My mind as a teenager – episode 24

My mind as a teenager
episode 24
I tried to make sure it was the two of them I
was seeing. I walked closer and was
expecting a miracle to happen but,it was the
two of them.
Me: Lawrence?
They both turned and froze. Nenye adjusted
her go-wn and faced me properly. She had no
remorse on her. She brushed past me after
staring at me for a while. I was looking at
Lawrence but he couldn’t look back. The
tears refused to flow. I felt it in my head and
my ears but they refused to flow.
I made to walk away but he st©pped me.
Law: Baby,let me explain.
I wanted to sl@p this guy. What will he
That they were acting out a script or that he
wanted to test me to know how much I loved
Me: What do you want to explain? Tell
me,here I was looking for you to tell you the
rumour that has being going round,and,here
you are,frol!çk!ng with the same girl who has
being saying stupid things about us.
Law: How?
He asked adjusting his shorts and coming
down the stairs
Me: She didn’t tell you? I won’t either.
I left him there and went to Regina. She
c@m£ out and that was when I cried. The
tears were coming like a waterfall. I told her
everything I had seen and she was angry.
She was boiling.
Reg: And you’re here crying. Now I regret
st©pping you from going to confront her this
morning. Cause if you had,she wouldn’t have
the face to go to Lawrence.
Me: What if it was he that went to her?
Regina,tell me,what do I do?
Reg: You’re going to pretend that nothing
happened. A sign of weakness will give
Chinenye the victory she’s craving for. Exams
are around the corner and you know how
much you nee-d to pas-s this term to gain a
promotion to ss3.
I shook my head and wept bitterly. Talking
about the exam,I was a science student. I
was the best in Physics and English. I had
remained in “A” clas-s from my js2 to that
ss2. I tuto-red some of my clas-smates in
some subjects. We had just being given a
new physics master who was ma-king physics
an annoying subject to us all. He made me
hate physics even till today. He swore to deal
with us in the third term exam. Worse
case,he was still going to handle us in ss3.
Reg: Nne,st©p crying. I can go talk to
Lawrence if you want. I don’t like the way you
Me: No plea-se. I’ll be fine. Let me go back to
I went to my clas-s and sat down. I couldn’t
re-ad. I just sat down staring at nothing.
Around some minutes past 9,Lawrence c@m£
to my clas-s. Since we started being close,he
would come to my clas-s to re-ad with me.
My seatmate was a boy, a very sweet guy.
Anytime Lawrence c@m£,he would leave his
seat for Lawrence. Martin left his seat as
usual and Lawrence sat down.
Law: Babe,can we talk?
I nodded.
Law: Thank you. I’ll be outside.
He stood up and left. I followed immediately
while my clas-smates stared at us.
Law: I want us to talk about what transpired
between Nenye and myself.
I vowed within me not to cry. I was going to
be strong,for myself,for exam’s sake.
Me: How long has it being happening?
Law: I’ll tell you everything you nee-d to know.
I just nee-d you to believe me plea-se.
Me: Okay.
Law: We’ve being lovers since Ss1.
I sl@pped him immediately. I didn’t care if it
attra-cted people or not.
Me: Are you stupid? why did you come to me
then? Rose,you’re a fool.
I couldn’t keep to my own promise. I broke
down immediately. People were alre-ady
peeping throu-gh their clas-s windows.
Lawrence hvgged me but I broke loose from
his embr@ce.
Me: Leave me alone. Don’t try to patronise
me now. I hate you so very much.
How can you be sane enough to do this to
me? Which of the superheroes are you feeling
like right now?
Lawrence; But I love you. Believe me,I love
you. I just didn’t know how to break up with
her. Rose biko,you mean a lot to me and she
knows that. I’m sorry that you had to find out
this way. I’m sorry.
Me: Keep your sorry to yourself.
Lawrence,you’re going to regret this tears I’m
shedding for you. I hate you .
I walked out and that was when  I realised
that almost all ss2 student just witnessed
what happened. I locked my locker and left
the clas-s.
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