My personal dummy finale

💦My Personal Dummy 💦
💧Worlds Ap@rt💧
❄️ By: Adeagbo Barakat Susan ❄️
🌀 Chapter Twenty- Seven 🌀
🍈 Beryl’s POV 🍈
“Where Is my sister now?” I asked
” We don’t know yet Beryl, but they are helping us find the people that adopted her.”
I sighed and bowed my head, how sweet would it have been if me and my twin is here?
I really have a lot of questions
Does she look like me?
Is she okay?
Does she have blond hair too?
” Berry she is going to be fine and we’d see her soon” Maggie said and I nodded
The following week was really interesting, I bonded more with my friends, brother and cousin, we planned the conference we were holding for Dylan
I am very happy Dylan’s Dad and the principal digested well, even though Dylan’s parents were sad he didn’t tell them about it earlier.
Everything was in order,we scheduled the conference to be on a Friday, everyone was pumped when we put out the announcement that someone would be encouraging the students that made mistakes, we mentioned every other person that were going to be talking except Dylan, everyone one was wondering who the last person would be, this was a great riddle for the students from our school and even other school, infact our principal invited other schools, the school would even hade to use the football field, Gabriella and his dad would be ma-king a difference, it still feel weird that Dylan has a child but it’s no longer news to us.
I am happy everything is going on as planned.
🍏 Dylan’s POV 🍏
Friday c@m£ and I was really nervous, everyone was around, Gabriella,myather, step mother,my step brother… Everyone.
I’d be revea-ling a secret I kept away from people for years, it felt really unreal
The students that were talking about encouraging other student in other aspect did and it soon got to my turn
I could here Beryl’s voice introducing me
” So the next person is someone I really respect, note not out of fear, he is one of the people I really respect, he is strong, nice and yes he is going to be talking to us Today, plea-se make welcome Dylan Potter” she said and I knew that was my cue
People were cl@pping but I know they were surprise I am the one
I took a de-ep breath and gr-ab the Mic
” More two years agoI made mistake I shouldn’t have made due to my disobe-dience, I went to a p@rty with my friends against my parent’s wish, infact behind their back, things went crazy and unfortunately I sle-pt with a lady, it was not on purpose but yes it happened, I apologized to her but that didn’t cover it up, few weeks later she c@m£ to me and told me she was pregnant, I was surprised and heart broken but I would never tell a lady to ab-ort her child, she gave birth to a beautiful angel, the baby girl of my life, see my point here is whatever mistake you make plea-se it doesn’t mean you should leave school, look at me I am still in high school and soon I’d be in college, I have a child didn’t made me drop out of school and lag behind, most people knows me as the bully but the truth is my child is not the reason, it is a totally different reason and as a matter of fact I am really sorry I bullied people, young lady , Young guy, you made a mistake doesn’t mean you should give up and end your life, there is a lot of things you can do and would do, should you have made the mistake?, No, but does that mean you should drop out of school?, A big No!, Look at me today, do I regret going to that p@rty that night?, Yes, but do I regret having Gabriella, No!” I said gesturing to Beryl to bring Gabriella
The moment she gave Gabriella to me, the crowd went wild, everyone cl@pped and cheered I could see my mum and some other ladies crying alre-ady
” Isn’t she cute?” I asked and they cl@pped, cheered and cooed in response
” This is me and my princess telling you, ma-king a mistake is not the end of the world, ma-king mistakes like this is not bad but if you make such mistakes it isn’t the end of the world, thank you ” I said, took a bow and left the stage with Gabriella
The crowd went wild and I was happy it was successful
Later when we clearing the stages, the girls c@m£ to tell me, mine and Gabriella’s story made the headline, everyone was happy, you should see Diana doing a very crazy dance
Yeah Diana she got enrolled in our school earlier this week
We were still jubilating about how well the people took the news when a Junior c@m£ to give me a letter
” Look who is getting fans alre-ady” Tim said and everyone cooed
I smiled and opened the letter but when I opened the letter and saw the content, I could swear my soul left my b©dy
” What’s wrong, what is in it?” Beryl asked when she saw my face
” It’s a Sucide letter from Alexa ”
” What?” Everyone exclaimed
Suddenly someone phone rang.
💦My Personal Dummy 💦
💧Worlds Ap@rt💧
❄️ By: Adeagbo Barakat Susan ❄️
🌀 Chapter Twenty- Eight 🌀
🎁 Semi-Final🎁
( plea-se re-ad the announcement at the end so that you can know how to find the final chapter)
😭 Beryl’s POV 😭
” What’s wrong?, What’s in it? ” I asked seeing how white Dylan looked
” It’s a suicide letter from Alexa”
” What?” I exclaimed collecting paper from Dylan, someone’s phone rang but I didn’t care at that moment
Seeing the letter my heart fell, so did my tears
“Yes mummy?” I heard Tim said but I couldn’t process what was going on well
” You found her?…. What?…. Oh no, oh no” he said and everyone looked at him confuse
” What’s wrong?” Maggie asked moving closer to him
” They found Beryl’s twin sister” he said and this time I listened attentively
” So?” I asked
” It’s Alexa”
” What?” They shouted, while I staggered backward, Dylan quic-kly held me
” No no no!” I yelled as h0t tears found their way down my cheek
My sister was so close yet far away
” plea-se find my sister” I said weakly
” Find my sister!” I yelled this time around pushing Dylan’s hand off and I ran in search of my sister
I could hear someone coming after but I didn’t care
I was looking for my sister!.
😪 Maggie’s POV 😪
Why does life have to be this ha-rd for my best friend?
Why does all of this have to happen to her?
She didn’t offend anyone, did she?
God plea-se help us find her sister.
We’ve all spre-ad out to look for Alexa, everyone was alone except Beryl, Tim had to follow her because she was not looking okay.
Who would be after all of this?
😥 Tim’s POV 😥
Today was supposed to be a good day but this?
I was not expecting this
I followed Beryl all around as she looked for Alexa aggressively
Tears were falling but her determination was not failing we looked every nook and cranny but Alexa was no where to be found.
School was closed and the school was almost empty but we still couldn’t find her
Where can she be?.
😞 Dylan’s POV 😞
How can Alexa think of suicide?
How can she?
Why couldn’t she come and tell me sorry to my face?
Yes I am mad at her for taking advantage of me when I was week
But this?
This is taking it too far!.
I looked everywhere and in the process I saw others but we had to spre-ad out again
We checked almost everywhere but we couldn’t find her, everyone c@m£ together again wondering where she could be
We were still thinking about it when i saw something in front of the Janitor’s closet
No, it looks like it was coming from the Janitor’s closet
” Guys guys guys” I called rushing towards the Janitor’s closet and they followed me
As suspected it was blood and I was hundred percent sure Alexa was in there
” My sister is in there” Beryl yelled we tried opening the door but it was locked
We ban-ged the door but no response
Suddenly, Beryl ran off and c@m£ back few minutes later with a heavy iron
Where did that strength c@m£ from
” My sister is in there!” She yelled using the iron to break the lock
We quic-kly opened the door to find Alexa on the floor, face flat, with a knife and slitted wrist
” No no Alexa” I called turning her over, her caramel skin has been replaced by a pale white one
” Alexa” I called again looking for a pulse and I found it, but it was very weak
” She’s alive and everyone breath a sigh of relief
” plea-se let’s get her to the hospital” Tim s£nd and I picked her up
I took her to my car because I brou-ght my limo today, I took her in and everyone c@m£ too
Suddenly her eyes fluttered open, she was looking weak and close to death
” Dylan?” She called weakly, this brou-ght tears to my eyes
” I am here, everyone is here, just hang on we’d soon get to the hospital”
” I don’t want to ” she said and Beryl busted into tears
” See you have to do this for you and your sister”
” Sister?… Patricia bully me a lot” she said
“No not Patricia, I’d tell you after you recover”
” I admire you Dylan, I’ve done a lot to you and your still want to help me”
“plea-se don’t talk” I said but she shook her head
” I want to, you see after they gave birth to Patricia everything bec@m£ really different, mummy didn’t like me again, dad tried to put up an act but that didn’t last long, they pushed me away and always s£nd me on Vacation every chance they’ve got, they say they want to have more time with Pat, don’t get me wrong, I love my sister, but she grew up to be totally wicked, I tried to keep up but they kept leaving me behind, I am not even in the family picture, they made me into something else, I took advantage of you and bullied Beryl, and three years ago, I was the one that set you up, I wanted to have you for myself because I was lvsting after you, but my cousin got in the way, I’ve done a lot of wicked things Dylan” she said tears rolling down get pretty but white cheek, and my parents?, They did a lot of things to me, I found out they are not my parents this morning”.
” I know”
” You do?” She asked and I nodded, the car pu-ll-ed up at the hospital and we got down
I Carried her out and the nurses brou-ght out the stretcher
I was going to place her on it but her head dropped, I took my head closer and I realized she was not breathing
I was devastated
I couldn’t move
The nurses quic-kly took her from me and they took her inside on thehe stretcher
” What happened?” Tim asked and I shook my head
” I couldn’t hear her breath”
” No!” I heard Beryl shout running after the nurses
I couldn’t even move all I could think or say was…
” Alexa
💦My Personal Dummy 💦
💧Worlds Ap@rt💧
❄️ By: Adeagbo Barakat Susan ❄️
🌀 Chapter Twenty- Nine🌀
🎁 Final 🎁
🌍 Beryl’s POV 🌍
The doctor’s and nurses refused to let me follow them inside
They all kept running Helter skelter
I prayed ha-rder than I have ever done, I finally found my family and I am not planning on letting them go
Tim called mum and dad, and they were in the hospital In no time, everyone was praying ha-rd
Nothing must happen to Alexa
The doctor c@m£ out from the surgery room later shaking his head
We all quic-kly rushed to him for news on Alexa
” She’s alive, but, the cut on her wrist is contaminated, her chance of her survival is just 20%, I am going to place a call to one of my colleagues right now, we nee-d her help because she is in a very delicate situation right now ” he said and quic-kly moved forward
I busted into tears again
What is going on Lord?
Last week I was in the hospital and now my sister?
God plea-se heal her, fast recovery for my sister.
The doctors c@m£ out again to tell us that she nee-ds blood, since I am her twin sister they took me in for test and it was a perfect match, they drew what they nee-ded and allowed me to stay with others again.
We kept praying and three hours later the doctors c@m£ out to give us the good news that she is going to be okay.
We couldn’t see her yet, but I refused to go home until I see my sister, I had to plead with others to go home while I stay in the hospital till I am allowed to see her
Tim, mum and dad also refused to leave so we spent the night together in the hospital
The next morning the doctor said we could see her
I was really happy when I saw her, even though she was Still looking pale, I gently patted her blond hair, the same colour as mine but a little longer.
She was looking less like a bully slee-ping
I silently chuckle at my own thought
” Beryl, we’d go home to prepare something for her” mum said and I nodded
” Do you nee-d anything?” She asked, I was about to shake my head but I didn’t
” A change of cloth and a lot of refrigerated fruit should do”
“plea-se take care” mum said hvgging me and then she k!$$£d my head
They left the hospital and went home while I just held my sister’s hand and I prayed.
🌎 Dylan’s POV 🌎
I went to the hospital later in the day and j I met Beryl and Tim there
” How is she doing?” I asked settling beside Beryl
” She is fine, the doctor said she’d be waking up anytime soon ”
” Oh okay ”
Two hours later Alexa woke up, the joy on Beryl’s face is enough electricity to b!ow up an electric cooker
Alexa squinted and she looked around, then eyes landed on Beryl who was holding her hand
” Beryl?” She asked weakly and Beryl nodded
” What are you doing here?” She asked as tears pooled in her eyes
” No Beryl, I wicked remember?, I even made Dylan do a lot of bad things to you”
” I know ”
” You don’t hate me?”
” No, neither does Dylan, no one does”
” Dylan?” She asked looking at me and I smiled at her
” I don’t hate you Alexa, I was pained but I don’t hate you”
” I really don’t deserve it” she said as tears fell down her beautiful face
” We all don’t deserve what we get most times Alexa, whether it is good or bad” Beryl said patting her blond hair
” I am really sorry I tried to hurt you Beryl, I was trying hurt someone the way I was trying to take away from you because I didn’t get, I was trying to hurt people that are not just a world ap@rt from mine, but worlds ap@rt from mine, I turned you Dylan into my puppet because I knew your secret, I was the one that put you into trouble but I still used it against you, I am really sorry”
” It’s fine Alexa, I am fine now, everyone knows about Gabriella now ”
” See Alexa, you were saying something about your parents treating you badly and ma-king you feel unwanted, but really you shouldn’t have let that mould you into something else, really” Tim said coming closer
” I am really sorry” Alexa said and she coughed, Beryl quic-kly got her water and I helped her into a sitting position
She drank water and sighed
” Alexa you were saying something about your parents doing a lot of things to you yesterday, what was that about?” I asked and she flin-ched
” See you can tell us about it” I reas-sured her
” Whatever it is ” Beryl said flashing her hvge smile
” There was time daddy was time was trying to get business contract and the man issuing it refused to give him until he was allowed to t©uçh one of his daughters, dad decided I should be the one to go to him, I was locked up until the man c@m£…. And…. He didn’t sleep with me…….. but he did a lot of bad stuff” she said shutting her eyes
” What?!” We exclaimed, I quic-kly stood up
” They are so going to be punished for that”
” No, plea-se, they are the only family I’ve got” she said crying, my heart ti-ght£ñed in my che-st
” No, no Alexa they are not, we are your family” I said gesturing towards Tim and Beryl
” And more over, we’ve found your real family Alexa”
” What?” She asked looking totally confused
” Yes Alexa, you are even a twin”
” What?” She asked her eyes wi-dening
” Where is my sister?… plea-se Dylan I’d do anything to meet her” she said tears Rolling down her cheeks
” She is right over there” I said pointing towards Beryl, her eyes followed my hand and landed on Beryl
” No way” she said almost in a whisper, Beryl embr@ced and they both cried for a very long time
” Guess what?”
” What?”
” Look at your cousin” I said pointing at Tim
” No no this is too good to be true” she said shaking her head
She hvgged beryl again and they started crying again
I signaled to Tim so that we could leave the girls alone
It’s time to take care of that stupid man that calls himself Alexa’s father.
🌏 Alexa’s POV 🌏
Everything felt too good to be true, come evening I met everyone, my real family, I was really happy
Despite everything I did they didn’t judge me, they laughed with me and pla-yed around with me
I got news too, that my adopted parents were behind bars, but I am not going to press charges.
I am looking forward to knowing my family better.
Especially my twin sister.
💦My Personal Dummy 💦
💧Worlds Ap@rt💧
❄️ By: Adeagbo Barakat Susan ❄️
🎁 Epilogue 🎁
🐰 Beryl’s POV🐰
“Get your lazy b©dy out of be-d or I’d scream for mummy!” I yelled at Alexa who was alre-ady ma-king me late
” C’mon you don’t have to scream about it, lecture would not be commencing until well pas-s two hours now”
” Are we not driving there?…. I am really going to call mum”
” Okay okay I am coming alre-ady you don’t have to be such a baby about it” she said definately not liking the idea of school this early but getting out the be-d anyways
” Better ” I said walking to the mirror to fix my hair
The next thing I know she sli-pped her hands into my and ruffled my hair
” Oh no, you don’t ” I said attacking her hair too, we both ended up laughing ha-rder than we expected
We took our time in fixing each other’s air then we left of our lectures
Life has been good, the Lord has been good to us, we are all in college now, Diana is school in France and everything is going well.
Maggie and Tim now have something going on and Alexa also got swept off her feet by the guy of dreams, well she met him in college.
We met in school Maggie and we waited for Dylan, Gabriella is probably crying his head off for trying to come to school
” Do you and Dylan have something going on yet”
” Well no, why should we? ” I mean why should we, he never asked me out but he kept raising my hope up
” I want us to do best friend videos, it’s not complete if you have no b©yfri£nd”
” Well there nothing I can…..” Before I could finish what I was saying someone’s hand held me from behind with a book spre-ad out in front of me saying will you go out with me?, I quic-kly turned to see Dylan, I was surprised, plea-santly surprised. I looked at the girl and they flashed me a bright smile, then I looked at Dylan and I nodded, he quic-kly hvg me placing a k!sson my head
” What were you saying about videos again?” I asked Maggie and we all busted into laughter
Well everyday is the day that the has made, we would rejoice and be glad on it, today, tomorrow and forever.
The End