My nanny Episode 7 & 8

💋 My
Nanny 💋
🍨She’s my best friend🍨
By: Pinky Preshy Chioma🖊
🍓Episode 07🍓
Julia’s Pov:
Ourl-ips drew closer and I quic-kly withdrew myself and ran out.
“Am sorry sir! Am sorry sir!!” I yelled as I rushed upstairs.
I couldn’t look at his face.
He looked confused too as I ran upstairs.
And straight I went into my room and shut the door.
I breathed heavily as I sat on the be-d.
The picture of what happened kept repla-ying in my head.
Why is my heart beating really fast?
Does it mean that I feel something for him?
Oh no! This isn’t real
Mr Ryan Ramirez can never stoop so low to feel something for me….
And I can’t feel something too because he’s a cruel proud man with no conscience….
I exhaled de-eply as I l@yon the be-d.
I just pray he doesn’t remember a thing about what happened last night….
I walked downstairs holding little Ella and her school bag.
“Nanny! plea-se would you prepare cu-p cakes for me when I come back from school?” Her tiny voice said
I smiled excitedly.
“Chocolate or vanilla flavor?” I asked anxiously
“Chocolate nanny” She said
“Mmhhh… You know that is only a favour right?” I pretended to be angry
“But nanny…” She said with pleading eyes
“Yeah! Of course I will only be doing you a favor if I prepare that for you… It isn’t in your food timetable for today” I said
“I know but plea-se aunt Julia” She pleaded
I rolled my eyes smiling.
“Fine but what do I get in return?” I asked
“Uhmm… I’ll give you a lot of sweets and cookies” She said and I smiled
“Good then! That’s a deal” I said as we high five and smiled.
We walked to the dinning still chatting.
Immediately I saw Mr Ryan walk to the dinning, I gulped nervously.
And become quiet.
“Good morning daddy” Ella smiled at him.
“Good morning my princess!” He said quietly
“Good morning Sir” I said with my heart skipping.
“Oh yeah Miss Roberts” He managed to say.
“Daddy why are you looking so nervous? Even you aunt Julia? Why do you look nervous just like daddy” Ella asked.
As Mr Ryan choked while I coughed slightly.
“Your daddy is just tired……
Your nanny is just worked out” Mr Ryan and I said in unison as Ella bur-st into laughter.
“Oh really? You guys now know how each other feel? Interesting!” Ella snorted
We coughed slightly and this time, we coughed the same time.
Ella laughed mischievously again.
“Well you see baby….” Mr Ryan tried explaining
“Don’t worry dad! You both are just gonna cough or choke again and besides don’t talk while eating” Ella smiled.
We gulped nervously and stared at each other.
Our eyes met and we looked away.
We kept on avoiding eye contact.
I dished the food for Ella and she started eating.
That girl is so s-en-sitive…
“What were you saying Ella? Who are you saying knows each others feelings?” Betty’s voice sma-cked me into consciousness as she walked to the dinning and sat down.
She k!$$£d Mr Ryan and I felt a kinda jealous.
But I shrugged it off.
“It would be very nice if you try minding your business” Ella said as she rolled her eyes.
Betty only blinked her eyes continuously.
They continued eating.
Ella finished eating and I led her to car and they drove off.
I walked into the house still pondering over what happened.
I was about to enter my room when I saw Mr Ryan.
He dragged me by my hand into the other corridor.
“Listen I just want to let you know that whatever happened last night is nothing…. I was just drun!kand there are no strings attached” He said murmuring
“OK sir! There was never a string talk more of attachment” I said sharply
“Good! You are here to take care of my daughter and nothing more…. I don’t want anyone to hear that I tried to k!ssyou” He said strictly and walked away.
I breathed heavily as I sat on the chair.
Betty’s Pov:
I stormed into my room fuming with anger.
I pushed the drawer and the table and everything broke into pieces.
I can’t be labouring for another person to be plea-suring…..
This is totally unacceptable…
I gro-an ed in anger.
I just overheard what Ryan told Julia the nanny.
I heard him say “k!ss” 💋
I can’t wait to tear her ap@rt.
“JULIA….” I screamed in annoyance….
🍓Episode 08🍓
Julia’s Pov:
I heard my name screamed from afar.
I flin-ched in fear…
“Go on Julia… It’s Miss Betty!” Veronica said as I rushed upstairs.
And believe me, my heart was racing very fast.
What could I have done this time around?
I walked into the room quic-kly.
“Yes ma’am!” I answered with my head bowed.
She glared ha-rd at me and I gulped nervously.
💭 What is it this time? 💭 I thought.
She stood up and walked around me with an air of authority.
She looked very much upset.
“Tch! What were you discussing with Ryan this morning by the balcony?” She asked looking very serious.
I coughed slightly…
This lady should not kill me!
I don’t even know what to tell her….
I kept on opening and closing my mouth as I ended up not uttering a single speech.
“I said what were you discussing with Ryan this morning by the balcony?” She asked again more furious.
“It… It was about… about… Eerr…. Ella! He said that I… I.. Should take good care of his daughter” I lied stammering.
She bur-st into laughter before frowning.
“What do you take me for? No! What do I look like in your mind? Hmm… So you think am a dullard right?” She snorted
“But ma’am that’s what he…” I said
“Shut the fu-ck up you big fat liar! You have no single truth in you… I heard everything and I also heard what Ella said at the dinning” She yelled.
My heart skipped a beat….
I couldn’t even talk.
“You cheap slut from the slums… You s£dûç£d my fiance to k!ssyou last night” She screamed at me.
“Ma’am I didn’t do anything! I never s£dûç£d Mr Ryan… Actually we didn’t k!ss” I cried
“You didn’t k!ss? Oh really? I thought you said he only told you to take care of his daughter Ella? And now you are finally admitting that you also talked about something else… How do you want me to believe a liar like you?” She said as she landed a dirty sl@p on my cheeks.
My ear rang 🔔
Tears kept saying down my face.
As I knelt in front of her.
“Am innocent of what you are accusing me” I pleaded
“Keep quiet! What do you take me for? So you think I can share what is rightfully mine with some piece of trash like you? You are such a useless girl!” She said as she picked up the mob and flog me with it.
“plea-se forgive me ma’am! I didn’t s£dûç£him” I kept crying but she didn’t care.
I wanted to retaliate but I thought of losing my job and I withdrew.
I still nee-d the money for my sister’s treatment.
She nee-ds to be free from leukemia!
So I had to tolerate it.
She pushed me out of the room and I feel on the stairs.
I was bruised and swollen.
Is this what I have to go throu-gh?
Just because of money? 💰
Veronica applied some balm on my red swollen b©dy and I screamed in pain.
My whole b©dy was hurting and aching me.
I was still enduring the pain when she barged into the kitchen.
“Hey! Veronica… I’d like you to make chicken sauce and rice for lunch” She said giving me a disdainful stare.
“OK ma’am!” Veronica said
“And go back to work! You are not a nurse for anyb©dy” She said wickedly.
I feel like tearing her ap@rt but I held myself back.
She turned to leave but turned around again.
“And there will be no food for Ella’s nanny this afternoon” She said.
“But ma’am…” Veronica said
“Do exactly as I said unless your job is not important to you anymore” She said with a finality tone.
I wasn’t surprised….
I only sighed and looked away.
As she swayed her h!ps out of the kitchen.
I managed to walk upstairs and la-id on my be-d with my weak b©dy.
And gradually, I developed fever… 🤒
Ella’s Pov:
The driver drove into the mansion and I jumped down from the car.
I rushed into the house.
You don’t know how excited I am…..
My dear nanny aunt Julia is ma-king chocolate cu-pcakes for me…
Yummy! 😋
I ran straight into the kitchen.
I saw aunt Veronica and Miss Gutierrez the maid but I didn’t see nanny Julia.
I bec@m£ worried!
She’s always in the kitchen but why is it different today?
“Good afternoon aunties!” I greeted as they smiled and pe-cked me.
“Sweetheart! Here you aunt Julia made this for you” Veronica said as she handed the cu-pcake to me.
My mouth watered as I used my f!nger to di-p into it and li-cked the f!nger.
“Yummy!” I smiled broadly
“Am sure it is… Julia made it with love for you” Miss Gutierrez said and I giggled.
“By the way, where’s my nanny?” I asked anxiously.
They stared at each other and scratched their hair looking sad.
“What’s with the face? Where’s my aunt Julia?” I asked more anxious this time.
“She was beaten up and starved by your aunt Betty” They said lowering their voices.
“What?” I asked in shock as the cu-pcakes fell on the ground and I rushed upstairs.
I quic-kly opened the door.
I saw my aunt Julia shivering on the be-d.
Tears dropped down my face as I rushed to her….
😔 😔 😔
Am so sad….. 😪😪
But princess Ella cried! That’s trouble for Betty 🙄🙄
Use emoji to express how you feel…
Mine: 😭😭

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