My ordeal episode 95

Episode 95.

In the process Chinwe got to know one of her family member works in the university, they got angry with her she didn’t put them throu-gh with her plans and just like that, we had our admission.

Ahh the happiness was just out of this world, because we attem-pted changing the dep@rtment because of the high competition on the line but God made a way.
On the eve of our matriculation I sat down that evening thinking about this, I have always dreamt of going to school but when my dad died I totally forgot about it because i knew my Mom won’t be able to train us all.

I heaved with the thought of finally I’m in and I’m the one training myself with my brothers,
“Hmmmm Dorothy, I just said to myself shaking my head while Chinwe and Treasure were busy hitting their selves for tomorrow………….

Few months later Linda gave us a call that Tunde is dead!
The news shocked me p@rticularly, my sisters really don’t know him and I was like “what happened? How come?.

“Hmmm Dora I can’t tell, but the shocking p@rt is he died for like a month now and his family members kept it as a secret so they can hijack all his properties. But then his lawyer was so truthful and told me about it, Tunde wrote a will and his family members are standing strong that it won’t happen when he gave me most of properties, now I un-derstand why he advised me not to s£nd the divorce papers for him to sign, I think he saw this coming, she replied.

“Oh my God I’m so sorry, what are you going to do now? I asked.
“Nothing, the lawyer is very good and I’ve revealed to him that I’m pregnant and Tunde baby deserves to be properly taken of. He has promised to take up the case real good, I am still his wife and its not their business if I left or not, he never divorced me and that’s what matters, she replied and I heaved.

‘Linda plea-se be careful, matters like this are very serious and deadly, Chinwe said.
“I’m not scared o, I’m only feeling bad I kept this pregnancy from Tunde, I don’t know if I made a right choice though, she said and we heaved not knowing what to say.

“Its okay girls I’m fine trust me, how’s lectures? She asked.
“Fine o, and stressful abeg, Chinwe replied and she laughed.

“You’re lucky joor, Tunde didn’t let me go to school so I’m sorry I won’t un-derstand what you mean by School is stressful, she said..
“Its alright, plea-se take care of my baby, I can’t wait to ru-b white powder soon, I said and she laughed.

“I can’t wait too abeg, the joy of becoming a mother is bur-sting my head, she said and we laughed together…………

Chinwe wedding preparations was heating slowly until a d@t£ was fixed, that was when all hands was on deck fully.
She asked me to be her chief bridesmaid which I gladly accepted, it was a honour to me and I couldn’t wait to match her in on that day, honestly I was so happy like it was my wedding..

I saw great love among her family members, they took over almost everything and I decided to take over the food p@rt putting every bill on me, which Treasure singlehandedly took the cake p@rt and my friends took the drink.

The joy was mas-sive from all corners and i wondered if mine will be this way, considering if I’m to marry Uche tomorrow, both of us combine doesn’t have people like Chinwe and her b©yfri£nd.
I waved that thought aside and looked forward for my friends special day leaving mine into God hand.

The day finally c@m£, and the people that c@m£ out in numbers made me speechless.
I sat watching her so beautiful as she exchanged vows and I remembered how we were in the village.

I remembered that night we stood on the road un-der the rain with just a bag of few clothes, I remembered how she was so sick when Linda picked us on the road, I remembered all we went throu-gh together and how she never gave up on me despite the circu-mtance.

She bec@m£ like my blood and has always been so truthful and transparent, with all my thoughts I didn’t know I was shedding tears.
I just cleaned it quic-kly and joined cl@pping when she k!$$£d her husband, just like that o Chinwe is married!

The reception was at our company, she specially chose it and i laughed knowing she didn’t want any other person to eat her money when she has a beautiful place.
After everything I went home with Treasure while the guys decided to stay over in a h0tel and take off the next morning.

The house was so quiet to me like something is missing as I sat down tiredly dropping my bag, then I heard someone whimpering in the room.
I went inside and saw Treasure crying on the be-d,

“What happened to you? I asked tou-ching her..
“So sister is gone right? You mean we wont be staying together anymore? She asked and I heaved raising her up from the be-d.

“Is that why you’re crying? Is not like Chinwe is dead God forbid!, she’s only married and we can always see her anytime, I said.
“s£nior I’ve stayed with you both for so many years, soon you’ll be taken away too and I’ll just be alone again, I don’t know what I will do, she cried very seriously that I hvgged her.

“We can always see and if you want you can stay with us after all our husbands knows you, plea-se st©p this, I said patting her back and I heaved knowing Treasure loves Chinwe more…….

The next morning we were still slee-ping when a knock c@m£ on the door, I opened up to see the guys re-ady to take off.
‘Sorry I forgot you’ll be leaving this morning, thanks so much, i said to them.
“For we-tin na, shuuoo, the funniest said and I laughed hitting him.

“Bye honey, i said k!ss!nghim and they left saying they are almost late for the flight.
I went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat, I couldn’t eat yesterday and i can’t Explain why I was not hungry.
While cooking a car drove in and Treasure opened up the door,

“Who’s it? I asked but Treasure shout made me know who it is without she replying.
I was done and c@m£ out to see Chinwe coming in with her husband and i gave her a hvg.

“Thanks so much sisters, you’re one in a million and i really don’t know what to say for ma-king my day so colourful and beautiful, thank you, Chinwe said when she sat down.
“Are you serious? You mean when sisters do something now its a big deal huh? I asked and she held my hand smiling.

“I have to say thank you Dora because i can’t pay this love back honestly, she said.
“Yes Dorothy, when i told my family you three are not related by blood they didn’t believe me, they doubted it so much because of the mas-sive love you poured out like she was your blood. We are really grateful and only God can repay you two back, her husband c@m£ in and I only nodded..

“You don’t nee-d to thank me, Chinwe would have done same for me, I said.
“That’s right, this thanking is not necessary. So sister you c@m£ to get your things right? Treasure asked.

“Ahh yes but not immediately, I nee-d to arrange my stuff, she replied.
“I helped you with some last night, Treasure said.

“Awwwnn thank you darling, Chinwe said.
“I’ll go bring the food so we can eat, i said getting up.

“Ahhh good idea like you know I’m so hungry, Chinwe said.
“right timing though, I said and left to the kitchen.

We ate together and Chinwe followed us to the room to get her bags re-ady while her husband stayed behind watching the television.

Minutes later she was dragging her bag out and that was when my heart skipped, there I knew Chinwe is truly leaving and I’ll so miss her.
Treasure slowly leaned herself on the wall with her eyes red while i held Chinwe other bag i was helping her with.

When we got to the sitting room, that was when she dropped the Bag and looked at us, and we saw she was crying also.
We cried like we lost our parents newly as Chinwe ran out after her husband succeeded in taking her bags into the car.

Personally I could not console Treasure but i had to,
“Treasure I’m here right? I asked holding her.
“But s£nior we won’t be seeing her like we used to, we won’t be talking and laughing at each other everyday, s£nior that time is gone now, Chinwe has let us, she said and i shook her head.

“No she hasn’t st©p saying that, we can always visit her anytime, i said.
“s£nior st©p, she’s married now and things will never be the same again. You too will go, and I’ll be left alone as i have always been, I should have realized that a time will come we will be separated like this! She shouted and ran in closing the door behind and i heaved and sat down weakly cleaning my face…………
