My pla-ymate Episode 1 to 3

🌼❤ MY pla-yMATE
(Against all odds ❤)
Genre; r0m@nç£🔞, Drama 😁, Suspense , Betrayal .
“…. Luke st©p it! I am tired!” I said as we kept throwing pillows at each other.
“So soon? We haven’t even pla-yed for up to an hour.” He said pouting his mouth.
“You are so pla-yful.” I said hitting him with the pillow for the last time before jumping on him.
“Ouch, that hurts. You have weight you know?” He said wra-pping his hands around my a**.
“I think Mr Luke Progusten knew that before getting married to me. So you should complain.” I said smiling as he moved his head up to k!ssme.
“I am not complete, I am just letting you know, so that you know how to jump on this thin b©dy next time.” He said ma-king me laugh.
“I told you to go to the gym.” I said standing up.
“I will love. I am just scared of carrying those materials. I could break into two.” He said and I bur-sted into laughter.
“Come on Love, you are not that bad. You are fatter than I am.” I said and he sighed looking at my b-utt.
“Not where that is.” He said and I sp@ñked him on the shoulders.
“That is rude of you.” I said ma-king him laugh.
Meet Mr and Mrs Progusten, two couples you will ever admire. You will forever wish your marriage can be like theirs.
They didn’t actually meet an an heavenly way, it was war for them to go against their family to be together.
Enjoy free interesting stories @
They family were of totally opposition of them been together because they had a fight and hated each other.
But Silver and Luke didn’t let this disrupt the love they had for each other, so they eloped to another country so start a new life.
Ignoring the complains and cries of their parent. They wanted love to prevail.
But will these sweet love continue this way?
What will eventually go wrong?
Will there be any wrongs at all?
Remember people will always put your love to test.
“Good morning Silver!!” Tasha said happily.
“Good morning Tasha. You look damn happy today.” I said sitting on my desk which was next to her.
“Guess what?” She asked.
“What?” I asked placing my bag on the desk, switching on my computer.
“He proposed!” She said she said showing me her f!nger which had a very beautiful ring on it.
“Omg! Tasha I am so happy for you.” I said smiling.
“I am so happy. Thank you.” She said looking at the ring again.
“Finally my only friend has an husband now. We are in this together.” I said ma-king her laugh.
“I wish my marriage is like yours. Perfect and sweet.” She said breathing in with her eyes closed.
“Make your marriage the way you want it Tasha. No marriage is perfect without ha-rd work.” I said and she held my hand.
“I really admire you and Luke a lot. You guys are perfect together.” She said and I smiled.
“Thanks.” I replied.
“Get back to work!” We heard the manager and we quic-kly faced over desk punch the keyword without any aim.
I cli-cked on my Email messages and Luke’s was the first.
I cli-cked on the ph0to below and I saw a very s£dûçt!veun-derwear. My mouth dropped open trying ha-rd not to laugh.
I s£nt smiling wi-dely. He is just so pla-yful.
He s£nt again and I giggled.
I s£nt closing my email to avoid more messages from anyone.
“I see you are very close to tearing your cheeks. Why are you smiling so wi-de?” Tasha asked grinning.
“Its Luke. He is just so unbelievable.” I said ma-king her laugh.
“Trust me, he is the best.” She said.
“Yes he is.” I replied smiling.
“Silver the Manager nee-ds you in his office now.” One of the workers said.
“Sure thanks.” I said carrying some ha-rd copies of the designs I made.
I walked to his office and knocked on the door before opening the door and walking in.
“Good day Mr Brim.” I said smiling as I walked closer to him.
“Good day Mrs Progusten.” He said and I smiled.
“Sit.” He added and I smiled sitting on the chair opposite his desk.
“Here are the samples Sir.” I said pas-sing the ha-rd copies to him.
He took them and examined them un-der the sunlight.
“Wow the colours are exactly the way I want it. These are perfect.” He said and joy overwhelmed me.
“Thank you so much sir.” I replied happily.
“You know what? There is a deal on the way, though it is yet to drop. Once it drops, I will want to you to be a p@rtner.” He said and I stood up.
“Sir I will be so willing. Thank you so much.” I said and he nodded smiling.
“You can go.” He said and I nodded walking out of his office.
I got to my desk and sat happily.
“Did he like it?” She asked.
“He loved it.” I said happily.
“Go baby girl.” She replied ma-king me laugh.
I ru-bbe-d my n£¢k tiredly, sipping the last quantity of my coffee. I looked at the clock and I saw it was 7pm alre-ady.
“Time to go home!” I said happily. I can’t wait to see Luke, I was alre-ady missing him badly.
I shut down my computer after saving all my works and began to clear my desk.
“You couldn’t even wait for some minutes after.” I heard Tasha said as she walked up to me.
“Don’t tell me you are just coming back from the restroom.” I said and she slammed to her chair tiredly.
“Seriously my stomach hurts so bad.” She said holding her tummy.
“I will give you an advice. Go to the Manager, and explain to him how you feel. Ask for a leave and stay at home till you are very okay.” I said and she sighed.
“I can’t do that Silver. It will surely affect my salary at the end of the month.” She said and I shook my head.
“Its just for a day or two. Just for you to run checkups and then get yourself something to relieve you.” I said and she nodded.
“Don’t think about it. Go to him, my best friend can’t be in pains and still work from 8am to 7pm.” I said and she smiled.
“You are so sweet. Just like Luke, I wonder how your kids will be.” She said and I smiled.
“Don’t flatter me.” I said carrying my bag and standing up.
“I will go to him tomorrow, he checked out of the office since 5.” She said and I nodded.
“Make sure you go for some checkups. I beg you.” I said pouting my mouth.
“I will. Go on now, I am waiting for Reuben.” She said and I smiled.
“Make sure you have your things re-ady so you don’t keep him waiting.” I said walking to the door.
“Okay! I love you!” She yelled.
“I love you too!” I replied laughing.
I got to the car and opened up dropping my stuffs in it. I hopped it and ignited the engine and zoomed off.
I switched on my radio to keep boredom far from me. It was the news so I just ignored, just the voices will do.
I was still on the way when a call c@m£ in my phone. I picked up my Bluetooth and placed it in my ear.
I pressed the bu-tton and it got connected.
📲 Silver
📲 Yes my love.
📲 Where are you? I am so tired, bored, I nee-d a mas-sage, I am damn hungry.
📲 Come on Luke, don’t be Lazy. There is food in the refrigerator, just microwave it okay?
📲 No, I am too tired *pouting his mouth*
📲 Don’t worry love. I will be there very soon.
📲 Make haste or I am going to cry.
📲 If you keep talking to me on phone, I won’t drive well and fast.
📲 5 Minutes?
📲 No 10
📲 Why 10?
📲 Baby bye. I love you.
📲 Don’t go!
I hung up the call grinning wi-dely. Luke will never change. I intentionally told him 10 minutes.
The house was alre-ady visible to me.
I got to the house and drove into the garage. I c@m£ down carrying my bag and headed for the door.
I opened up and I saw the lights in the living room off.
“Luke why do you love the dark? Or are you pla-ying a prank again?” I asked looking around and grinning.
I waited for his reply but none c@m£.
“Luke I am too tired for this okay? Come out alre-ady.” I said dropping my bag on the floor.
Suddenly the light c@m£ on and I saw the living room decorated with flowers and rose petals.
“Oh My God.” I said covering my mouth in amusement.
“You like it?” I heard him say behind me.
“I love it.” I said facing him and k!ss!nghim.
“Come on.” He said removing the coat I had on and walking me to the dinning table.
“You told me you were tired.” I said looking around me.
“Can’t I lie to surprise you?” He said k!ss!ngmy ear.
“That is allowed.” I said as I sat on the chair.
“I hope you like it. I made it myself.” He said and I laughed.
“I hope so too.” I said picking up the fork and opening the plate.
🍡 LUKE 🍡
I looked at her as she devoured her food, she seemed to really enjoy herself.
“You love it right?” I asked and she nodded chewing on her food.
“Perfect.” She said smiling.
“I can’t wait for you to be done with the food.” I said grinning and she narrowed her gaze.
“I hope it isn’t what I am thinking.” She said and I laughed
“It is exactly what you are thinking. I got you something.” I said standing up and walking to the room.
I opened the closet and brou-ght out the package I ordered for her. I walked back to the living room and I saw she was done eating and was packing the plates.
“So quic-k?” I asked and she nodded smiling.
“I nee-d to give my husband what he wants on time.” She said b!tt!g her lowerl-ips.
“Meet me in the room dear wife.” I said walking back to the room.
I shut the door and switched off the lights. I stood close to the door and opened the package I got for her.
Soon I heard her approach the room and I kept grinning uncontrollably.
She opened the door and walked in a little before I pu-ll-ed her to myself ma-king her scream.
“Luke you scared the hell out of me.” She said and I k!$$£d her n£¢k from behind.
“Sorry about that.” I said switching on the lights.
I saw her smile as we both approached the mirror.
“You really meant it when you said you like it.” She said as I rose up the un-derwear I got for her.
“I so much love it.” I said dropping it on the be-d.
She smiled at me throu-gh the mirror.
“Time to str!p. Raise up your hands.” I said and she rose up her hands.
I swept her blouse off her b©dy leaving her in her br@. I reached for the hook and un-hooked it letting it slide down her b©dy.
I made her face me and I k!$$£d her ni**les slightly ma-king her m0@n .
I smiled as I saw how she loved it. I reached for her Sk-irts and moved my hands inside them right from her knees.
I dragged my hand up to her opening ma-king her g@sp. I bent down in front of her and unZi-pped her Sk-irt.
I pu-ll-ed it down and she rose up her legs letting it off finally. . I also took her p@n-ts by the w@!st and pu-ll-ed it down her a** where it got stuck.
“I told you, you a** is just too hvge.” I said ma-king her laugh.
“I will do it.” She said reaching for the p@n-tie and dragging it down.
“Thank you.” I said standing up. I walked up to the be-d and picked up the un-derwear.
“Here, have it ” I said stretching it to her.
“Thank you husband.” She said and I smiled sitting on the be-d.
I watched her as she began to wear this un-derwear. It was a br@ and a p@n-tie joined together by a net.
A very transparent net.
She Zi-pped it open and wore it from her legs ma-king her b00bs dangle as she did.
“Can you st©p staring at it like that?” She asked without raising up her head.
“I can’t. It is mine. Why can’t I stare at it?” I asked ma-king her giggle. She pu-ll-ed it up to her neatly shaved pu-ssy and wore it on her a*s.
She kept smiling as she did giving me an ha-rd one alre-ady. It got to her br**ts and it fit perfectly well.
“How come you knew my size so perfectly.” She said walking up to me and turning her back to me.
“I have been seeing your b©dy for three years now. Why won’t I know your size.” I said helping her Zi-p up.
She walked back to the mirror and checked out herself in it.
“It is so S-xy.” I said moving my hands from her tiny w@!st to her large h!ps.
“Yes.” She replied ru-bbing the side of her face on mine.
“You will be wearing it anytime I am at home. Seeing you like this alone is driving me crazy to be honest.” I said as my di-ck twitched again.
“I want exactly that to happen.” She said facing me and smiling.
I gr@bb£d her by the w@!st placing a h0t and pas-sionate filled k!sson herl-ips. She opened up almost immediately sliding her ton-gue into mine.
We both moved to the be-d without breaking the k!ss. I carried her and placed her on the be-d carefully.
She wra-pped her legs around my w@!st as she la-id. I de-epened the k!ssas she pu-ll-ed my hand to her my wra-pping her hands around my n£¢k.
She then pushed me to l@yon the be-d and began to unbuckle my belt. She sat on my th!ghs and bent to k!ssme again as she kept unbuckling my belt.
She dis£ngaged as soon as she was done. She pu-ll-ed it down together with my p@n-ts. She moved it down but it got stuck at my ankles.
“Sh*t.” She said and I reached for it in haste pu-lling it off.
Immediately it wa off she climbe-d on me again k!ss!ngme de-eply. I broke the k!ssand looked into her eyes as we breathed ha-rd .
“I love you so much Silver.” I said and she smiled taking myl-ips in hers again. And this time I pushed her to l@yon the be-d taking Dominion.
“I will make you scream on t©p of your voice.” I said and she stared at me breathing ha-rd .