat
I don’t feel so good
I feel like something is amiss
Something bad is about to have but the thing is I don’t know the direction
The feeling was a weak one which shows the person concerned his far from me
Adrian was looking at me as if s-en-sing my discomfort
But I tried my best to put on a straight face
Something big is about to happen I can feel it
🤝 Together forever 🤝
✍️ Written by Lois ✍️
🌻 Episode 42 🌻
Genres: Betrayal, Love, hatred tragedy etc..
❣️Tiana ❣️
My face lit up as Chloe’s message entered
We’d be going out tomorrow
“What’s up with the cherry face Lilly” Harry asked as he comes down all dressed
“I and Chloe are having a all girls night tomorrow”
“Really I will prepare once I get back”
“Are you deaf I said all girls which means you aren’t invited so shuu” I said pla-yfully pushing him aside
“C’mon tee she won’t mind of course she would now Tah tah you want to be late for work”
“I own the company duh” he said with a childish grin
“Pe.rvert” I said and he chuckled
“okay okay I’d go” he said rasing his hands up in a mock surrender
I decided that I wasn’t gonna go to work today
My b©dy isn’t feeling okay
I just don’t want to make Harry notice
He’s getting distracted by me and it’s not good for his company
I was about going up when my b©dy suddenly began to pale up showing green veins and my eyes turning blurry
I pas-sed out instantly
Two hours later
I opened my eyes weakly to see that I was at where I had pas-sed out
I stood up weakly
I have forgotten that Clara isn’t Around she’s at Busan she went to visit her mother
Chat martinmartino on zero eight one eighty thirty fourteen twenty one to be added to his whatsapp group .
She’s an half caste half Ko-rean and half American
I sluggishly dragged my self up to take some pain relievers
I think Harry was right when he said I have been over working myself
I should get some rest
I took the drugs before drifting off to sleep
❣️ Harry ❣️
I feel like Chloe is up to something
She was wearing another skimpy dress again today even after I warned her
She thinks I can’t fired her because of Tiana which is true but am losing my cool
“I heard you guys are having a girls night tomorrow” I asked her
“Oh yeah and you aren’t invited” she said but I wasn’t convinced
“Because you’re a guy Harry”
“Okay just get me the adex file” I said changing the t©pic
“Oh okay”
“But sir some company c@m£ to offer you a contract should I bring the file”
“No it should be on hold”
“Okay then”
🌻 Chloe 🌻
I sighed fustratedly
He didn’t care about the file
How am I going to get him to sign it
Just then my phone rang
📲Did he accept the fake contract
📲No he didn’t
📲We’d have to go with plan B then
📲 Okay
I dropped the Call
You can keep running Harry but not for long cos I’d get you make you mine and get all that you own
I was fuming angrily
“Have you gotten all that I asked you to get”
“Yes ma’am”
“As soon as she get to the front of the pub and waiting worriedly snap the picture”
“Jay this is where you come in
You’d walk to her like a perfect gentleman am sure she’d greet you warmly”
“You will snap this moment too ma-king it seem like he’s the one she’s waiting for”I said to the c@m£ra man
I kept explaining till they all got their p@rt in the plan
Few more days you’d be rejected by your lover