My perfect marriage Episode 21 & 22

Patience made a couple of new friends from the office, people that drun!kand chilled. She would often have a small drink up with the girls and Phil!poften permitted her as she was not getting out of hand. Slowly her dressing was becoming more casual and she bec@m£ more outgoing.
There was a beer and food festival where Patience wanted to go, she talked to Phil!pabout it but he refused and insisted that he did not want her to drink. The day of the festival arrived and they were still arguing about her going there but she insisted that it was just a reunion with the girls, nothing more and nothing less.
”I don’t really care what you call it but I wouldn’t want my woman to go to such a place” he said
“Honey I told you am just going to have fun with the ladies plea-se let me go”.. she begged.
“And Thandiwe? Don’t tell me my baby will be out in the cold with you” he said.
“Honey Thandiwe can remain with the maid.” She insisted.
“No, you are not going.. you are not going anywhere, lets say I have a better idea… he said
“Really honey what? She asked excitedly.
“You and your friends can go to any place of your choice and I promise to give you some money myself but I just don’t want my woman being seen in such places.. he said
Patience jumped excitedly and immediately changed the plans with the ladies.
Phil!pwasn’t coming as he would be working late.
The ladies didn’t take long to get re-ady and they met, at an open resort.
“so Phil!phad to cut our happiness short.. I so wanted to be there at the festival”.. Patience complained
The ladies laughed and brushed it off. As they went on talking and chatting Patience suggested that they pas-s throu-gh the festival just for a few minutes and they would move.
“Come on ladies it won’t be a bad idea, I just want the caption that I featured at Oktoberfest also.. Don’t be boring ladies come-on” she insisted,
“dear he is your husband and if you feel alright with going where he st©pped you then well I guess will just follow suit”.. her workmate said
“its for a few minutes and then we can leave , we can also find another chill sp©t after that”.. Patience insisted.
“Ladies I have a better idea, let’s have my driver take us there because us going there alone will not be a good idea, we are drinking and Chisamba road is busy”.. one of the ladies opposed
That’s even better so let’s all park at neutral place where we can pick the cars easily.. Patience said.
They were a group of 4 including Patience, all of them were married but one of them was in a distant marriage for a while as her husband had travelled for work overseas and she happened to be wealthiest in the group. Her name was Melissa.
“ladies lets park at my house’.. Melissa said.
The ladies sang aloud as the driver took them to festival, they giggled and told silly stories.
What was supposed to be a few minutes turned out to be an hour, two hours and finally it was going to 3hours. The ladies ate, drun!kand danced.
Patience was ti-psy but not too much, she was just excited but was also very aware of everything around her.
“ladies let me look for a toilet am coming..” patience said to the girls.
After using the toilet Patience wanted to get herself some “HUNTERS GOLD” when she suddenly saw in a quic-k vision someone that looked like Phil!ppas-s, the man in a jean short and a tshi-t.
“mm is my mind pla-ying tricks on me?” she asked herself.
After looking around she realised maybe she was just imagining things. She went back to the ladies and they continued drinking. A little while later she saw Tisa and without a doubt it was really Tisa.
“what is going on here?” she thought again
Patience watched Tisa walk as her heart raced, her eyes esc-rted Tisa until she reached a sp©t where Phil-ips uddenly immerged from the opposite direction holding drinks. They are on camping chairs and started drinking.
Patience ru-bbe-d her eyes one time but it wasn’t a dream, they were really there.
Tisa was in a bu-m short ex-posing her legs freely while Phil-ips tro-ked her hair. All the strength in Patience disappeared and she thought of going there to approach them but she couldn’t.
She felt insulted and betrayed, Phil!phad taken her for a fool. He fooled her once again and this time it hurts so badly because he lied to her face, he brou-ght her back home to face the betrayal. This time it was before her eyes.
“ladies lets go”.. patience said.
“What? All of a sudden when the fun just began? Her friend opposed.
“no ladies we nee-d to go, my husband may start calling a minute from now”.. she said.
When Patience arrived home she bathed and straight away went to be-d, her head was occu-pied with thoughts but she managed to sleep immediately.
Phil!ponly c@m£ back around 10pm and she was fast asleep by then. The following day and the days to come she said nothing to him concerning what she saw, she did not move from the master be-droom however she denied herself to him every time he tried to t©uçh her.
One morning Phil!pgot really angry after she denied herself to him.
“Patience I am your husband and you can’t keep treating me this way!” he yelled.
“ I’m tired its too early besides today is Sunday can’t you train your b©dy to be holy and concentrate on church at least?” she said.
“are you mad!!!… how can you talk to me like that?”.. Phil!pasked angrily.
“I would like to believe you are not talking to me”.. Patience responded.
“Patience respect me, it things like this that…”
“Things like this that do what!!!.. answer me!!! Things like this that do what Phili-p???? That cause you to cheat????”.. she yelled.
“Well maybe… he responded.
“I wish that could make me angry but I have harbored too much hurt in my heart to get any angrier. Have a good day bashi mpundu (father of twins)”.. Patience said before walking out of be-d.
She carried the baby and went to visit her mother, she never opened up to her or anyb©dy else about her problems. Patience loved Phil!ptoo much to let anyone have a say about her marriage.
******TWO WEEKS LATER******
Patience was preparing supper when she heard Phil!pyell out her name from the living room.
“what is going on? Why are you yelling? She asked.
“Sydney is calling you on phone!!!” he yelled.
“Yes so why are you yelling on t©p of your voice?..” she asked him.
“Are you mad! Why is he contacting you?..” Phil!pyelled.
Patience was holding a cooking stick in her hands and she twisted it as if preparing to hit him. She stared at him angrily then walked back to the kitchen to continue cooking.
“Patience come back here!” he yelled as he followed her behind.
“What is it? What do you want?” she asked him.
“No wonder you have been so rude and ignoring me like I am not your husband..” he said
“My husband? Really? My husband Phili-p? Are you sure you just called yourself my husband?” She said angrily.
“Patience I don’t want to have this argument with you again! Really Sydney of all people? That guy broke your heart! I saved you from him! And now you have the guts to answer me back?” He yelled
“No you did not save me from him.. I saved myself from him and in fact I really didn’t nee-d to be saved.”. She yelled back.
“My God you’re so ungrateful! I stood by your side throu-gh it all and that’s what you can say to me.. he broke your heart! He left you for someb©dy else!”.. Phil-ips aid
“At least he respected me enough to walk away and not do ru-bbish in my face and let me remind you that he did not leave me for another woman… he asked me for a break and I took the break to be with you.” Patience interrupted
“You call that respect! He was a coward! He couldn’t tell it to your face that he was done with you..”
“That’s because he wasn’t..” she answered rudely.
“What!! Patience am warning you if this guy thinks he is man enough then let him continue getting in t©uçh with you..” Phil!pwarned
Patience did not answer back this time but she went on cooking and set the table.
“Food is re-ady”.. She said before him in the living room.
“I’m not hungry”.. he responded.
“oh did she prepare supper for you?, tell her at least to let you to be eating at home..”.. She said.
Phil-ips tood up and walked pas-sed her as he went to the be-droom.
Patience cried bitterly that night and she sle-pt in the spare room, her heart wanted everything to work but her b©dy was tired and it showed. She was beginning to look weak and her skin was becoming pale.
She gathered courage the following day and said enough is enough, she was re-ady to approach Tisa herself and not in a fight but just to speak to her in a more mature way.
Patience bathed early in the morning that fateful Sunday and she asked her maid to make breakfast. She ate slowly and patiently then calmly walked out and took a taxi to Tisa’s house.
When Patience arrived she took in a de-ep breath before knocking on the gate. A gentleman quic-kly opened the gate and she asked if Tisa was around. The man ushered her in and she walked to the door comfortably in her black figure fitting dress and fancy stilettos, her hair was on point and she wore just enough makeup.
Patience took in another de-ep breath before knocking on the door. The maid opened and led her to the sitting room.
The house was well furnished, everything in it screamed “expensive”. She quic-kly swallowed the pain of losing the beautiful house to Tisa and she calmly sat staring at the hvge plasma on the wall.
When she looked above her head she saw a big framed picture of Phili-p, Tisa and the twins in what looked like a professional ph0to shoot. She hadn’t done one of those yet with Phil!pand the baby so clearly Tisa beat her to it on this one.
The maid c@m£ back and brou-ght pure jui-ce for her and some cookies.
“What time will she be done?” Patience asked.
“She just finished bathing but she will be here any second” the maid responded
Patience said thank you and she continued waiting patiently.
Shortly she heard Tisa call the maid. After a little while the maid c@m£ out carrying the twins and she put them on the carpet to pl@ywhile she gave them a few toys. It looked like they were just from bathing and they wore matching outfits. When she stared at them all she could see was Phili-p, they were a serious ph0tocopy of him.
Thoughts ran throu-gh her head and she remembered the words “our children should meet someday”.
Suddenly she heard the gate open and Patience wondered if another visitor would disturb the speech she had prepared. However, it wasn’t long before the visitor walked in. the visitor was Phili-p.
Phil!pwasn’t expecting to find her there, he was shocked and embarras-sed and immediately sat down and started pressing his phone. He looked very nice in a white polo shi-t and dark blue jeans, Patience just looked at him and she looked away.
As Phil-ips at there he fought many thoughts, what was he going to say to patience. The babies walked to him in excitement and he lifted them and put them on his l@p. As Patience sat there she wondered whether what she had was a heart of gold or she was just very foolish.
However nothing at that point could st©p her from doing what she was about to do and she was re-ady to save her marriage at whatever cost.
As she negotiated her thoughts Tisa finally walked out in a purple chiffon dress and stilettos, her hair up-do resembled that of Patience.
“What is going on here?” she asked calmly.
“Nothing dear plea-se take a sit..” Patience responded.
“Just in case you think we c@m£ together.. no we did not come together. He c@m£ alone and I am here alone. In fact I thank God that it turned out this way because you are both here.” She added
“Tisa I c@m£ here to ask what you want from my husband and my marriage, I see you as this devil that is re-ady to tear my marriage ap@rt but you know what? I don’t feel that way anymore. Because seeing Phil!phere makes me realise why you have refused to back down for this long . seeing the man I said my vows to in your house comfortably reminds me that how cheap I have become to my own husband.. He gives you the strength, the drive and the courage.” Patience said calmly.
“Patience.. let’s go home.. lets go and talk from home.”..Phil-ips aid.
“Phil!pdon’t talk to me.. leave me alone.”. Patience responded calmly.
Patience got down on her knees and looked at Tisa..
“Tisa firstly congratulations, I see your house is very beautiful, aside taking my husband you took our house too and I see you have great taste because it’s beautiful. Unlike you I have only given Phil!pone child and I know you feel that much power over him, today I choose to be foolish and stupid. I’m kneeling down before you today Tisa to ask you calmly. plea-se leave my marriage alone. Despite everything I’ve been throu-gh with Phil!pI still choose to beg you an intruder, if you do not have a conscious at least for the sake of my innocent child whose parents got married legally.. let my daughter have a complete home.” Patience said as she broke down.
Phil!pwent to her and begged her to get up..
“Patience what are you doing?, get up… get up right now”.. he begged,
“ No Phil!pmaybe if I beg you will have pity on me. plea-se I’m begging you both.. spare me anymore humiliation.. just end this once and for all”.. she said
Phil!pchased after her but she refused to enter his car insisting she went alone and therefore would go back alone.
Tisa remained sitted on the couch and asked her maid to pour her a glas-s of wine.
When Patience got home she changed and sle-pt the entire afternoon, Phil!pdid not go home immediately but he decided to go and drink.
*****1 MONTHS LATER******
The chaos that was in Patience’s life was too much to handle but Patience stood her ground and she wasn’t going to let Tisa move her from her marriage. She had reconciled with Phil!pand decided to stay with him despite everything, her house had also become open to anyone that wished to visit or stay, it helped Patience feel more convinced about her marriage the more she had relatives over.
It had been a 5 months and Patience stayed strong in her marriage holding on, she resorted to praying seriously about her marriage and a certain relief and comfort had filled her spirit. Patience was as loving as she could be and made sure she was a supportive wife. She completely denied herself the chance to hear about anything that had to do with doubting Phili-p. He had given her Tisa’s contacts and she is the one who communicated with her concerning the children.
Patience did not see Tisa face to face but they communicated on phone only.
It seemed Tisa had finally got it and so did Phili-p.
Patience was driving home from work one afternoon, she knocked off late but she wanted to do last minute planning for father’s day which would be the following day. She wanted to surprise Phili-p. She thought long and ha-rd as she drove when suddenly something st©pped her thoughts, she saw Phili-ps car parked at a pharmacy. Immediately Patience got worried and wondered if anything was the matter.
Patience turned and parked at the pharmacy then entered to look for Phili-p. She did a quic-k scan of the pharmacy but she did not see him. As she was about to walk out re-ady to call him she saw a heavily pregnant looking lady walk towards the car from the pharmacy. Patience then wandered if she had re-ad the number plate correctly the first time.
She quic-kly walked towards the lady who was about to unlock the car.
“Excuse me are you the owner of this..”
Suddenly Tisa raised her head and Patience saw her, she had gained a lot of weight hence Patience failed to recognise her earlier.
Patience looked at Tisa’s stomach refusing to accept the truth and if she could she would have convinced herself that Tisa was just swollen and not pregnant but ma-king such a conclusion would be very foolish because whether Patience was accepting it or not.. Tisa was pregnant and without a doubt it was for her husband.
Tisa got in the car and drove away without saying a word to Patience who was standing there looking traumatised. Patience immediately got her phone and called Sydney.
“I nee-d your help plea-se come and help me drive..” she said.
Sydney immediately rushed from work and went to pick her up. When Sydney arrived Patience was sitted in the car soa-ked in tears.
“Patience what is it? plea-se talk to me what is the matter?” He asked
“plea-se take me home quic-kly I’m begging you..” she said.
When they got home patience quic-kly picked the baby and a few of her clothes just like the last time and she got in the car. Sydney wondered what was going on and he begged her to explain what was wrong but she did not respond.
“ok where am I taking you? Sydney asked.
“We are going to my mums house.. “ she responded.
“I can’t go there you know your mum hates me how will it look if I go there with you and you’re a married woman” Sydney said
Sydney I am not married and plea-se let’s just go..” she responded
When Patience reached her mother’s house her heart even broke more, there was nothing more painful than thinking of what her mum would say. All the money and effort she had put in to marry her daughter off, patience was torn.
Her mother was in the living room watching tv when she suddenly walked in with a bag on one hand and a baby on the other. Her mum quic-kly got up and ran to her daughter who cried bitterly
“Patience what is going on?” her mother asked helplessly.
“mum is my room still available? I’m back home” she said.
Hmm! A lot is happening in marriages.
Is Patience doing the right thing?
Who own Phil!pbetween Patience and Tisa?