My mind as a teenager episode 57 – 60

My mind as a teenager
Episode 57, 58, 59 & 60
Me: Chidimma how could you?
She turned and looked at me.
Chidimma: Has our b©yfri£ndgone?
She pretended like she didn’t hear my
question or the anger in my voice.
Me: Yes he has. Why would you go about
telling this crazy girls that Raymond is my
b©yfri£nd? Do you know the embarras-sment
they gave me downstairs?
She smiled innocently
Chidimma: Nne sit down. You should have
known me by now.
Sit down
I sat down on her be-d but refused to look at
Chidimma: I won’t deny the fact that I told
them that he’s your b©yfri£nd.
Me: Why?
Chidimma: They were talking.
Some of them thought he was your
brother,some wanted to come and approach
I had to say whatever I said so that they will
know that you two are de-eply involved. I
knew that they would come and confront
you,the same way I know that you will give
them a piece of your mind.
I calmed down and looked at her.
Me: Why weren’t you in clas-s?
Chidimma: I don’t have a reason o.
Besides,ain’t we supposed to be in the
dormitory since today is our visiting day.
I re-moved my day wear,hanged it on her line
and la!d down on the be-d;
Me: I’m so tired right now.
Chidimma: Oya rest,when dinner bell is
rung,I’ll wake you up.
I nodded and not long,I sle-pt off.
One month later,we’ve concluded all exams
and our s£ndforth was being organised. We
in turn were planning on how to beat up the
government mistress who gave us tough
time during the waec.
We were no longer students. I had called my
mum and she c@m£ and picked my
cu-pboard,my locker,books and chair. The
only thing i had left were my school uniforms
which i plan to give out,my toiletories and
some provision which i left in Chidimma’s
I was re-ady for home,anytime. The only thing
that still kept us in the school was our
s£ndforth. We no longer went for morning
mas-s or any school activity.
On the eve of our s£ndforth, we sat down in
front of the government teacher’s quarters,we
had earlier divided ourselves into four
groups;one group was to go to the convent
and distract the sisters with some gifts we all
contributed to buy,the other were to go
towards the school gate and distract the
security men,the other group were to go
towards the exit of the teachers’ quarters
while the last group sat in front of her room
waiting for her. I was among the group that
were waiting in front of her room.
Twenty minutes into our waiting,she c@m£
out from her room. She was surprised to see
us sitting there.
Teacher: Daughters of Jezebel,what are you
doing here? Get out of here before I deal with
all of you.
Some h0t tempered girls amongst us jumped
on her immediately. I was with the padlock
and a bucket of feaces that will be poured on
her so I didn’t join in beating her. When the
girls had their feel,they pu-ll-ed her back to her
room and asked me to go and do my job. I
entered the room,emptied the bucket on her
and ran out immediately. I padlocked the
door and we all filed out.
That night,I couldn’t sleep. No one had heard
her voice since then. So many thoughts went
throu-gh my head;what if she dies? what if
someone had seen me especially?
I kept tossing on the be-d till around 4am
when I heard some voice coming from the
teacher’s quarters. I went out to the corridor
and peeped.
There was light so I saw everything clearly.
Our sister principal,some other sisters and a
lot of men dressed in black. They were either
the school security or the policemen. I ran
back inside,re-moved my night wear and put it
inside my school bag. I wore my day wear
immediately,put my sli-pper on,fli-pped my
foam(it belonged to the school) and ran to
Chidimma’s corner. I alerted her and
together,we started waking every b©dy up.
My school bag was slung behind my back so
I was re-ady for the race. Some girls wore
their day wear on t©p of their nightwear.
Chidimma led the way and I followed. Some
girls were crying but who sigh,I was going to
leave before they catch me. In a straight
file,we all ti-ptoed downstairs,quietly opened
the hostel door and quietly ran towards the
school building.
The fence there were short so in no time,all
of us were alre-ady outside the school
They all started thanking Chidimma and I but
I didn’t wait for that. We trekked to the road
while I said silent prayers that they should
wait till morning before coming for us. We
got to the express where we all bade each
other final good byes. There was no time to
exchange contacts. We agreed to open a
Facebook page later.It was a Saturday so our
parents would question why we returned so
Chidimma and I decided to wait in a nearby
school so it will be bright before we go
home. Around 8am,we c@m£ out of  our
hideout and I picked a bike home.
To hell with their s£ndforth. I’m never
stepping on the soil close to that school again.
Got home around some minutes past nine.
As expected,Dad and mum were still at home
but dad was dressed to leave. Everyone was
surprised to see me.
Dad: Why are you home today and by this
Me: Nothing dad.
Dad: Your s£ndforth is supposed to be today
and you’re here alre-ady. Don’t tell me that
you plan to go back to school from here
because I won’t permit you. Are you the only
one that leaves close to school?
Mum: Daddy,at least,let’s welcome her.
Rose,your dad c@m£ home because of your
s£ndforth. Why are you here all of a sudden?
Me: Mum, the s£ndforth has being cancelled.
Some girls beat up the government mistress
and I think the police were called. I saw
everyone leaving very early this morning so I
had to join them.
Dad: Imagine. Just look at what girls of this
time has turned into. Why would they beat up
a teacher? And hey,how sure are we that
you’re not involved?
Me: Ah! Dad, how can I do that? I’m not even
a government student sef. I’ve got no
business with her.
Dad; It should better be true. Nne(he turned
to my mum),let me go and see the boys at
the park.
Mum: Okay dear.
She saw him to the door while I sat down.
Mum c@m£ in later and fixed a gaze on me;
Mum: See how lean you look. They don’t feed
you people well even while writing exams eh?
Me: Don’t mind them. All they know is flog-
flog people especially those house
mistresses. I’m glad that I’ve graduated now
o. I’ll eat your food for one full year before
entering the university.
My mum laughed.
Mum: Nne go and UnCloth so you’ll eat. I’ll
be leaving for the shop. Junior and your
younger ones will be going to see your aunt
at MCC later in the day.
Me; So I’ll be alone nah?
Mum: You can come and join me at the shop.
I wonder why you don’t like coming.
Me: I’m back now. I’ll own the shop now.
Mum: Better o. Oya go upstairs.
I thanked her and went upstairs,took my bath
and sle-pt off. I woke up around 3. Someone
was knocking on my door. I opened it and it
was my younger sister. She c@m£ to tell me
that they were leaving and that I should
come and close the gate. I followed her
downstairs and that was when I realised that
they would be coming home the next day. I
bade them goodbye and they drove off.
I went upstairs and called Raymond. He was
happy that I was home. We met that evening
in front of his house and he took me up to
the decking of the house. The weather was
windy and I loved it.
Raymond: My uncle c@m£ back so he’s
occu-pying our room.
I laughed.
Me: Our room indeed.
Raymond: How was school?
Me: Fine. So happy that I’m now out from
secondary school.
Raymond: Same here.
He leaned into me and we k!$$£d
pas-sionately. We would st©p for air and go
back to devouring each other’sl-ips. The next
minute,our clothes were sprawled on the
floor. He la!d on t©p of me and started the
journey to my woman-hood from my n£¢k
using his ton-gue. He bit my ear which s£nt
electric shocks to my br@in,then my br@in
s£nt the message to my pu-ssy which started
crying for joy. I bec@m£ we-t instantly.
He c@m£ down to my ti-ps and did little mercy
on them. He sU-Cked on each one like his life
depended on it.
He looked up at me and I closed my eyes.
He leaned into me one more time and we
k!$$£d pas-sionately. I began to feel his di-ck
at the entrance of my pu-ssy so I opened my
legs wi-de enough to receive him. He slowly
pushed into me and I felt his hvgeness. I
cried out in ecstasy as I asked him to f–k
me ha-rd .
He willingly did. I felt myself in cloud nine as
the waves of plea-sure hit me and I c@m£.
He started m0an!ng silently and I felt him pu-ll
out of me. He slumped by my side and as
usual,a sweet quietness fell on us.
Things were going well for me. I was
enjoying my break as well as my b©yfri£nd.
Life couldn’t get more better than that.
When school vacated,my mum s£nt my
siblings to the village with the cons£nt of my
I would have gone too but I insisted on
staying with the excuse that I wanted to b
helping mum out. Some days later,dad fell ill
so mum had to leave for jos to take care of
him. I was home alone. I was scared at first
but when I thought about the freedom,I felt
I started going to mum’s shop. The sales
girls were surprised because it was no news
that I disliked going there. I would leave the
house in the morning,come back in the
evening,eat and leave to see Raymond.
It was on my way to Raymond’s house on a
Friday evening(first week of august) that I
ran into Frank.
He had seen me first so I couldn’t dodge
Frank: Going to see Van Vicker?
There was a calmness in his voice but I
decided not to fall for it since he had put up
such act before and ended up being his bad
self again.
Me: Yes,do you have a problem with that?
Frank: No I don’t. Do you also have a
problem with that?
I looked at him and noticed he just wanted to
Me: If you have nothing good or important to
say,you can as well excuse me plea-se.
Frank: You’ll be excused but I want to ask
you, why do you love getting stressed over
Me; Why do I have this feeling that you have
something up your sleeve? Frank leave me
alone plea-se. I don’t have an extra time to
Frank: But I just want to be friends with you.
You refused my advance of a relationsh!p.
Will you also refuse this one?
Me: Frank eh,look for someone who doesn’t
know you well. As for me,I alre-ady know you
like this full st©p earing on my ear. I don’t
nee-d your friendsh!p.
Frank: Don’t be too sure about that Rose. I
care about you. Its true I c@m£ after you the
wrong way but I’m sorry about it. Forgive
I began to relax a little bit ;
Frank: I just want to be your friend and
nothing more. You hear?
Me: A friend that you can beat up anytime
huh? A friend whom you had earlier sworn
not to see in any relationsh!p? Frank,plea-se.
I turned and went back home. I gave
Raymond an excuse and he bought it.
That night,Frank called me and I refused to
pick. He s£nt a message
“Let’s hang out on Sunday plea-se.I promise
not to talk about it”
I called him back after re-ading his message;
Me: You know you’re a stalker
Frank; I’m not. And,I’m still waiting for a
response. Don’t say no plea-se. I promise not
to get on your nerves,I promise.
I kept quiet for a while as he kept ma-king
promises of what to do and what not to do;
Me: Its okay. Where are we going?
Frank: McDonald’s.
Me; ill give you an answer tomorrow.
Frank; Thank you so much. I’ll be most glad
if you make it.
We talked for a little more time before we
called it a day.
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