My plastic wife episode 19 & 20

. 💄My Plastic💄
😍 [ The Journey To Inner Beauty ] 😋
🐾Chapter NINETEEN🐾
[ Double Janelle! ]
📍Author Nuella📍
😔😔Ashley’s POV😔😔
” Kaleb is in Coma!?” Mrs. Brown reechoed the doctor’s words as she stared blankly at no p@rticular direction.
” Doctor, is there anything that can be done to awaken him?” Mr. Brown asked in a concerned tone and the doctor sighed then took off his glas-ses.
” Well our team is trying their best to revive him. Once we do we’ll let you know.” The doctor stated and Mr. Brown nodded and bowed his head.
” The heir to my empire is in coma! What if he doesn’t come out of it? There’s no one else capable to inherit it.” Mr. Brown cried out with his head bowed and his wife pat his back softly consoling him.
” Ehem! You have two over-capable daughters who can run your business. So what’s this about no one else being capable?” Amelia remarked out over dad’s statement.
” Amelia! this is not the time for this okay?” Sydney who was sitting beside Amelia rebuked her remarks.
” Well doctor, we’ll be taking our leave now.” Mrs. Brown said as she grasped her bag from the doctor’s table and stood up to leave. The rest of us got up as well and excited the doctor’s office.
• We were back home and everyone dispatched to their various rooms or found something worthwhile to do. Well I went to the kitchen and took a bag of ch!ps from the fridge then I went to my room, switched on the television and sat down crossed legged to enjoy one of my favorite programs.
• All these was in a bid to forget about Kaleb and his sudden predic@m£nt which has come as a shocker to all of us. But I couldn’t concentrate on what I was watching, the thought of Kaleb probably not recovering occu-pied my mind. The doctor sounded really serious and I’m overwhelmed with fear.
” Who am I kidding?” I thought and switched off the TV.
” Why will I be watching TV when my husband is struggling for life in the hospital? Who am I deceiving!” I said and buried my face in my palms and sobbe-d softly.
” I nee-d to talk to someone and pour out my mind.” I said and picked up my phone then scrolled throu-gh my contacts.
No one was good enough ap@rt from Ryan and I hit the green coloured call bu-tton and the dial tone started ringing.
📱 Hello Ashley.
📱 Hello Ryan. And how are you?
📱 I’m fine but it surely sounds like you’re not. Your voice is a bit down. Tell me what happened.
📱 Well, it’s Kaleb.
📱 And what’s wrong with him? Did he file a divorce?!” Ryan asked excitedly and I found that extremely weird and awkward.
📱 He had a brutal accident and he’s in coma.
📱 He’s in coma, I didn’t expect that from the accident.” Ryan said and I was taken aback by the statement.
📱 How did you know he had an accident?
📱 Well, uh…I eh saw it on the news.
📱 On the news?
📱 Yeah, why don’t I talk to you later. I’ll call you back.” Ryan said abruptly and disconnected the call.
” Well that was weird.” I said and tossed my phone to the be-d.
” I just hope you’re safe Kaleb.” I silently prayed then la-id on my be-d then rested for a while.
📍📍Authoress Nuella’s POV📍📍
• The past few weeks at the Brixlar mansion was a hell of an experience for Ashley. Kaleb’s pres£nce at the house usually averts most insults ought to be thrown at Ashley by Mia and Amelia. But now that he’s on the sickbe-d, they have more opportunity to spite her.
Like the time Ashley went to have a shower and Amelia locked her inside there for seven hours.
• Ashley did scream but no one cared. Mrs. Brown didn’t even bother, Sydney on the other hand has no voice in the family because Amelia is clearly the alpha female over her. Mr. Brown on the other hand has stayed clear from Ashley ever since the earlier incident and doesn’t want to be involved with anything that has to do with her.
But what if he has a hidden agenda?
Well after suffering Ashley for so long, Mia unlocked the door and let poor Ashley go.
What a shame🤦🏻
• About a two weeks after his accident, Kaleb finally got out off coma and started responding to treatment. Nadia was discharged from the hospital that same week after receiving treatment and recovering fully.
• Kaleb spent another two weeks in the hospital and after the duration, he was in ‘knick knack’ shape and had recovered fully. He was perfectly fine to join the rest of the Brixlar family.
😔😔Kaleb’s POV😔😔
📌A Week Later📌
” Nadia what are you doing?” I asked her because she has been seriously focused on her computer for a while now.
” Oh, I’m just reviewing your appointments for the week.” She replied with her eyes still glued to the screen.
” Okay then. Keep up the good work.” I complimented and she smiled in reply.
Just then, the door flung open and Janelle strutted in holding her phone and looking worried.
” Hey.” She simply said as she paced around the room worriedly still holding her phone.
” What’s up?” Nadia asked finally taking her eyes of her computer system.
” Well it’s one of my relatives, she just c@m£ into the country but she’s stranded.” Janelle explained and I had to get involved.
” How?” I asked.
” Well, she is a clas-sy chic like me and can only lodge in a five star h0tel. But it’s Easter Season and all the h0tels in the city are packed, even the four stars and three stars don’t have any rooms to offer.” Janelle explained and now I regret getting involved.
” So what is she gonna do now?” Nadia asked.
” Well, I was uhm…hoping that she could stay at the Brixlar mansion till the festive season celebr@tion is over and she can get a h0tel.” Janelle asked as she pla-yed with her f!ngersnervously.
” Well who is this relative of yours?” I asked Janelle.
” My sister, my twin sister.” She replied and I was taken aback
Janelle has a twin?
Another Janelle to deal with?
” Okay fine, She can stay at our house for a few days.” I said and Janelle squeed.
” Yay! I’ll go call her now!” Janelle added happily and left the room.
” Janelle’s twin sister is wonderful, just like her. You can ha-rd ly tell the difference.” Nadia stated and I chuckled. If only she knew how slutty her friend is.
” What is the name of her sister?” I asked Nadia just then, her phone rang. She took the her phone and looked at the caller and her face lit up.
” Oh Kaleb, can we talk later? I really nee-d to take the call.” Nadia said and went outside the room as well.
” Hmm…well. How bad can Janelle’s sister be?”
☺☺Janelle’s POV☺☺
• I texted my sister the address and waited for her to reply so I’ll know she got the text.
Meanwhile, her pres£nce at the Brixlar mansion will make it easier for me and my plan to succeed.
Being that she’s my identical twin sister, I’ll be able to cause confusion in the house and Kaleb will be mine.
Anyways, Ms. Brown organized a little Easter get together and Nadia and I were invited.
So I’d better get dressed so I won’t be late.
🙄🙄Ashley’s POV🙄🙄
” So when does your sister get here?” Kaleb asked Janelle as he took a bite out of his chicken.
” Soon.”
” Well I didn’t know you had a sister Janelle.” I said and she smiled.
” You kinda look like my mum.” Mia said to Janelle.
” Yeah she does.” Kaleb added.
Suddenly, the door bell rang.
” Mia go get the door.” Nadia said and Mia scampered to the door.
• We began to hear Nadia scream and we bec@m£ curious. After a few minutes, Mia c@m£ back into the room with a woman who looked exactly like Janelle and was holding a child was about half of Mia’s age and on her other hand she was holding a traveling bag.
• On sighting this girl Kaleb eyes nearly sh0t out. In fact he nearly pas-sed out.
” Hello Kaleb, I’m back to take what I own.” The girl said with a pretty sm-irk on her face.
” Tricia! What are doing here!”
🐾Chapter TWEENTY🐾
[ Double Janelle II ! ]
😔😔Kaleb’s POV😔😔
” Tricia? What are you doing here?” Kaleb asked Tricia and she dropped her bags then sm-irked her way to where Kaleb stood.
” Yaay! Mummy’s back! Get packing Ashley!” Mia yelled and ran upstairs.
I wish someone can cut her little mouth shut!
” Good! Now there’s two people I hate in this house. Pathetic!” Mum said and rolled her eyes just before exiting the room.
” Tricia? Do you know them!?” Janelle asked as she went closer to her sister.
To be truthful, you can ha-rd ly tell the difference between the two sisters!
” Janelle, remember my estranged husband?” Tricia asked Janelle and she nodded.
” OH MY GOSH!” Janelle yelled when her instincts probably told her that Tricia was…or should I say is his wife.
” Yes sis, I’m sure your probably guessed that I’m Kaleb’s wife.” Tricia announced and my eyes sh0t out.
” Kaleb’s who?” I blurted out and she looked at me, then started coming closer to me.
” And who are you? I’ve never seen you before.” Tricia said and I gulped nervously.
” I’m Ashley, Kaleb’s wife.” I replied her and she laughed.
” Oh? Kaleb couldn’t even wait for me for some time, he alre-ady has a new wife.” Tricia said looking at Kaleb.
” Well sisi, I wanna make it clear that I’m the first wife and you’re the second wife. So stay away from my kids and I.” Tricia said and picked up her bags and took the little boy upstairs.
” Kaleb can you explain this?” I said and Kaleb looked at me puzzled.
” I’m confused myself, but when I find answers I’ll tell you.” Kaleb said and ran upstairs the same direction where Tricia went.
😔😔Kaleb’s POV😔😔
” Tricia what is the meaning of that ru-bbish you pu-ll-ed off downstairs and who’s that?” I asked Tricia as I entered into the room and pointed at the little boy sitting on the be-d.
” That little boy is our son Kaleb. I was pregnant when I left and that’s our second child Jake.” Tricia explained and I was shocked.
” That boy is our child?”
” Yes, Mia’s brother.”
” But why did you run away?” I asked her and she laughed.
” Your family made life hell for me. They hated me and I couldn’t take it anymore, I left. But now I’m back and I’m back stronger.” Tricia stated and I knew that can’t happen. She can’t stay here at all.
” But Tricia, I’m alre-ady married to someone else Ashley.” I told her and she sm-irked.
” And what is that supposed to mean?”
” Let’s divorce okay. It’s been six years.” I stated and she laughed.
” Impossible, I’m your first wife and she’s the second.” Tricia yelled sternly.
” Now come here. I nee-d servicing, it’s been six years.” She said and dragged me closer to her then began k!ss!ngme……
😔😔Ashley’s POV😔😔
• Wait! There is something I’m not getting here. Do you mean that Tricia, Janelle’s sister is Kaleb’s estranged wife. My problems in this house has been raised to power four now.
Dear God Help me.
• I’d better go meet Kaleb now. Since his beloved wife is back now, and it seems like she brou-ght another child. It’s better we divorce, besides I have nothing to loose because he hasn’t sle-pt with me, I’m still a v!rg!nand I don’t have any child for him.
• I went to check his room whether he was in there but he wasn’t. So I decided to check the guestroom because that’s the only room where Supersport 9 shows clearly so he may be there.
• As I was about opening the door, I started hearing gro-an s and feminine m0@n s from inside the room. Could Kaleb be….
” Oh dear Lord!” I exclaimed when it dawned on me that Kaleb was se-xing Tricia.
” Eew.” I skrie-ked and went to my room and sat down patiently awaiting Kaleb and his “explanation”
😋😋Kaleb’s POV😋😋
” I haven’t had good se-x in years!” Tricia said and k!$$£d me.
” Yeah, I gotta go.” I said and picked up my shorts and wore them.
” So soon….” She said and pouted herl-ips like she was sad.
” Yeah, I don’t want Ashley to see us here so I nee-d to leave.” I replied wearing my shi-t.
” You wanna go meet her?” Tricia asked.
” You ask stupid questions. Stay outta my way.” I said just before leaving the room.
• I can’t believe she lured me into slee-ping with her. Here I was going to pressurize her to leave or at least sign some divorce papers but she used herself against me.
• I guess I’ll just talk to Ashley and hear what she has to say.
” Daddy, have you heard the mind-b!owing news? I have a lil bro!!” Mia said happily.
” Yeah I’ve heard of the news.”
” I’m so glad mum is back! So when is Ashley leaving?” Mia asked and if not she’s my daughter I would’ve sl@pped her.
” Get lost.” I said to her and she rolled her eyes and scampered away.
• What am I doing? How will I be able to manage two wives? One has two kids and one has none. One is feisty and sas-sy and one is kind and calm. How is one man gonna handle all of this.
One has to go!
😔😔Janelle’s POV😔😔
• Wait! Tricia is Kaleb’s wife? And she is the mother of Mia!? Why did she not tell me. So not only will I have to get Ashley out of the way, I nee-d to take out my twin sister as well!
• But first I nee-d to ask her a few questions. Why will she keep this kinda info from me.
• Maybe I don’t nee-d to eliminate her now, maybe I can use her for my devious plans then eliminate her when I’m done.
Remember that we are identical😉
• I went to the guest room and saw Tricia lying on her be-d.
” Sup sis.” I said and sat beside her.
” Whadup?”
” Why didn’t you tell me that you’re Kaleb’s wife.” I questioned her and she chuckled.
” Whether I tell you or not, how does it affect you?” She replied and I rolled my eyes.
” Whatever! Why did you leave the house at first.” I asked.
” Well, I left because things weren’t working out for me. But now I’m back for revenge!” Tricia said and sm-irked.
” Revenge?”
” Yeah, on the Brixlar family. Are you gonna help me sis?” Tricia asked me.
” Sure, what’s the plan?” I asked her and she smiled then picked up her phone.
📱 Hello Adrian, I’m at the Brixlar house now. You can commerce operations.
T B C😋😋